In light of the amount of emails I've been getting and this "news" popping up everywhere I feel I should do a rumor control post and here is how I feel about it :

Yesterday Showbizspy (who usually posts unreliable crap) posted an article:
Kristen Stewart Denies Robert Pattinson Romance
Kristen Stewart has shot down rumors she’s dating her Twilight and New Moon costar Robert Pattinson – insisting they’re just good pals.
Asked by Britain’s Top of The Pops magazine if the dating rumors are true, Kristen said, “No. Rob and I are good friends.
“We went through a lot together, so we feel very close. I’ve acquired a good buddy and that’s a big deal, but I haven’t left my boyfriend for Robert Pattinson!”
And of course the trashy media jumped on this story and spread it like wild fire.
In the March issue of Nylon Magazine Kristen said this about dating Rob: “It’s just totally false… Rob and I are good friends. We went through a lot together, so we feel very close. But if we go out in public, every little detail is scrutinized, like the way I stand next to him. And it’s like, I know this guy really fucking well [laughs]. It’s only natural that we’re sort of leaning on each other, because we’re put in the most fucking psychotic situations.” Then she goes on to describe Michael Angarano and her relationship with him.
Top of the Pops magazine (not to be confused with the old TV show) is a teen gossip magazine and is not available online. So I can not confirm if THEY are the ones that took an old Kristen Stewart quote and wrote an entire story on it or if it was ShowBiz Spy.
All the articles with the title "Kristen Stewart Denies Robert Pattinson Romance" are based on an unethical magazine publishing lies and are NOT true.
Like Kristen would go to a no name magazine like Top of the Pops to spill the news that all the big media outlets have been trying to get since Angarano disappeared 3 months ago and Ted C. lost his shit trying to create Robsten. (Angarano hasn't been seen with Kristen since April 27th, he is okay, he did not really disappear :))
So Robsten - No Robsten? Do we care? Nope. Just trying to set the record straight and stop wrong info spreading. You know my motto: "If he is not shagging me I don't care who he shags". Adopt the motto, you'll be happier :))
Um, if it was April 27th, it's 3 months ago.
I'm just a little confused. What exactly are you trying to say here?
Thanks Jerseygrl2 :)
Wen, I'm trying to say she didn't deny or confirm anything. No news here, just debunking false info.
And kudos to you for doing it Gozde! It takes a braze woman to reopen that can of worms. As Emmet would say: good luck with getting the cheese whip back in the can!
On a more serious note: glad to see anything false debunked, just hope the negativity doesn't start raining down. For me, only one thing counts in all this "romantic" crapfest. Kris is obviously very dear to Rob, with whom she shares a very intimate bond. His esteem for her alone is enough to make me well disposed towards her, which is why I get pissy when anyone comes on a pro-Rob forum and starts dissing her. She is, at the least, one of our guy's best friends. For that alone she deserves some love from us, no? More importantly, these rags need to lay off of her!!!
OH PLEASEEEEE who cares who she is dating i hope its not rob
why some people pushing him to date this crazy girl
he can have any beautiful woman he wants
people need to stop with this robsten crap and just focus on rob and leave her with the ugly boyfriend they deserve each other
OK got it! Thanks Gozde!
And Loisada I agree with you 100% KStew is sweet, and adorkbale just like Rob, regardless of what the relationship might be.
I am a Rob fan, but admit to liking Rob/Kristen together. I hate the fact that most gossip mags are recycling old news.Really do they think all readers are dumb?
And for those bashing Kristen, I just don't get it. The only thing I can think of is because she's close to Rob. They may be dating in real life or not, it doesn't really matter. Kristen is NOT a typical hollywood teen star who acts like a diva. She's down to earth and very nice to her fans.
Both Rob and Kristen are very hardworking and dedicated to their craft.
Thank you for Gozde for clearing it up. I avoid reading mags lately, I hope they just focus on Rob's work, movies, music, rather than his personal life. He is a very talented actor.
I knew that crap was old...everything now is just a regurgitated interview from a year ago and they try to make headlines out of's pathetic
danyasky, get off your high horse.
GOZ!! LMAO a Ted C. Lost His Shit!!
