Bella Knits While Robert Pattinson "Backs Up"

First of all it's EXTREMELY dangerous to knit in a car...Especially one that's driven by Rob :)

Second, are they shooting Eclipse or an after school special? Robward is driving a "Soccer mum mobile" AND Bella is knitting?!? WTF?!?

The human that can't walk a straight line without falling is a car with a vampire...
*goes to the corner to cry*

And as long as I'm already angry: Don't you just love it when people TAG the hell out of the pictures?!? We get it, they are precious to you but a tag on the bottom will do the job. Really... No need to over kill...I mean YOU TAGEED ROB'S FACE...Not cool... (And yes, we are grateful that you shared your pictures but you tagged Rob's face :(( )

Source:Nat's POV .

Thanks to Okkiblu , Donna and jersygrl2 for sending us the link :)


Unknown said...

And just what might she be knitting?! I have never seen anyone hold needles like that... plus there seems to be a lack of anything ON the needles... they don't teach "how to fake knitting" to actors anymore?

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

I agree...if you're tagging Rob's face, why share the pics in the first place?

And...I'm in a snarky mood...but maybe she's knitting something to cover the wig that looks NOTHING like her hair in either of the previous movies!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm maybe she's getting a head start on Renesme's booties for breaking dawn LOL

Anonymous said...

My question is: where does Bella knit in any of the books? She would most definitely injure herself so WTF is this?

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels64 said...

Okay...why does the line from "A Christmas Story" keep going through my head?

"You'll put your eye out kid!"

Bella doesn't want to dance but she's ready to pick up knitting needles?

Damn...David Slade is making "Eclipse" scary.....

Jewels64 said...

Hold up. Another thought just crossed my demented itty bitty pea brain...

Maybe the knitting is a subconscious desire showing Bella's maternal instinct?

Or...maybe they are a sexual reference to vampire teeth and know....

Symbolism people! Edward and Bella are 17 and 19 respectively! They need to get busy!!!!

Sharperoni said...

Knitting is suppose to be relaxing...

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you should NEVER tag Rob's face!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

dont mean to offend but.......these are some of the weirdest pics i have ever seen and i have seen some weird shit so that says alot......Rob is the only good thing about these pics,

@Goz love your comments hilarious.

Anonymous said...

It's probably not "Bella" knitting, since Rob is fixing his hair or talking to someone outside the window. Also, the pictures where she is standing opp. Rob, it looks like the camera might only be shooting him and she's there to say her lines off-camera or something.

Maybe Kristen picked up knitting as a hobby to pass the time between takes. It's cute.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I am a knitter and I will tell you these few things for you to mull over if you must!
1. She is knitting in the European/Continental method. Which means that the working yarn is in her left hand like you see in pics 6,9,11,and 12.
2. For those that think something is not on the needles, clearly in pic 2 and 5 you can see that she is past the cast on stage which is the very first string of stitches. If you look at other pictures, you can see that the ball of working yarn is in between her legs and that her 'project' is dangling from the working needle.
Sorry, to disappoint but you can just add this to her long list of good qualities.

Karina said...

Kristen fake knitting is hilarious!lol

And I love how she is so in her own world half the time, most girls would be pawing and fawning over Robert, even three movies into a franchise, and she's just yawning and staring at her

Karina said...

woah, she's really knitting? That's effing hot if she is, Kristen rocking a Joan Jett mullet while knitting is awesome...

Anonymous said...

what the hell is she knitting? i don't remember that in the book. lol

Anonymous said...

I meant to tell you that she is knitting the Euro way, which isn't taught in the states. She would have been taught by someone in England. Also, she isn't doing this as a 'prop' her tension when she is standing in pic 6 is beautiful. Tension is very important. It determines the outcome of the piece. Also, Bella doens't knit in ANY of the books.

Karina said...

thanks stewieransom for the info, I thought it was just a weird prop at first!ha I'm starting to girlcrush on that Kristen, she's an eccentric but interesting bird.

sassy28 said...

ok surely knitting whilst a car is in motion is not safe one sharp tap of the break from rob and she'll have her eye out.

or maybe one of the knitting needles will puncture the tyres of the soccermom volvo so they have to bring in a volvo s60r thats silver

Anonymous said...

