Yeap it's that time again.......

.........Better Run Baby Run !!!!
Ebola wants Twilight
As I reported a few weeks ago, Ebola Paris Hilton is guest starring on Supernatural. Not sure why the show felt the need to expose its cast and crew to that disease but here it is, arriving in Vancouver yesterday to begin work. Ebola is apparently playing a shapeshifter who shapeshifts into “Paris Hilton” and tries to kill everyone.

It came in on the same flight as Jackson Rathbone. Kellan Lutz flew in around the same time but they were not on the same plane. While Ebola distracted most of the paps, Jackson was able to leave the airport relatively undisturbed. Am hoping he was able to avoid it in the air. It may not have known who he is. And this is good. Because it is targeting Twilight, and Ebola will stop at nothing.

Not even a boyfriend.

Doug Reinhardt was actually booked to accompany it. They reconciled around the same time its role on Supernatural was confirmed and there was indeed a flight arranged for him…

But Ebola has other plans.

My sources tell me exclusively that it has made phone calls, it has instructed its people to put out the feelers – it wants to hook up with the Twilight cast, specifically Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. It’s only in Vancouver for a few days. Originally the plan was to set up a night out and it would call in some of its fake BFF bitches and of course its reality show cameras would capture everything.

The assumption however is that no one from Twilight bothered to get back to it. So it’s here alone, but has not abandoned the plan (which is why Doug was told not to come) and still hopes to make things happen, with bffs and cameras on standby, should Twilight give it an opening.

Nothing would make it happier than to hitch itself onto that train.



Angie said...

Well, no wonder we have not seen him!

He is hiding from that crazy b*tch!

Run, Robbie, Run, indeed.

Anastasia Beaverhausen said...

This post makes me sad. Thats all. I hope they will continue to ingore "it" and "it" goes away (yeah right) =(

Anonymous said...
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Rayodeluna said...

hahaha you're crazy! I love it! haha For his sake and this movie I hope she don't find would be a disaster! I can see the news: ''Twilight hunk Robert Pattinson in quarantine with ebola. We hope Kristen is ok" haha

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

sweet jesus is she still after rob?? she have been after him for awhile now,WTF is wrong with that girl?

RPLover said...

like that chick in the ladies room interview said, "not enough topical lotion in the world, my friend! she is a scanc."

super funny interview, btw, one of my favorites!

Haystackhair said...


umysue said...

woww RPlover...
your avatar just making me crazyyy!
what the hell happened in the next pic?

goosebump already...

Ana73 said...

yuck, yuck, yuck

Please Rob stay inside, do not leave your hotel room. Paris is in town :(( LOL

I thought she was engaged...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i thought she had a man?

Tenneil said...

HMMM that just leaves a bad taste...well everywhere... But Rob's a smart guy... no worries.

Suz said...

I don't know..

I think I'd kinda enjoy a Celebrity Death Match



rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


The photo goes so well with the article..

Run, Robbie Run for your life...

Geez, he nees us even more now!

Angie said...


Now that would be funny! lol

Let's see that on SNL.

spunkinator said...

Rub, Rob, run.. please. :(
She's so.. terrifying. I hope to go they never ever cross each others paths.

Here's Rob thinking about how stupid Paris Hilton is.

Anonymous said...

That skanky ass bitch better keep herself away from our cast.....I hope and pray that our cast knows enough about "Hollywood" types just looking to be seen with them to raise their publicity. Hopefully their management schools them and screens the skanks who try to get near them.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO! Exactly!

Lexi55 said...

Suz....not to sound too stupid, but a death match between Paris and whom???

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love the reference to "It" not her.

Haystackhair said...

Sigh, my cable homepage has a link to CelebTV with a video from yesterday about Rob and Kristen, househunting. Goes on to say they are living together in a hotel room in Vancouver. eyeroll. Right. YAWN.

Haystackhair said...

And also, WTF is Ebola actually famous for??? Other than stupidity that is....

Suz said...

@ADM. That WOULD be an excellent SNL Skit

(can you tell I am an SNL writer wannabe?)

@Naples ______fill in the blank (latest lady Rob is hypothetically shagging at the time)

kristen said...

I'm thinking Rob should start walking around Vancouver with a ten foot pole... you know, just in case skankalicious finds him and decides she wants to try to hump his leg or something. A ten foot pole would be enough to ward IT off, right?

Lexi55 said...

Exactly haystackhair...other than her last name, what is her claim to fame. She obviously did not get where she is by looks, talent, etc.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i was wondering the same thing.....what exactly is she famous for??

RPLover said...

@umysue-I know...God the stomach, the arms, the smile, the undone belt-everytime I post a comment I get a little more turned on! LMAO does anyone know if this is fake pic or if it is real? btw, whatever you say, it's real to me ;) just curious.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Who cares??????????


rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i feel bad for rob,he have to hide from the paps and now her.

RPLover said...

lmao, rpattzgirl, my thoughts exactly :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Rob just needs to hire some of us (take trade in lieu money) to keep him safe and BITCH slap anyone who messes...

