At least that is what mirror.co.uk claims he said in their "EXCLUSIVE" interview. Some quotes are old, some are new and do sound like him. Make up your own mind about the credibility of it :) (Update: Here is GossipCop's take on it and they also call FAKE :))
From mirror.co.uk:
If you’re over 18, then the name Robert Pattinson may not mean much to you.(Gozde: I want to cry, I really do) But mention it to your teenage daughter and you’ll be deafened by her squeals of excitement.
British hunk Robert, 23, is the handsome young star of Twilight, the teen fantasy saga giving Harry Potter a run for its money.
Based on the hugely popular fantasy novels by Stephanie Meyer, the first Twilight movie last year enjoyed one of the biggest opening weekends in box office history.
Robert stars as Edward Cullen, a 108-year-old “vegetarian” vampire who falls in love with beautiful teenager Bella Swan, played by 19-year-old Kristen Stewart.
And this weekend, despite being at pains to deny a romantic relationship in the past, Robert and Kristen were caught snuggling up together at a Kings of Leon concert in
But was it really a case of afterlife imitating art? Apparently not. In an exclusive interview with the vampire just days before the pictures were taken, heart-throb Robert insists he’s still single and adds: “I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t know why.
“You always think you’re going to get more girls after you’ve made a movie and it never happens.
“You sit there and you’re like ‘I’m a big movie star and I want to go out with some models’ but I don’t know why that doesn’t happen.
“It’s especially different in LA. Most of the women there are actresses and by default that makes them a little bit nuts – not that that’s a bad thing. But I don’t really have a type.
“Whenever I get asked who my favourite celebrity crush is, I have no idea.” This is good news indeed for the Twi-hards – the name given to the legion of besotted female fans who follow Robert’s every move.
When the first film was released in
The hysteria shows no sign of abating. Earlier this summer, Robert needed a police escort in
He says: “Most of the girls are all pretty young so it’s just kind of funny. But then you get the Twilight Mums who love you like mums! And you can take that too far. I mean, it could be ‘Edward breaks up Twilight family.’”
He’s happy to sign autographs but sometimes has to put his foot down, especially when fans ask him to bite their necks. He laughs: “I have to tell them: ‘Look, I can’t I’m afraid, because it will hurt.’
“I’ve been uncomfortable in crowds my whole life. I’ve always felt that everyone is looking at me.
“I could be in a supermarket and have a full-on panic attack when there’s no one else there.
“And this was even like five years ago, when nobody knew who I was.”With his smouldering eyes and chiselled looks, it’s not hard to see why the former child model has become
Robert attended the local Tower House school in East Sheen before moving to Harrodian school as a teenager. It was there that he began to show real promise as an actor. He became a member of Barnes Theatre Club, thanks to some persuasion from his parents.
He says: “I thought drama was stupid but I think my dad had some kind of weird foresight.
“He’d seen this bunch of pretty girls and talked to them and they said they went to this drama club.
“That’s when he said to me: ‘You should go’ and I said: ‘I can meet those girls anyway,’ but he insisted. He was going to pay for me to go and he thought it would be good for me. I think both my parents had a calling towards entertainment but they both ended up doing something else.”
Their persistence has paid off. At just 18, Robert won the role of Cedric Diggory, dashing head boy of Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, killed in a battle with He Who Shall Not Be Named. “I was going to do the conventional thing and go to university to study International Relations,” says Robert.
“I wanted to be a politician but Harry Potter made that decision for me.” Despite plaudits from Harry Potter director Mike Newell that Robert was “born to play the role” of Cedric, not everyone was a fan.
When he landed the part of vampire Edward, irate fans of the Twilight books set up an online petition which collected 75,000 signatures. They complained that, among other things, he was not American and – astonishingly – that he was too ugly.
Robert shrugs: “I always looked like a girl up until a few years ago and because I never did any sports or anything I was always kind of gangly. I was never really a good model.
“I was terrible at it. I wasn’t skinny enough to be a little waif and I didn’t want to work out to be a beefy guy so I was always stuck between two things and so I never got any jobs.”
A talented musician, Robert plays the guitar and the piano. He even wrote two songs which appear on the Twilight soundtrack.
“I always say that if acting is my first love, music would’ve been my Plan B for becoming famous,” he says. “That may sound a bit pretentious, but it’s true. Music occupies a very important place in my life. I couldn’t live without music.”
