I wonder if "The Boy" comes with the car :) And as our friend RobPattzNews says if THAT doesn't sell cars in a recession..
Does The New Volvo Come With "The Boy"?
Our friend Kim at Cullen Boys Anonymous found this on the webpage for Powell Volvo on Scotsdale Arizona.
I wonder if "The Boy" comes with the car :) And as our friend RobPattzNews says if THAT doesn't sell cars in a recession..

I wonder if "The Boy" comes with the car :) And as our friend RobPattzNews says if THAT doesn't sell cars in a recession..
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I'm heading to Arizona now so I can get my own RobWard. :D
F yeah I would buy that.*
*If I had a job, disposable income and, most importantly, if my own personal Rob was included with the car.
{{prays for Rob/Volvo backseat dreams}} Good night!
I'd definately buy that, but caould I afford to keep him? Um...he likes thrift store clothes and cheeseburgers right? Ok...sounds good, I can do that.
*wiggles eyebrows*
Ooh I want one of those... the boy not the car, although I'd take the car too if that's in the deal!
Forgot to say the banner is FANTASTIC!!!!
Thats it Rob, come to me.
Come on!! who wants the Volvo?? I want the boy!!
Odd...bc the license plate is WA.
I will take one in Metalic (sparkles in the sun) and I will wash it, buff it and take care of it everyday..........OH and the car too...
I just wonder who they want to adress that advertsing to ;-)...and my mom just said she felt caught while looking at the pic ROFL
I must say, I loved the old volvo, there is a person who drives one and parks it right infront where I work. Always at the same parking place and everytime I´m like: " Oh look, Edward is already there..." ;-) I never see who actually drives it, I guess I would be dissapointed if I ever see the owner- just imagined a blon tall women LOL...now where did this came from, I actually wanted to say, I´ll miss the old volvo, but I´m fine with it, if there is still enough Rob in NM :-)
Arizona here I come! Now they have Rob's image selling cars?! LOL If "The Boy" comes with the car, I'll take 2 please!!
Love the new banner!! Love the lips, they are luscious!
Wait it even says "Hot Specials of the Month", see even they know Rob is HOT!!!
See I don't think Rob should be worried about his private life I think he should be more worried about tacky promotional material and looking at more meaty movie roles.
Cant wait for remember me...
I would buy it despite the fact I can't drive :) x
@Tempt: LOL, couldn´t agree more ;-)
Now as the night goes on I am starting to think of a number of very tacky comments such as...
I would make sure he is well lubricated...
I would scotchguard the seats to prevent STAINS.....
I would make sure he is always serviced...
Sorry I couldn't help it I had to share...
That boy could sell me anything! Is Rob getting more muscular? Love the thighs!
ROTFLMAO, Temptation, Honey, what are YOU reading right now...whatever it is, don´t stop, it seems to work ;-)
I´m desperately waiting for a new chapter of " The office". Did you see the teaser on Christinas blog? I´m dying here, because I´m so curious how the story moves on :-)
Hi Suz - sorry I missed the chance to wish you a happy birthday lasst week!!! Hope it was a good one. Did Rob give you a special present? ;-))
Well Tempt I was just thinking bring Rob to me and I'll provide the lube when he services me! lol
am I greedy wanting a daily service or more? LMAO
They will be lucky not to be sued by Summit on this.
Why is the Volvo different in New Moon? This scene is one of Bella's visions of Edward. Why wouldn't she picture his silver Volvo?
Robert is so hot he makes my eyes sizzle. I need an optometrist, STAT.
The Office - what can I say we are all waiting out that one...I haven't been able to top it, tried a couple and thought they were boring.......
Love angry Edward now u know why I need the Scotchguard.....
Sorry Jandi this is one little prize I am keeping for myself.......for Insurance purposes of course....
Hi Tempt! You are the best, LOL You very smart girl!! I totally agreed with you
On which matter because I am getting a beating on the other question about "the personal questions" so I gather you are impressed with my Rob maintenance....
LOL, I clearly can see that now ;-) Women, it´s noon here, don´t bring that thoughts into my head ;-) Just kidding :-)
But suffering from the loose of angry edward, what can I say...I feel with you, hun ;-) But don´t give up, I´m sure the will be an update soon. Did you actually read Edward Wallbanger. It was nice, too.
Hmmmm. Since this dealership is so close to where I work, I will have to make a visit and see if I can at least get a Rob cut-out. They have to offer something after putting his face in their ad.
That is some smart PR for Volvo right there. Can't deny that! I hate say it, but if I need a new car right now...yeah, I'd get that one!
I'm impressed with your 'maintenance job', I need a scothguard too, very important, I didn't notice until you mentioned it
Don't advertisers have to have permission before putting someone pic out there???
Keely - Edward Wallbanger ??? I will give it a go, hey I am up for anything.....
As the others said I am living in "false hope" I think it was............because it is a mortal sin to disagree with some about R & K being together.....
Keely - Edward Wallbanger is it up to the standards of The Office..
I'm leaving on a jet plane- Arizona bound for my Robward. Who cares about the car!
Anyway, I would like the Volvo, but just give the boy on the pic...it's ok for me
GENIUS marketing campaign! I swear, there were more silver Volvos in Edmonton after Twilight, which just reinforced how "sheep-like" consumers are! It'd be interesting to know just how many cars they've sold since they started that campaign.
Jandi if I keep reading all of this FF I am going to have to Scotchguard my office seat......EWWWWWWW
Sorry Ladies....
tempt, you didn't answer and didn't say Hi to me!!