Thanks for defending Kristen and every other celebrity that these magazines make up lies on. I turn these type of magazines backwards in stores, anything to prevent people from buying them. They know young girls are going to believe anything when it comes to Rob. They want him for themselves, like that will ever happen. Kristen and Rob don't mess with our lives and tell things to hurt us, so lets not do it to them.
Gozde, "If he's not shagging me then I don't care who he's shags"
I about fell off my chair laughing..
Ain't that the fucking truth! Except, I don't want him to shag Megan Ho, or Paris Ho...
just saying...
Love the quote, I think that will have to be my new motto if I am going to survive the onslaught of Eclipse Bullshit that is going to hit the fan. People are complaining that they are not coming forward and confirming/denying their relationship, would it really matter?? they already came forward and said they were just very good friends and no one believed them so they can't win either way. I totally blame that prick Ted C. he became so obsessed with this Robsten thing it turned his readers into Gossip Crazed looney's. If people read something enough times they will believe it. WHO CARES
iam not on any high horse
just think there are millions of beautiful women all over the world let him choose
THEY ARE NOT DATING rob have higher standards in women
TED c just make up crap so people can visit his blog
Ted C does make up crap and when Rob is out of range and he has no new pictures/info he just drags up old stories and manipulates them. BOOOOO Ted C. you are just as bad as the gossip mags.
This is one of my favorite Rob websites, and I do think that Ted C. is 90% of the time FOS, and his sheep are some of the most obsessive, delusional women I've ever seen on the planet (yet they think the people HERE are the delusional ones. Go figure.), but it doesn't take Ted to piece together the bond between Rob and Kristen as being more than just friends. It's pretty obvious. Anyway, my stance on the matter is that whatever makes Rob happy makes me happy. (And I can't adopt the attitude that "If he's not sleeping with me I don't care who he's sleeping with" because there are any number of people that I would hate to ever hear that he had been with.) I will say though, the constant smugness of the admins of Robsessed saying that Rob and Kristen are not dating is every bit as irritating as the people that support "Robsten", esp. since there is plenty of "evidence" to support either side. Annoying attitudes do go both ways ladies.
I always hated Kristen, i thought she was lame, well i thought she was emotionless.
i had my head up my ass, i eventually realized she's just a shy introverted little girl.
and i realized, ROB ADORES HER!
and for those that say he could find more beautiful woman... where?
you? if you think your more beautiful than kristen, photo please...
you know she was voted one of the worlds 100 sexiest women. my male friends all say she has sexy legs and a great ass, they think shes beautiful...
so guess ROBS just admiring what the rest of the male population is.
cougar 71,
AGREED, there are some pushy people that dont want to let other people say WTF they want...
its amusing, but so far GOZDE, hasnt told me that i cant say what i want. and what i want is to discuss all the possibilities of ROBERTS life. where he's going, what he's doing, and who he's f*cking...
and if he isn't f*cking someone, does he love someone? and if he does, who? and does that person love him back?
alot of women here want ROB and KRISTEN to be together, or think they already are...
(stands up and cheers for all who support Kristen)
I don't mean as in Robsten but as a human being who can't defend herself against ignorant and snarky comments.
Rob has made the choice to hold her in high regard, he's said so on many different occasions.That should be enough.
I hope which ever way they've chosen, be it friendly or romantic, that that they're both happy.
I don't understand why people have to get all insulting and mean about Kristen.
I doubt Rob would appricaite anyone talking crap about one of his close friends.
ok so here is dose of reality folks
rob is in love with kristen(WTF) but she loves the will and grace fugly guy
she treats rob like shit
she treat her fans like shit
did anyone see her odd behaviour at comic con?
i hope rob wakes up and stop the bullshit before he gets hurt
i like kristen i think she is a pretty girl and a good actress but not for rob he deserves better
enough said
It really annoys me when people start talking crap about Kristen because of Rob. I mean, Rob's said on many occassions that they are friends, and very close. Yet people are always saying shit about her. Why? JELOUSY!! Everyone's always "aw-ing" over Rob and his guy friends, but when it come to his female friends, such as Kristen (a very close friend at that) fandom starts calling her a bitch, and going on about how Rob deserves someone better and plenty of more beautiful women out there, blah, blah, blah. Rob once said in an interview that Kristen was breathtakingly beautiful and an amaizing person. it's obvious he has a high regard of her. and it's sad that beacause of this, people are hating on Kristen. I'm sure Rob would not be pleased to hear that people are talking crap about one of his friends. People just need to STFU. If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all. It's stupid and immature to hate someone when you don't even know that person.