Thankfully, for fans, his music, modelling or political careers didn’t take off. But has the fame and the money changed him at all?
“My life is pretty much identical to before,” he says. “I don’t really do that much. All I do is read books and watch movies, I’m pretty boring.”
There are millions of teenage girls who disagree.
Thanks to Vaneta and Lee_Bush for the tip :)
"i havent got a girlfriend" and kristen is going to come out and say "rob and i are just friends" they are both singing their greatest hits.LMAO
this sounds like a recycle interview every week we get one of those but if rob and kristen think we the fans are blind and dumb then so be it THEY ARE JUST FRIENDS
I read through it and every bit of it is stuff I have read in previous interviews - I know Rob likes to recycle answers but this is a joke. Surely they could have come up with some more creative questions so we'd know it was new material... like why do you love the Stoli t so much and who does your repairs cos they should be sacked...haha or is it true you only own 21 pieces of clothing...lol
Some of those "quotes" by Rob do not sound like something he would say. For example “I always say that if acting is my first love, music would’ve been my Plan B for becoming famous,” and “You sit there and you’re like ‘I’m a big movie star and I want to go out with some models’ but I don’t know why that doesn’t happen." I could maybe believe it if he was laughing and joking...but it just sounds made-up
Goz, I agree with you that some quotes are old, some sound like him, but who knows? I really really resent it when articles say that all of his fans are teens;what the hell are we, chopped liver??? LOL. And when they say that we're all "screamers." Phew, they have got to get their shit straight. Thanks for this article.
I just noticed something else. It says that Rob and Kristen are in Vancouver filming New Moon. There ya go, no clue what they're talking about!!!
Rob wanted to be a politician?!?!?!
There's no way that's true.
He only wears suits when he absolutely has to lol
I definitley can't picture him saying "I'm a big movie star. I want to go out with some models." He's too humble to say something like that.
This "article" reeks of fake-ness!
JandR- great idea about the 'Stoli t-shirt interview'! His answers would be hilarious!
"i havent got a girlfriend" and "we are just friends" followed by "we are close pals and just co workers" and who can forget this classic by kristen "i already have a boyfriend and did not dump him for rob".....these folks are the greatest hits by rob and kris,coming to a walmart near you soon in nov just in time for the new moon,dont forget to pick up the CD
This is suspect. The Mirror is a gossip rag of the worst kind, I find it difficult to believe Rob would go and give them an exclusive interview when he's been so reclusive lately. Plus I also recognise at least half the quotes.
(the politics one is also lifted from some other interview I think, I've read that somewhere before!)
every week we get a recycle fake interviews i remeber last week it was kristen talking about being with michael and after she was snapped all over and playing tongue foot ball with rob at a concert LOL that interview was also recycle.
forgot the add: nice pic... I miss Remember Me :)
If we put our minds to it we could come up with some great interview questions for Rob so he wouldn't be bored with the usual run of the mill crap they come up with...
they would probably all be to do with his body parts though and as I read they are vetting his interviews now maybe we won't be able to get away with them ;-)
but categories could be fingers, button fly, favourite shared clothing - hair has been done ad nauseum - but we do so love it!
I WISH it was truly a new interview but I've got to join the others in saying, yeah, several quotes just have an essence to them that don't sound like something Rob would say:
"I always say that if acting is my first love, music would’ve been my Plan B for becoming famous,” he says."
Haven't ever read anything where he mentions the GOAL of "becoming famous" - in fact, quite the opposite.
BUT, it made me feel a little better to read the headline this morning Gozde so thank you for that! (I know, I'm petty).
In one interview Rob said that music was his plan B for becoming famous. And something about these model girls (but don't remember exactly).
But I cannot remember if I watched it on youtube or read somewhere :-((. Sorry :-(
$10 mil per movie/ GOOD for him.! he can command more after twilight and he should. He is the hottest... for the moment.
UCaptives, Bel Ami...way to go Rob!
ok so he doesn't have a girlfriend doesn't mean he doesn't have girlfriendS...plus we all know Rob hates labels (right?) but he can't say yeah I play hide the pickle with a few people :D
That saying
"Don't Believe Everything You Read" is SO very true.
And this so-called new *interview* is perfect evidence of that.
