Robward on Eclipse Set 8/27

Big thanks to RadarOnline for the pictures.
Show them some love for getting the exclusive first pics of Eclipse Robward.


Marna said...

Is he in costume? He looks like he's dressed as Rob to me (especially the shoes) so I can't tell. The gray tee shirt shows up everywhere, & I remember him saying that in the biology scene in Twilight he's wearing his own tee shirt. I'm just glad the drought is over LOL

Anonymous said...

Ah, there they are! Rob looks so HOT in these pics as Edward. Love the black jean jacket and jeans. And he's got his trusty bodyguard with him. Yay!!!

Marenostrum said...

I love the first picture.. The way he looks is just amazing..

Anonymous said...

Well he's looking more then FINE!
He looks happy too. Glad to see this. *sigh*...

Alexpz said...

OMG...he is gooooorgeous!! We missed you for sure. Buut! I can already tell he's not 17 anymore.
Rob, marry me pls!

Haystackhair said...

OMG I am so happy to see these pics. Rob looks amazing as always. re-reading Eclipse.




Ana73 said...

someone said that he looks skinny, i think it's the makeup that makes him look skinnier in the face. but he looks so hot as edward :)) maybe this outfit is his in school clothes, because it looks like what he wore in school on twilight.

Tenneil said...

Well Mr. Pattinson....Stunning as usual or maybe the the withdrawl has made me ...i cant finish this sentence really... thank God THE man is back!!!

rpattz granny said...

I dont know about the make up It seems always ruin his good looks.he look like he lose a little bit of weight,he still look adorable

Temptation said...

THANKS DANI - Now ladies wasn't it worth waiting a couple of days to see this.....

The man just keep getting sexier....HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE............

Ana73 said...

temp - it was almost TWO weeks without any pics, but yes it is worth it. the security must be even tighter than new moon was.

i wonder how they all feel going back to the same character for four freaking movies, i wonder if it gets boring, or do you think they actually enjoy it?!

Divinesally said...

The first pic, *drool* ...god I've missed Robward.

T said...

Wow! I am going to have good dreams tonight.

Temptation said...

Ana - I have been in a coma for 2 weeks so I have lost track of all time and logic.......

Regarding going back to the same character I think you would really have to work harder at it so you don't become complacent.....By the time it comes to BD he will be bored shitless....

GOD HE LOOKS SO HOT...I am like an excited school girl....I let out a squeal when I saw these pics....How pathetic..

Ana73 said...

temp - i wonder how the harry potter cast does it, year after year but at least harry gets to get older. edward has to stay 17, i bet that is why they are putting them out so quick. i really thought they would release one a year but they will have the first three out within a little over a year and a half.

Anonymous said...

He's actually said in interviews that he likes playing Edward's character. Think about it, here's a character that you already know. It's probably like going home, going someplace familiar.

@Haystackhair~I'm with you on the leg hitch!! Grrrrr!!!!

Unknown said...

So excited to see RPattz...I was getting worried!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

the first pic with him in all black is VERY HOT iam happy the drought is over,i hope he does not go back into hiding,LOVE ROB

Jacqui said...

Hey Temptation

Join the club...I'm in Rob heaven today....first these photos & I just managed to get gold class tix to a midnight screening of New Moon here in Melbourne.... I'm so excited that I'm disgusted at myself for being so pathetic!!!

Marenostrum said...

I just learned the meaning of Robert: BRIGHT FAME... That's what he is, right??

RPnKSaddict said...

Well my office chair is history...I squeed and lost control when I saw the new pics...I've fallen off of it one too many times.

Robward rocks my glad he's back. He's just so beautiful I can't stand it...(fangurl moment)

Rominiwi said...

Thank God (and you girls :D), i missed him so much!

Rominiwi said...

BTW, Robward's like wine... the older, the better.

TheCheshireCat said...

Yay! Robward is back! I'm happy! So much movie news in one day! I'm on a Rob/Twilight Saga overload! ::thud::

Chicago girl now in LA said...

So nice to see what Rob is up to. I positively adore those long, lanky legs. His life has changed so dramatically and I think he has a bit, too. I think we'll have to really savor the old interviews when he was completely himself. It will never be like that again. :(

Dani said...

Glad you all enjoyed the pics. I missed Rob, he's been so elusive lately. But good on him for avoiding the limelight and hopefully getting a few days of R & R before filming.

I am off to bed Kate will be on tomorrow posting whatever comes accross the net. Hope you all have a fabulous day, evening wherever in the world you may be.


bonemama said...


LoveBugged said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cali said...

I'm hearing Ella Fitzgerald...

At laaaaaaaast, my love has come along...


Anonymous said...

So beautiful.

Temptation said...

CALI - so appropriate.....Hi Jacqui which Gold Class and when ??? are you not coming to sydney ???

I Love the color of his Yummy Lips......GOD IT'S TOO EARLY FOR THINKING NAUGHTY THOUGHTS.....

cherifire said...

Atlantic Records announced that Death Cab for Cutie will have their song "Meet Me On the Equinox" on the New Moon soundtrack.

Info at

Unknown said...

OMG....Thanks everyone to post it!!!
Now i can sleep better and dream with Robward....
Good night everyone!!!
Hope to see more Robert tomorrow morning...

kespax said...

Jacqui which theatre are you going to? I just got the email telling me I can book my midnight session of New Moon.
Think I might do gold class at Crown.
Twilight is on at 9.30 in the evening - odd that's a big gap between the movies.

riley said...

