Robert Pattinson: The Vampire We ALL Crave

From E! Online's 10 Guys We Crave:

Thanks Spunk-Ransom :)


rpattz-turn-me-on said...

yes we do!

spellbound said...

Gorgeous new banner!!

Krissy said...

Spellbound took the words right from my fingertips. Speaking of so Pretty it Hurts! ;)

Excellent Banner, Gozde! I especially like the sparkle in his gorgeous eyes. ☺

T said...

This is going to get me through the day today. The new banner is going to help too.

Wanita_ said...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Crave is an understatement....

I feel like he's my air....

Love the new banner as well.


RPnKSaddict said...

That banner is hot!
He has among many other things beautiful eyes. They look right into your soul.

"When you look at me with eyes that see"...

Kathy#1 said...

Well I, for one, can separate them out pretty well. And although I love Edward to death, I love Rob even more. My obsession started and stays with Rob...all the way!

Oh Goz, I love the twinkle in his eye...damn...wonder what he's thinking..something I'd like him to do to me I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

It's not the vampire I crave it's his sweaty body writhing in ecstacy on top of my sweaty body....kissing me gently, roughly,little bites here and there...a hard d*ck...

(you know....if the truth be told!)

........COUGAR ROAR!!!

JandR said...

RPaddict you got that right!! you could drown in those eyes...aaahhh

Haystackhair said...

Holy Crow PattinsonForever! THUD! Lifts head slowly from floor- I love me some Edward, but it's Rob that I'd like to....well, see previous post, she said it right. THUD

JandR said...

PattinsonForever - you gotta share!

mya bluesky said...

OMG the new banner is hot..
i Love it Gozde

start singing
Twinkle-twinkle little star...

...wowie! said...

That sparkle in his eye on your banner...KILLING ME!!!
I am trying to refrain from licking the screen here at school. haha Oh the horror of having to wipe off all that drool so the next person can use this comp. HAHA

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...



rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@pattinson forever HOT DAMNN reading your post got me horny lol

RPLover said...

seriously, pattinsonforever, are you trying to kill us all?

rawr, thanks for the mental image! LOL

kchambers77 said...

i'll take a hot sweaty mess rob over a not real edward cullen any day!

that banner needs a nobel peace prize.

Dazzle said...

Wow...if Rob is reading this stuff, and he probably does sometimes, I'm sure he's just shaking his head, completely astounded and embarrassed.
Sorry Rob!

Ana73 said...

Pattinson4ever- i think you woke all of us up this morning. i read your blog and was like wow, what an active imagination but i share your thoughts :)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

lol if rob is reading this stuff he is probly thinking THESE COUGAR LADIES ARE FUCKING HOTTTT... ha

Shani said...

Pattinson Forever - You took the words and fantasy right out of mouth. LOL

Edward is a fictional character and has not been the driving force for my obsession since December.

I've been on Robsessed since then because of Rob. Hence the name.LOL

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@pattinson forever....that is the hottest thing i have read in a long time,still cant get the image out of my head,wish you had written BD instead of stephanie ,it would of been hotter.

Dazzle said...

I actually prefer Edward. He is alot older looking than Rob. Rob is too young for me! (Way too young!) and Edward is just more mature and seems more like a 30 year old.....much closer to my age!
But I do love Rob too....more in a motherly way tho.

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