Robward Cullenson New Moon Poster

The make up, the eyes all of it PERFECT!

Thanks to Chris Weitz and everyone involved in making Robward look like he should...

Thanks to Everglow for the picture (go over there for Bella posters :) via TwiCrackAddict


DD said...

Oh Robward is so beautiful he takes my breath away. He is gonna kill me in New Moon. Yet I can't wait. Is it November yet?

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

wow...just wow. :)

Priscila Angélica dos Santos Soares said...

It was wonderful, beautiful to die. Amei!

Anonymous said...

*iz ded*

Rhonda said...

I love this! So brooding & sexy! Love New Moon makeup & hair (excluding Jasper's granny wig--WTF?).

lostinphilly said...

Thanks Goz, I've been waiting for a good pic of his poster. And thanks to Chris Weitz for having him look so much more beautiful as Edward this time around!
Wow, Robward looks amazingly beautiful in this photo. A little more subtle on the vampire features, but at the time more natural looking, just as Edward would want to look like.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...



Unknown said...

he looks like a painting!!amazing!

jc(britlover) said...

Thanks, again. Another great look to put in our mental catalogs!!!!

Julianne said...

I have found God!!!

Cuccicella said...

THIS is my kind of dream man face..

Thanks NM artist makeup and the whole NM crew.. and of course Gozde for posting wonderful blogs as always..

Good night :))

My2Suns said...

OMG!!! THat is just awesome.

rpattzdude said...

i just died

Nai said... Just wow. He looks more beautiful- as if that was possible.It looks more natural too. Pure perfection.

Aneska said...

He looks different in New Moon, like more mature (tormented?) but I prefer Rob, the real Rob :)
Note: I think I'm going to cry watching New Moon :| *sigh*

Loisada said...

Yep, the new Robward is to die for. Funny how we all love the same man but seem to prefer a different Rob look. This "which RP do you find sexy" game is a riot. I never get very far, cause I rarely like the same shot as the majority. Very telling!!

ivy_seer said...

He is sooo beautiful. Heart melting.... Anyway, I noticed his eyebrows are not as sculpted/plucked =) I like it better.

Suz said...

Fraacken Perfection!

Anonymous said...

I am died.


u forgot the tag: ROBWARD IS A GOD!!!ajjaja
damnn!!= I just died when i saw the picture...robward definily looks like he should
the make up just emphasize the perfect face that rob has really....aaaaaa!!i'm sure i'd dream about this face

Unknown said...

Beautiful!! He is perfect!

coxie said...

THAT is what I pictured Edward to look like in my head. So much better than Catherine's vision IMO.

Athena said...

Hellooooo Edward! :D

Now, that *is* what I am talking about! Finally! Some decent make-up! :D I is happy! :D

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Holy mother, sweet jesus-I would give up my first born for one night...

He is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen....

Thank you Chris for your vision...

Temptation said...

NOW that is something I want to see to start my Sunday off with a bang. He is just perfect, melt in you mouth perfect, I can't imagine Edward could look any better, he is just how I pictured him the the Books. YUMMMBO

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love his pink rather than red lips and his little elf ears kill me..

Yvonne said...

He is sinfully beautiful....his face is just so unique, there isn't another man in the world right now that can compare. There are certainly some very attractive men in Hollywood, but, they have a traditionally handsome look about them. Whereas Rob is simply one of a kind and has an allure about him. Heaven sent....

Oh, and NM will be friggen fantastic :)

Temptation said...

Hey he does have elf ears, he doesn't look like he is a drag queen in the new promotional posters and his eyes look like butterscotch just so jummmmy.

Anonymous said...


There are just no words to simply say than beautiful and gorgeous as always. Much better than Twilight. Chris is the bomb!

Athena said...

@rpattzgirl: "his little elf ears"

Yeah! I noticed them, too!!! I so wish they had picked him for Legolas instead of Orlando Bloom... he would have been absolutely splendid!

Truth is I would want Rob for every single role on the face of Earth... I even see him as Rand al'Thor when I read the Wheel of Time books!... I'm Rob-sick *hangs head in shame*

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


No shame girl, we're all together in this madness!

lostinphilly said...

When I first saw Twilight, I thought to myself, Rob's earsook a little elf-like. The said, Nah. But in alot of his photos they do look elfy, its the way his hair falls near the ear and its so beautiful, just like every other part of him!
Oh, no, don't let me go there.....with other parts of Rob...STOP!!!

idontknow said...

