Gosh this has been such a quiet week in the world of Rob! I'd say he's probably delighted to have a break from the media and is getting down to "Eclipse" business! After all the attention he had while filming "Remember Me" it must but nice not to have paps in your face everyday.
Anyway I found these UHQ pics (below) from "The Times" shoot and also the one above (not HQ) that is new to me, maybe some of you have seen it before!

YUMMY - Mountain Man Rob - How sexy and Masculine does he look.....Perfect Pic for Bedtime dreaming...
Ooh...I love bearded Rob. He's the only man out there that'll make me have a beard lust.
Hi Kate! It's Rob Dry Spell, I'm thirsting too! Lolz.
Hi Tempt
YUMMM!!! Rob with a beard - he looks kinda like Ewen McGregor too and that can never be a bad thing. You're right makes him look older and closer to our age LOL I love the middle pic where he is just string straight at you - the other two might as well not even be there with the way he draws you in with those eyes... me want!
Have a closer look at that middle pic - he looks like there is a wry little smile happening there - like he is sharing a secret just the two of you know about...could drown in those eyes and I like the message he's sending me...not sharing with you this time though LOL
Rob withdrawals. No shit sherlock. Holy hot pocket batman, someone tell Kristen to get up off Rob and let him have some AIR. :)
I say we send Van Morrison to Vancouver! THAT will bring him out. Like a mouse to cheese.
Stop grinning Rob....you know you are missed.
Screw the papz, but send Gozde a Rob pic of you jammin with your cast mates. Direct to the fans. :)
I like with some beard, but with all this beard he looks like a homeless dude!
@Bia Men
WOW - that's a sweeping statement!! LOL As if Rob didn't look homeless most of the time with his crumpled clothes, scuffed shoes, mis-buttoned shirts, badly mended t-shirts and trousers, scruffy, dirty hair...I for one am happy to give him a loving home...LOL
I'm glad he's managing to stay off the radar for a while :). God knows he needs it!
Did I mention I utterly love each and every strand of hair on this man's body? It's not something I appreciate on all men, mind you...
Also, I like the sparkle in his eyes in the second one :D! He looks like he knows something that we don't! Hee!
@ Temptation: I like Mountain Man Rob! :D
@ JandR: And I love Ewan McGregor, too! :D By the way, are you telling me that there was someone else in the picture with him??? Inexplicably, I did not notice that at all... ;))))
i love rob with a beard i love that he is all hairy,chest and arms SEXY....he is probly laying low until the KOL pics hoopla blows over,i dont know how iam gonna survive this drought but iam happy he is off the radar for awhile
oh and i cant believe he spent all weekend in his hotel room while all the other cast (except for kstew) were out and about having a good time,that must suck for him.
He looks so masculine. I love Rob with beard...drools...lol
Maybe he wasn't alone...
ok and i must say this WHO THE FUCK is this xavier DUDE?? just saw pics of him walking around vancouver with ashley with a smug look on his fucking face thinking he is rob WTH he is copying rob's style of cloths have the same hair cut and got the dark sun glasses dont this bloke know there is only ONE ROB some needs to tell him that.ok iam done ranting now
i hope he was not alone, oh to be a fly on that hotel wall lol
Unbelievable! The things we are willing to do or to be for this man,lol
Oh, the full on beard is such an incredible turn on! I like the scruff cause you see more colors in it, but the beard is just pure sex!
When did Rob have a full-on beard? Mind you, it's probably just 4 days' growth! He's certainly the dishiest man I've seen with a beard, but I still prefer just the lighter scruff.
Hi Georgie! Are you more relax now?
HiOrion, yes should be an easier week. Saw Alice Cooper concert last night which was good; got my mind momentarily off Rob too ha ha.
Oh, yeah I read that on fb, I like Alice, how was it?
Hi Georgie and Orion
How are you ladies??
Georgie - Alice Cooper - fantastic - now that really takes me back to my youth!! LOL
Watched the Bad Mother's Handbook earlier - oh I am in love with Daniel.... dorky and gorgeous!
Yeah girls he was really good; DH is a big fan and has been to every concert but this was my first one. It was his Theatre of Death concert and there were theatrical killings all night - loved it!
DH won't let me use any of those movie download sites, reckons they introduce viruses. Have you have any probs with it? I'm really tempted to use it.
Hi Jandr
He's really dorky, isn't he? I love him there. Like the story too
No, Georgie. you can watch The bad mother handbook on Utube, watch it, is very good.
Georgie - I just watched it on youtube - good quality and love Daniel - The Summer House is on there too - I thoought Orion was after that?
I watched LA yesterday online, didn't have any problems. Love me some bearded Rob. YUM. How do you know everyone else was out? What pics?
Yes I'm after the summer house but it's no the one on utube, is not with him. On utube only have the trailer
OK thanks girls I'll go on Youtube - something to look forward to tomorrow if I'm in the office a while on my own and need a break.
@Haystack: I don't know either; I tried gossip.com and didn't see anything about Ashley and Xavier out and about.
Eyelids gettin' heavy, night night!
