Rob Leaving Chateau Marmont 08/07/2009

Thanks to for the pictures, check 'em out for larger ones :)

That shirt is holding onto dear life with just a couple of threads :)

Okay, what kind of a hotel is this? Where the hell is he leaving through?
Wires on the floor, all shady...

Normally I would feel bad about him trying to sneak out and hide his face but not today.
I'm sick of the sneaking today. Hold your head up high and suck it up boy.

And the happy cabbie for giggles:


Nora said...

"Hold your head up high and suck it up boy."


Ana73 said...

I do feel bad for him. He is trying so hard not to be photographed and it's just not working. Anywhere he goes, there goes the shutter lense.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Jeez, I usually don't care for what a man is wearing ~ I do care a lot for HOW he get undressed... teehee...
But gorgeous wet lover might need to go shopping...

Anonymous said...

Poor Rob, but how else are we going to get pics of him?

Nora said...

Ok, having said that... I hate that he feels like he has to hide. Like it's going to do any good, anyway. I feel for him...

Sophia Z.86 said...

"Rob, lover, need your own private Sophia to help you with this 2? I can help with the "put on,...put out... put in... oooppsss! hot stuff alert!"


Unknown said...


Damn right you are: "Hold your head up high and suck it up boy."

I'm sick with all the mistery, all the hiding, after all fame has its consequences!!!!

Unknown said...

hi Soph!!

candiojones said...

yes! suck it up, Rob! this hiding bullsh*t is LAME!!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


dont tell me this guy doesnt have a hangover!
if he's lucky, he hasnt slept all night.... :)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

he looks hella sexy

but why the sneaking around the whole world knows you are there rob so walk through the front door with your head held high

wanabRPsmom said...

'I'm sick of the sneaking today. Hold your head up high and suck it up boy.'

you TELL him Gozde!

You are Hunted in "IT" guy for the yeah..SUCK IT UP Rob!

capitu-louca said...

Gozde must be hitting the vodka really hard... (and so am I, BTW...) I am pretty sure it is still 08/07/2009 in LA...

Unknown said...

Do you guys think things are going to be better or worse after New Moon?

Sophia Z.86 said...


Welcome back!!

cutecandy said...

I hear yeah Gozde, all the sneaking around is getting old. Fess up already boy! That will certainly bring some peace back into the world

CK said...

Is it me seeing things or the last button on his shirt has a different color than the rest?

Sara said...

LOL @ the cabbie.
He's all 'PHOTO OP 8D'

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i hate the sneaking around

until they confirm and stop stop lying it will only get worse

and i dont want to hear the WE ARE JUST FRIENDS CRAP cant fool the world anymore

aimary said...

I really, really hate the paps...f***ck
poor Rob..

Sophia Z.86 said...

@ CK!

You are right! He is incredible... the button IS different...

That is my guy...

cutecandy said...

BWAHAHAHHAHAHHAA CK you're totally right the last button is of a different color than the rest! Oh precious Rob I can totally imagine him swearing because the sewing kit does not have the right button with it lol...this is precious indeed

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Photobucket shows blocked or deleted photos?

Love the raggety shirt...hobo Rob makes me melt..

I'm sure he's tired of the photos, but I agree...hold your head up darlin, you got nothing to be ashamed of & nothing to hide.

RPLover said...

hey, what the F happened to the pics?! can't see 'em...says they've been moved or deleted

CK said...

Rob is trying really hard to live up to the hobo wonder noone paid any attention to Rob while he was lunching at CM. People around him didn't know what to make of him...a hobo or a famous actor...oh Rob...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I think it is Summit that is making them hide.

Anonymous said...

he looks pretty pissed, but i agree with gozde. i don't care. he partook in the pleasure of the french fry without me. i haven't had one in like 3 months...that lucky f*ck.

also, i want to fix his shoelace.
i worry about him falling and breaking the pretty.

Kimmie said...

hey sara love your profile pic, when i saw it was like oh dang thats good lol imagine rob in an action film walking away from an explosion

Sophia Z.86 said...

I thought my computer was going nuts with Rob´s hotness...

marie said...

he really has to dump this shirt. I am serious it will only take one rabid fan to yank at that shirt and he'll be shirtless!

Rob, please you have a lot of money now.

marie said...

What's up with that second phone. He sometimes uses this other phone.

What happened to the iphone robbie?

you are so mysterious>>>

Sophia Z.86 said...

Marie! that is a great idea! A crazy fan can get him shirtless in a sec! That is good... a shirtless Rob is all my weekend needs.
And maybe the crazy fan could take his pants off too...

just sayin...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

only rob can make old cloths sexy

Unknown said...

he is so pissed that even the pics are hiding now...

CK said...

@marie, shirtless Rob!!! Dang girl, that's even better! I can already imagine some crazy ass fans do that, yanking him so hard and leave him shirtless...hmm...shirtless Rob.. *sigh*.

Sophia Z.86 said...

