Previously on Robert Pattinson's Stoli T-Shirt
Ang (@amcas) discovered that it was not made by Elves but in fact sewed back by someone (TomStu? Rob? Nick the manager?) Clicky HERE if you missed that post.
We all KNOW the Stoli shirt, we all LOVE the Stoli shirt...
And now we are uncovering another piece of the puzzle that the Stoli t-shirt is
thanks to our keen eyed reader Gizem :))
thanks to our keen eyed reader Gizem :))
The t-shirt is not only comfortable, durable, fashionable, serving as a security blanket and OH SO Sexy it can also be worn inside out!

Is this really Rob or his wax figure?:) And if it IS did they really make a wax figure of Rob with the inside out Stoli shirt? Classic!
Is it a fashion statement?
Was he dressed in the dark?
Was the front of the t-shirt stained and he had to wear it inside out?
Was he just "high"?
Whatever the reason is it just makes us love Rob more :)
it looks like a wax figuer that lady is standing next to in the last pic
Boo Boo Loves her Hoo Boo
oh Gozde... right now I don't know who I love more, Rob or you... this is hilarious :)))
(ok, maybe I'll still have to go for Rob, because he's just so dorkalicious!)
We need to mail Rob our old t-shirts. He'll be pleased they're already broken in and have holes and he'll finally wear something else... meaning he can wash the Stoli tee.
Gozde-I love you!!
I can´t get enough of RecyclingRob...
And I really wanna know why he loves that shirt so much...what makes it so indispensable to him??
Great post def made me laugh!
I've recently found old and holey Dab Beer t-shirt in my closet. Something tells me that he'd like it :)
I want to sleep in that shirt.
Oh my.. LOL
That t-shirt must be preserved in a museum..
Btw, it must itch a bit worn like that, no?
Rob wearing flannel from a his guy friends shirt collection= FREE
Rob wearing the beanie from like 5 yrs ago= 20bucks maybe??
Rob wearing the Stoli tshirt to this day... inside and out...= priceless
Love for this man keeps growing!!!
Hahaha, the never-ending story of The Stoli Shirt...hahaha, good job Gozde!!
God bless Gizem's eyesight!!!
Yes that shirt is very versitle!! LOL
Thank you Gozde.
Are the buttons mismatched on the flannel as well? If so, we have a beanie, stoli shirt, mismatched buttons trifecta.
Seriously... he's so obsessed about that shirt like us about him... i wonder if there's a story about it...
OMG, just priceless! What insight LOL. I can imagine him getting a bunch of this shirt by now sent in from all corners of the globe. Next thing you know, we'll be seeing them on KStew and Marcus..
The gift that keeps on giving.
My eyes hurt from staring at that last pic, it really looks like a wax figure!
LOL this is too funny!! and apparently his problem with buttoning his shirts properly is nothing new lol (see the last pic). How does he not notice?? I think today I just fell in love with this man ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!
Who else does this????
(so cute)
nice boxers.. plaid.. natch
(photo with the twins)
Perry Como had his sweaters.
Elvis, his jump suits.
and Rob has his beloved Stoli shirt...and he's button~challenged... think he ever messes up the button fly?? ;)
What a lot of Rob-hotness this morning to wake up to: thanks Gozde.
I agree Cindeeloo: makes him EVEN MORE adorable in my eyes! I'd love to see someone ask him about it in a candid interview.
OMG, I can't believe how long he's had this shirt & that he wears it inside out. My mind is dazzled LOL. I wonder what his mother thinks when she sees these pictures?
Is that the same thread that sewed up the blue pants in those airport pics a couple weeks ago?
Jezz! So many new threads today! It is hard to keep up with you, girls, and YOU RUN THE PLACE!
Thank you for my daily drops of sexy Rob!
This man needs to go shopping...
I could help!
It is not my fav thing (i mean, to go shopping), but, after that, we could both do "my fav thing" together... hehe...
I girl can dream...
I like this t-shirt. And I would LOVE to see it on my floor. Especially if I PUT IT THERE...