@Georgie - maybe it was twittered
talk to you soon Georgie!! Byeee
Georgie You are no much around to talk, come one day so we can talk
Good nite, Georgie! Robdreams
He looks so much better like this. Unfortunately, in the top picture he looks eerily similar to my evil sociopath ex (decidedly more handsome, though). I knew there was a reason Rob looked familiar :(
go to 'TWIFANS.COM' you can see the pics with xavier and ashley out in vancouver
twifans.comalways have the latest cast pics
now mind you i think nikki is very pretty and kellan is very handsome. But in the shot where they only have half of their faces showing and rob is in the middle; rob is so good looking , he makes otherwise attractive looking people like K and N sorta effed up looking in comparison. I noticed that in HP4 even, normal looked kids looked deformed when the poor bastards had to stand by his pretty.
It's quite sad that Rob is not out n about like he was last year.
Everyone else in the cast has been out...except Rob & Kristen.
I guess filming Eclipse will be a different experience for him now. Summit really messed up on the 'Remember me ' set.
I hope some of his friends managed to make it up to Vancouver this weekend.
I've been taking advantage of the Rob absense to go back over Comic Con interviews. I hadn't seen the "I'm a pu$$y" thing before or the eye fu@%ing they did. So, that was entertaining.
Love Bearded Rob as long as it's temporary.
lol my fav is the eye fucking one
I don't like the beard, but just because it hides the pornjaw.
sure i've ssen this but still looking for HQs
R&K eye F**k and giggle all the way through comicon. Love them there!!
So glad that he is not in the public right now he needs a break from all the crazy. I hope he and kristen and cuddling and reveing in thier relationship in the nice privacy of their own hotel room.
I'm with you, Rominiwi, I don't like it when I can't see the hottest jaw on earth, especially from the left side...makes me drool!
I'm glad he's staying out of the crazy, too, but I miss him so much I feel all weepy! I'm such a loser ;)
Debbo: I was actually backstage at the Van Morrison concert at the Orpheum in May and found myself wishing Rob could enjoy that. Then again, VM has become such a prickly hermit he probably would have turned even Rob off!
Lip locking trivia:
Looking at new stills from BMH set me wondering: has Rob ever done a film where he didn't end up snogging with someone? Perhaps How to Be? Directors seem to know what some of his best assets are!!
Yes its true I, as every other warm blooded fragile female human, miss RobSightings..(sigh)
But I am blissfully happy that he has been able to get away (temporarily) from the fishbowl that has become his life.
This RobDrought gives us a chance to reflect on some of the thousands of glorious images we have stored secretly on our hard drives..
Yea, I said HARD
Rob.. hope you are relaxing and enjoying a bit of peace.
Paps sux.
Love and what you will... xxx Suz
Love old Rob pix, especially in HQ!
I don't know if it's just that Rob is very good looking that makes him stand out in pictures, I think it's also that his expressions somehow draw you in...makes you want to know what he was thinking at the moment.
I don't like the beard!!
It prohibits jaw awe!!!
Missing him terribly, but I'm sure he's happy out of the lime light..so I will be happy too. (not)
Love these photos-scruffy, bearded, shaved, it's all good.
I miss Robert sooooo much...so I made this video about him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=117ummnwsCU
but I still miss him...
He really looks a lot different with the full beard doesn't he? I wonder how hard it is to shave off.
its only been one week and folks are going crazy (me included) but what if it drags on for another week or maybe a month ?? i shudder to think what will happen,the internet will go crazy,fan girls will be decending on vancouver searching for rob OMG lets hope it does not come to that lol
folks i thought it could not get any weirder and again i was proven wrong*sigh* LADY GA GA yes folks (god's gift to gay men) said she have the hots for rob and wants to suck his blood SAY WHAT i dont know if the article is true?? but thats what they are claiming she said,i love her music and i love the poker face video but....BITCH STAY AWAY FROM ROB
@Alessandra-wow, loved your vid! especially the Springsteen part, nice choice of song :)
I think he looks great with moustache and beard.i am agreed, very masculine.
Drought ???? What drought? THE DROUGHT was the one we suffered from the end of December to the middle of Feb 2009 ...now THAT was a drought but I understand....when you're as Robsessed as me just going a day without a new pic is...well OK a drought LOl! No, really, hopefully we should get some new pics during the shooting of Eclipse... bloody well hope so. If only it were like the Remember Me daily supply of new pics but without the angst for Rob. Gosh those were good times......He is such a lovely looking man..he's addictive. I've bben on holiday for 5 flipping days and thought I was finally in control of my obsession...only to come back and look at all the new posts and ...wham....back to square one. What a lovely way to die.....
rob all wolfy with a beard!!! /dies
It's not an official drought like the drought of 08, but it still leaves a hole in the heart..
We got spoiled over the summer-and even had a lot of photos during NM..so this is hard....
I vow to stop checking every 10 min & try to get some errands done today..
We'll see!
Rob, we miss you!
@RPlover, I'm glade you like the video! thanks for the compliments!
i can deal with this drought because he's happy and not being bothered by ahole paps. i'm sure some spottings will pop up with they're on breaks between shooting. i'll deal with it as long as he's able to get some chill time.