CK! Exactly my thoughts...
Smart minds think alike, ya'know...
If we wish really hard, then... maybe...

CK said...

@Sophia...let's close our eyes and start praying REALLY, REALLY hard that the shirt would actually fall off him w/o a crazy fan in the pix yanking it off him...

Sophia Z.86 said...

Well, CK, that shirt is old enough to fall off him without any help...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

This is the video of Rob, Kristen & her mom, when he was leaving for NY the day after the MTV awards...her mom is running her fingers over Rob's hair...

the pappz are annoying as usual, turn down the sound..

Anonymous said...

I can't see the pictures - it says "this image or video has been moved or deleted". Gozde - help!! Can you connect to the pictures, I'm absolutely dying to see them!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Ruby... Gozde must be sleeping now. It is dawn in her country...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


just sayin...

Sophia Z.86 said...

@rpattzgirl... you really dig!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

Saw that vid of them at charlie hotel after the mtv awards

they are always in hotels

Ana73 said...

what happened to the pics??? is rob hacking in to remove the pics lol

i wonder where they are tonight, you know that pappz are on red alert to find them :)

someone made a good point in another thread about beyonce and jay z they never formally came out that they were dating until after they were married. kristen & rob can go on like this for years and years...

heather said...

LMAO rpattzgirl!
Thanks.."let's see that again in double slow motion"..oh that shizz is funny!

Oh I would pay money for the scene where Catherine said he fell off the bed because he was too passionate!

Ana73 said...

rpattzgirl - after a kiss like that how could she have waited so long to break up with MA :)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i wonder they are going to spin this

already some folks saying she was just there to visit friends LMAO AHHHHH

and they are probly going to say they were working on movie stuff LoL

let the spin machine begin

Ana73 said...

i am surprised that the falling off the blooper never made it to you tube.

Kstew Fashion said...

ooh kristen and rob just went to a gig together and then headed back to his to talk, get into character and brush K's mullet. Believe what you want but the evidence is too strong now stop with the 'pics or it didn't happen' bullshit. Not one of you knows Rob, hes never gonna fuck you! Yeah Kristen just went back to his to stay and left in the same outfit because they are 'very good friends', she doesn't need to stay with him she already has a home in L.A so its obvious why she was there. Accept it and move on, if she making him happy then be happy for him if you are a true rob fan! they don't owe anyone a confirmation that they are dating and something tells me that some of you guys would still deny it even if he stripped and fucked her in public! don't bash people who actually have some common sense and can use the two things on their face called eyes, we can see whats going on. Some of you need a cold dose of reality and they day rob and kristen do come out alot of you will be eating your words. Goodnight suckers!!!!!!

Unknown said...

yeah but jay z and beyonce weren't sneaking around either. They just didn't answer any relationship questions

Unknown said...

Goodnight kiki!

Ana73 said...

kiki - i think most of us on here blogging right now believe what is in front of our faces, it's pretty hard not to. i think you should have been on earlier this morning when it was really crazy.

Unknown said...

Yeah but beyonce and jay z weren't sneaking around either. they just don't answer relationship questions.

MBMOM said...

I heartedly agree...

Hold you head up high, and suck it up!

Looks like he's pissed but with fame and fortune comes paparazzi.
Maybe he'll move to France like Johnny Depp...another heartbeater but somehow can still fly under the radar when he wants to.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

kiki so true

iam with you 100%

but some folks on other sites are spinning it

heather said...

@Ana she probably stayed with MA because it was her first love and I really got the inclination she didn't want to have feelings for Rob, so she lived in denial for a long time.

mya bluesky said...

@rubydinasti: same problem here..but let Gozde take a rest after this crazy day, just check out the pict at socialite...

Poor Rob.he's trying so hard to hide his face.what's wrong Rob?u're not doing something wrong, then why did u hide ur beautiful face???

Emily said...

He's probably got his head down because I doubt it's very pleasant to have flashes going off in his face while he's walking through a dark parking garage.

Ana73 said...

heather - yeah but that kiss was pretty steamy :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

@heather & ana73,

I know, I wish they would have released the one of him falling off the bed...

Total THUD!

Any Rob kissing is better than sex with a tool.

Marna said...

I just get an error message for all the pics :-( For the post below this one also.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

its going to be fun watching them the next couple of days

trying to put the cat back in the bag and the toothpaste back in the tube with denial

heather said...

Oh yeah that was a funny line from him I remember.."I'm just a tool", "A BIG HARD TOOL" LMAO!!!

Well it was so steamy because it was what... only technically the first or second kiss for them after the "audition". All those pent up feelings for so long, especially on his part. I love watching that scene because you can see his mouth twitch after the first kiss, he's so excited!

Ana73 said...

i just looked at the pics again, no one commented that he is wearing clean kind of new fresh pants. old shirt/new pants. i love the way he dresses ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

It was seriously one of the hottest kisses on film..

No matter how many times I see it, I still drool & twitch...

