Charlie recently did an interview with and mentions Rob a few times.

Now, he's immensely in demand among the human waves of teen girls who mobbed him while he was shooting New Moon on location in Montepulciano, Italy.
“Italy was a dream. Very surreal,” Bewley says. “I think everyone there, no matter who it was, Rob [Pattinson], Kristen [Stewart], [director] Chris [Weitz] or anyone else would say that it was an experience that they may never go through again. The hospitality of the whole thing, the way they treated us, the whole setting was so magnificent. “
“I was just swamped with 15-year-old girls wherever I went. My inner 14-year-old teenager in my head had a great time.”
While being pursued through the streets of Montepulciano by Twilight fanatics was a magical experience for him, Bewley acquiesces that there is a pressure induced by the immenseness of Twilight‘s popularity that he has yet to experience in the way that the film’s perpetually photographed leads have.
“Rob, I feel sorry for him a little bit,” Bewley says. “I feel for him, because he’s like a paparazzi fugitive right now. He can’t leave his house. He’s the most photographed person in the world.”
Bewley says it’s hard for him to say whether the attention Pattinson receives might make it difficult for the fellow Brit to enjoy his success, but that he, “can’t imagine he would ever say he wishes it didn’t happen, but it is a ridiculous thing to happen to anyone. He’s gone from zero to hero in six months, and his life is just totally turned upside down. I don’t know. I didn’t really speak to him in depth that much about it. But me in that situation, I think I just enjoy the parts of life that he can’t do right now too much.”
If the hype surrounding New Moon is any indication of the success Eclipse will experience, then the third film is going to be huge, and Bewley, huger with it. He attributes the film franchise’s success thus far to one key element.
“They go insane because Rob did a really good job in the first one. That’s why they’re obsessed with vampires … Those two are just brilliant together. They really are. It’s a perfect match. No one has ever really questioned whether they were the right people or not, they’ve always just been perfect. Really well cast."
“Italy was a dream. Very surreal,” Bewley says. “I think everyone there, no matter who it was, Rob [Pattinson], Kristen [Stewart], [director] Chris [Weitz] or anyone else would say that it was an experience that they may never go through again. The hospitality of the whole thing, the way they treated us, the whole setting was so magnificent. “
“I was just swamped with 15-year-old girls wherever I went. My inner 14-year-old teenager in my head had a great time.”
While being pursued through the streets of Montepulciano by Twilight fanatics was a magical experience for him, Bewley acquiesces that there is a pressure induced by the immenseness of Twilight‘s popularity that he has yet to experience in the way that the film’s perpetually photographed leads have.
“Rob, I feel sorry for him a little bit,” Bewley says. “I feel for him, because he’s like a paparazzi fugitive right now. He can’t leave his house. He’s the most photographed person in the world.”
Bewley says it’s hard for him to say whether the attention Pattinson receives might make it difficult for the fellow Brit to enjoy his success, but that he, “can’t imagine he would ever say he wishes it didn’t happen, but it is a ridiculous thing to happen to anyone. He’s gone from zero to hero in six months, and his life is just totally turned upside down. I don’t know. I didn’t really speak to him in depth that much about it. But me in that situation, I think I just enjoy the parts of life that he can’t do right now too much.”
If the hype surrounding New Moon is any indication of the success Eclipse will experience, then the third film is going to be huge, and Bewley, huger with it. He attributes the film franchise’s success thus far to one key element.
“They go insane because Rob did a really good job in the first one. That’s why they’re obsessed with vampires … Those two are just brilliant together. They really are. It’s a perfect match. No one has ever really questioned whether they were the right people or not, they’ve always just been perfect. Really well cast."
Above are just the parts he talks about Rob if you would like to read the entire article go HERE.
Thanks to brandnewluv @ pattinsonlife for the picture with the posting she tracked it down and its one I have yet to see.
god he looks so hot in that picture
Gorgeous! That smile did me in for the night!
I wasn't staring at his face, which usually happens when I look at his pictures. My eyes was just fixated on his yummy chest!
I was just scolded. Malicious mind is raging right now with unpleasant thoughts.
what's the point of the shirt! just take it off already :) man totally distracted when reading the interview. His whole body is to die for....
Can you say Chest Hair!? This pic will definately give me sweet dreams tonight.
Sorry Charlie, you don't hold a candle to Rob. There is no compition here.
I think there was another person in the photo but couldn't take my eyes off of robs beautiful face... What a beauty he is.,.. Nice photo to go to sleep with...
Thanks for the sweet dreams Dani!
Charlie's sorta adorable to me actually. It's like enjoying a brownie along with a side of hot fudge. You can enjoy them both together....haha
Gozde I just lllloooovvvvveee the term manwich!!!couldn't have it better!!
hi!!!!I'm Chiara, the administrator of the italian blog that posting the picture. This pic has taken by a driver of actors in Montepulciano and he sent to me.....Rob is very hot in this pic....XD
Thanks for letting us see the both, chiara and thanks for posting Dani :-)
Welcome Chiara, I'm Italian too :)
If I were the driver, with Rob sitting in the backseat with his shirt half open, I'd have pinned him to that backseat LOL
oh damn hot!
That hair...
and his sleepy eyes...
so damn cute.
You've probably already picked this up and will post later on but if not there's a nice little story in one of their links about 'hamburger cupcakes' which goes some way in possibly explaining what those white stains on his jeans were! LOL. It's a really SWEET little story!
Totally scrummy yummy pic of the guys <3
Hi A!!!!I heard Breaking Dawan is beginning in March 2010
lizzibee - the cakes looked fantastic - and how about the Rob phone call at 2.30am? that's one mystery phone call you wouldn't want to miss!
How lucky were they to get Jackson's request...I'm sure that will boost their little business!
Share it with us guys. What are you talking about? *drools*
JandR !
Isn't it a brilliant story!! How lovely of him to phone her up at 2.30am ....he obviously wasn't as depressed as those pictures from that evening would have us believe!
OMG I want a Rob & Charlie manwich.....jeeez what a great idea :)
On RPATTZ news there's a piece about 'hotpockets and hamburger cupcakes! These girls got to make the dessert for Jackson Rathbone's 100 Monkeys party and they gave Rob one of these hamburger cakes! He loved it apparently! So that would explain the sugar on his jeans LOL
Later on one of the girls got a phone call at 2.30am FROM ROB saying how much he'd enjoyed them! Lucky girl!
I really like Charlie's comment about Robalicious going from "Zero to Hero" in 6 months.
FWIW...I'm going to be meeting Mr. Bewley this coming weekend at the Official Twilight Convention in ChicagoLand! ☺
As my Dearest 16 year old says:
He be a cutie.
That's one thing I thank Summit for: the Twilight franchise really has been beautifully cast.
Did anyone notice the hobolicious shirt? it looks like he cut the sleeves off! There is a hunk hanging off his right arm that he missed? LOL. Love him.
Mwah! He's hot!
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