The new 2010 Twilight/New Moon Wall Calendar will look so good next to my 10 other Robert Pattinson calendars :)) It has new pictures! Must...Order...Now...


You can order the calender HERE at Barnes and Noble ;)
Thanks to Loving Rob for the tip...
You can order the calender HERE at Barnes and Noble ;)
Thanks to Loving Rob for the tip...
OMG, I can not, no, no, no I can not buy another New Moon calendar!
The photo of Charlie carrying Bella I've never seen before...oh god...
the pic of robward is gorgous.Hot Damn
Ot, but I've never seen this-amazing!!
Sam, Bobby & Marcus
I expect my credit card to go into hiding any day now.
Yesterday, a friend (the only one that knows of my Robsession) sent me a Team Edward magnet.
She said "I've seen other things, too. But, I didn't know how big you wanted your Robert shrine to be."
I said "What shrine?" Listed, what I thought were the few things I have and she said "Ah, yeah, that's a shrine."
Think I might need to get a life.
I need to get one... with Rob on it I think I would buy it!
Can anyone say second job to support my Robsessed habbit?! Jeez!!
loving the new banner!!!
The picture of Charlie & Bella is very sad.
Oh, there's nowhere near enough Robward in this calendar. Not even.
I guess the little pictures on the back aren't necessarily in order (Jan., Feb., Mar., etc.) because there's only 12 of them and it's supposedly a 16 month calendar.
I'm happy about this because it was looking like my birthday month (July) was a picture of the geek squad. lol Just kidding, I like Mike, Eric, Jessica, and Angela. Knowing my luck, I'll end up with creepy Aro staring me down all month.
Such a quiet night after an emotional day here!
I'm having a rob fest tonight.
Started with how to be , now watching twilight, then little ashes- all while reading smutty ff...
Night ladies...
rpattzgirl - you'll go into Rob overload and self-combust if you do all that at once! ;-))
Thanks for the link to Crooked sky youtube - those Brit boys must have a lot of fun when they get together like that. I love how they all feature on each other's fantastic would it be to see Rob up there with them??? I know - not even a chance of that happening while Rob's white hot to the touch like he is at the moment - but maybe one day. If we hang in there long enough... this dream could come true! Talk to you tomorrow RPG!!
and rpg - when you are on here next... you met Peter Fac?? Spill, I want details!
Nice to look at but I agree with Leann: not nearly enough Robward for my liking. I'll go for the straight-unadulturated just-Rob calendar any day.
So what's with the blazer and t-shirt look for Edward? It's a bit Don-Johnson-Miami-Vice isn't it?
i think i am going to get this one and only this one. i have a twilight one and now i will have this one =] lol can't decide if i want this one or the other one that has the movie stills. too hard of a choice. my boyfriend will only allow one. lol
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