Rob Pattinson: Is New Guy Trying to Eclipse Him?

I don't really see the comparison, however the new import is awful cute.
You be the judge.

Shades? Check. Gray shirt? Right. Artfully touseled hair? Yes!

Has Eclipse fresh face Xavier Samuel fallen under the spell of a charismatic vampire?

Sure, his character Riley gets drawn into Victoria's crusade against Bella, but judging from his casually sexy look here, the Aussie actor could be channeling the fashion choices of Robert Pattinson, aka Edward Cullen.

Not a bad choice, considering R.Pattz's popularity. But who knows, maybe the guy—who's already caught the eye of some—is just wearing dressed-in-Vancouver casual.

What do you think?


RPLover said...

why wouldn't you want to look like Rob if you could? of course people are going to try to imitate him, he's the sh*t! lol

whatever anyone does, though, sorry-not the real thing, not even close ;)

Pammi said... if!

Unknown said...

How dare he wear grey! And sunglasses even! lol He's cute, but not my type. But the stills of him liplocking Bryce were hot.

Dani said...

Rosa I saw those and I was impressed. WOWZA hot yummy nomad vamp kissin. Eclipse should be spicy its got a lot of great stories and elements.

I adore Rob to death but really I don't think manyt can pull off that hobo look so well. And this new dude looks nothing like Rob clothing or otherwise.

keti said...

No!!! Come on!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

he is cute but he is NO Rob if that is what he is going for then he would be sadly mistaken

keti said...

Xauier is really Cute - Aussie too YEAH !!
But nothing like our delicious Rob!!

Anonymous said...

think we need a better look with their shirts off 1st, LOL

monika said...

pics of Rob and KStew leaving the Eclipse set yesterday

monika said...

I meant on friday

monika said...

monika said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marenostrum said...

Come on.. Not even close.. Xavier has nothing special, which makes him pretty ordinary and unattractive.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

He's cute-but no comparison!

Here's Rob leaving Eclipse set Friday night-finally!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Sorry Monika, didn't see your post when I posted mine!

Yeah, new Robward!

noisefaidaus said...

WTF!!!!!! NO !!!!!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

oops possbile retraction on the Robward sighting-now saying it's from New Moon-dangit!

monika said...

new New Moon pics,from yet another calendar

monika said...

I like his bitch face on the first one

RPnKSaddict said...

pfttt AS IF......

x= cute

Suz said...


someone WISHES!

flower said...

To each its' own! Again, no comparison! It's not the clothes you wear, it's how you wear them! Wannabe's can be spotted a mile away! Yet, I don't think he's channeling Robert. Robert has 'PANACHE!'. Look it up!

flower said...

Plus, even though it fits his style, what Rob is wearing in this photo is actually wardrobe from the filming of "Remember me". FACT!

Mars said...

Wow... It is SUCH a slow news day. Though I am glad for Rob. He's finally getting the peace he deserves.... Still... what I'd do to go to Van.

Anonymous said...

i thing...Rob doesn't wear low cut shirts!! too girly for him. Rob is a masculine sexy! no one can out sexy him or out star him. not even Taylor and New Moon is about him. but Rob is still the star =]

Anonymous said...

Not even close. A Rob wannabe. Funnily enough, before he was cast in Eclipse, his hair was nothing like Rob's and now suddenly he does his hair like Rob's. Strange.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

so gossip cop and E! online both confirm coffee and stroll ummmmm

Athena said...

Yeah, he certainly does not hurt my retina, he's an Aussie too :D... and if he can take a bit of pressure off Rob and distract the attention of crazies worldwide, even better! ;)

I don't know if he's imitating Rob, though... I've seen quite a few people around here sporting the layered style, so I'm gessing it's just a popular trend... But... is he actually wearing a "grand-ma" style cardigan???

@ rosa: LOL! Indeed, the nerve of some people!

Personally, he's no competition to Rob in my heart, but I think they chose well. :)

Tess said...

I think it's so silly how the media is always trying to stir up some sort of conflict between celebrity's. If they're not supposedly dating one another, they're imitating each other.