@kchambers77: we dont know if he happy or not with this.i think people need to get out of their place even just for 5 minutes,for some fresh air or something. i really hope this is really what he need and his own decision to stay under radar. i dont know why only Rob, kristen and taylor missing while other cast enjoyed the time.
Maybe they are rehearsing the tent scene at the hotel he3...
Oh Rob, miss u so much.
i hope u alright and happy at ur place.
Bearded Rob, such a freaking turn on- hairy or smooth he's got it going on. Oh the places he could tickle me with that beard......
hy everybody!!!such a quit week !!!...makes me so sad(but now i can focus on my studies!!) but happy for rob..my guess probably the KOL concert pics were a big trouble for KS and rob cause neither of them give a sigh!!!
jajajajaj mountain man rob!!ajjaja that was funny...all I can see is a lot of hair...
@ sexyrpattz: Xavier Samuel is the Aussie guy that has been chosen to play Riley :D!
Yeah, nice vid Alessandra - liked the Chris Botti and other music choices.
Good pix of our man too. I miss Rob but I'm glad they aren't bothering him every day like in New York.
Ladies - what is it about Rob that makes us go bonkers? I mean......he is gorgeous but he's also pretty geeky, he doesn't really dress well, he smokes, he doesn't really exercise or take care of himself, he didn't go to college, he's admitted he doesn't like children, he didn't do well in school, even got expelled.
What makes him so damn sexy? It's not just looks.
Yeah, nice vid Alessandra - liked the Chris Botti and other music choices.
Good pix of our man too. I miss Rob but I'm glad they aren't bothering him every day like in New York.
Ladies - what is it about Rob that makes us go bonkers? I mean......he is gorgeous but he's also pretty geeky, he doesn't really dress well, he smokes, he doesn't really exercise or take care of himself, he didn't go to college, he's admitted he doesn't like children, he didn't do well in school, even got expelled.
What makes him so damn sexy? It's not just looks.
I think a lot of hot guys are pretty arrogant and self-centered, especially when people tell them that they're hot on a regular basis, so when you find a guy who's totally good-looking and is still humble and dorky, you just HAVE to love him. That's what does it for me, that and he totally cracks me up, I <3 funny guys!!
He's got the confidence to not care what people think and to make fun of himself, and yet he's not stuck up about it-he's just himself, take it or leave it. and I get his attatchment to clothes, if I have a favorite shirt or pair of jeans I'll wear them until they're rags, too. And I sucked at school. Maybe it's because we all thing he's amazingly gorgeous and still feel like we can relate to him, instead of be intimidated by him. Of course if I were to ever meet him in person, I'd probably swallow my own tounge, so it's a good thing there's zero chance of that happening! LOL
also, I'm an ex-smoker, and I know how bad for you it is, but damn, I think he looks hot with a smoke!!
Sweet Jesus!!
Pun intended.
I love these photo's of Rob...
Yeah I've seen these before, absolutely love Rob in a beard. So Frking
KETI - I love you and want you to know that you are now my new Robsessed Sister, don't get upset girls I love you all too.
I could not put my book down all weekend, it is just wonderful and guess who I have pictured as Alexander OHHHHHH. Perfect timing for the Rob Drought I owe you big time.
Hubby is sick, it is so painful he has the flu and expects me to run around after him, men when they are sick are pathetic.
Everyone is stressing about Rob being stuck in Hotel Room, girls remember he is making a movie and Eclipse is such a strong emotional movie which I am sure he needs to prep for. They churn out these movies so fast the actors must need to be so well prepared.
JandR - I thought that message in the picture was for me ???? can we share ...
OH MY GOD - I have forgotten what it is that I do prior to looking at the computer all day.
I am even talking to myself.......
Hi Tempt
I've told you before I'm not good at sharing...LOL And I love that we get there is a meaning behind that look - a personal message for each of us - not just a blank stare.
God I hate when people look in your eyes and you can see there's nothing deep in there at all - no thought! I want that thought, I want that meaning and when you see it and connect with that intelligence...you've just shared something very intimate and personal. So sorry Tempt - not sharing MY Rob.
and Tempt - I know it doesn't matter cos you've got your own Rob to enjoy and what he gives to you is only to you so enjoy!
Hi Girls! hey, Tempt! your hubby still sick? Well you didn't miss much up here...Maybe your hubby is jealous of your time with Rob,lol
YES lets keep our secrets for us alone that's what makes this so much fun... I checked out the Twi Fans site that someone recommended earlier, I am not a fan of the manipulated photo's I must say I prefer the real thing.
By the way doesn't his beard look nice and soft.
Hubby is just cranky because I am not fussing over him, to tell you the truth when I was sick last week he was a little mean and kept saying "go away I dont want your germs". What goes around comes around thats what I say.
Revenge is a dish best served cold...
Hi Tempt, Sorry I just read your Post. Work is crazy
I'm half way through the 3rd book and take it everywhere with me
just to read .... its the best . I'm soooooo happy you like it.
I love Alexander : )
Someone check his room for a manifesto
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