You know Catherine H wished it was her!

RPLover said...

kiki, please chill out.

I'm certianly not speaking for everyone here or for everyone who thinks that the Rob and Kristen stuff is crap, in fact I'm not entirely convinced it is crap, what I'm saying (and I believe several others are too) is WHO CARES. if they want to go out or not, it is their business and they obviously want to keep it private, so why can't we give them that respect?

let's try to play nice here, please, I love this blog and uptight people just ruin it. No, we don't know him, and you don't either.

Emily said...

RPlover - Amen to that! Well said.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

This has been so an emotional day, and so many "heated" comments that you usually never find on this site..

Opinions are like assholes..everyone has one-but we are very respectful to each other on this site (until today that is)

I don't know where all these nasty people came from today, but it's really made a bad vibe on here..

We all love Rob and have fun debating & sharing our opinions, but lets not be rude or resort to name calling..

Just sayin....

amen RPlover

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

talking about rob and kissing and rob naked

not good...... give me heart attack lol

heather said...

Oh Catherine so wanted it to be her. I thought the whole behind the scenes commentary with those three was so telling. He was so nervous watching that kiss scene, he had to make fun of himself and then they were all just silent...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

people need to realised that rob maybe our FANTASY but he is kristen's REALITY

so accept it and move on

tiybor said...

pix are still up on

Emily said...

rpattzgirl & heather - Seriously, who DIDN'T want that to be them?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Amen Sista! Just for one little minute...

He's my fantasy, dream man, everything I would ever want...hobo & all.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I loved the commentary part where he said the kiis took so long cuz he thought Kristen was going to come in...

And when he talked about his "nubbin" god, gives me chills.

Think I will watch Twilight tonight with the commentary, just to hear his voice.

Night ladies-it's been a rough day & I hope we all came away a little more positive tonight..

I know it put Gozde through hell today..

Ana73 said...

rpattzgirl - hobo & all hilarious :))

Ana73 said...

and i was thinking the same thing after today's events. twilight would be fitting to watch and to hear his voice. good night to all and let's see what pics we wake up to.

heather said...

Of course! Who doesn't want to do all sorts of naughty things with this man?! I' am not one who generally likes younger men, but this one..well he is some kind of special. ;}

hemiola said...

@ kiki / In response to her comment

I think it's safe to assume that many of us that read & love this blog know that the chances of any of us dating Rob would range from NONE to NONE. Especially for me, because once he found out I collect postage stamps, it would be over. I'd also guess that many of us would be thrilled to hear that Rob & Kristen are dating. But my point is that I'd rather hear it from the horse's mouth. It's not that I'm denying that Rob & Kristen are dating (I actually think they ARE). I just can't accept it as FACT until one of them, not a trash-magazine, has confirmed it. I'm not in denial, it's just out of respect.

izzy said...

Just saw this on my twitter dunno how true it is though.....@delaneyg84Yep. R/K are seeing Marcus Foster tonight right now.

cutecandy said...

yeah they are at Marcus' gig right this very moment and probably this very second planning an escape route

izzy said...

Oh BTW...Hi everyone.....I can't sleep and haven't been here in a while ....missed ya'all ;)

izzy said...

cutecandy, u at the concert or u saw it on twitter.....they probably have it figure out by now, and being confident since there where no pappz yesterday, they probably think 2nite should be easy also.

cutecandy said...

I wish I'm there Izzy but I'm over here on the other side of the country. Say it on IMDB, the girls over there are discussing how it's on twitter and how rude some fans are shouting Rob's name as Marcus is performing :( That's just sad!

cutecandy said...


ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


i would love to have that tall, long,
hard body unfold itself all over me like that....

uuummmmmm yup!

izzy said...

Ohhhh how rude!!!! I'm on the other side also, I could've gone to Manhattan while he was filming over there, but when I saw all that pandemonium I just felt weird and bad about being "one more" I just decided it was fine with just seeing his pictures online.....although I was DYING to go...believe me.....I hated it for him......well I'm following on twitter and that's what they're saying, guess it's true since u also saw it.....I really hope it doesn't go bad for Rob and I feel for Marcus' poor guy, Rob won't ever go to any of his friends gigs knowing he's taking away the spotlight from sad....*sighs*

AW said...
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izzy said...

Good *sighs* they left....

izzy said...
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RPLover said...

@hemiola-EXACTLY! thanks for getting it :)

and Emily and rpattzgirl, thanks for the backup! muah!

hopefully things will be a little calmer around here to watch some old happy Rob interviews on youtube, hope he can do some of those for new moon after all this! night, chicas :)

TwiHartRK said...

I'm with you Emily and RPLover. Let him live his life and give him some credit. Funny I do love seeing his fine ass and feel bad for him at the same time. I'm sure it sux - it's one thing to expect it but he lives thru the flashbulbs and innuendos. Hopefully he can enjoy his time with his friends (whoever), whenever, where ever he chooses and ignore the bs...and we'll continue to enjoy looking at his fine ass and scowl at the dumb paps w/him - all the while knowing very little about what happens behind closed doors. And if we were there we could shove the camera up the antagonistic paps ass for him - after stealing the film.