I feel vindicated that I am not the only one who can manage to tear her eyes away from that perfect face of his to stare at his clothes! BAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!
Oh Rob! I do love you.....
OMR. he's so totaly cracks me up.
I find this funny because this is how my DH is. I give him a 3 hole minimum before we replace clothing unless it is a gaping hole.
Why is it endearing to me on Rob and it drives me crazy on my DH?
Dude, I have brothers. HE wears it inside out when there's stains and shit on it. That's how boys "clean" clothes. They just wear it inside out.
selective_fox: you are SO right, that shirt should be preserved in a museum, that is, if we could get him to give it up, which does not seem very likely to happen any time soon. Rob has really made that shirt work for him on so many occasions. Someone soon just HAS TO ask him about it in an interview, so we can all know exactly why he wears it so much.
Awww...that's his stoli wooli.
I guess hoodie woobie has been replaced. *pout*
I'll miss you hoodie woobie.*sniff sniff*
Until you'll be spotted again.So long...fair well...auf Wiedersehen...goodbye.
*waves frantically*
Cindeeloo : I deleted it 'cause that was hotlinking :) I saw the post, it's really cute!
When you link to her journal from here people will go there and use up her bandwidth which will cause her pictures to be deleted from the free picture servers she use :( And we get a lot of traffic here at Robsessed so any link to her account will crash it for sure :))
ahaah, I can see a little peen in the picture with that harry potter people.
i love that shirt, this man is a god. xD
wonder who gave him that shirt??
Buttons not button, shirts inside out....boxer showing(I saw that too, Suz!)
Either he dresses in the dark or he doesn't give a damn. Neither do I because that makes him, who he is and some of his fans love him for that(like we do on ROBsessed)!
He just makes me laugh, and I just can't wait to see new photos of his and see what's wrong or just be stunt by his hottness!! It's a win, win really. ; )
Love the banner, btw!! The eyes blinking like Christmas lights...It's a Very Merry ROBmas(No?? Is that blasphemy...oh, well).
Rob looks great wearing anything!!
Oh man...this guy just kills me. I bet when this shirt becomes too ragged to wear, he will tuck it away someplace only to pull it out once in awhile to cuddle with when he needs a little extra security.
This shirt has seen many things. I guess we can say that instead of walking a mile in Rob's shoes, we should walk a mile in his shirt.
Does anyone else think that if Robilicious were to donate that shirt for an auction for a worthy, charitable would probably bring in millions and millions? And who wouldn't sell their soul to be able to snuggle up to that every night, since the body modeling it seems to be so unattainable????? Sigh.
Ah, how did I sense there would be a paean to the shirt? lol
Verry funny - nazdrovia!
Shani you're right: the man's entire wardrobe is one big security blanket! And you know all 21 pieces are probably strewn all over the floor, unless they're piled up on the bed and he just sleeps amidst them!!
Freaking Priceless!!
Maybe he lost his virginity in that shirt, or got his first has to hold some meaning other than just being comfy!
I swear, only Rob would wear a shirt inside out to make different outfits...
He is brilliant, quirky, adorakable, thrifty, loyal and above all...
RPaddict - completely agree with you. i could not stand if my husband wears a shirt with too many holes especially if we go out. and he would never take the time to sew them up.
but we adore rob in all of his clothes and out of his clothes too :))
Imagine the stories that shirt could tell. His mother is probably shaking her head.
As long as Rob wears that Beanie I really don't care what he has on. Bring on winter we want more Beanie pics, although naked with Beanie would really do it for me....
So HILARIOUS!!!! love it!!
you're the best Gozde... because of this things I LOVE HIM!!!
Boo Boo lol :))))))
His autobio could be titled "The travels of the Stoli t-shirt" or "As seen for the hotel bedroom floor- The Stoli t-shirt..... Sorry too much cold medicine. What a bummer a cold in summer... yea I know.
oh, crazylife, i just got over mine and nothing sucks more than a cold in the summer but i always get it at this time of the year :(
good luck dealing with it.
omg, I freakin lmao at that video! the kenny rogers song was priceless ;) I would LOVE a crack at that shirt if he ever put it up on ebay or something, haha
someone really needs to ask him about it in an interview, that and the buttons thing. he is just too loveable!
