In Style has a 5 part vote going on. They compare True Blood's Eric and Twilight's Edward but of course the real comparison is between the two guys that play the characters. Robert Pattinson vs Alexander Skarsgård since it's their hair and their eyes :)
Rob's are contacts but nice eyes they are...

What do you think? Comment & check to vote :)
Im Team Edward and Team Bill! Eric is YUCK! LOL
hehe, that's a tough one. They're like apples and oranges. I like them both but in a different way. Go Team Eridward :)))
Um, Edward of course!! Duh!!! LOL
Absolutely EDWARD! Hands down!
Team Edward of course...!!!He is the perfect vampire...!!!
Rob. Hands Down.
*mind wandering to where hands could be travelling down Rob*
sorry, there's no competition there for me...EDWARD. period. :)
@ Lori - BILL! Ohmygosh, that man is melt-my-knees handsome! I love Bill! When I need a break from Twilight (and Kristen's constant eye-fluttering), I watch True Blood... Sigh.
And Rob as a vampire? Can you say divine? He wins, hands-down! (or pants-down, too... hehe!)
this eric guy is very HOT he is the rob (hottest) of true blood,but next to the sex god (robward) there is no comparison,robward wins hands down.
also, I love that there were no fakey fangs for the twi-vamps, nice change from the (boring) norm! never watched True Blood, but from the pics I've seen, the teeth are ridiculous IMO!
See, this is when my multiple personality disorder rears its ugly head. I like to keep my vampires separated. Team Edward all the way, but I love me some Eric. I'll keep one locked in the attic, the other in the basement.
I am currently reading the True Blood books and LOVE them. I really love Bill. Eric is okay...but NO ONE compares to Edward/Rob. It's all about Edward, he's the perfect vampire and is way hotter than any other.
TEAM EDWARD all the way! I just wish Twilight was as sexy as True Blood...can you imagine Edward doing all those sexy things that the True Blood vamps do? Yikes...we would all be on the "golden edge" then....
Don't care about True Blood, sorry but that show just isn't something I can get into. So Robward wins without a doubt for me lol
@LovesRob - Stephenie Meyer would have a conniption if Twilight was ANYTHING like True Blood in terms of the show's sexuality! haha!
On pleeeeeze ....Robward all the way! I mean just look at that beautiful bone structure, the full, beautifully shaped mouth, the eyes....sigh.
I tried watching True bored and couldn't relate to the characters at all.
So silly-but I voted...
My vamp can kick their vamps ass hands down.
The vamp diaries comparisons will be next and Edward will win that hands down.
the best thing about true blood are the sex scenes,twilight was written as a love story,true blood is more about sex.
Edward is perfection... of course he'll beat the Vampire Diaries dudes! :P Who wants Ian Sommerhalder or the other dude? Pssh.
RPatzzTMO - I agree to an extent. Bill can love!! hehe! He's oh so great, too! (But NO Edward. Edward still wins!)
I have the True Blood books but can't seem to start reading them because of the damn FF!!! LOL!!
yea i agree bill can love and i also think eeic is in love with sookie,i think soon sookie will sleep with him, cant wait to see the finale this sunday
Girl, you need to read let your light shine-SEX ON FIRE
i am totally team edward BUT eric is so freaking HOT. but bill was hotter in the books then in the show, stephen moyer is good looking but IMO didn't live up to the books. if anyone has read the books i am my fav. is Quinn the tiger . as far as the TB show i am looking forward to the finale but it's on the same time as VMA so i will DVR both.
@rpattzgirl where can i find it,went to the FF site and i cant find anything*sigh* and where can i find TO??
RPTMO - whenever i cant find one of the FF. i just goggle search "fan fiction _(title of the story__" and it pops up usually
Totally, SOLIDLY Team Edward!
Something about the teeth on what's-his-face reminds me of a rabid raccoon....
@ana73 thank you! will try it :-)
Ana73 ~ I usually Google but maybe doing a "goggle search" will work too!!! lol
They both have their appeal but alexander skarsgard is 6'4" and swedish, plus:
I'm just saying...
Edward, he is the only Vampire for me.
I don't watch True Blood so I don't understand the appeal of Eric AT ALL. I don't see his eyes or hair all I can see is a gigantic forehead??
ADD - maybe you could find a Alexsessed site for that link - Just sayin :).
linda - ok you got me there, i should have said "just goggle it" lol
i am reading the red line, it really has me reading, reading and reading. this edward is really troubled and his story is really said but there some really freaking funny moments in this and of course ALOT of sex.
Twilight and TB are two different types of vampire stories, so there's no comparison. Just Robward is way hotter than any other character. I do like Eric the best.
Ana73 - The Red Line is different but you have to agree very sexy.
I meant I do like Eric the best in TB.....never above Edward
Eh...I love Rob, but I'm so over Edward, the wimpy vamp or Twilight crap in general.
As the hottest 'vamp'...Eric all the way.
Now the hottest man...Rob all the way, and then some!!
as much as i love the book version of ERic... cain't no damn body hold a candle to Rob freakin Pattinson as Ed freakin Ward!
TEAM EDWARD!!!!! (well i like Bill too... but still ain't now Edward- Bill is grown up version of Edward :)
one one hand you have rob and on the other hand you have alex. can i just put my hands together?
Uh, Earth to Robsessed....
Im sorry, I just cant seem to get past Alexander as Meekus in Zoolander. Not attractive at all. But I admit, I havent watched the show because I didnt like the first book... one day I may give him a chance, but I dont think that will happen until I am no longer Robsessesd... and I dont see that happening any time soon!!!
I like Eric, watch True Blood all the time, but it's Edward (and Rob in particular) all the way for me! I hear that Edward is losing, but I don't really care as long as they don't start picking on Rob
i know it's your opinion and all guys but ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!
ok that's all... still love you...
Alex is INCREDIBLY hot. But he's my #2 vamp. #1 will always be Robward.
Hahaha good one, Angel Dan Davies, like i said in another comment, i was really devoted to Robward, but just look the 9 episode - season 2 of TB,yummy yummy, compare to Robward just * speechless**
I can't compare the two and there's no way I could choose. Meh this puts me in a bad place!! *runs to hide in corner*
r u kidding me wat kind of competition is this everyone knows who is gonna win SPUNK OBVIOUSLY nothing can compare to his sexiness <333333333333
Go team Eric! He wins hands down!
Mr. Pattinson is no doubt very attractive and gives "great face" in all his photos... BUT, I've become a TB fan this summer and rather than choose... I say...
Bill= Ashley Wilkes with a libido!
Eric= 6'4" nonconflicted Swedish sex on a stick!
Charlaine Harris' books are great sexy fun!
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