Anonymous said...

This has been said by Gozde and others but I just wanna put my 1 cent in b/c I'm bored. I think most of the people on here who aren't screaming Robsten need more proof than good acting in a romance movie, and photos of them leaning towards each other, a going to shows together. They're friends. Friends hangout and prefer to be around each other for emotional support.
Its kind of annoying when people say that there is tons of proof, because there really isn't. It all just points to them being good friends who admire each others work. I'm sure they bonded a lot while filming. I'm sure they enjoyed many nights of bashing SM and twilight (sorry but my gut leads me to think that they are not big fans of the novels).

Anyways if Robsten becomes official my reaction will be, "Oh good for them!"

If they officially say they're not knocking boots my reaction will be, "Oh good for them!"

Spidermonkey said...

I think it's awesome if he and Kristen are doing the naughty together- more power to her that lucky, lucky, lucky girl. I wish I was her!

orion said...

Poor baby! he's sick of the papz.
Rob, u have here a bunch of ladies ready to help u to sew all your clothes.

Ellie said...

TS, I totes agree with you on all you've said, bb! xo

And Irene, I'm with you on waht you said too~~It is what it is...or isn't.

Ellie said...

Oops. that was for Twiheart, not TS...

AW said...

@Heather - naughty things?? :D

Can't shut up. One more thing to say about, um, the relationship. They were hanging out in each other's rooms all night, in their own 'bubble' and said so, when filming Twilight - only nobody cared. They were just Rob and Kristen, no Robsten or Krisert, or Stewpat or Patwert, whatever. What's changed is the world around them. I hope they keep doing whatever it is they need to do for Eclipse.

Enjoy Twilight revisited - I'm going to watch HTB and have another beer. :)

Mommamary said...

Today's heated discussions left me with a bad taste in my mouth, I have to say. I have never been sick of Rob but I am getting that way a little. Still heart him, but so sick of the sneaking, are they/aren't they speculations. Thinking like a detective, this is still not proof. They hung out before Twilight at her house for days studying the script and practicing different ways to portray their characters. They could be doing that now too. But either way, I am just sick of it. I agree, Goz, hold up your heads, stop sneaking, look the world in the eye and don't answer if you don't want to, but just look up, smile and go on with your business. Everyone will begin to relax a little and stop torturing you so much. Do the Jack Nicholson thing, Rob, don't answer questions you don't want to answer and hold your head up.

TwiHartRK said...

Thanks Ellie - I heart you bb!!

Georgie said...

Wow information, opinion and emotion overload today. Love it!

Anonymous said...

ellie: were you calling out to me? lol

aaaahhhh i was hoping for some late night blog lovin'...anybody here?

well said btw alie, we can't change a damn thing, so let him live xoxo

ladyvlue said...

hey... where is he?...
cant see the pics!!!...
its just part of my day, I cant go to sleep, please!

AW said...

@ Mommary: I wasn't trying to disprove anything. I honestly don't care. Just don't want the onscreen heat to disappear. Only pointing out they did the same before, only now everybody and his weasel is watching, and judging.

Maybe many others will have the same reaction, get sick of it all and lose interest in Rob if he doesn't handle this well. I'm not one. I'm just going to keep going to his movies, and god hoping, any gigs. Nite :)

Anonymous said...

This is my first post here. I've been following this blog latey because is awesome, I laugh so much everytime but I agree with everything Mommamary said. I'm getting sick of this "are they/aren't they" together stuff. It's ruining the Twilight saga for me. The fact that Rob and Kristen keeping silence is so annoying, whatever is going on just say it already, we'll be happy no matter what but stop this nonsense. "Hold your head up high and suck it up boy." FTW!

ladyvlue said...

shame on me!
dont want to see him if he doesn't

love him even more...

Mechevpao said...

Irene, you expressed so well!!!
Let me applaud you.
My feelings toward the matters are exactly what you said.
Thank you so much for it!!

And also I will say that shirt will come off any second hahaha, only he can wear such things.

Maryann said...

Irene and Ellie I totally agree with you, to whoever called us suckers? WTF? chill please no need for namecalling.

And I am gonna be on the team from now on, whatever makes Rob happy LOL. As for me being delusional to think Rob would date me? LMFAO are you kidding me? Of course I do not even THINK in those ways. That's what fantasies are for, you know to create your own lil dream world where everything is perfect, you got a killer body, around his age and well there ya go lol. I am fully aware and appreciate MY reality just fine heehee!

So from now on I am moving up to : whatever makes Rob Happy. I still think they will be prey for the paps until something comes out to show them ONE way or the other, that ONE pic that will show one way or another, poor kids. I hope they can keep their sanity on all of this... and the paps will find another prey soon enough..

Aneska said...
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Aneska said...