While the entire world is dying to be with Robert Pattinson in any way, shape or form, Kristen Stewart is KNITTING!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Maybe she is knitting socks or a head warmer,

Folks the possibilities are endless LMAO

is this something new DS added to the story or what?

Anonymous said...

Karina- You are so welcome. I found it funny because I always knit when I know that my hubby are going to be in the car for a long time. It passes the time wonderfully. And yes, she is a rare breed for sure. I am 26 and started knitting when I was 21ish. It is a wonderful way to relax and pass the time.

rpgirl27 said...

these pics are IDK...just kinda bizarre I guess
how can you knit while something that effing funny is going on next to you??

Michelle said...

what the effing eff...

I just sat down to check the blog while I was brushing my teeth... and my toothbrush seriously dropped from my mouth...

wth... knitting?


...still confused

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i remember the good old days during New Moon filming,every pic that came out was hot and far we have come from Rob being Shirtless in Italy to folks knitting while taking driving lessons ahhhhhh CW where are you? i miss you .

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wow StewieRansom, thanks for the knitting info!

I have noticed sometimes Kris can be fidgety/anxious, so perhaps this is a calming hobbie for her, plus I am sure there is lots of time waiting while on set, so this is an ideal pass time for her, how very awesome! Maybe she's knitting something for Rob! I wonder if you can Knit Sexspenders?

Anonymous said...

Kristen's Mom is from Australia, perhaps that's where she learned how to knit in the Euro way.

See gals, never judge a book by it's cover. With all her brooding and fidgeting (she has even admitted to that in an interview), she's probably one cool chick and that's why Rob likes her!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, maybe she's knitting him a new beanie!!!! :)

RPLover said...

maybe she's knitting him a new beanie? to wear with the newstoli? just a thought... ;)

RPLover said...

LMAO @Lindarose-great minds and all that! :))

Sue said...

Knitting is "effing" cool!! Good for you Kristen, if you need any tips lmk. I'm a self taught knitter and learned from a wicked site. As if Bella is knitting, COME ON PEOPLE!

Anonymous said...

RPlover ~ How funny is that!! LMAO!!!

Sue said...

Oh and for the record, my hubby loves when I make him stuff..New cozy for his ipod for when he runs, beanies, scarves etc. He thinks its totally sexy!!!!

Ana73 said...

Linda Rose - love your comments about kristen :))

i finally see the knitting after looking at the pics over and over again, at first i didn't see it.

that should be a question, when she does her interviews for eclipse, what & why were you knitting??

i blogged on the last thread that sam bradley is playing tonight in vancouver, maybe we will be seeing pics tomorrow if rob decides to go tonight.

Anonymous said...

Ana73 ~ I saw that. Of course he's probably going to see his mate play. Let's just hope that they aren't bombarded by papz and that no one calls Kristen a bitch again.

I finally downloaded Sam's EP as well as some other songs from YouTube that he posted. He really is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Oh and funny too. It must be a blast to be with Sam and Rob when they go out!

jmm4832 said...

And I was sure Bella was texting or playing Nintendo DS, definitely not knitting! These pictures are darn cute.

Anonymous said...

Yep, knitting to pass the time (in between takes) and to de-stress. Maybe she's even trying to kick the butt (pun).

She has joined the ranks of few female (and male) celebrities to take up knitting.

I'd be interested to know what Rob thinks about her taking up knitting.

Ana73 said...

linda rose - yeah i thought the same thing that he would go but i just wondered if they weren't filming into the night or something.

oh, by the way what FF are you on right now?? i just finished one and starting on the next but not sure which one to start next, there are sooooo many...

Anonymous said...

@Ana73 - my thoughts exactly. Hopefully, when they do press junket interviews together, someone will remember to ask Kristen why she took up knitting, and what Rob thinks about it.

Patte said...

Well guess is that they truly are a "couple" and if she is knitting in between takes, I'd be safe to say the "honeymoon" is over!! LMAO

Anonymous said...

