Who Should Co-Star With Robert Pattinson in Bel Ami

Movie Hunger has some suggestions for Rob's co-stars in Bel Ami. I am so excited for this movie. Rob as a womanizer? Yes please!

From: Movie Hunger

New Moon movie star Robert Pattinson seems to love taking on new movie roles that turn him into a character of mystery and culture. First the actor took on the role of Salvador Dali in the movie production of Little Ashes and now his future may be that of scandalous Frenchman.

Director Declan Donnellan plans to bring the short story of Guy de Maupassant to life on the movie screen with Bel Ami. It’s rumored that movie star Robert Pattinson will take on the role of Georges Duroy in the film. The movie will be focused around the life of Georges Duroy’s life as he goes from being an Ex-NCO to a very successful and wealthy businessman.

Robert Pattinson thought that his love scenes as Salvador Dali in Little Ashes were awkward, I wonder how he is going to feel courting several women at once as Georges Duroy? Why? Well the way that this character raises him to the top is by having affairs with several notable and wealthy women.

The question on my mind is the actress that will play opposite Robert Pattinson. This honestly sounds like an award winning movie. I wonder if they will cast new actors and actresses for the roles or if Robert Pattinson will be working with some of the Hollywood greats?

For example some of the roles on Bel Ami are Madeleine Forestier (Du Roy), Monsieur Laroche-Mathieu, Comte de Vaudrec, Clotilde de Marelle, Laurine de Marelle, Jacques Rival, Norbert de Varenne, Monsieur Walter, Virgine Walter, Susanne Walter, and Rachel.

When looking at these characters for the movie Bel Ami, I keep on getting visions of Emma Watson, Emma Thompson, Keira Knightly, Mery Streep, Colin Firth, and Orlando Bloom.

Madeleine Forestier (Du Roy) is George’s wife in the movie Bel Ami. I could see Emma Watson taking on the role of the woman that helps the journalist with their stories and introduces Georges to the powerful with her society connections.

Emma Thompson is definitely shy to roles of this nature. I could see her taking on a role in Bel Ami. I just wonder if she would be playing one of the socialites or one of George’s conquests. Clotilde de Marelle perhaps, a role of a woman who has too much time on her hands because her husband is always away on business.

George’s isn’t the only one who has an affair in Bel Ami. I could see Orlando Bloom playing the Monsuier that Madeleine has an affair with. Of course there is the role of the Newspaper head, I could see Colin Firth playing this role. I wouldn’t like to see him take on the role of the angry husband though. Colin Firth is one of my favorite actors.

Of course the production of Bel Ami and Robert Pattinson’s role are only rumors. Bel Ami is only a possible thought of a movie release. I do hope the Bel Ami gets the studio green light; I’d love to see Robert Pattinson in additional movie roles.

Gozde: Hoping for this sentence "This honestly sounds like an award winning movie." to come true...

Bel Ami is a novel written by French Author Guy de Maupassant in 1885. It The story chronicles Georges Duroy's corrupt rise to power from a poor ex-NCO to one of the most successful men in Paris, most of which he achieves by manipulating a series of powerful, intelligent, and wealthy mistresses.(Read more HERE)

Bel-Ami was made into films and mini series before. You can check Guy de Maupassant imdb page for more info.

You can order the book Bel Ami by Maupassant HERE for US and HERE for UK


Anonymous said...

I adore his talent and cannot wait to see him in this role but I'd be a liar if I said I didn't hope for more nude Rob! His bod is gorgeous!

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

Hannah said...

Rob donning a french accent??


Anonymous said...

I agree....: Rob as a womanizer?? I just can't wait!!

albaville said...

Rob is a womanizer for sure!!!
i cant wait to see this movie..sounds so good!!

Anonymous said...

Would love to see him in this part. Love the diversity of the roles he chooses. It would be fantastic if it were award worthy!!! Plus seeing him as a womanizer in all those love scenes. Lord have mercy!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a definite role that he was going to undertake? Only 'rumours'?

Mommamary said...