I really want to hit that %&#@!pap. Rob's trying to hide his face so hard that it makes me angry and sad. I love seeing him, but I don't want these kind of pics. The worst thing is that we, all the fans, are sending these &%$#@¬ pappz to "hunt" him/them. Here, in Spain, you can find him in almost every teen magazine (usually "lots of crap", of course, but they sell more with his face on the cover, I'm sure!) I'm still thinking that this is too much for him and I'm worried about him, I'm worried that all this will make him change :(
I wish I have not seen those pics

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

some people are taking this way to seriously, acting like ROBERT is cheating on you. people saying ROB is destroying the movies that havent even been made yet.
'OMG! twilight is so going to be terrible now!!!!' huh?

this should be a f*cking reality tv show on fox, called 'bored, lonely middle aged, whiney, twilight fans'.

Pet73 said...

Good Morning!

I just wanted to thank Mommamary once again for expressing exactly what i'm thinking. Especially on this part I completely agree with her:
"I agree, Goz, hold up your heads, stop sneaking, look the world in the eye and don't answer if you don't want to, but just look up, smile and go on with your business". It's not relevant, that I don't like Kristen but in case Rob loves her, he shouldn't look like he's ashamed (just my impression).

Lina said...

Hey!!!!! Why the pictures are removed?????

riley said...

Robert was staying at the Chauteau Marmont - he's not sneaking nothing if he's staying there. lol This is the hotel where many a celebrity meltdown and brawl and poolside drama has gone down. They are not sneaking if you ask me. If they chose to hang out for whatever reason there, it was with the understanding they would be seen and talked about. So, I don't really know why or what's going on there, but if they wanted to hide, they would have gone anywhere BUT the CM. He does look pissed, but I'm guessing there is something other than being "caught" by paps. He would have anticipated it.

Pet73 said...

Riley- Do you suggest the possibility, that all this fuss has been made up by someone (maybe Summit)? Do you have additional info? It's hard to believe. I thought the CM is some kind of hideaway. (Don't want to offend you, I'm just curious.)

Anonymous said...

@Mechevpao and Maryann

Thanks for reading and appreciating my comment!

riley said...

Pet-the CM is celebrity friendly in many ways in terms, but it's also a place where many folks, media types in particular, anticipate celebrity drama to go down. Robert has partied there a lot, he's stayed there too. Like many stars, he's conducted interviews there as well. So, I get the fact he frequents it. But if Kristen and him were trying to keep things on the downlow between them, or not fuel the flames of gossip, stomping in and out of the CM is NOT the way to go. When I heard the rumor they were seen back there initially, I was like no way. But the fact they have been seen there, it means they realized they would be seen. I don't know what that means to be honest. I don't think they are just part of a publicity stunt, simply because they are already TOO overexposed. the only think I can imagine right now is maybe they are trying to come out in some way publicly. That doesn't exactly make sense either though.

Pet73 said...

Thank you Riley, very interesting. Didn't know any of that. (Robsessed is a very educational site :p.)

riley said...

ps, pet: i should add celebrities go to the CM often to be seen. Many folks take pride in mocking the CM and other places like La Deux for being places where media whoring starlets congregate, ie, Nicole Ritchie and Paris Hilton had a huge fight lounging poolside there one time. I was curious why Robert hung out there so much last winter, but he mentioned he hung out in douchey places just cause he didn't know better once. lol Kristen has mentioned how she doeesn't like the hollywood scene, and namedropped CM and la deux specifically to say she can have fun without hitting such spots in LA.

Pet73 said...

Riley, maybe you are right and they wanted to take the oportunity to "come out", so this "pissed face" of Robert in the pics probably is only kind of acting? (Rob is a clever boy, don't know what to make of this - scratches head.)

Em Sao said...

No longer need to hide Rob/Sten. Maybe they'll come out at the teen choice awards. Yeah, they will. At last!

Lina said...
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Lina said...

Ok, I whatched the photos on socialiallife site. I don't know LA and cannot say if the places Rob and K were photographed ARE THE SAME. K wears the same clothes? How many pictures of Rob have we seen wearing the same jeans and T-shirt. So? Does this prove they spent night together? Oh, come on :))).
The other thing - emotional. Think as of yourselves - when you are in love, don't you want everybody to know? Don't you want to say - I love this guy (girl), look at him (her)? No matter if it will last only for couple of months or for the rest of your life. At this moment you are in love and the whole world MUST know it. Now what Rob and K do? First, they really do not look happy. Of course, all because of all this "Robsten" hysteria and the chase. Looks like they are getting sick of it. But there were no confirmations about their romantic relation. Many times before they said - "just good friends; just dear friends; K has a boyfriend and is happy with". But somehow people just don't want to listen to them, but try to invent theories of there own. And will never get tired of that... Rob and K do not deny any rumours anymore? What for? They can say - no, we are not dating. But the others will say - yes, you are, we know it. So, why to bother?
Somehow, I think Summit works hard to keep these rumors on the tabloids. Why? To promote the movie. All this "Robsten" obsession started with "New Moon" promotion. Couple of months ago Rob was "dating" Emilie. Remember? And how much this guy could be disrespectfull to himself and the girls - one banging in NY and the other in LA? Relax, I'm interpretating :))
Don't know girls, but I think they would not be hidding if they were together. And still there so many questions...

anna F said...