What the hell are they doing to Eclipse? knitting, really? LOL

Eclipse is my fav book of the series but I think the movie is going to be so weird.

Anonymous said...

Ana73 ~ Oh right, I didn't think about them filming into the night. Well hopefully they aren't.

I'm actually reading 2 FF. :) The Dom and I just started reading His Personal Assistant by NorthernLights17. I needed a little break from The Dom if you know what I mean? His Personal Assist is good. It's kind of like TO and TS/TD combined but with less lemons and it's funny. I would recommend that one for your next fix.

Karina said...


Khou said...

OME! Bella/Kristen is preggo! She's knitting a bootie for Renesemee! Hahaha...she's doing that instead of smoking OK. It's her new hobby. That's cool. Kristen, I want a beanie, with lots of little cotton balls dangling down the sides. Thanks!!!

Khou said...

Ooops! Renesmee..

Ana73 said...

linda rose- the personal asst. was one on my list but i thought that i would be too much like TO but since you said it was good, i will give it a try.

i have two going that are waiting for updates My Yes, My No and TO. i just finished creature of habit.

dolliac maniac said...

judging from these pictures without reading the comment string, i think she was really into her knitting and looked very relaxed and yes beautiful.

she is so cool. i love kristen, her style and her being herself. i think rob'd be a lucky guy as much as she a lucky girl (if/when they are really an item) :)

MMc said...

Maybe she's knitting baby booties for the baby she's rumored to be having by that Aussie rag.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

A19 Year old knitting ummmmm something is off here,maybe she is trying to give up smoking..

JandR said...


Just saw your comment about what Kristen might be knitting - beanie for Rob was my first thought too1! LOL

Once again I am on here late for you guys - are you still around for a bit or off to bed to FF??

Anonymous said...

There's no knitting in Eclipse (or crying in baseball)! Kristen is the last person I would have thought to be interested in knitting. Then again Christmas is only 90 days away so she better get those needles clicking if she wants to get all her gifts done on time. The next time Rob wears something knitted, we'll be wondering if it is her handy work! Has she gotten so nonchalant on the set that she can do her acting thing and concentrate on her knitting project?! Guess it's true.....we just don't know the girl at all!

Anonymous said...

Ana73 ~ I'll have to add My Yes, My No and Creature of Habit to my list. Both of them have been mentioned here before. Let me know what you think of His Pers Assist.

JandR ~ I'm here for a little while. How are you?

JandR said...


Tempt will have gone by now as today is Grand Final day for Aussie Rules Football. I need to explain that AFL is like a religion for some Aussies - count me among them! LOL As Tempt is in Melbourne and that is where AFL originated it takes over everything else in life if you live there. Tempt is going to a corporate event and doesn't even care about being there!! Millions of Aussies would gladly change places with her today - me included!! LOL
To get to go to the Grand Final even if your team isn't in is probably the equivalent of the superbowl in US.
And me - hanging around home - waiting to watch it on telly in about an hours time. WOOT!!

JandR said...

and on the subject of knitting - I remember teaching myself to knit when I was about 18 and I was staying for a few weeks with my aunt and was home sick from work and bored! I knitted scarves, jumpers, tops - went crazy. It was fun and my poor BF now DH got a beautifully knitted sweater than fitted so closely and made him so hot he never wore it! :-)

Wonder who Kris is gonna give her creation too? If we see something new and knitted on Rob well....

Anonymous said...

Hi JR ~ Yeah, people get a little crazy here with football and the superbowl. Not me, couldn't care less though the parties are fun!! Are you having a celebration while watching it?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i always wanted to try knitting but i always thought it was to boring for my personality iam more of a Bowling Girl.

Anonymous said...

Aww too cute that you knitted for your BF!!! :)

JandR said...

