The Sun used photoshop to see what Rob would look like if here were a girl and she kinda looks like Amelie Mauresmo (who I love :)) with the strong jaw :)

Personally I prefer this one 'cause he looks so slutty :))

Thanks to Amanda for the link, robstenlovers for resurfacing the pink dress manip and the person who made the pink dress manip (sorry I don't know who made it) :)
It's my one of my favorite manips, the other 2 are all about RobStu love:

WOW Rob looks good as a woman!! Am I surprised NOPE!
I love her/his hair!! LOL
jajajajaja so funny
i never thought i would say it, but that girlie rob manip is one hot chick! well it is rob inspired so that just goes to show ya hed be hot either way i guess... O.O LMAO
Rob as a chick is hot...I'd hit that!
LMAO @slutty Rob in a pink dress. How much for a bj bb?
LMAO....WTH i was having a bad day at work until i saw these pics THANK U to funny.
Damn...he looks good as a woman too.
But that other manip of him in that pink dress is just wrong on so many levels. LOL Every time I see it...I cringe. *gag*
muahahaha LOVE the pink dress...a little heavy on the blush my dear Rob, but I'd still hit that :0)
she would be a very beutiful girl nice job with the picture but i just love that he is a man so we can all admire the male beauty of ROBWARD.
Rob is so...masculine in the line of his jaw and the set of his eyes.
He is beautiful, but not in the way Chase Crawford is, cause Chase would make one pretty lady. Chase is a PRETTY dude.
Rob is not pretty, he is gloriously attractive but he would make one ugly bitch.
Oh, that is just wrong!
I sooo needed that laugh. ;)
The last pic with Rob dancing with TomStu is freakin hilarious!!!
that is just disturbing! *shudders*
That's horrible! Lmao!
Aww, I was kind of hoping girl Rob would still have his eyebrows.
Wahaha,that pic of pinky TransvestitRob is creepy...
I´ll put it to ZygoteRob in the backmost corner of my brain/memory...
For those who completely deleted ZygoteRob mentally:
Bahaha,sorry,couldn´t resist to post it again...;-)
Shame on me...*ducking*
Rob is HOT as he is! That TRANNY picture on the other hand...not so much:) Luv the Tom Stu manips! LMAO
wtf is this? lmao,this is disturbing.
the last pic is a manip right? lol
I'll take my Rob man side up please.
jajaj LMAO GOZ!!I don't know what's more scary the second slutty picture or the pics of fetus rob both are creepy really I have to get this images out of my head...I need the EW,GQ pics!!
now robstu is definitely hot!!!more pleaseant to think about it
I think he looks ugly as a woman...he's better as the hot guy we know.
Jeez... Poor Rob...
Rob -- bloke or lass... still bangable LOL!
P.S. Luv the Robstu dance! LMFAO!!!
Hey Goz, was this post to bring us all back to Earth after the heavenly picture in the previous one? LOL!
Rob and Amelie do look sort of similar!
Slutty Rob is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S (as is the RobStu dance)! But I like my women with a bit less make-up! ;))))
i prefer the man. but if decided to drag he'd have my support. and my bra.
that pic is definitely a manip. here's the original:
Umm, we all prefer the man. that pic is computer generated. not a real person. It's called a sense of humor people jeez.
Of course he looks better as a man, lol...but he also makes a gorgeous woman, wouldn't u know?? I was looking at the original article and out of all the celebs they converted to the opposite sex, Rob's was the best looking.
I agree spellbound. Angelina and Brad's were weird looking.
that pic is a manipulation?!?!?!!?/////1111
Never in pink - always blue. I'd talk to wardrobe, darling.
Hilarious. I feel the need to make 2 points.
1. He needs to wear Red.
2. He'd be waaay prettier than that
The last pic always make me giggle. I miss StellaD
Tess, I miss you too.
And goddamn Goz, I had forgotten I had made that pic. Oh good times :D
PS. I still check this blog every day, I just dont have enough time to comment :(
Muchhh love
StellaD :)
Anyone notice that Rob as a woman had a nose job? Also, the eyes are deeper set. Doesn't really look like him except for the face shape.
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