Sheesh! Xavier and Rob dress casually.. along with thousands of other men walking around.. I don't see any imitation here. Reminds me how the mags started calling the knot Kristen ties in her shirts "Kstew Knot" (like we've never seen that before)

chalk it up to a slow news day.

...wowie! said...

uh...Xavier's hot and he's older. Funny thing is, Rob still looks older. To be honest, I'd take either if one if presented to me. lol
I'm still faithful to Rob but it really doesn't hurt to look...right?

But the whole clothes thing...Xavier has a diff look to him. It's not so hobo-ish like Rob. Ya kno?

Anonymous said...

No comparison, none! There's more to Rob than just good looks. :)

Temptation said...

Xavier is a cutie and Aussie but not Rob material, perhaps give him a couple of years...

orion said...

Hi girls, hi Tempt!
Xavier is ok, handsome, but common. Robert is unique and beautiful.

orion said...

I started reading "the bronze horseman"

Tess said...

oops. *celebrities

Temptation said...

HEY GIRLS - Orion that will get you through this Rob Drought I guarantee it....

Very slow day today....My hubby is still 'sick' big pain in the but....he is really starting to get on my nerves...

Need some new Rob Therapy or perhaps I will retreat to some Alexander Therapy...

orion said...

I trust you

orion said...

check this out, somebody put it in the morning, is very funny:

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

yeah, NO....

guys fugly!
sorry, no way this guy could be called attractive... imho

Temptation said...

All I can say is when I got to certain parts of the book I was seriously salavating, no joking I am being very serious, I actually experienced Hot Flushes...I have nearly finished the first one and just ordered the second one, they don't seem to stock them at borders.

orion said...

I bought this one in Big W
and they have the other ones

Temptation said...

Orion I can't open it, what is it ???

Temptation said...

SEE BIG W you would believe it, you probably paid half of what I did....Here's me mooching into Borders one of the biggest book stores in Melbourne and they don't have it.....

orion said...

Look on Utube under: TMZ on TV: Pattinson caught with "Crack" you are going to laugh

LittleMoCullen said...

Ahh... He dosent come close to Rob at all. I think Rob looks WAY beter :d MMmmm Rob is good

orion said...

orion said...

I paid 17 dollars book were for sale, normal is 24 dollars

Temptation said...

ROB with Butt Crack ... NICE...dont you feel sorry for him with all those photographers around- no wonder he keeps his head down and hoodie on..

orion said...

yes, Poor Baby! I saw the crack before but the video is funny

Temptation said...

ORION I have to duck out someone broke our toaster so this morning I couldn't look at my Rob Pics with Vegemite toast, very disturbing. I had a banana instead....Fur Rug....Banana...Fur Rug...It wasn't too bad actually..

orion said...

That bloody 'fur rug' I was dreaming with a Polar bear,lol
I'm so hungry of Rob this days...

orion said...

But I told you, we have to get that rug, and get the DNA

aimary said...

he's cute, but NEVER be LIKE ROB!!!
what the hell as he thinking???
How dare??
Rob is the King..always be!

Treasure_7 said...

He is cute, but Rob is gorgeously handome!!.....and hot!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yikes another calendar-I already have the first 2, will have to get this one as well-yummy photos!

Temptation said...

ORION - if we take the DNA it will take too long, on the other hand we can have 1 each...YAY

As soon as the larger pics come out that fur rug pic is going in a frame in my office.....funny I had a dream about the fur rug too...

orion said...

was a good dream?

Temptation said...

A WARM DREAM - although it did end really weird I was in a house with cats and I had his bag in my car boot. Someone came to get it, not Rob and asked if I had looked in the bag. When I said no he offered me money......freaky...and there were dead mice in the house and they were all crunchy.......if anyone out there can interpret dreams have a go at that one...

orion said...

Weird. Sad that you couldn't see the 'fur rug'

orion said...

I think is going to make happy! check this out:

Temptation said...

I think my universes are intertwining and The Bronze Horsemen is getting twisted with Robsessed. That's all I can think of because I was reading before bed. As for seeing him in the fur rug, not saying it didn't happen but the mice freaked me out a little.....I think I may need to start writing stories on the FF website....Georgie is right into it...Perhaps that will relieve my boredom through the drought.

Or maybe I could do some work ????

orion said...