Hey sorry LR - distracted with FB. Are you on FB? Want to search for me?? Or maybe you want to keep your identity private...
Took me a while to draw Tempt out but I got there haha!
No celebrations here but the two teams playing have had a great season so I just hope for a good competitive game - it goes for around three hours!!!
Everyone is out here today and I am meant to be editing my diss. Did it for hours yesterday but i am almost there!!!
My self-reward trip to Sydney to see the Midnight premiere of NM is all going ahead now too as my daughter will be finished her uni exams and can go with me. It is all getting very exciting and I can't wait to meet the other Aussie Robsessors. Wish you could join us LR!!!!

Sue said...

Me too, I thought it would be too boring for me as well. Now I'm officially addicted to it and buying expensive yarn :( Oh well hubby and kiddies have lots of nice woolies for our cold Canadian winters

Anonymous said...

Hi JR ~ Yes I'm on FB. I have no secrets *snicker* I'll search you. I'll do it right now.

I'm sure you'll be relieved once your diss is done with! And satisfied as well I hope!

I know it would be so cool to meet you all! I don't think I'm going to a midnight show here, so far it's not offered yet. I was trying to avoid all the teenyboppers and was going to go a few days later during the day when they are in school. LOL But I don't think I'll be able to wait that long especially since you know everyone will be talking about it on this blog.

Do you think you'll make it to the Dali exhibition?

JandR said...

Hi Sue - where abouts in Canada do you live?? I'm an Aussie who has a few Canadian friends I have met on European holidays and my hubby has rellies in Toronto. Just interested in all things Canadian at the moment - and Rob wouldn't have anything to do with that now would he?? :-))

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@Sue :-) Knitting takes patience and concentration, i cant sit still for more than 5 min, plus knowing me i would poke someone eye out with those things Lol

JandR said...

LR - I am so hoping to get to Melbourne for it this week....Dali has become a minor obsession after watching LA. Melbourne is a draw anytime as it is such a vibrant and pumping city - i love it there. Mind you it is about four hours flight away from Perth!!
YAY - see you on FB!!

Anonymous said...

JR ~ There's a few people with your name but I think I found you. I just sent a friend request.

JandR said...

Ladies - i hope you don't mind me posting this here - a friend of mine has made a documentary and has asked me to let people know about it!! It is called More4Me and is going to be incredible - if you want to see it check it out on this link. Thx - let me know what you think!!

JandR said...

Hey LR - you found me!!! Wasn't even a little bit difficult was it?? LOL Can't wait to chat more!

Anonymous said...

Knitting....the bizarre behaviour of Kristin continues.

Sue said...

@rpattzturnsmeon - LOL
@ JandR Hmm I'm way over in eastern Canada in Ontario. Lived for many years in TO. Have lots of friends in Vancouver though what a cool city. Just very very wet all the time

JandR said...

Hey Sue - nice to meet you!! My hubby's rellies live in Mississauga and my other friends are scattered across Canada in Edmonton, Regina and Coquitlam, BC. Wish I could get over there for a visit!

Anonymous said...

Bella is not knitting, Kristen's good for stress management..

Anonymous said...

@cendrine ~ I don't think it's bizarre at all.

Haystackhair said...

Knitting. I personally like it, learned from mom, but in Eclipse? Hmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Hey JandR ~ I'm going to read some FF before I go to sleep. Have fun today with your AFL game! And I'll catch you on FB my new mate!! :))


Sue said...

Not so bizarre when its not like she can just go out without all the madness.. I think Rob needs a new beanie anyways have you seen some of his? They look kind of old ;) I've been contemplating sending him a few

Anonymous said...

It is bizarre, especially those gigantic knitting needles. So strange and right in the middle of filming a scene. But that is my personal opinion, obviously. I love and respect everyone's opinion on this board!

JandR said...

Seeya LR - sweet Rob dreams!!

Sue said...

yeah they are kind of LARGE..

Anonymous said...

I just want to know who will be the lucky person to receive her wonderful new creation ;)

Anonymous said...

That's what I thought, too, [at comment 10:16 pm]. She's probably trying to quit smoking and took up knitting to de-stress (especially to occupy the fingers during down time, i.e., in between takes).

Ok, we'll watch out for a brownish/dark orange/rust colored beanie (or anything knitted) in about a month or so.

