Robert Pattinson and Jennifer Aniston are saving the publishing industry!

The stars have contributed to one of the only magazines to experience sales growth this year, Gentleman’s Quarterly.
Aniston’s nearly naked January GQ cover shifted a whopping 330,000 copies.
Pattinson’s brooding March issue sold an impressive 300,000 copies.
“We try to make each page earn its space, and that probably yields more than any one cover or any one celeb, gorgeous though he or she may be,” GQ Editor-In-Chief Jim Nelson told WWD.
So...are they saying that it's merely a coincidence that these two issues sold so well?
With ad revenue's down across the board in the periodicals industry (along with the number of pages of advertising in publications...can you tell I work in this industry? LOL) they really shouldn't be discounting anything that works to move product.
If Robert Pattinson on the cover moves GQ, I say put Robert Pattinson on the cover every month :D
the slick, brooding, hot man on the way up...
GQ did good by ROB, and vice versa...
i dont think they were saying its all on them, i think its the typical spoksmans comment, always keep them thinking you can deliver the superior product. i dont take those canned answers too seriously.
jennifer was naked right? Put Robert in GQ with just a tie on and i can assure u that at least 1 million copies will be sell...
@Desi~Just a tie . . . Yeah Baby!!
I don't know about the tie. That may be asking too much of a guy who wears his tee shirts inside out and backwards. I say, we stop being so persnickety and let him lose the tie, if he wants. How many GQs does it take to wallpaper an entire house?
@LindaRose, hey Jersey girl did youu go to the Twi-con that was on in your region - or are you not that into Twilight?? haha
Thanks again for your links - I love HTB Rob - he is so sweet, natural and unaffected - and his gorgeous laugh showers sunshine on my soul! Thank you xxxxxx J
btw...i found that chick's twitter...Martinadas...and she has a photo with each memeber of the cast...EACH...it0s she a stalker or the luckiest person alive??? ...and i this photo is old i think i had seen it but i don't know..
Now when you're talking Rob on a magazine cover - you know ANY magazine cover cos let's face it he is on all of them at the moment - we know he is selling -because how many of us buy them just for the pics? LOL I must say I am selective and go for quality and avoid all the BS stories the Aussie mags seem to come up with - but the pile is still growing ;-))
Haven't seen scans on here yet but an Aussie teen mag called Dolly had a bonus 132 page (I think) Twilight magazine with their most recent issue. It has more Rob than anything or anyone else - so that's always a bonus! Also the Sexy Stars of Twilight had fanatastic sexy posters of Rob. Next for the calendar HA! No question that this boy sells and what's more he doesn't even have to try!!! LOL
How lucky is this girl????
Twilight sandwich? Pick me!
@JandR Ikr??? she just needs one pic with Chris Weitz, David Slade and she's done! i mean it's crazy...she has two pics with Kstew THREE pics with Rob and one with the two of them *smashing head against the wall* i'm SO jealous it's not even funny...She should be a paparazzi...she seriously should!
That was one of his best photo shoots...
I'm sure I read somewhere earlier on this year that he was doing another GQ photoshoot.....well this just proves that with his face on the cover it's a guaranteed winner plus a new quality interview????Pleeeeaaase! We are so starved of decent magazine articles this year that if they do this one right it'll sell thousands. Long overdue methinks....and the cover on this mag is just to die could ANYONE with a brain cell think he was ugly.....strange, very strange...
@lizzibee if someone thought that he was ugly in that cover i'm pretty sure that they don't even have A brain cell...
Have you seen how many magazines are for sale through ebay with the mere mention of our Rob and going for quite high prices. He's a marketer's dream and ours too of course!
the new banner is GORGOUS!
Yea, Beautiful Bastard!
Have we heard anything more about a second GQ cover?
Well we can be sure he will be on another cover that's for sure!!YEAH!!
@JandR ~ No I didn't go but when I first heard about it I asked one of my friends who also is a Twilight fan if she wanted to go. I'm so glad she said she couldn't. Why? Because if Rob was there I think I would be awestruck. And that doesn't usually happen to me when I see a celeb, but he would do that to me. :)
Hi JandR, just read your post on the other thread. Thanks for figuring that out for me. I thought it sounded something like that but I wasn't sure. Oh and I figured out what Oliver said too after the indistinct part, he asks Rob "what are you laughing about (or at)". I too love HTB Rob. He's so cute there, totally unaffected. I can't wait till November when it comes out on DVD here.
Talk to you tonight or tomorrow AM when I'm back at work early!
It is a spectacularly gorgeous photo shoot and I am DYING for GQ to have an encore with Rob!
Ho hum..tell us something we don't know!
The guy is smokin hawt!
I'm still trying to get over GQ-Rob.
These pictures are Iconic in the making.
THE GQ Cover is so seductive, he has that come and get me look on his face........OK Im YOURS....
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