I also thought it was a for sure thing and not a rumor. I hope he does this role.
I just finished reading Bel Ami last night as a matter of fact and Rob is perfect for this role. He is not as amoral as originally described. He starts out as a guy just trying to get ahead and failing when he meets an old school mate and lands a promising job. I got from the book that he learns to be unscrupulous and self-centered by the people that surround him and treat him a bit unfairly in the beginning. So his character really develops throughout the story. He figures out his attractiveness to the wives around him and decides it is his best way to get to the top. Then besides his own personal social/financial climbing, he really becomes a man-whore. I totally pictured Rob in that part while I was reading. Not the man-whore characteristic, but the entire character sounds just what Rob could portray perfectly. I am so looking forward to seeing his work on this.

Maryann said...

I hope he get the role too, sounds like a juicy role for him! Rob as a womanizer..yes please I wanna see that!

Anonymous said...

To be honest I'm in the middle of reading Breaking Dawn and really other than the wedding/honeymoon (!!! Blimey!) then the pregnancy itself ....not a lot happens. I know there's the big face off at the end ('cos I actually got a bit bored and skipped further through the book) so how they could string this out for 3 films puzzles me. I would really prefer to see him in another non- twilight role before he launches back into Edward mode and this role sounds divine for him!

Mommamary said...

It would be so fun to see Rob play this guy. He swears his undying love and devotion to each woman and does not court them slowly. He practically pounces on them when he gets them alone, giving the Edwardian kisses up and down their jaws and all that. I think he really fell in love with his wife and tried to please her but she made him feel insignificant so he became angry. But he actually seduces, I mean SEDUCES an older woman b/c her husband is powerful and it is well known in the entire country that she had not ever been unfaithful to her husband....but he dazzled her very quickly and scandalously! Can't you just see Rob playing this? I sure can.

Anonymous said...

I think I'b better read this book! Sounds good!

Hello, I Love You! said...

Which films first, Unbound Capitives, or Bel Ami?

Mommamary said...

I am really curious to see if they will film this in the 1800 period of which it was written or make it more modern. I was surprised at how racey the book was for having been written 200 years ago, but it is still not graphic like our modern novels are.
I can't imagine anyone playing that lead role better than Rob could, seriously. And I don't know if I can visualize all the actors that this article suggests in the other roles. I am not sure who I would like to play them. The girl Suzanne is very young, like maybe 18 or so, barely, maybe even younger when you think of the culture of that day.
This is a good novel, but it was in French originally, so you have to keep that in mind, and the era was different, of course. Plus, I kept having to remind myself it is written in 3rd person and I was used to reading all the Twilight books, repeatedly, that are all in 1st person. LOL

Anonymous said...

Apparently 'Unbound Captives' films
first at the end of 2009 then hopefully 'Bel Amie'

Mommamary said...

Wouldn't it be funny and fun too if this blog turned into a book club discussion of all of Rob's reading preferences as well as his upcoming roles. LOL
Might find him in here discussing with us. Hmmmmmmm, yeah, we are a book club now, that's it. Come on, Robbie, let's discuss! LOL

Mommamary said...

I get the idea that UC is going to take quite a while to film and since Rob is only in it somewhat, they may be able to film his parts quickly after Eclipse and let him get on with Bel Ami, or they may film him later, which would let him film Bel Ami. I would not imaagine Bel Ami will take that long to film. It is not a very long book, only 290 pages and it takes place all w/in about 3 years or so and in mostly the same places. Lots of walking and carriage rides.
But I am curious about his schedule each time I learn of a new project. I worry about his over working, too much work, not enough play, but I selfishly don't want his projects to stop coming to a theater near me!

Anonymous said...

Yes...what was considered 'racy' in the 1800's would be considered tame by today! However sometimes 'suggestion' is actually sexier than having the scene explicitly described!
I have another suggestion for a good role for Rob. I read a book called 'Birdsong' by Sebastien Faulks a few years ago about a young World War 1 captain and this is set in France in the trenches and also incorporates a love affair....very erotic but tasteful love scenes and historically heart wrenching in it's depiction of the terrible battles of the Somme etc. There was talk of it being made into a film starring ralph Fiennes (I used to rreally like him!) but he'd be a bit too mature now. Rob would be ideal. Wonder if there is still a possibility of it being made? A beautiful story.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I read the book too and would love to see Rob in this role..but I do hope they update it somewhat...I struggled with the era and the writing, and found myself skipping around a lot..

Anything that lets us see him as the seducer & womanizer gets my blood boiling!

Anna said...

Oooh I love this post :)))

Playing "who should co-star with Rob" is one of my favourite games!!!

I am not seeing Emma Thompson for Clothilde, at all. But she'd be great as Mme Walter, his older mistress.