Work? no way, is going to make the drought worst

Temptation said...

Did you miss the Dildo comments last week ??? I think the vote was mainly a no, although we were facinated by the sparkle side of things, but did wonder if you needed to duck into the back yard in sunlight...

You must be bored are surfing Rob stories ?? I surfed pictures for my new avi YOU LIKE....

orion said...

Yes I'd miss it. Oh yes, I like avi

Temptation said...

Check out the new picture on RP Australia, that is the first photo of Rob that I have seen and he looks really tired. SEXY but Tired.....

orion said...

send me the site

Temptation said...

The link is on the home page of this site under Affiliates - Robert Pattinson Australia....

Temptation said...

ORION - Check out the Bulgarian Twilight Ladies under the affiliates. There is something called Rob(sex) posts only CANT READ BULGARIAN damn.....That fur rug picture is getting a workout, how many women around the world dreamed of Rob on a Fur Rub last night??

orion said...

fur rug, fur rug, pants down, pants down....

kchambers77 said...

this is lame. this is the latest fashion for guys. "hobo mountain men don't give a fuck but i did buy this shirt from the gap and i'm going to say i borrowed it from my friend who loves pearl jam grunge era shirts" fashion

Kelly said...

OK, X man is cute.. but puhlease! Rob is so much more than attractive, he is that something .. that thing that you can't really put your finger on, it's just there.. and you can't look away and you melt into a puddle of girly bits and you are lost with one look into his eyes, the smile.. the laugh... *sigh*...

Yeah X man is cute.. but he needs to step back...gotta walk before you can run son... gotta walk before you can run. :)

bbonin said...

Ugh that guy is not even close to looking as hot as Rob does. EW! Rob is beautiful! X isn't. :P

Cali said...

I highly doubt that when Xavier was getting dressed he was thinking "Gee, what would Rob wear?". Sheesh

orion said...

RP australia has amazing pics. We saw most of them but still nice to look at it again, and again, and again...Oh God I'm so thirsty of Rob!

keti said...

Hey Tempt, Hows the book going !!!

Nikola Six said...

In this increasingly modern, artifical world, Rob Pattinson is that very incredibly rare thing (in Hollywood or anywhere), he's a 100% original. And therefore...he will have many imitators throughout the years.

Michael tried the 'look.' Nope. Sorry. Next.

Zak's given it a shot. Nope. Sorry. Next.

Now this little cutie. Nope. Sorry. Next.

And our next contestant? Don't be shy. Why step right up.


keti said...

@ orian - I see you have starting reading The Bronze Horseman, you enjoying it so far??

orion said...

Yes, I just bought it yesterday and I'd read only 6 pages or so.

orion said...

Thank you, for the tip, Keti

keti said...

Keep reading Hun, you will love it. I'm so in love the character "Alexander"

Nikola Six said...

This is off topic, but you guys are talking about fan-fic and I gotta question...

One of the best I ever read was called The Sub. I read it on Twilighted. I've gone back to re-read it and it's not there in it's entirety.

If anyone knows, where did the rest of it go, and how can I find it? Then...

The author (Tara Sue Me) supposedly re-wrote the story from Edward's POV and called it The Dom.
Can't find that sucker anywhere.

And I keep hearing about one called The Office? Where would I find that?

Any help would be appreciated.


keti said...

Nikola Six we are talking about the book "THE BRONZE HORSEMAN" probably the best book I've ever read!!!

Georgie said...

@ Nikola: here is the link to The Dom:

By clicking on the author's name, you get access to other stories she's written including The Sub. She's currently writing a sequel to The Dom called The Training.

Georgie said...

Here is a link to The Office:

It's a bit slow in getting updated (last updated 2 August) but worth reading.

@ Keti: I'm gonna high tail it to BIG W and buy the Bronze Horseman. I wonder though, is it ahem "explicit" or does it "fade to black"?

Marna said...

Does anyone know where these pictures came from? I've never seen them before

Edward makeup, Rob eyebrows

Another EW outtake? Looks like it could be, are there more somewhere?

orion said...

Hi Georgie!

@Marna: nice pics!!

keti said...