Plaid Boxers...may we PLEASE have a super zoom photo of the Plaid Boxers?
Pretty, Pretty Please?! ☺
Thank you.
I´ve a special shirt for sleeping but I think is in better condition than this LOL !!!
@Cindeeloo: just finished looking at those Twilight candids of R&K and really enjoyed them and the insider commentary - SO CUTE! I note Gozde's comments about the link causing too much traffic and could crash the site, so glad I got in early!
My bet is a girl gave it to him, he has had it for a while so it must be his first serious girlfriend or something. My Rob crush has just increased by 100% today, how can I cope.....
I love that he just doesn't care, what a cutie!
that is one fkg funnyass video! nice use of the kenny rogers song! har!
oh man, finally watched this video...LMAO...loving the videos today, thanks ladies for posting!
LOL.. It will truly be a sad day when the Stoli shirt finally dies.
Sorry, Goz... all I can see is Rob's *HAIRY ARM AND CHEST* in that first picture... *ogles*
I have to LMAO @ Rob and his fashion statements! Goodness, I love that man! :D
I also would like to reiterate the concept that you crack me up all the time, Gozde! :D
Bootstrap, that shirt will outlive Rob. He will just keep mending it with mismatched thread until it can be mended no more...then he'll resort to iron-on patches to keep it in one piece.
I was hoping someone would ask him about it at ComicCon, but no such luck. I think all Robsessed peeps on the planet are dying to know the story by now!
Loisada, still giggling over the image of Rob passed out atop "all 21" items of clothing he owns strewn all over the bed. Actually now I'm just thinking "Rob" and "bed" and the clothing has taken a hike...!
@Elizabeth love your "trifecta" comment!
Thanks Goz, it is posts like this that make your blog such a fun place to Robsess :-)
Ladies we need a plan, how can we find out who gave him the TShirt, I am so curious....
Ok, just watched that video and it is freakin' HILARIOUS!!!
And so obviously made with love :D
FTW love the video lol! I just developed an undying love for the Stoli myself!
Hi Goz...had to leave after that post. Thanks for deleting, and explaining what the heck hot-linking was? I'll be more careful next time.
to u too!!!!
I love you all girls! This is just great :p. This is why I love this place so much. Thank you!
Awwwww Pet...I'll 2nd that!!!!
Looks like this place is getting back to how it used to be...PHEW!!
Thanks Goz,Dani,Kate for All you do. I <3 u all.
The stitching looks the same as that in the pants you commented out a while back (lighter coloured thread mending the crotch).
Old shirts aren't itchy; they are more comfortable. People with sensory issues usually prefer old very washed, very worn clothing, and prefer to wear familiar clothing, over and over. BOys have a higher rate of sensory iussues than girls.
And even if Rob has no sensory issues, he is not in our world for us to play dress-up Barbie (or Ken).
Finally, many people choose to wear comfortable, yet not-in-fashion clothing, as an in-the-face response to the dictates of fashion. This is especially so for a person who has lost some control over his life (suddenly having banshees screaming at him, snaparazis chasing him--even when he's driving!!! bodyguards pushing him around to protect him from mangling 'hugs' etc etc). Wearing what is old and familiar and physically comfortable, from his safer calmer times, is not only emotionally comforting, it is asserting HIS choice over the dictates and desires of others.
I personally hope he continues to wear old clothing, and would gladly mend, even embroider, as needed. Let's enjoy and respect him, give him space and room and and air to breathe, worn comfortable clothing and all. :-)
I think Rob wears this one so much because it is one of a kind, sort of. Does any body know where did he get it?
My Moscow in-laws probably can investigate the availability of this T-shirt in Russia. But I am too embarrassed to ask them.
Glad you all liked my video! It was fun to make. =)
He just keeps getting cuter, i love scruffy rob :)
You can all stop speculating...
Rob got the t-shirt on a trip to Russia. He loves it so much because it reminds him of when he lost his virginity to me.
My husband just pinched me (awake).
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