We could say being 19 and knitting don't jive. But KS seems to be a mature no-nonsense, non-conformist gal. So no surprise there.

Also, I thought she must really be that good in memorizing/embodying her character [e.g., she can easily "switch" Bella on] that she does not have to check her script in between takes, so she knits.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hi ladies,...
Just back from seeing Heart. They to rocked, venue sucked.

Hopefully will see some non Papp photos of Rob at Sams show tonight... So happy o get to see him in Dec.

I don't know what to make of these photos... They're just so odd....

But damn if rob doesn't look as hot as ever, krisella looks cute...

Off to read more posts before bed .

Unknown said...

um, kristen's cool factor just went up like 20 notches for me, and I already liked her for screaming at people to not videotape Robert at open mic nights at Comicon!lol This almost makes up for the mullet....

I love the one picture where robert is just staring at her like she's Rainman while she's walking and knitting like an old coot....

JLD said...

What's the Robster up to now? Still can't work a car properly. (eyeroll) What are we going to do with him?
Nice to see Kristen doing something productive with her spare time. She's probably run out of jumpers and needs a new one. It's a useful skill to have.

keely said...

Hello Girls :-)
...And is walking while knitting...I´m going to join the corner to cry with Goz ;-) And I´m not starting again about my deep grief that we lost the Volvo. I mean a knight without his shining armor...I stop it here, not going to be more pathetic ;-)

Angela said...

"Now we do know Edward is just keeping Bella very, very, very safe in the vampmobile. Rob, on the other hand can't deal with the wipey thingy and is directionally challenged.... :D"

These comments are so funny and make me feel better after my disappointment at these pics. I was disappointed even before these, just the seatbelt bummed me out. but yes, a prince with out his white horse, so sad. And the make up is still so wrong. and the sets are just so wrong.

OH well, as long as Rob is in it, that's all I care. so sad though.

Icecrystal said...

Lots of actresses knit. A while back I read that Julia Roberts is constantly clicking away and there are specialist wool shops for celebrities in Hollywood. Between takes must get boring.
Also, perhaps Kristin is trying to give herself something to do that doesn't involve ruining her health and singing voice with cigarettes.
Rob probably didn't drive much in the UK, living in central London (Soho) and has had his US License since before filming Twilight, so he's probably a bit nervous in a "work" car. As to giving Edward such a huge Volvo, I don't get that at all. Grieving that we'll never see him on the big silver motorcycle though...and leathers...

Federico Zarco said...

nice piccssss!

Lucerne said...

I don't think knitting is part of the story being filmed. It looks like Kristine,not Bella, is knitting. It looks like they are preparing for shots, not actually filming.

LOL, this is the problem with pictures, people see it and start reading all sort of things into it.

Anonymous said...

The reason for Edwards mom mobile is because of promotion, they are marketing a new car. Kind of gross how they don't care to keep close to the books. They just care about the money.

Anonymous said...

W-O-W.. knitting in a soccer-mom-mobile? U guys sure this is the Eclipse shooting?

Nora said...

@stewieransom I'm a knitter, too, and I agree with everything you said except that she must have learned from someone English. I'm in the States... learned to knit when I was 15... and I was taught the Continental method by my dad's then girlfriend. I was a crocheter first... and Continental is easier and faster if you already know how to tension with your left hand.

I guess I'm saying that she could have been taught by anyone. Though, isn't her mom Australian? So, maybe someone in her family?

Anyway, I squeed (is that a word?) like a little fangirl when I saw these pics. I liked Kristen before, but now I may just love her. ♥

Jedi1123 said...

I'm so with you on tagging Rob's face. What's the point? Why cover perfection? Dang!

Barbielicius said...

Maybe she is knetting a hat to cover that ugluy wig?

whatever I found this really funny and weird..firts we all know Bella is not very talented or cordinated so why in the world she would knit in a CAR!!That's is not in any of the books

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

Do you think maybe Kristen is the one knitting, and not Bella? It seems like she's still handling it outside of the car, next to the crew. I wonder if she does it in between takes. If so, that's pretty freaking adorable.

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