Good for Rob if he is happy~

As a principle, I don't get why he should have to say anything about his private life.
But i guess since so many people are arguing within eachother about it, it would be nice that this fight comes to a conclusion.

About those: but they denied dating in the past!
And I don't think that I am the only one having noticed that they have not denied anything for a while (whether it's because it didn't help the situation anyway or because they started dating, I don't know...). Old quotes don't mean a thing, anything could have happened within a year.

anna F said...

@ Gozde:

the pictures don't show up from photobucket...
Too bad, I like seeing what you put with this text (though I get the general idea).

phosphorus said...

I agree with Riley, the CM does not look like the place to go if you don't want to fuel any more rumours or keep something secret.

Guess, Ted C. and the other gossip writers are dancing on the tables now. Because that will give them and their "sources" a credibility that they don't deserve.

phosphorus said...

@ Anna F: Perhaps Photobucket removed them because of copyrights. You can see the pictures on, Gözde linked their site.

Pet73 said...

Hi Phos! How are you?

Very interesting stuff - Riley is giving us something to ponder :).

Lina said...

@ Anna F: I saw the photos on socialife site. The link is above :)

anna F said...

I checked them out on sociallife, but it's a shame to to be able to enjoy them with Gozde's subtext, it's always half of the entertainment~

anonymous said...

I completely agree with Lina.

phosphorus said...

Not to mention that they get a huge number of clicks when people check out the photos there.

Anonymous said...

I have stayed in the Chateau Marmont Hotel ONCE. And I think I never will again because its freaking expensive.. (more than $300/night) I went there for like 3 days for my birthday.. (and stayed in a fancy-looking bungalow)
So yeah, I also ate at the hotel's patio! pretty sight.. (thought i'd share with you!) and im telling you the pictures are right.. it's really packed when it's lunch time in the patio! LOL fun stuff

so anyways, i think this whole day has been very pivotal and ... very EPIC for the robstenites. i think this is a huge turning point from all the 'speculations'. i mean the same day, u get a picture of michael angarano with some brunette lady and also, you get R and K out and about in one of H'Wood's finest hotels...
Epicness at its best, people! Perfect way to get pumped up for the TCA's 09!

monika said...

another sighting of Robsten,at Marcus Foster concert

LA SIGHTING: Rob and Kristen just left Hotel Cafe in LA where they showed up to watch Rob's friend Marcus Foster perform.about 6 hours ago from web

#LAsighting: Rob and Kristen sitting on stools next to each other. If fans were aware (they were) didn't show it. No paps inside.about 6 hours ago from web



monika said...

So some people in their last desperate attempt to prove it's fake fake fake are saying it's beem made up by Summit for publicity,yeah sure,'cause your darling anti-HW Rob(and even more anti-HW KStew) would agree to such a pathetic showmance,you're disrespecting him with this theory. Don't you know him at all? If it was created for the buzz,the truth would come out eventually,can you imagine the fans' reaction at realizing those two sold themselves out? Not to mention R/K and Summit's credibility would suffer cause of that. I srsly don't see those two ever agreeing to do such a thing. Not only risking their credibility but also sacrificing their private lives for this. Besides the parents are sorta involved now(K's mom outside Charlie hotel,R's rents on his b-day with KStew sandwiched between them) would they include their own rents in this?

it's no point anymore,just accept it
if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,then it's a damn duck

marya said...

monika those pics show rob leaving in an audi and not in a confused now...which pics are the real ones? :S

marya said...

ohh wait this is the marcus foster concert not the boby long concert...different nights ok i get it lol

Jewel said...

pictures are not working, help please.

mya bluesky said...

@monika: i check out the pict.another nite for them to be together. i think Marcus has his show again at hotel cafe this saturday, maybe they will go to the show again??? will see

OH Rob, just be happy OK...

mya bluesky said...

@jewel: which pictures??? if u mean pict at this site, just go to it's original site at socialite life, gozde give the link above. but if u want to check another pict Rob and Kris at Marcus Show, just go here

phosphorus said...

As Riley pointed out: There's no need to create a buzz since they're already overexposed.

Sam said...

omg everything has been removed by photo bucket?? whats that all about? WHat did i miss??

wanabRPsmom said...

phosphorus said...

As Riley pointed out: There's no need to create a buzz since they're already overexposed.

August 8, 2009 8:14 AM


What's next remain to be seen. Will Rob's fans and pappz frenzy slows down? I bet once they show loving gestures the buzz will fizzle..imo. Teir is a SATURATION point of curiousity..ya know!