Georgie, don't know what you mean LOL
Big W should have the book there.
Its pretty hot & steamy I'm like Tempt & get major hot flushers reading it , but tastefully done.
She is a terrific writer ... you wont
regret it. Promise you TEMPT IS LOVING IT : ) & I'm so in love with Alexander (the character in the book )

Georgie said...

Hi Orion - you've been able to drag yourself away from the Bronze Horseman, ha ha!
Yeah Marna, nice pics: the first one looks Edward-esque but without the sculpted eyebrows. I haven't seen them before.

Georgie said...

Shit "hot flushes", don't need any more of those! I'll take your word though; still haven't started Wide Awake yet - am downloading it, changing names and printing it out, so it doesn't look so obvious that I'm reading fanfic LOL!

keti said...

I'm onto the third book now, and I re-read a love scene in the book like 5 times,
( 4 pages long) call me what you want but gee that got me in the mood for my hubby lol lol

orion said...

Yes, Georgie. I have to do something meanwhile is not Rob on sight. Keti I bought it myself in Big W, yesterday

Georgie said...

@ Keti: as the saying goes - it doesn't matter where you get your appetite, as long as you come home to eat!

keti said...

Georgie- Oh now I get it "fade to black" - stupid me
NO honey this goes all the way if you know what I mean ALL THE WAY - to the positions the screaming, and the ecstasy she/he is feeling .........perfect reading : )

keti said...

love that saying Georgie : ) very true !!!

orion said...

HEY! SSSHHH! I didn't get to that part yet!!!!

Georgie said...

Sounds like my kinda book Keti!! It reminds me when I was reading Eclipse earlier this year, on a plane between Canberra and Brisbane squashed between 2 strangers, and I got to the "leg hitching" part - talk about awkward trying to keep my breathing under control LOL!

Does anyone else wonder how they're going to fit a massive bed into Edward's bedroom??

keti said...

sorry... I haven't spoiled anything for you I promise.

Georgie said...

...on the contrary - something to look forward to Orion!

keti said...

Edwards needs to get his hands dirty and start building an extension!! Or take another room : )

Georgie said...

Yeah, something CH didn't foresee - the need for Edward's room to be larger in order to accommodate a bed later on!

Dani said...

Hey if anyone is still around commenting I just posted 3 new items and one contains new EW outtakes. Hope you enjoy.

I am off to bed.

Georgie said...

Thanks Dani, going over there now!

Dani said...

You are very welcome Georgie sweetness.

keti said...

Honestly its that good of a book, that as soon as I finish this third book I'm going to re-read
the first (bronze horseman) The characters are all I think about, I absolutely love them.
Probably the BEST READ ever....

Temptation said...

KETI - what are you doing to your avi ??? you are as bad as me....where did the furrrrr go ??

Hi Girls I am freezing my ass off in Melbourne Today it is so cold. Georgie you will be pleased to know I am currently on FF reading one of your recommendations.

Orion and I have had a busy day....

Georgie said...

and sweet dreams Dani!!

keti said...

Tempt I felt bad taking it : (

Temptation said...

I like your new one anyway what do you think of mine...

keti said...

love it, any close up of Rob's lips wins me over

orion said...

hey girls! anything new? Georgie, what new posts Dani is talking about?

orion said...

No worries Georgie! I just saw it

Nikola Six said...

Thanks so much. Sorry it took me a bit to get back here. I was off reading some fic.

This is insane. I have SO MUCH to be doing right now and I'm READING FIC???


(just wanted to get that off my chest)

Night all,


Anonymous said...

I'm NO.

Xavier has NOTHING, NOTHING in the looks and sexalicious yumminess that Rob exudes.

Rob's eyes are so powerful they make my girlie bits quiver and my clothes mysteriously want to fall off just at the sight of those brooding eyes.....looking up from under his heavy brows....

**puddle** .....scuse me for a minute....

Rayodeluna said...

Of course he's trying to be Rob but not even close! I'm sorry but I don't find him cute or handsome hehehe sooo there's only one Rob for me!

Diane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diane said...

The similarities only make the differences more dramatic. Being good-looking and dressing like Rob are the easy parts. Let's see someone match his hawtness and charm. Good luck with that, guys around the world.

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