From Gossip Cop
Robert Pattinson as Avatar Creature?
Perez Hilton has been getting everything wrong all week, so we really shouldn’t be too surprised whenever he throws stuff against the wall to see if it sticks. But does anyone else really see ANY reason to call “Twilight” heartthrob Robert Pattinson and the blue creature from the new James Cameron movie, “Avatar” “separated at birth”?
Yeah, neither do we. Call it Example #12,937 of Hilton being “separated” from reality.

Thanks to Laura and Coral for the tip
I know-this is so fucking gross...
He has way too much time on his hands.
BTW, thanks for trying to keep us fed Kate-
Starving for Rob these days...
perez will say and do anything to get notice
this is just perez' way of saying what rob does in his personal life doesn't agree with perez' idea of what he should be doing... to sum up perez hates kristen and now that there are links between him and kristen, perez in turn now hates rob
ive been following perez for years. i know how quickly he can flip the switch.. this is his childish way of getting his aggression out
I used to go to his site ALL the time. But I boycotted his site after he started posting lies and just nasty crap about Rob and Kristen. He's such a hater.
Rob is beautiful and looks nothing like that creepy blue character.
I agree Stephs
Perez is jealous of the attention Rob gets..
perez wishes he were as hot as Rob-eat sh*t, hilton!
@ rpattzgirl you're welcome although at the rate I'm feeding ye, ye will be anorexic!! LOL
lol, Kate, when you've only got crumbs you dole 'em out
one. at. a. time.
we get it, you're doing great! :)
It's ok Kate, I'll take crumbs!
Holy shit on a stick batman! can I get a woot woot for rpattzgirl's avi. Where did you get it? I think I just jizzed myself.
I found the manip on Twifans...
Couldn't resist the visuals!
Hilton is one sick f*ck.
But thanks for trying to feed the Rib obsession/
perez have the hots for rob he wants him,he said so many times and is the reason behind his hate for kristen,he always hated her and now that things are heating up between rob and kris he now hates rob because he cant have him,which is very pathetic because rob is not gay
Seems to me that Mr. Hilton looks most unattractive in that shade of ENVY GREEN he can't seem to shake off his skin.
Jealousy...thy name is Perez!
Dude, here's 50 cents for you to add to your BUY A CLUE fund.
Perez wishes he could be the beauitful Kristen Stewart so he could get with our gorgeous Rob. Perez is a loser and whoever likes him is a bigger loser.
*rolls eyes* Just an example of PH being childish and pissy.
Hell hath no fury like a queen scorned.
Seriously Perez, look in the mirror dude, you look more like the creature than Rob from his zygote Yikkes!!!
lmao Tess!!!
Eeeeh, you gotta laugh at that...
However, I do want to go see Avatar :).
hi..I'm Carla aka Charlotte/Carlita from
are some gifs...
"82 new moon gifs for you"
I love your site!!
---->un beso<----
(Carlos is my dad..but i had to use his e-mail to post xD bye )
seriously ... it is not even worth commenting ....
Gawd I *hate* Perez. Thanks for posting this so we don't have to go to his site ourselves to look.
This is a great reminder that those who trade in gossip will come up with anything - no matter how lame - just to keep pulling in hits. One day Kristen's pregnant, the next Rob looks like an avatar. I give both reports equal weight. It did make me realize something though. You could totally paint Rob's face blue and he'd still be gorgeous.
yeah you guys sent me to and I gotta say, they have some HOT manips there!
Rob is way too hot to be compared to that lame blue creature!
News all over the place is slow today....cast must be hiding all weekend!
this is a really sad period :(
this is a really sad period :(
over at they have these new pics of rob,theone with him laying on the bed are to die for OMG and they also have this cool piece on rob comparing him to marlon brando and james dean.
This is just so f**king WRONG...I can't even believe it. Enough said!
What's wrong with this guy? He's upset coz Rob doesn't give him any attention? Nasty and stupid that's what you are Perez
OMG, people, get a sense of humor. I can't believe how incensed some of you are over something as trivial as this.
DAZYD - I think you picked the wrong website to leave a pro- perez comment, why don't you go over to his site and tell him how funny he is...
New rob pics!!
For the most part i like perez... even though his accounts of things are wrong half the time, he usually voices what the general population are thinking but are afraid to say. when he calls someone desperate for attention or ugly.. odds are about 75% of the people reading are in agreement. When ur on his shit list.. most likely everyone feels the same way..