OTOH, Robalicious could be playing with words here. He doesn't have A girlfriend, he has lots and lots of them. ;)
I wouldn't mind being one of many if that's the case. ☺
Believing The Mirror is like thinking the Enquirer is truthful, compelling journalism. ;o)
Hmm, some are him, but from other older interviews and the rest is bullshit...
He has said he doesn't want a girlfriend who's not in the business because he wouldn't want to ruin their lives with the attention...
I call it FAKE.
this article is so recycled and i have never heard of Rob saying he wanted to go out with models. He has said they arent his type. when does he find time to do all of these interviews?????
also love the shared clothing idea for an interview.
A catalog of the (limited) clothing he does have and the age of said clothing?
(though of course the body parts questions have merit as well!)
This sounds like an article of recycled quotes from the past. The quote about his relationships status sounds familiar to something he was quoted saying last year.
Also, if he's going to spill about his relationship status, why not to People when he had a cover?
Since May he's gone on a no comment path regarding his private life, so yeah, I call bs on this one.
@GossipCop Did Robert Pattinson give "exclusive" about personal life? GossipCop.com knows: http://bit.ly/3zQIs
yeah Gossip Cop said fake
Fake or not, no matter whether Rob has given these answers or not! It was entirely clear to me that there would be denial after the pics of Rob and Kristin taken at the Vancouver concert. Nobody can deny that they both look at each other tenderly like a couple in love. But for public Rob has to be single cause only a single Rob is a perfect seller for the movies. Robfan-Girls like best dreaming of "their" Rob without girlfriends or even a special girlfriend at his side. Therefore production and management are highly interested in denying any relationship between Rob and Kristin or Rob and any other woman - to my opinion. That's BUSINESS that's counts and they have to accept. Poor guys!!
what about the twilight moms comment? He doesn't want Edward to break up Twilight families? Has he said that before?
I think he might say something like that, but I'm surprised by it.
I think Robward has become a part of many families in both good and bad ways, but I don't think he's breaking up relationships. He might be adding a little fuel to the fire in the BR, but we're not leaving our husbands for him. Are we? Hmmmm....
Gossip Cop already called bs on this article and explains exactly why. Also, the path they've taken with these two publicly is for them to neither confirm or deny-they just don't answer anymore. They haven't bothered to answer with the hotel pictures in May, or the LA jaunts in August, and they weren't going to answer for the KOL concert either.
I know I've read or heard certian parts of this interview before. Isn't taking someone elses article and putting it into your own, plagerism?
Some of it,doesn't sound like Rob.
I agree, fake it is.
Yup, I say load of crap. All recycled. Sigh. I'm ready for some Eclipse pics, or more NM pics. I miss daily Robapalooza.
I call bullshit. recycled answers mixed with bad spelling and incorrect info. plus those douchebags lost me with the first line. nobody over 18?! HELLO!! :)
i can make up better shit than this WTF.......shooting NEW MOON ?? dont these assholes know new moon is done lol and i know rob and kris have to deny the relationship for obvious reasons but this is ridiculous.
I think we need to have some kind of woman's movement to be recognized as Rob's biggest and greatest fans.
I'm so sick of being ignore when they talk about the "young girls" going crazy over him.
Even Rob himself has said that all his fans are teenage girls….
Hello????? Most of these teenage girls will move on once the next new hottie comes along.
It's the mature fans who are probably the lifers and adore him for way more than his looks.
I've been thinking about this one, and i think goz discovered that by putting in more rob and kristen stuff she got more hits, ppl are thirsty to know their private lives.
I was looking and for example a picture of rob would get like 20 comments, but the min you would put a pic or rob and kristen it would be like 100+ comments.
sad the thing that is interesting is that most interviews are so fake and recycled that they don't fool anyone. Everyone wants a piece of the pie, they are both so so private I think we should respect that, and maybe goz shouldn't post stuff about them, but just stick to jaw porn or pics of Rob.
More magazine have also picked this up
sigh. They all just know if they mention his name they get attention.
@rpattzgirl-right on! it's fun to over his pics but it's his personality that really made me love him. think we should organize a march to vancouver or something? J/K lol
that should be "drool over his pics", sorry ;)
I'm not claiming this interview is real. Just be careful of GossipCop. Their timeline on Rob's whereabouts is wrong, they totally disregarded Peter's claim of what his wife said (GossipCop people and I actually communicated about this) and they claimed a few weeks ago that Camilla Belle's rep said she and Rob were not longer dating.