And why does everyone keep wanting Emma Watson to co-star with him? Nothing against the girl, but she'll always be Hermione.

Anna said...

Forgot to add: Bel-Ami is a great book and a great story. And Rob would be amazing :)

Mommamary said...

@Lizzie, that sounds like an ideal role for Rob. In my opinion, he is just so wonderful in any role that depicts a lot of emotion b/c he does so great in showing it in his face and body language.

@rpattz, I agree, it was a bit tedious to read till I adjusted to it about 1/2 way through. And there did seem to be several paragraphs that were mostly French names of people and places and I found myself skimming past those for sure. It is definitley not a book that keeps you on the edge of your seat. It is acquired but I enjoyed educating myself by experiencing this different literary style. To me it said, no matter the era or area, people are basically the same.
I have tried to read Doomed Love by Virgil, that he referred to as an inspiration for his playing Edward but I found it very tedious. I am not particularly interested in Greek mythology and that is it's subject matter. I can't get through that tiny book yet. It puts me straight to sleep.
Rob is certainly causing me to stretch my reading experiences and that is a good thing.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I hear you...because of Rob I've read books I probably never would of picked up...and I struggle through many of them..

I'm still trying to read kill you friends..

I was thinking last night about how I really would see him in anything...even if he had to be an "ugly" person, although I don't know how that's possible.

Mommamary said...

I agree, Emma Thompson would do quite well for Mrs. Walter. And I agree with the Emma Watson comment too. I got the idea that the article was suggesting Emma Thompson as Madeleine, (I bet I spelled that wrong) but I think she would be much younger than that. Keira Knightly may be a good one for Clothilde. I pictured Suzanne as very young and pretty like one of the new little girls of Disney.

Anna said...

lol @ Rpattzgirl - they tried to make him plain in Bad Mother's Handbook and How To Be, and failed spectacularly :)

I am, however, worried about Duroy's moustache... god I hope they forget about it!

Mommamary said...

I am very curious to see Rob play in UC. Our cute little guy is going to have to bulk up better to be in that role. Not huge, he can be naturally thin, but a bit more ripped than he is for Edward b/c he was raised for years by the Comanches right? That would have had him living a physical lifestyle and being naturally muscular. This will certainly be a stretch for him and I am very excited to see him do this. I bet he pulls it off fabulously. I am anticipating that this role will make Hollywood notice him more. I can't imagine myself noticing him more! I am already so Robsessed it is nearly pitiful. LOL

Mommamary said...

I'm with you and the mustache. I hope they let him not have one at all. Don't cover up that pretty face and especially not with another silly facial hair prop like in Little Ashes.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yep, even as Daniel & Art, his beauty shined through it all-he just can't cover it up!

For UC, yes he will have to bulk up, although I don't really seeing him standing on the saddle or dong some of the other stunts-he knows his limits and so do we! Phin flirting though, and screaming in Comanche..oh my...

The mustache in Bel Ami..well, I thought he was gorgeous in Little Ashes, so maybe I could handle this one...

Anna said...

hi mommamary :)

I'm also curious about UC, but keep in mind Comanches were not "gym bunnies" either - I'd picture a Comanche warrior as fairly muscular, but in a very lean kind of way. In other words, just like our Rob!

Marna said...

I'm looking at the cover of the book, & I hope they don't put another funky mustache on Rob. That totally turned me off in LA.

AW said...

I want to see this and I'll also take the moustache if that's the only way I can get it! :)

Donnellan is an 'actor's director', so it will be more about the players than the cinematic setting. Only thing - no all-male casting this time Mr. Donnellan or I will be vampire dancing on your head! Joking: not likely for a film.

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mommamary said...

@Littlebear, oh, yes, I believe his being lean is a plus for UC, however if he grew up Comanche learning to hunt and fish and do all the physical work and play they did, he would be more naturally muscular than he is. And, yes, we do know our Robbie's limits, and they are ok with us too. But I know he likes to absorb his characters so I am sure he will do what it takes. I hope they hire a better trainer for him than Summitt did for Twilight.
And I agree, if we have to have the funny 'stache, we can take it. I think it is so funny in Bad Mother's Handbook how they layered all the bad clothes on him, he walked funny and awkward and had nerdy glasses and hair covering his face, but he still was adorable! No matter what they do, his beauty shines through.
Look at that, I'm a poet!