Angie said...

RPlover, sorry to say it is a manip.

Ana73 said...

isn't it sick that she is just famous for money!!! her family is filthy rich and that is it, nothing else !!!

Angie said...


I would pay to see that! lol

Lexi55 said... can you tell when it is a manip? Just curious...thanks.

Lexi55 said...

So right Ana73...if it was not for her family she would be talent whatsoever to speak of. But, at least she thinks she is all of that and more.

Angie said...


Robsessed at one time posted some of them. I think you can search manipulations on the Robsessed main page.

Lexi55 said...

Thanks ADM...good tool to know about.

Angie said...

You are very welcome, Spikey.

Haystackhair said...

I've heard that one is a manip, but i agree, if they are well done I could care less!! I can't tell when they are or aren't if they are well done. I remember that first open shirt Edward NM poster. stared at that one forever even tho I knew it was a manip. LOL!!

Lina said...

girls, I feel a bit like fallen from tree. what "ebola" means?

Angie said...


I know, some are very good. If I am not sure, I think about the subject in question. Would he have actually done that? If the answer is Rob would have died laughing first, I think maybe it is a manip.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

ebola=virus, disease

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

what ever she does she is not going to get her claws into my rpattz HELL NO she and megan fox need to leave him alone

Lina said...


Thank you!

hot4pattz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Haystackhair said...

ADM that's a good way to do it! I saw some HAWT ones the other day, trying to remember where.

Lexi55 said...

hot4pattz...I cannot access this site with link given.

hot4pattz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I can't either...
if it's the one of him in the SUV leaning out the window, that was debunked as being from NM..

Hoping it's a different one.

hot4pattz said...

maybe someone else can get a better link. sorry but thats the only one i have.

Shani said...

I love it when Lainey calls out Paris aka Ebola aka Black Hole. LMAO

She is a famewhore to the depths of her soul. She will try and try her best to get close to Rob's spotlight.He already turned her down at that Oscar party. Then she was so pissed that she denied knowing who he was to E!online. And before that her and Doug just so happened to be in Japan at the same time Rob was doing promotion for Twilight.

It's just pathetic.*shakes head*

But she better watch out because Kris is right by his side now. And that's one bitch she don't want to mess with. Kris will cut a bitch or give her the bitch face.


hot4pattz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Haystackhair said...

its the NM pics.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yep, I made the same mistake yesterday-it was all over twitter.

Ana73 said...

i thought it was NM pics also, i saw them on twifans website yesterday.

so we wait for new pics...and wait... :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

And wait we will..............

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

OMG @shani I LOVE YOUR POST always speak the truth, she have been after rob from the beginning its pathetic.

kchambers77 said...

legend has it if you look into it's eyes you can hear the screams of souls of wrongly adopted animals and fake bffs.

solas said...

A writer, am normally a wordsmith and literate, but all I can say for now is: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Keep it away!!!

Ana73 said...

kc77 - that is funny!!!!!

Angie said...

LMFAO @ kc77

Lexi55 said...

agreed kc77...that is funny!!!

Hansom Ransom said...

Ebola!! Lol! Before I looked further, I was like, "the Ebola virus?? wha??" and then saw that you were talking about Paris.

Emily said...

I find it hilarious that she considers herself an actress. Someone needs to tell her that having a sex tape doesn't make her an actress, it just makes her a...well, you decide... Too many words to choose from.

margot said...

bleh ...
... let's sit and wait if the money can buy it ... just sayin'

Shani said...

rpattz-turns-me-on. I try too.LOL

Yvonne said...

hahaha. "it". Truly, a parasitic, disease ridden "it". No matter, Rob has much more sense than to even go near it. Thank God.

margot said...

and saying "let's wait if money can buy it" I meant if she will be able to "buy" the access to the crew, I don't know - somebody could set some dinner or something... hope not

after Oscars ceremmony the harpy caught Rob and forced into a conversation, they even wrote "draged him to the garden for an hour" but regarding "usuall load of crap" I have no idea if it was true

Athena said...

Hahaha! This post was hilarious!!! And so true... RUN, ROB, RUUUUUUN!!!

Mars said...

This is hilarious!

I thought she (allegedly) didn't know who Rob was... o_O Oh, Paris Hilton... When will you learn that nobody likes you?

Kymz said...

Well this post is completely true! You need to stay well away from her. Run in the opposite direction if you have too!

Tess said...

'It's' time is over. When will 'it' get the hint?

Temptation said...

Nobody likes Paris but unfortunately she gets the publicity.

I saw an interview with her on the Leterman show and I swear she is such a dumb bitch. I was cringing at the way she was behaving....she is a disgrace to the female race......GOD I wish I had her money...

Run Rob....Do you think he has seen her sex tape???

Anonymous said...

RPlover- Yup that's a fake photoshopped one. A good one mind you, but fake.

That skank doesn't give up does she? He turned her down at the Oscars, she followed him all over Cannes and didn't get anywhere, guess she just doesn't get it.

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