GOZDE you had to open the can of worms didn't you. PEOPLE CHILL OUT!!! you are stressing my Sunday, clearly there are those of you who want to see him "hook up" with Kristen and those who don't. As for hating her, why is it OK for people to hate Nikki Reed or Megan Fox yet if they hate Kristen it's a big NO NO. What I do want you Kristen lovers to think about is if she was not in Twilight and just another random actress would you think that her and Rob would "be great together". No, come now be honest, she is still a baby, a teenager it's proven that teenagers brains are not fully developed until they are 22, sure she's mature for her age but guys be honest with yourselves and stop living in the Edward/Bella dreamworld.
Oh my GAWD! Thank you to everyone who is in such support of leaving these people be, no matter what the hell they are doing or who they are doing it with. These guys are young people - emphasis on YOUNG, no matter how mature they are. Give them some peace for the love of ALL that is good and holy!!! I say people need to stop buying the magazines and hitting the blog websites, show the business we want the truth not effing gossip.
And for the record, peeps, think about this: If it's not coming for any of the stars or those who are strictly set to represent them, why do you take it as FACT!? Only believe it if they themselves or their 'campaigns' release a statement on it. NOTHING ELSE.
-See my rant blogs if you like. I'm in the mood for a fight. ^,___,^-
Yes Temptation, you are right, but because of the whole Twi-fandom thing many fans do know a lot about Kristen, and about how misunderstood she is, and so have sympathy for her. The fact that Rob so obviously holds her in such high regard as demonstrated through his words and actions is the reason that so many push for that relationship to be more than just a friendship. What many "anti-Robsten" supporters think is that some just want that Edward and Bella magic to spill over into real life, and for some of the "shippers" maybe that is the case, but most want them together because of their obvious mutual affection that Rob and Kristen have for one another. If they were strictly just two co-stars with a casual regard for one another then, sure, many would probably rather see him with someone older, etc. People root for Rob and Kristen, but it's not a "they have to be together or else" sort of thing. Saying that is just as bad as those that say "Rob should date someone else. What does he see in her?" Who is anyone to say that? The heart wants what the heart wants, as the saying goes. It's not up to anyone else but the parties involved to decide who should be with whom.
see, i totally defend your right to hate everyone you like, myself included. its when people jump into our conversation about KRISTEN and ROB, and do the whole: "OH NO, THEIR SHIPPING AGAIN" thing, that is so disrespectful...
seriously, why would you tell me to stop living in the ROB/KRISTEN dreamworld?
i could say, 'stop living in the TEMPTATION/ROB dreamworld...
see how good it was we had this little talk, now i know something about you, and you know something about me.........
Girls, could you clarify who Ted C. is?
Ted Casablanca is a gossip columnist at E! He is a big promoter of "Robsten" and he has many regular followers who are completely over the top obsessed with "shipping" Rob and Kristen.
Cougar71, thank you!
OK now RP for Dummies lets make a couple of things clear, as sexy as my dreams are in the real world I have no unrealistic expectation that Rob and I will walk down the isle in the next year or so. The reason I made my comment is I love Edward/Bella and the fantasy world in which they live in, but here in the real world those two do not exist. It's wonderful to retreat to your dream world and escape reality now and then but sooner or later you need to WAKE UP. I have no opinion of who Rob dates and it is none of my business, but there seems to be a trend happening that if the media mention he may hook up with anyone but Kristen they are banished from the universe and should be stonned to death. The guy is 23 for crying out loud I am sure there will be many partners that will come and go and I am not sure about you but I won't be loosing any sleep about it.
Temptation You have said it very well and I totally agree with everything you said.
Why do people get so excited about this Robsten issue?
There is no need for anyone to be disrespectful to Kristen or to each other here.
We do not all have to love her but hate is a strong emotion and really not apropos.
I am one of the people who are not fussed about her but I base that solely on her appearances when promoting the Twilight movies.(Sorry but she cemented for me that she is a tiny bit irritating when I saw her at Comic Con.)
Rob can like whoever he wants, but that does not mean that because he likes someone then everyone else should. Taste is a personal thing.