They should just go to Rob's reps to debunk. When the "moving in" rumor about Kristen and Rob came out, GossipCop simply said they called Kristen's rep and her rep denied it.
Gossipcop debunked this article,case closed.
Peter just tried to cover up her mistake. the transcript of the said interview did have the quote gossipcop posted.
the article is either old or made up of BS or both,can't believe rags get away with it,it happens more often now,it's like the third interview this month which is proved to be fake.
Yep I do! Some of us "mature" gals are heading up there 10/2!
We should all go! Poor Rob, he'd really be scared then!
>I've been thinking about this one, >and i think goz discovered that by >putting in more rob and kristen >stuff she got more hits, ppl are >thirsty to know their private lives.
Wow itissoover that is quite an accusation and you couldn't be more wrong. You must be confusing me with people like Ted Casablanca who FEED on people's obsession with Robsten.
I post every piece of news about Rob. Positive or negative. I add my thoughts on the thing and leave it up to you, the visitors to make up their own minds.
And no, I will not stop posting about these or pap pictures.
lol remember some of the quotes from last year,during twilight promotion
Right on Gozde!
Rpattzgirl-you go girl!! I too am tired of the screaming teenagers crap. I bet the majority of his fans are mature women!! We need to assert ourselves! Haha. I have numerous friends that are Roblicious lovers like myself and -gulp- we are all old enuf to be his mother!! Like I always say, it's not the outward age that counts- it's the inner age and I'm stll 21 so I can covet drool pine etc etc over a gorgeous 23 year old!!
lmao, he'd proably take off running for alaska! ;) have fun, wish I could join you-if you do manage to catch him, please share the pics! :)
Yep, I am still 21 in my heart..
wish my ass was too...
Rpattzgirl-you go girl!! I too am tired of the screaming teenagers crap. I bet the majority of his fans are mature women!! We need to assert ourselves! Haha. I have numerous friends that are Roblicious lovers like myself and -gulp- we are all old enuf to be his mother!! Like I always say, it's not the outward age that counts- it's the inner age and I'm stll 21 so I can covet drool pine etc etc over a gorgeous 23 year old!!
You know I will....I really don't hold out much hope of seeing him from afar...he hides way more now and has an entourage-
But, ya never know!
I promise not to tackle him..
Did you read the transcript Monika? If so, I'd love to know where I can read it. Since Peter also read the transcript, I can't say who's right or wrong. I don't know Peter to the point where I can assume what he is or isn't covering for.
Gozde - Thanks for responding to the comment about getting hits for your blog.
You post EVERYTHING (barring what you consider to be too invasive)from all points of view and let us make up our own minds.
It's called encouraging critical thinking to those who feel Goz is one-sided.
rpattzgirl, lol you are too funny! no tackles, but crossing my fingers for you that you get a glimpse-how awesome would it be just to see him in the flesh?
how can we let the media know that its not just tweens and teens that LOVE rob?! its ALL women of ALL ages! ags 10-80. honestly I think his biggest fan base is women in their 20's and 30's. They need to stop with this "teenager" crap, we're not in love with Zac Efron, we're in love with ROBERT PATTINSON!
Sorry for the double post. Not sure how that happened... I wanna go to vancouver too. I told my DH that and he just rolled his eyes..,
Wow. I had no idea that posters on here know the cast members of Twilight well enough to assert why they do what they do.
Of course robert and kristen posts will get more hits. It's a polarizing subject, and creates discussion. Some think they are, some think they aren't, others don't know.
Whereas a pretty picture of robert. Well, everyone will comment once he's hot but there's not going to be a lot of discussion about it because everyone's in agreement.
and trust me, you don't want the media to shine a light on the adult fans too much. When they do, they shine it on like, the twilight moms, and they end up looking extremely desperate and creepy to most people. Keep the refuge that's found here....lol
Yeah, Kristen is just a hot topic. People either like her a lot or else they can't stand her. So, throw her into the mix of everyone's fantasy figure, and yeah, watch the comments explode.
Ok, I wasn't going too but I need to say some things.
