Sia Furler: Robert Pattinson Can Actually Sing

Singer Sia Furler tweeted this about Rob and became one of the most envied women out there :)

Although I officially hate her right now you should check out Sia Furler's music out, she has a good sound ;) She sings "Breathe Me" that was featured in the fab Vanity Fair Video

Thanks to Spunk_Ransom for finding this tweet (Via TwiCrackAddict :))


Anonymous said...

we already know that he can sing. we didn't need he to confirm it. duhhh she be dumb.

don't like her song either.

Noe said...

i actually really like her song. what i don't like is that she was lucky enough for him to sing for her. well i am sure it wasn't directly for her and more like the whole room at nellie's.

why can't he come to hawaii? oh yeah it is because he plays a vampire so he can't get tan. *sad face*

T said...

I have lost count of how many times I have watched the video of the Vanity Fair photo shoot.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok, officially hate her...He sang for her?

It always makes me wonder about people who say, "Rob CAN sing"

Duh? Really? We know that!
Guess what? he can also play the piano and guitar, and he's a really good actor. He also loves politics and wanted (maybe still does) to be a writer.

But I do love video of this photo shoot-her song is ok.

Anonymous said...

True, we all know he can sing but I think it has more recognition coming from another singer/performer than just his fans. Let's face it, anything he does we're happy about. But I'll tell you what I'm jealous of, Kristen in that video with Rob!! At around 1:02, you can see Rob bopping his head to the background music at the shoot. Love that!!

peeling a fig said...

Okay WHO is Nellie?

Shani said...

I loved this song every since I found this video months ago. I'm freaking out. Sia got to hear Rob sing and how in the hell did that happen? And did he see this video? I always wondered if Rob ever saw this vid.I guess I know now. Whoever, did this vid did a brilliant job editing it. Because there was an hour worth of great footage of those two.

Sorry Keriw08, but there are a lot of people who love this song because it went so well with the vid. It made the vid bb.TRUST
There are 1,293,815 hits to say otherwise.

RPLover said...

umm, yep, he can sing! he can do whatever he wants to! (except run, according to Kellan-LOL)

honestly, even if I didn't love him like I do, I would still think he's an awesome singer. I totally love that raw blues sound, and he ROCKS at it ;) I hope someday he gets far enough away from all of this so he can feel comfortable with releasing some official tracks. his stuff is too good not to!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

No matter how many times I've watched this, all I can think of is how freaking lucky Kristen is..

When she jumps and throws her legs around his waist-gah! and just the hand holding...

Anonymous said...

@RPlover ~ I love that his vocals sounds so different when he's singing from his normal tone of voice. And I agree, he has that raw bluesy sound.

monika said...

RPattz has his own school lol j/k but there is a Robert Pattinson school

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Too funny...I wonder if he knows?

RPLover said...

@LindaRose- I have listened to his stuff so often on youtube I think I could recognize his singing voice anywhere! you're right, it's different from his speaking voice (which I also love, lol)

I Was Broken gets me everytime...and I LOVE his awkward version of Choking on the Dust! will he ever be as cute as when he was Art?!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I agree, his voice is very different from speaking voice, first time I heard him & couldn't believe that was him!

He has that old bluesy sound-and then that haunting quiet sound like in Never Think-god, it kills me.

And yes, as Art?? He was precious! I loved I'm doin fine.

Mars said...

Rob as Art was the CUTEst! Rob definitely is an artistic individual; he acts, sings and aspires to be a writer. So darned GREAT!

Was the time at Nellie's when he and another person MC'd?

Divinesally said...

I LOVE SIA!!!!! She's the shizz, I have all her songs! check her out on youtube she is amazing live. I'm like obsessed with her. She's kooky, fun, and different. Wonder when and why he sang for her. I know Kristen is a fan of hers, during the VF shoot she started singing "Breathe Me" and new the words.

RPLover said...

@rpattzgirl-would you mind sending me the script for NM, too? I saw that you've sent it to a few people :)

I was trying to hold out for the movie, but I can't help it-I want to read it so bad! THANKS in advance!

Anonymous said...

Love him as Art!! My fav scene is at the end when he's giving himself a pep talk in the mirror. So endearing. I just pre-ordered my HTB DVD, I'm so freakin excited!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


On the way! Keep in mind for those that are reading it-it's been changed for the BETTER since the draft I have-I won't post the spoiler..but Chris did the right thing!

RPLover said...

omg, I love it when he biffs the mirror and grins at himself like a fool-such a lovable character!! just wanna hug him :)

RPLover said...

@rpattzgirl, thanks so much! I'm really excited to read it!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love the whole scene in the pub, when he just busts out laughing, and then gets all teary eyed over Jessica.

They all looked smashed while filming that scene.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Must step away from PC and do some housework.

you're welcome!

monika said...

new set pics,no Edward though:(

Divinesally said...

1 whole hour of Robbie goodness. I've watched this photoshoot more times than I can remember. at one point he can't stop looking up her dress, lol. And if you notice at 16:45 he turns his face and kisses her and the camera cuts to when she's getting off him...then at like 17:32 they pull up the pic on the computer and they try their best to hide the pic from camera view. The screen gets turned and everything. I always found this to be suspect. Even at the end I think Rob gets uncomfortable Nikki gets Kristen attention. =) Best photo shoot ever.