You know, at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. But, it's unfortunate that it's so easy to get sucked into the "are they?" or "aren't they?" I am not ashamed to admit that I'm totally curious about it, and I probably should be ashamed :) When the media throws it in your face so much, and as someone who loves the books and actors who portray them, it's hard not to get sucked into it, as well. I've seen them in interviews together, etc. I honestly don't see anything there besides friendship, but it would be nice to get confirmation either way. For me, and probably most others, it's more about curiosity and not actually "caring."
Am I in the minority of people who don't care either way and is just tired of all the discussion and speculation?
Do you know what we haven't seen in a while? A good, hearty interview with Rob. I know this is because of his jam packed schedule, but I'm looking forward to those, where he can talk freely about his 'art' and let the personal life, be just that. Personal.
i dont want rob to get married, i want him to have a rich a full sex life. i always favor that for people i love. thats what hooking up is all about.
and at my age trust me, i've never picked up a rag mag, so i would say i am pissed when people mistake my intellect when it comes to mistaking edward and bella. trust me, i've been around the block, numerous times. i love a good love story. it doesnt hurt you it doesnt hurt anyone.
thats what the blog is about. to talk all things ROBERT, RIGHT?
I love this site and how everyone is standing up for Rob that he can do anyone or anything he wants, that's not what is important to us as fans!!!!
We like him for who he is, how he conducts himself, of course his drop dead gorgeous looks and mostly for the kind or hardworking and gifted actor that he is.
As long as they claim they are not dating I'll defend that line - no matter if it is true or not. Because they have every right to be left alone and keep their love lives private. This is why I argued against all those speculations and over-analyzing of every picture and every move they make. Not to mention the fact that sometimes it is fun to argue.
As for Kristen, I have no reasons to like her or not like her because of Rob. There are some things I do like about her, others I don't. And unlike Rob I am not overly impressed by her acting. Sometimes she is really good, at other times her acting is not up to the point, and I find her performance overrated. But she is still young, so that may change over the years. In my eyes he is the far better actor. And I'd rather like to discuss his films and performances than this Robsten thing.
i think it's also the fact there is no hard proof they did hook up. the "source" to quote goz came from their chocolate factory so there's another reason they are hell bent on bashing all the rumors.
where's the rob and kristen "caught" kissing and acting like boyfriend and girlfriend PHOTOS. are there pictures non photoshopped? nope. so there you go. no proof.
and i don't care if he starts fucking mimi rogers (shudders) as long as he keeps a rain coat on and doesn't get an std or worse a kid with an ugly woman i'm like goz. all for it. he's too good looking to have blue balls. that's a crime against nature for him not to get some. so sad.
i think rob and kristen and repeatedly denied dating rumors for so long and nobody will listen so they finally just stopped denying or confirming. i don't blame them really.
Sorry to be so out of it, but what does "shipping" and/or "shippers" mean exactly?
RP for Dummies are you giving me a smack on the wrist's??? sure sounds like it. We are in total agreement and I am also one that loves a good love story, there is nothing better than escaping into a fantasy world that sets your heart and passion on fire. I also realize this site is about Rob and we tend to go off track sometimes but that is what I love about this site, fans do have logical views and are not too obsessive.
Yeah, I never heard the term "shipping" either. Not an American term, I'm guessing? English, perhaps? I'm guessing it do I write this without being vulgar? Hmmm......"hooking up?" Does that work? Anyone else out there: does shipping equate to hooking up?
Cougar71: I haven't said Rob and Kristen are not together. I said I'm not sold on Robsten. I need PROOF. More proof then people seemingly wearing same sort of clothes, gazing into each other's eyes or the crap magazines make up.
Give me 1, ONE, solid piece of evidence that Rob and Kristen are an item. There isn't one.
It's all speculation.
AND even if they ARE together it's so obvious that neither want it out there.
So if you are annoyed with me, I'm afraid to tell you that I hope you enjoy disappointment 'cause I'm not gonna say they are together unless I hear it from their mouths or see them holding hands, kissing etc.
You know my motto: "If he is not shagging me I don't care who he shags". Adopt the motto, you'll be happier :))
I'm a Robsten fan, but I think I love this motto more than Robsten! LOL!
Me and rob are married now ever since he started his movie biz.So lay off. He is only dating her for pablisity
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