I really do not think Summit is/was involved in their cat / mouse play w their relationship (if true). Rob is trying to slowly let it show..but maybe K is reluctant due to the way Michael was pushed out. She is not well liked hooking up w the IT guy could make it worst.

Let Rob have his passions...he will be gone for awhile w BA and UC. Long distance young love can only survive for so long in such situations.

Well Rob Pattinson...good luck to your young career! Nurture it man...DO NOT get side tracked all of a sudden..

wanabRPsmom said...

pardon the typos, ;)

Good Morning Robsessed ladies!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Good Morning Ladies!

Lets have a wonderful Robsessed day!

No haters today please! It's wonderful to see Rob out enjoying himself, he's worked like a trooper for months now!

wanabRPsmom said...

check out spunkransom robert pattinson blog. she has a pretty good sequence of rob's sighting on his way to marcus foster's show last night!

why oh why Rob's handlers making it soo hard for Rob. let him be so pappz and fans will ease up in hunting the poor guy! same with kristen dodging and running away ..what's the deal..just walk normally and no scene as if people are going to grab you!

it's getting predictable and boring..

SeamusDuncan said...

I keep reading that people are waiting for them to "just come out and say it!"

Well, they have come out and said they are just friends.

If that's what Rob tells us, I have no reason not to believe him. He seems to be pretty honest and up front about things, so I will take his word for it. Kristen says the same thing, "Just good friends".

So, just because they haven't "come out and said they are dating" doesn't mean they haven't told the truth. Earlier this week Rob stated, "I'm young, single and free."

I, for one, believe him and wish for him only the best. When Robbie's happy, I'm happy.

Lisa said...

Iz typing on iPhone so apologies up front for typos LOL

First, just want to say thAt as I could have literally birthed the boy at my college senior cocktail party, I have no delusions about ever getting with him. That would just be.. Wierd.

Second, this may not be a populR thing to say but here goes: do neither of them realize that part of why the paps dog them is because of the whole 'covert' nature of things?when it's out in the open, lifes just a little more easier.

Maybe it's because I get a vibe I don't like off kristen (have from before I ever heard anything about 'robsten'') but this whole episode has made me question character. I think maybe I need a twilight/Robert break...

Hansom Ransom said...

Logically, the Robsten hype would die out if they came clean about a relationship (if one exists, to be diplomatic). Realistically, that's not going to happen. As long as Twilight is hot, there is ALWAYS going to be speculation on what their relationship is. If they come out and say that they ARE dating, the next headlines (and we have already seen one of them) are going to be about a pregnancy, their nasty breakup, or infidelity. They will never be able to win this game, so I see no reason why they should come out and say something about it. They have every right to keep whatever they may have private.

Another thing is that I don't like it when people say they won't be fans of Rob if he is dating Kristen, that him doing so somehow means he is less of a person. We don't know him, nor can we claim to know anything about who he is other than how he presents himself in public; how can we say he is a poor judge of character when it comes to her? Over the last couple of days on this board, I have seen people slam Kristen for everything under the sun, but something that particularly bothers me is when her smoking has been mentioned. When Rob smokes, many people consider it sexy, but it is somehow one of the qualities that make Kristen so disliked. None of us know Rob or Kristen, therefore we cannot assume that we know what is best for them and we have to stop setting such double standards.

Spunk Ransom said...

Who ever has doubts whether it is Kristen or not, look at the sweater!!

Karina said...

People who are famous usually stall coming out in public for several reasons. It's a very basic PR move because it limits what people speculate about. The media ends up speculating simply "are they or aren't they?" Well, if you open up publicly about being together, you actually broaden what the media can speculate about you and your relationship. IF they are together(I still don't know for sure), they aren't trying to yank people's chains by not coming out and declaring it. Most likely they are being counseled by management and others to not publicly confirm at this time because of the vast scrutiny on them. Don't think for a minute it will lighten up, the media attention, once they confirm. They'll just end up opening themselves to more scrutiny about the nature and status and temperment and complications of a relationship.

And people need to remember that both of them are aware they head a large franchise that is dependent on their popularity and chemistry. They are in a very complicated situation if they are together, and it makes sense they proceed with some caution.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Socia;ite has a funny story about celebs who dress like "hobos" and of course has a hobolicious Rob as the poster boy..

Sara said...

Lisa, your DP is making me hungry!

Sara said...

I'm still not planning on speculation or adding my two cents into this tiresome discussion.

Everyone can look to my avi to see how I feel about the Robsten situation.

Lisa said...

@ Sara:

There is nothing in the world like a slice of Junior's cheesecake & a hot, steaming cup of coffee :D

Mmmm...I may need to go get's a cheesecake kind of day :D

MBMOM said...

Just woke up ~ didn't sleep much; Stayed up reading Fan Fiction Alternate Universe B&E story called Wide Awake (AWESOME) but had to log on and see what I missed.