Anonymous said...

rpattzgirl ~ They probably were buzzed. I think the beer was real. LOL!!! In one of the behind the scenes, Oliver asks or says that he'd like the shot with full beers and they all smile and say "Yes". Love it!!! The man and his beer!

enjoykim said...

1.I´ve never seen this vid before,now I know why:

I´m jealous...:-(
Kristen´s a lucky girl.

2.I have to admit:Kristen looks gorgeous!Rob´s of course sexy as always...

3.Imagine him standing behind me like Kristen at around 1:50..."bow chica bow wow" ;-)

Haystackhair said...

I've watched the VF vid a billion times. I agree, when she jumps up and wraps her legs around him. GAH! And she had a dress on! So not much between her and the holy grail! THUD! And where exactly were his hands? LOL. You can certainly tell how close they are from that video. Does make one wonder. She touches him in very intimate ways...GAH. THUD again...
Lucky b#tch.

Divinesally said...

In HTB during that pub scene, they really do get smashed. In fact they had to do so many takes they kept refilling their beers...which made Rob very happy. LOL.
He's very clumsy, the jacket is very worn. The buttons are broken and there are cigarette burns on the collar. wonder if he spilled beer and drooled on it too.

Marna said...

I love this song, but I think it was used better for the ending of Six Feet Under. After I watched that, I couldn't shake it for days.

I always wonder why they did that strange shot with his head against her stomache. It looks really wierd to me.

Anonymous said...

@enjoykim ~ LMAO at "bow chica bow wow". OMG, my friends and I used to say that all the time!

Robaholic said...

HOT photoshoot,they both look amazing...I'll be checking out the uncut version, so much for getting any work done!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh ell, who needs a clean house anyway? Back to my drool...

If I were you, I'd lick that coat!

Not much between her & the holy grail! ROTFLMAO!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Edward must be inside doing his homework!

Thoughts on the wig?
I think Kristen looks great, but the wig makes Bella look different...

Suz said...


Anonymous said...

i love that song.

lucky woman.

Sadrilil said...

So I have not heard her music have no idea who she is or how famous she is so I will not judge her for any of that. I agree I am totally jealous that he sang for her although I am more than sure it was for the room however... I can not help but wonder if this is not a ploy as we all KNOW he can sing.... A young and up and coming singer met Rob and tweeted about this in her excitement well the next day she had over 5million hits to her myspace page was all over the news and she was an over night success. She was featured on E I believe and she said thanks to Rob and made it clear what had happened and that she appreciated his name help. I wonder if this wont become a trend seeing as it worked once??

Anyway like I said I wont take anything away from her as I dont know her but that is what I thought of when I read this particular story..

Anonymous said...

I wonder who chose the music for that shoot, and the Sia song only played when they shot Kris alone..if you look at the full footage
Rob looks so different there, scruffy and sweaty I like it, and Kristen looks very angelic and feisty as always.

Peter looks good too, I like older men hehe, maybe that's why Taylor does nothing for me.

Gemgirl65 said...

The whole CD is really good, I like her a lot, even if I am jealous as hell that Rob sang for her! lol

Shani, I always wondered if Rob saw that vid too! It's got zillions of hits on Youtube. It's great.

cutecandy said...

Damn that video is hot, this is the first time I've seen it, the hand to hand action is sssooooo sexy, lucky Kristen I hate hare

Unknown said...

I first heard the Let me sign in the movie, I just wasn't paying attention to the background music in the diner scene NEVER THINK (cuz I was concentrating on his sexy voice), at first I thought it was some Indian's voice (my sister did too) cuz it was like one of those songs you hear in western movies like HIDALGO. Anyway I agree that it did fit that particular scene in the movie.It captured the feel of the scene and made it better.But I was just left hanging for more, unfortunately the song is very short.

I think he's voice is really different, he once said that he likes changing his voice not only for filming purposes (we all know he can speak american accent well) I wonder if he does that in his singing too..

I also must admit the first time I got the never think song I kept it on repeat on my player!!!

Temptation said...

SO SO SO JEALOUS, actually I am pretty sure Rob and I were in a few of those positions in my dreams.......


RPnKSaddict said...

I like the song because when I hear it I think of this video.
I remember thinking how pathetic I was for watching an hour long photo shoot with no dailog.

I enjoyed every Robgasmic moment of it. I love watching Kristen and Rob together.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

uummmm what a pretentious, self indulgent song or singer...
old video but nice, as for song?

Celtibera said...

@ Haystackhair - You made me laugh out loud with the "holy grail" talk... :D :D :D

marianna said...

i love rob too much!!blessed kristen!!the photo shoot is amazing<3<3<3

Ms. Bonderson said...

I LOVE this video from the Vanity Fair shoot - they look like they're having so much fun. And the way they touch each other, it makes my heart melt. Especially the hand holding and when Rob's sitting and Kristen's leaning against his back. Makes me all warm inside. I don't care what may or may not be going on with them... I just like to watch them together. Living vicariously thought Kristen. :)

Musk said...

Isn't Sia aussie born but resides in the US? I have her album with the Breathe Me track & it's a beautiful album.

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