Bella Knits While Robert Pattinson "Backs Up"

First of all it's EXTREMELY dangerous to knit in a car...Especially one that's driven by Rob :)

Second, are they shooting Eclipse or an after school special? Robward is driving a "Soccer mum mobile" AND Bella is knitting?!? WTF?!?

The human that can't walk a straight line without falling is a car with a vampire...
*goes to the corner to cry*

And as long as I'm already angry: Don't you just love it when people TAG the hell out of the pictures?!? We get it, they are precious to you but a tag on the bottom will do the job. Really... No need to over kill...I mean YOU TAGEED ROB'S FACE...Not cool... (And yes, we are grateful that you shared your pictures but you tagged Rob's face :(( )

Source:Nat's POV .

Thanks to Okkiblu , Donna and jersygrl2 for sending us the link :)
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