For rob.. it was completely uncalled for.. you all know he is doing this because he hates kristen right? looks what he does to vanessa hudgens because he is jealous of her relationship with zac efron
like i said, i like perez, but that was when we were playing for the same team. whatever though. he prob just wanted a rise out of ppl and it was his childish way of dealing with news of him and kristen
You're confused. wrong site. You think he's funny, I think he's an idiot.
I think I needed a week-long drought to get me ready for these. Ugh..... Who needs another glimpse of the happy trail when you've got derriere cleavage? The photogs know exactly how to fan the flames. I just incinerated.
Did you checked this site:
One pic of Rob in the bed, give a good look to it,lol
Good lord, people. I did not leave a 'pro-perez' comment. I'm just not taking perez as seriously as some (or most) of you are. FFS, get a grip already.
ORION - ooo mi dios - it sounds dirty but I think I agree with it.
HOW SEXY is the bed shot in the red checked shirt, just what I needed on this cold melbourne day..... fire...fur rug........(fake of course)
Always I found your imagination so productive. I love it. In that pic he's loosing his 'pants'. Maybe with can help him, don't you think?
soorry! I meant: We can help him
GIRLS - look at my new Avatar thanks to you Orion xxxoooo, now that picture can really get the hormones racing...
DAZY - get lost you are annoying me...
@TEMPT why you don't share with the 'OzPattz' on fb
the pic with rob laying on the bed WOW my mind is going wild with that one lol
Perez Hilton-A legend in his own mind. NOT!
ORION - I know you were teasing me the other night about staying anonymous - I am like catwomen I can reveal my true identity and on FB you will have to see the real Temptation......
God... I hate the lack of Rob photos
I guess we will all just have to focus on rpattzgirls Avitar:)
Oh... and Perez has his head up his ass!!
Oh, come on! We all did, and we going to met on the Ritz! You're coming, isn't?
temptation, get over yourself.
I think a person can be a fan of Rob without getting childish everytime a gossip columnist pokes a little fun at him. Listen to yourselves. You are ready to run him out of town with pitchforks for something not even worth your time.
I honestly don't know which is worse, the perez avatar thing, or all these silly 'robert/kristen' manips, especially the one with them naked and kissing. I would think Robert would find that more offensive that perez's, but that's just me.
YES I am going to the Ritz and I am considering FB I would like to keep you all in suspense until november though.. Let me check out you FB page..
ORION - what is it with me, why do all of these pain in the asses always pick on me, first twi moms now CRAZY DazyD, your telling me to get over myself who is sensitive now. Don't knock my Avitar either, as for pitchforks and running him out of town you lost me on that one, don't know what the hell you are on about.
Maybe you're jealous like Perez of Kristen..Go to Perez site, tell him what wonderful he is, and be happy...and maybe, just maybe you can get over yourself
i was ranting earlier about that guy xavier stealing rob's style and E! online seems to agree with me (they wrote an article about it),why cant these blokes get their own style and stop trying to be ROB there is only and will always be one RPATTZ.
I hate this people that coming here like they are all over us, self control, "the good fans"
I DON'T SEE IT - to me they are not dressed anything alike apart from the grey color RP has a TShirt and xavier has a singlet....this is the only photo I have seen of xavier so unless there are more sorry don't see it....
some people are saying he will take over from rpattz OHpleaseeee he wish
Girls, I think is only ONE Rob, and a lot of man would like to be like him, but doesn't matter how handsome they are, there is only ONE...
Damn.... I'm lovin my avitar.
What I wouldn't give to look at that in bed.......Jesus help me....
As much as I love Aussie Actors making it in US I find that very hard to believe....Now that is something I REALLY DON'T SEE...
I am with you on the Avatar, god I wish I was that fur rug.......
I had the same that rug,lol
Dios mio!
after ROB the hottest guy is TAYLOR so the others have a very big hill to climb
GIRLS I just read something funny it's from the Little book of Calm at Work' title is
Your subconscious will help you feel calm and at peace if you play games with it: have fun, pretend, appeal to the imagination rather than the intellect.
Sound Familiar...........Fur Rug....Fur Rug.....Fur Rug...
after ROB the hottest guy is TAYLOR so the others have a very big hill to climb
good book, lol....pants down, pants down....
well the weekend is over,hope rob had a good one,hoping for a glimpse of him in the new week.. HOPEFULLY
Yeah, hope so too. This week was really 'weak'
I have to say, for me the hottest guy after Rob would have to be Kellan...totally different types, but he's super funny in interviews and his arms really do something for me ;) did you see that vid where he did pushups?!
