Same Crap New Magazine - Malaysian HOT Magazine

Thanks to Twilight Malasia for the scans :)


Maryann said...

And some puppies, unicorns and kittens died when this crap mag was purchased... :-(.

The tabloids are a sad bunch, they're starting to recycle the same old garbage it seems.... it is like "if we shove it down their throats enough, maybe it WILL be true!" er dream on tabloids!

Anonymous said...

at least these guys tried to fool us with a couple of newer pics! lol

Haystackhair said...

LOL, now the twist is Rob has only a few weeks to decide if he wants to be only with Kristen. Wasn't it just last week it was the other way around? LMAO. Morons.

Maryann said...

Rob wouldn't get any work done with all these women he supposedly is having an affair with. Maybe he's preparing for his role in Bel Ami? *giggles*

RPnKSaddict said...

ughhh..give it up already....crap,crap,crap.

MeL C said...

u do know that ppl buy the magazines not bcos of one Robsten story, do ya?...

Anonymous said...

yeah.. i am malaysian.. hot magazine is actually hot here.. but most of the stuffs in there were old garbage, especially for fans like me whos regular with the updated twilight websites.. its such a waste of money buying it...

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