Seems like they were at Hotel Cafe again last night to see Marcus and again, left together in a car.
Now....I have to agree with Mommamary....I still think RP is adorable but am getting kinda tired of the sneaking, head down, etc. Maybe he had lunch in public thinking it may distract the paps from seeing KS sneaking away but is upset that it didn't work.

Lisa, wannabrpsmom and pet73, you hit the nail on the head re:(gulp) Robsten.

Enough already...your sneaking around is getting old and tiresome. Heads up, smile, walk and don't talk. KS seems to have it down pat and RP seems to want to still be able to interact with his fans but can't. Read on another site that after the MF show, both were seen rushing out and one fan asked for a photo and he said he was sweet. much as my heart tells me no, I have to drink the kool-aid and entertain the idea that they may be more than "just close friends". 2 days and nights in a row, her house his hotel....
Just roll with it, smile and be true. So sad neither can just hang out with their friends but it is what it is...and sorry, still don't think KS should be in a 21+ club drinking beer when she's underage. Reeks of "I'm a celebrity so rules and laws don't apply to me."

AW said...

@Emily: experienced that en masse photog flash by being near a v.i.p in a garage, and you are right - it's retina-burning. You cant' see a thing. So it's head down, or a confused one-eyed squint. :)

Sara said...

Lisa, I do have carrot cake in the house. Maybe I should have some of that....
Not the same as cheesecake though. Goddamn!

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karina said...

Keeping your head down when pap flashes and yells and rude inquiries is very underestandable. How do you keep your head up? It's not a normal situation, so a normal reaction should not be expected. I don't really care about the alleged Robsten deal, but I do care how quickly people judge Robert's actions yet they are talking them out of context. He's taking a defensive, protective position when he's putting his head down. Paps will say and do things to get a reaction. By Robert putting his head down, he's disengaging them. I'm not sure why people are interpreting a basic gesture like this as a sign of him being ashamed.

Loisada said...

SD'sMom: that "quote" comes from a supposed interview that was pure bunk. That's the big problem right now: where exactly is the horse's mouth in this day and age? If it wasn't directly quoted in a highly reputable print source or captured in a filmed interview, I don't set any store in it.

Otherwise, Riley is absolutely correct. The Chateau M is commonly used for celeb interviews and is the place to be seen. Staying there is a statement in and of itself. One that seems rather out of character for them, especially Kristen. If you're at the Marmont might as well hold your head high, because everyone's going to be looking.

I think most fans have gotten the message loud and clear, and Rob doesn't seem to feel a need to say anything more. (Tho a certain John Lennon song keeps running through my mind!)

monika said...

@Seamus Duncan, thing is they haven't said anything regarding their dating status since March. The latest supposed interviews with them,from OK and Top of the Pops are a mishmash of old quotes,most from last year. That's what tabloids often do to sell.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

anyone find it strange that lead actors on TRUE BLOOD just announce an engagement and no one cares

the media dont care

so why is the media so obsess with rob and kris??

Lisa said...

@ Sara:

Carrot Cake will do in a pinch :D

Or Red Velvet Cake....

Oh boy I'm making myself hungry LOL!!

Sara said...

danyasky- because that's what readers want to hear about. Twilight has a bigger fanbase than True Blood. D;

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

and i just want rob to be happy no matter what i will always love and support him

and rob and kris dont need to say anything because ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS

Lina said...

Strange thing - there are now news on Ted C. site about this "romantic night at CM" story (ok, me bad, I check it sometimes, just curious :D ). Was his sourse sleeping? Awwwwwww, what a failure :))))))

monika said...

@danyasky, they're not as big as Rob/KStew are, entirely different level of fame atm. don't forget this franchise is dealing with the target audience consisting of teens and tweens mainly,unlike True Blood. Rob is a teenage heartthrob,Stephen is not,not many care if he's single or not,who he's dating or not.

Loisada said...

MBmom: Her being in a club leaves me feeling completely different. The average 19-year-old, college kid or LA hipster, would simply have a fake ID and enjoy partying with friends. A famous face can't do that (unless you're G Bush's daughter and silly enough to think no one will recognize you!), so K must suck up to her deeds and in turn gets accused of nepotism! If I follow your logic, shouldn't the man taking a minor out to these bars get a little scolding too?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Big celebs like Rob go through media training..

I'm sure Rob has been told/coached to not respond to pappz and keep his head down..

Lets stop judging his actions and just enjoy what little we get to see.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh yea

rob is the biggest STAR in the world right now so people are obsess over who he is shagging and wants to know if kstew is the lucky girl

RPLover said...

korina and (as usual) rpattzgirl, you guys are right on! I 100% agree.

Maryann said...

Lemme just be shallow here for a min, THE HAND PORN!! OMG the HAND PORN!!! *drool*

There shallow min over, that is all...:-D,

Alleykittty said...

"Hold your head up high and suck it up boy."

AMEN! My sentiments exactly.

Fuglefenta said...

Haha, love the cab-dude-pic! He's having a nice day at work!

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