Taylor's a cute kid, but I'm WAY too old to consider him hot, lol plus his personality annoys me just a many lbs of muscle did he put on again, any one remember? cuz he'll tell you if you slow down long enough? haha
don't take offense anybody,please!
I am with you RP lover - Kellan is my next choice he has great abs and a really intense looking face.......Taylor a little too young for my liking..
Yeah! definitely Kellan. Taylor is just a kid. Robert long way younger than me too, but very masculine and my type of guy. Next after Kellan will be Jackson Rathbone I think he's very cute
see, after Kellan I've gotta go for Peter! funny how everyone's list is just a little different, lol
Hi girls - yeah Jasper for me too!!! He actually caught my eye before Rob - gasp - I have my Jackson button to prove it! And I haven't got back to the markets for more Edward/Rob buttons cos I gave them all to my daughter before I 'fell into' Robsessing LOL
Taylor has a dazzling smile and is a cute kid but he's got nothing on Rob who's got the whole package ;-)
Orion, Tempt and RPLover
Check out my fave pic of Jackson:
like Rob he has that beautiful bone structure going on... mmmm
Hi Jandr! did you check the pics, specially one in the fur rug. Tempt and me are drooling over it
Yes, I saw that pic of Jackson, he is very handsome
that really is an awesome pic of Jackson, thanks JandR! still my fourth place, but it's a prestigeous list, can't go wrong with a Cullen! LOL
I think Perez is after hits, so let's not give him any! HA!
I think Perez is after hits, so let's not give him any! HA!
im with you Jandr.
i read the books after watched the movie. at the scene when the cullens came into cafetaria, jasper stole my attention. i didnt even care about edward at the time LOL.
the next day i went to the book store and bought the books. then my friends brought me many Rob interviews which was very funny and then i totally forgot Jackson and became RObsessed.i can say that i love ROb more than Edward, cos Rob is real, funny, humble, gorgeous and..... (i have very long list about him).
honestly For the first time in mylife i have obsessed with a celebrity and i enjoy it.
It seems the guy at "crazycritic" started this look-a-like thing with Rob and the avatar! He says Perez stole it from his site and wants him to link it back to him! These people know they will get a rise out of the Rob and Twilight fans to get hits! I read where one of them will write anything to bug the "Twilight" fans! Just goes to show Rob is at the top for getting publicity for these other jerks!
Tempt i read ur comment at the old post about Alexander. so have u finished read the books?? i've only read the first book cos i cant find the others books here, so bad for me. i imagine alexander so well while read it, but i couldnt do the same with tatiana. i dont know who is the perfect celebrity that can associate with her, or maybe i was too busy imagine Rob did the whole alexander part at the story :)
Let him say what he wants. That's the way he became known. HE has NO other talent.
classic perez showing off what a bitter bitch he can be when his boy crushes go off and allegedly hook up with someone other than
re: kellan and jackson. kellan is gorgeous--as long as he doesn't attempt to act or talk. lol Just pose kellan, and everything will be okay. jackson? Is the opposite for me. He had to do that stupid constipated face for most of the movie, but did you hear when he eggs on the three bad villains in the baseball field with "aw, well i think we can handle that"--crap, that's the hottest line delivered in the whole movie! Jackson's the best dressed too, love his style.
Some of you are just plain scary. No wonder Rob is so freaked out by his fans. So far, what I've learned from the creepy fans is that any guy wearing a grey t-shirt is copying rob and 'needs to get his own style', and anybody who doesn't take perez seriously is jealous of Kristen.
Wow. What it must be like to live inside one of your heads.
Perez will do anything to self promote himself and he's been so busy that he puts a bunch of crap....since I found this blog I don't go to his because I just went there for twilight related news....I don't like how he talks about other people , even Kristen, wheter he likes her or not , is her time now, she is young beautiful and talented and Rob he is a sweetheart, no comparison.The less people visit Perez the better.
I think it's funny and I'm sure Rob would, too. He hates when people oogle him and frequently makes fun of his own looks!
ITA w/Dayzdndconfuzed (whatever). He would be more offended by the avatars of he and Kristen nekkid. He doesn't like to be viewed that way.
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