WOW, WTH is his leg doing in the top picture-is his foot facing backwards weird to anyone else? I'm always fascinated by his leg stances-he's the most beautiful man on earth and yet he stands pidgeon toed half the time. My friend nicknamed him Pidegoned Toed

He looks great though, and i think Edward is looking more and more like Robert because why mess with perfection? Robert even outEdwards Edward!

jmm4832 said...

HOT DAMN!! I've missed Robward!!

Unknown said...

WOW! just wow!

Finally the good looking mouse has come out of the hiding(of course he's no mouse)...I don't really care if he doesn't look 17 anymore, it's quite understandable because I feel like he's been under so much pressure being in the spotlight all the time, that probably would make anyone look older, but maybe if he gets to have a break after filming Eclipse (I heard he will have 2 weeks break before promoting NM) then perhaps that same youthful glow will comeback..for now let's just bask in all his glorious oozing sex appeal...

I hope they'd just exhaust Taylor for promotion cuz that would leave our ROB more time to relax and recuperate (but of course most of us won't be able to live with a red carpet premiere would just be a rag carpet premiere without him. I wonder if there are girls already camping outside he's house, if peter fascinelli has fans coming from all over the globe to come to his house, am sure ROB has more!right?

Jacqui said...

Kespax / Temptation

Im going to Southland gold class. Was lucky to get tix, it was nearly full & I had to spread our seats out to get 3 tix. Another cinema I checked was sold out altogether so get in quick. They are charging full cost for each movie too; its not a 'package' as such.

Temptation - I was considering Sydney but couldnt really justify it...when this oportunity came up I thought it was next best option. Will miss meeting up with you guys tho!

Temptation said...

Jacqui - I live in Malvern East ??? and I think Kespax works in Prahran......


Jacqui said...

Im in Seaford. NM screening is midnight on 19're going to sydney, yeh???
We will have to meet up for a for a few drinks & lots of, I mean???

Temptation said...

GIRLS - If anyone is looking for me I am going down to get a drink......happy hour starts at 4pm......Meeting a Girlfriend........NNNNEEEED ALCHOLLLLLLL...

We shall talk later to discuss my total Rob Meltdown....


orion said...

Hi Girls! still around?
OMG! My baby is back!! doesn't he look beautiful?!?!

orion said...

I bought the mag Dolly, it come with another mag call 'the unauthorised twilight' has beautiful pics

Jacqui said...

Hi Orion

I'll stop at the supermarket on way to work tonight to buy Dolly mag, I'm doing night shift so start at 10pm...hopefully no one will see me purchasing it at that time of's bad enough that I'm lusting after a 23 year old but now I'm buying Dolly magazine!!!

Off for a sleep....

Tinker said...

I thought the first picture was ok. The rest, they looked odd for the supposedly Edward from the book. He doesn't look close to what Stephanie has described from the book. His clothes are suppose to look trendy and branded, not a regular t-shirt. I thought since Summit is upping the game, everything should look better than Twilight. Why is it not being done in Eclipse?
If we want continuity, then Rob has to look the same from Twilight to Breaking Dawn. After all, he's not supposed to change, am I right?
I like the guy, but I guess the make-up artists are the ones to blame. Also, I just hope that Rob still has his foot on the ground and not inheriting the hollywood attitude.

JandR said...

Hey girls - guess I missed you again!! Jacqui - I'm happy for you but sad for me!! I so wanted to meet up with you. Tempt when I was last in Melbourne we rented an apartment in South Yarra - so if gals are meeting up any time I'm around - I wanna be there too!!!! Is Kespax planning on coming to the Sydney NM premiere?

JandR said...

Oh forgot to say - thank gor the Rob drought is over - I was getting weak from lack of Roblust ;-)

phosphorus said...

@ riley: Don't you know he is flexible and bendy?
It was the lovely AJ who found out he has a secret twin called Gumby.

Rob keeps sending AJ secret messages that's why he did the Gumby legs again in the first picture.

Georgie said...

Oh my fluttering heart....I haven't been on all day and now I find that YAY Rob is ALIVE!! So lovely to see new pics of him again - hope he wasn't too upset at being snapped again but it didn't look TOO intrusive. Is that the smiley NY bodyguard?

Georgie said...

Nope different BG (she says, answering her own question).
24 degrees C today in VanCity I heard on the radio this morning, in case you were wondering.

orion said...

Hi girls! nice to have him back isn't? Georgie, is the same bodyguard always,everywhere...

Scandinavian_girl said...

Today is my birthday so here goes...

Hey Rob, if you're reading..
It's my birthday, can I ask for something? Kiss me!!

PsympleMind said...

thank you for these! they are wonderful.
He's 'beautiful' as ever...Robwatch day 12? or is it 13? finally rewarded....

Athena said...

Edward... walks again! Yay! :D

The make-up is definitely Edward, the clothing looks more like Rob-style...

He's taller than the body guard... *sigh*

Temptation said...

ARE my Aussie girls in I desperatly need to tell you what happened today for my Rob the way I have CFM boots on and a mini skirt.....YIPPEEE HAPPPY HOUR..


what a great way to wake up!!finallyyyyyyy!!I'm in heaven!!u'r right temptation ...I've been in a coma this last 2's been so depresing
one pic every now and then doesn't kill anybody right??I am not asking pics form everyday but one every now and then would be's a win win
I also think actually now I think he looks better as rob..I mean robward is so beautiful but i still prefer robler??RM

Anonymous said...


....HEY! where did my panties go?

Treasure_7 said...

Love seeing him as Edward!!

Fuglefenta said...

Haha, whats up with the pink midget in front there? Hurray for new Rob pics!

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