Mommamary said...

Oh, yes, Kate W and Camilla! Very good choices for BA! And for other projects as well. Very good!

Kathy#1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kchambers77 said...

Monica Bellucci should be the older woman with the powerful husband.

Mommamary said...

I am not familiar with Monica but I looked her up online. Very pretty lady. I get the idea that character was not really ugly but not really pretty either and sort of plumpish. They could ugly her down a little and plump her up I am sure. When they go to casting any of Rob's movies, they should just check here first. We can shorten their list considerably. LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hey, I'm a little plump & older, I'll volunteer!

kchambers77 said...

bellucci has been in a lot of french films and the matrix triology. she is awesome in brotherhood of the wolf. she can act and she knows the sexy time.

i just want rob to make out with as many gorgeous older women as possible. :)

Mommamary said...

@kchambers, I never thought of it that way, duh! I am older and pretty plump! I could audition! I don't mind at all seeing him make out with older women. I like that idea. But the older woman in the book was not sexy, once he seduced her, then he was very annoyed by her silly behavior, trying to act younger like a shy little girl instead of mature and he tired of her very quickly. I think I could do that! LOL

Athena said...

I, too, thought it was a done deal...! What the...?

I loved the book, the descriptions and images Maupassant uses are wonderful, so rich and articulate.
I don't know why it's considered as a short story, though: I'd consider it as a regular novel...

I have been waiting for this movie for a long time, I really want to see Rob as Georges Duroy! I loathe that character! :D I think Rob would do him justice, as he did with Dalì :), right because he's so different from them.

But I do hope there won't be any French accent... I found the Spanish accent in Little Ashes quite distracting (as neither English nor Spanish are my native languages I had a hard time understanding sometimes, especially when Lorca was reciting his poetry)...

I am really curious to see who will portray Mme Forestier and Mme de Marelle... Emma Thompson for Mme Walter, I would love to see that! I think Emma Watson is too young to play Mme Forestier, though.

For Sydney-siders: I found my copy of Bel Ami at the Abbey International Bookstore in York Street.

Nai said...

there is an interview with him speaking French. I think he speaks French actually. I wonder if he'll speak French in this. It's kind of sexy when he speaks French. Although, I prefer his natural, God-given English accent.

I don't think he'll have a hard time going around with all these women for the role, they won't resist him and that will make it easy. LOL.

Please don't put Keira Knightley in this movie with him!!

From the sounds of it there will be lost of "party clothes." Rob in Black Tie. OH. EM. GEE.

Rhonda said...

I just finished the book, and I cannot wait to see Rob play this character. It is comical how little scruples he has. He beds every female he encounters. Sounds like a dream come true for me.

kespax said...

I'm still reading this, I'm just at the first part where he's still struggling to get ahead.

I reallty want to see French and lush women in this not Emma Thompson - sh ekind of anoys me unless she's playing old women.
Cate Blanchette - oh please, I adore her.And oh yes to Kate Winslet.

I thought this movie was a done deal for Rob?

Are there any parts for a lot older women? Legendary women like Isabella Roselleni and Catherine Denueve ( best ever vampire woman).

margot said...

frankly speaking this is the film I am waiting most

Nai said...

I love these roles he plays. Instead of going the "hot guy," the "pretty guy," the douche bag roles. The ones every young & hot actor is "supposed" to go for. he pays the intriguing roles. the ones he has to do more than just look good for.

katykeene said...

If this movie has french backing (as it is about a Frenchman set in France)then the production will have to have mostly french actors I would imagine? Which will mean it would probably be played out closer to the original storyline.
On the other hand if an English/US company have the rights to it they may do what they like with it.
I am trying to think of an adaptation of a french story that the Brits or Americans have done successfully and I keep coming up spare???
If Rob is in it I do want it to be successful so if anyone knows of a French movie done by US or the Brits that was good remind me please!!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I'm in the middle of "Bel Ami" right now. Great choice, Rob! I'm reading a translated to English 1909 version...so cool that the LA County library had this older book.

Georgie said...

Yes I'd love to see Rob in a role as a seducer - "Robges"? - either as a 1800s or modern day film. But I'm with most of you: pleeeeease, no moustache!

Lisa Serrano said...

You can read the book here


Anonymous said...

@Lisa ~ Thanks for the link to the online book!!

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