Dear Gozde,

Could we please have the header pics that are up now for, like, .... just forever?

That is all.

Thank you.

: )

p.s. This poster is so RIGHT ON! Kudos to Weitz cinematography & marketing ppl!

AnnaD said...

If I was creative in the least I would make a "Robert Pattinson Dictionary" so that MAYBE we could come up with a proper word for this beautiful man. Holy Hell Batman.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Perfect! So much better than his Twilight look.

Rocio said...

beautiful, but i'm not gonna lie, the eye brows have become a bit bushier from the last movie...i'm not complaining, just mentioning it :) In all reality, I love the thick brow bc he naturally has that ;)

RPLover said...

seriously, I love Rob in whatever he does and of course always think he looks rediculiously hot, but...the lipstick in twilight bothered me. :P this is sooo much better!

how many hours until november?!? LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I found this video from last year of Rob & pappz. This is before they really drove him crazy...

He's adorable and his laugh sends volts "down there"

RPnKSaddict said...

Robward is the angel calling me to the only heaven I want.

xoRobxo said...

Chris Weitz-
Thank you-Thank you-Thank you-Thank you-Thank you-Thank you-Thank-you-Thank you-Thank you!!!!
I hope CW knows how much we are lovin him right now.
The poster- is Wow! Perfection to its fullest.
Ohh... did I say Thank you Chris Weitz??? why yes.. yes I did. And the makeup peeps~a thousand thank yous

Cindeeloo said...

rpattzgirl...Thank You soooo much for that video. I've been searching for it over the past month and couldn't find it for the life of me!!! I LOVE GIGGLY DRUNK ROB!!! Anyway I'm only here for a short time my computer caught some sort of virus and wont allow me on this site. I'm sooo far behind on the latest news and in desperate need of a ROB FIX so that video was a perfect way to end my evening. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

I also understand you have a copy of the UC script. If so do you think you can e-mail it to me @ (pretty please with robbie on top)

Marna said...

Damn he looks hot. And no red lipstick. Never noticed his little elf ears before, they're so cute,

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


You're welcome for the video, I love it too...and UC is on the way to you!

xoRobxo said...

Oh I forgot the mention the hair(damn you can NEVER forget the hair) Perfect!!!! Thank God there is no boufant~LOL. It is crazy the different heights it had in Twilight. I mean really... the beginning prom scene -it's not too high -doable. Then you get to the gazebo scene and it like doubled in height~

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


You're so right about the bouffant...although, I did love his hair in Twilight, I know he hated it, and I love it so much better in NM-looks more like Rob.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh! But....I hate the damn pants he wears in Italy-too baggy-his Twilight pants were much better fitting...

Haystackhair said...

OMG. I love Chris W. thanks so much Chris. I'm totally drunk, but loving Robward, and NM is going to be the death of me......THUD....LOL. took me an hour to post this in my inebriated state. OOOf. LOVE Robward and sooo cannot wait for NM!!!

Haystackhair said...

Oh, and did I mention how beautiful he is, and how pained his expression is? His emotion in this film is palpable (not an easy word to type under the influence. )Sigh. New Moon is going to kill me. Did I mention that?

Treasure_7 said...

Rob is beautiful....this is so random but my daughter used Rob's music "Never Think" to walk the isle for her wedding day. She and her husband both love "Twilight."

Anonymous said...

Even in the movie I've noticed he's got elf ears. They're so cute! My friend would keep telling me to shut up because I kept gushing about his ears!
*squeeing at the hq quality and size of poster with his cute ears*


Anonymous said...

The ears are all wrong though. They made them look elf-in.

xoRobxo said...

His ears are normal~LOL. Not elf ears. For some reason the way his hair lays in some shots it makes it look like that. I'm looking at a picture with a clear shot of the entire ear~nice normal ear indeed

Anonymous said...

That, right there is Edward Cullen. New Moon totally will make me sob.

Pet73 said...

Seeing Edward Cullen in person! It's like a dream come true!

Did I say thank you to Chris W. lately?

Lynn said...

Thank you, Chris Weitz! The Robward of every woman and gay man's dreams looks like this....le sigh!

Tinker said...

He certainly looked like a greek god but I think his eyebrows is too bushy compared to Twilight. :P

albaville said...


Heidi said...

He is the most beautiful man I've ever seen. What I would give to meet him and look into those eyes. Amazing!

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