Temptation, did you find it or shall I sent you the link ;-)
It´s different from " The office" but written by feathers_mmmmm who also wrote "I love L.A.", which I personally liked, too. Tby789 and feathers_mmmmm and moira run Twigasm together and I do think they have a similar, smart way to write. Just give it a try and tell me how you liked it ;-)
Look at the face of my avi, very upset!! lol
Hi girls, I just read the updated chapter for Edward Wallbanger. You'll get a laugh out of it Tempt!
I also read the update of Stacy's FF Near You Always and there's some angry E/B sex!! Check that one out too Tempt!!
ORION you are just soooo sensative sorry I got caught up in arguing on the other thread......I am jumping back and forwards it is giving me a head ache....
Keely I will check it out tomorrow if I start reading it now I wont be able to stop or my husband may assume he is getting sex tonight....GOOOD GOD...
Is Rob available with a sport Jaguar? No, that would be probably too much to ask... *shivers*
Oops this is a post about the Volvo....was there a Volvo in the pic, I mustn't have looked that far...
Georgie you were bitching yesterday about Robs hair and not having anything to grab.......
I love him with short hair he is just sooo sexy and I will suggest possible alternatives to grab....later perhaps...
Um I hope they dont get sued for that-give a portion of that ca ching to summit!! BTW remember they gave away the volvo on Tyra? I wonder if theyre doing it again. Eat a bowel ant cereal hehehe-
I hated that Tyra Interview I must admit I felt very embarassed for Rob.......plus I don't like Tyra either....
Hi Georgie and Orion
I've been ogling picspam shots of Rob and Emilie - so cute together..
can't wait for RM.
OMG I am missing Extreme Medical Stories.........apparantley they showed one guy with Piles hanging out of his butt.......
On that note I will bid you all a fond farewell and no doubt speak with you tomorrow......
now that's what I call a promotion.....
I have one question: Rob's an extra accessory?
Hi Jandr...nice to see you
bye Tempt - it's been fun!!!
Bye girls you know I love you all but Grosser things are calling.........
Bye the way we are yet to discuss Rob's serious Jaw Porn in those pics with him in the rain.......I swear I have had to have afternoon naps to cope with the jaw fantasies.....yummmmyyy
Bye Tempt! Robsdreams
oh and Tempt - I am jealous of you going to the GF on Sat!! If I can be in Melb next week I will be! Dali is calling...
Oh are you off - I've been lurking on the other threads looking at the picscams of Rob & Emilie in RM: while the pics are cute, I can't see any spark between them (notice I didn't use the "c" word)
Oh yeah Tempt, enjoy the AFL grand final - never been to one. Go the Saints!
Hey Georgie - My heart wants the Saints to get the win but the Cats will be hard to beat if they play like they did against the maggies on the weekend!
Mother of All that is Holy...
Dear, Dear Gozde! I OFFICIALLY proclaim you Princess of The Universe for ALL Eternity!
That thar Banner has my Quivering Bits quivering at such a rate that I truly believe I could use them to make a sculpture of Robalicious out of stone!
So what, now it'll be a Patvo for sale?! OMG, do you think they have a pink version? :)
I'm sooo glad they got Edward another, a real Volvo. That XC 60 definitely is a fine car :). Very racy and stylish (and rather expensive - my boyfriend and me are saving our money to be able to buy this car for quite a time now :( ).
The XC 60 is much better than that tiny "Wannabe Edwards-cool-Volvo" of the TW movie, I wished they had kept it shiny silver, though.
When I remember correctly, Volvo used TW already the last time for their online marketing. This time it's apparently all about Robward only. Hopefully there's some financial benefit for our boy out of this (involutary ?) advertising stuff.
Wonder if there's still more to come (shower gel, CK underwear, etc. - a girl can dream :o )- just kidding.
I'll take two of these, please. One regular, one with extra plaid and beanie.
@Ripley: Yes, they do. If they are using a still from NM they probably did get permission, assuming Volvo got same for supplying cars. Otherwise they will hear the Summit cop siren and see flashing lights in their rearview..
Hmm...didn't Rob say something about Edward and underwear commercials? Is that next? lol
I'd have to apply for a bigger loan if it meant I got Robward with the car... do you think my husband would be OK co-signing on that particular loan?
Does rob get a piece of the sales since they're using him to sell cars?
Fuck the car I'll take the man anytime, anywhere
lol we didn't get a robward when we bought our volvo think i will complain to the car dealership
See I knew the man had so many talents... but this was one I wasnt expecting... does it come with a test drive??? not that I really need one... i'd buy sight unseen:) only for you Robbie...only for you!!!!
I would buy the car if Rob came with it. I would give the car away and keep Rob though. Really, the only thing I want a ride on is Rob anyway.
I hope he is getting paid BIG bucks for that add. If I mentioned to my husband that I would like to try a Volvo, he would just comment about how I am just following blindly to be like my "Buddy", Rob. (hehehe Friends are friends, pals are pals, but buddies sleep together!) He would just make fun of me and tell eveyone I got it just because Edward has one. He loves to make fun of me over Rob.
This past weekend, he said in front of friends that if he ever wins the lottery, he plans to rent Rob for the day for me. I am sure I turned 12 shades of red over that one. Wish he could, but Rob is worth so much more than what my Scottish husband would be willing to pay. Fun to think about, though.
Oh Boy... I hope this dealership sought permission from Summit before using this pic!
PS: The banner is amazing!!!
I have to contact the Volvo dealership here in Iceland and see if they have this hot specials of the months as well ;)
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