I still don't believe that there is such a thing as 'Robsten". I need better ....... proof. It is still all up in the air. They are obviously great friends at that is all I see so far. They were at KOL with a bunch of the other cast, talking .... big deal. There was as much 'chemistry' between Rob and Javier in Little Ashes.
I am really getting annoyed with all this 'twilight mom' talk. I find it really stupid the way everyone says all his fans are teens. I am certainly no longer a teen, I have NO Kids, and am a huge fan of this very talented guy. Feel like a cradle robber sometimes.:p What stupid category does that put me in.
Goz, you do a great job, and post whatever your little heart desires. This is the first site I go to, to find out about Rob and his happenings. I do not believe that you are worried about 'hits' on your site.
Ok I am done.
Goz... smoking pic? Really? Are you trying to kill me? Because if you are... thanks :-) Me likey things in our Robbie's mouth...
what more proof do people need a sex tape?? and rob and kris are either going to keep quiet or DENY that anything is going on,but those pics say different and rob's love life will continue to be a hot topic because the whole world,media and fans are obsess with his love life,they all want to know who the hottest guy on the planet is shagging
Yeah, fake. But when are we going to get something new? Why isn't anyone giving out interviews?
A full on, in the light of day kiss/hand holding ... something of that nature. I have NOT seen any PDA yet. We have seen them lean in to hear what the other is saying at a concert. As for hotels .... are they not all, or most staying at the SAME hotel? There is nothing that says that they are together ... or not. As I said before, it is all up in the air. Hot topic for sure though.
Sorry - know I'm late on this one, but didn't Rob date a model before the Cedric role...Nina whatshername? If so, I can totally see him saying that whole "where's the models" line.
I know that's not the main point being argued, but I really can see him saying that lol!
But does that prove anything either.. i've seen Kristen walk down the street holding hands with Taylor, Nikki & even Jackson.
I think Rob & Kristen are being very careful regarding PDA. They are just not friends..seriously.They might not be bf/gf but something is going on.
And if true that they are friends... i pity the person they each eventualy have a relationship with. I wouldn't want to step into that messed up shenanigans.
He was being semi-joking about the models, if this is an accurate quote. The way it's stated is that you would imagine that after receiving so much attention, he'd have models dripping off his arms. He's saying no-I call bullshit. lol Robbie Boy could have the pick of the litter.
Which leads me to the point of this article-almost all the quotes sound similar to all his twilight promotional interviews, where fame was very new to him and he was quite candid and playful in interviews.
Since New Moon, he's been much more careful with his answers. And for good reason, a lot of those old quotes get cut and pasted to mean something totally different than he intended.
The less you give the interviewer and the public, the less rope you give everyone to hang you with.
robs people just comfirmed that this is indeed a fake interview, and now theres a new rumor which i won't even dignify to post here.
why won't people leave them alone!
Rob's rep confirms - gives statement RT @GossipCop EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: Robert Pattinson DID NOT speak to Mirror: http://bit.ly/3zQIs17 minutes ago from web
I just read the new rumor too. I won't dignify it either just google rob. A serious load of CRAP!!
itissoover said: I've been thinking about this one, and i think goz discovered that by putting in more rob and kristen stuff she got more hits, ppl are thirsty to know their private lives.
OK, it's about time I ask this question, Gözde: Do you have to pay for the huge webspace this blog needs and the heavy traffic we are causing?
Blogs, especially well-known top blogs, cost money sometimes that's why I'm asking. I don't want you or Dani to go hungry because we have so much fun here and cause so much traffic.
Hi Phos, don't know if you'll check this so late but no, we don't pay for web space we do pay little bits here and there but they are not much :) We put our time here which is more expensive in my humble opinion but it's all for love :))
I'm glad you don't have to pay for web space since the blog already costs you enough of your precious time. It's so nice of you to have us here in your virtual living room. Perhaps people consider this next time before they start making accusations or just being rude.
Ya Goz - these all sound like old and/or twisted quotes - we all know how Rob likes "nuts girls."
I'm with Phos - Thanks for all you do - we appreciate your time to indulge us. All for the love of Rob and his adoring (and nuts) fans.
I have to agree about him being half-joking in regard to the models quote (if it's real). I think we all know that Rob is a low-maintenance kind of guy for whom most models would be exactly the wrong type of mate. Besides, he's too awkward, offbeat and dorky, himself, for most models. (I know he dated one some years ago, but that doesn't mean it's his preference.)
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