Well it looks like Goz and Gossip Cop were right about the so-called interview that Rob gave to the "Daily Mirror". It was a Fake!!
A rep for Robert Pattinson has given GossipCop.com an exclusive statement regarding the actor’s supposed interview with The Mirror:
“I will only comment on matters regarding Robert’s professional life, but in order to set the record straight, Robert did not speak to the Mirror, and their claim that they spoke to him a few days ago is manufactured along with any information that they claim to have as an exclusive directly from him.”
Gossip Cop thinks we can close the book on this one.
So there you go!
Gossip Cop thinks we can close the book on this one.
So there you go!
You know, these gossip rags are disgusting. Fabricating these interviews with Rob. It's getting so pathetic already the lengths that people go to get Rob's name in the press. You got to have a really thick skin for all this crap and I hope that he does. He seems to be handling it pretty well according to his co-stars. I wonder if it bother's "us" more than him?
I like that Gossip Cop calls the claims "manufactured", but I think they should call the people at the Mirror just plain LIARS, because that is what they are!!
I would like to think that Rob and Kristen are spending their days happily in Vancouver, oblivious to all the CRAP that is being written about them.
Thanks, Kate. As far as I know Rob's always had representation - agents, agencies, managers are all reps.
I would like to see a series of interviews with Rob's shirts. Far more salacious than 'date' mush. Imagining if the shirt could answer how it was to spend the night with Tom, then Rob, then Kristen, then Marcus, and anyone else in between, and back again. Ah, the fondlings of soft, darned cloth. Mmmmm
Wow! We've got a rep? Finally...
Yeah, these are disgusting. They know that even a tiny article about Rob could make lots of money.
And the best thing to have it to make one interwiev of lots of done before, and of course not to forget to make up something. And the most necessary part is to mention that it is EXCLUSIVE.
And when you read it feels like Deja Vu.
I. Am. Shocked.
NOT :)
Well, no surprise that *NEW* Rob no longer does interviews for anyone and everyone. *Former* Rob needed the publicity and *NEW* Rob doesn't. If anything, he needs less exposure.
But, I can assure you of one thing: Rob hasn't forgotten his fans. How do I know??????
Well, about a half-hour ago I opened my mailbox and there was a lovely self-addressed envelope I had enclosed with a letter to Rob in London last fall. Can you tell I'm panting and jumping up and down with happiness? OH, YEA!
I'm guessing that while filming "Remember Me" in New York, besides reading, Rob received a bunch of fan mail. He read it, signed photos and stuffed self-addressed envelopes (I've read that's how he does it) and sent it back to England. There it is stamped and mailed out to his fans.
I received a personalized, autographed photo (beanie, grey T-shirt with blue long-sleeved shirt over it)! SIGH. The photo was a bit too big for the envelope so it was awkwardly taped in back. I'm guessing he taped it himself.
Yep, good call on that one!
I posted on last thread!
Who-Hoo girl!!
Check for his DNA on the envelope!!
first this heroine crap and now this? wtf?!
Hey Chicago girl!! it is great news, you got a proof Rob read your letter, that is great ;)
So... Rob has reps??.. I mean, he always had, but up till these days there was a lot of gossip and invented interviews going around... it is interesting that now his reps are finding time to clear what is real and what is not, when they did show the need to do that before. Maybe some overexposure damage control?
so, girl, now you are The Rob's Anoited ;-)
Chicago wrote: Well, no surprise that *NEW* Rob no longer does interviews for anyone and everyone.
Did he ever speak to the yellow press? I don't think he did, not even back in the old days, when he needed publicity.
@ Chicago Girl: Congrats! How wonderful to own a personalized autographed photo of Rob that he put in the envelope and taped himself.
awwwww! I'm happy for you Chicago Girl! Uber-jealous, but happy :)
As for the rep's statement, it was about time he got a rep! Poor boy shouldn't be under so much scrutiny in the first place, but seeing as he is, he needs someone to set the record straight on his behalf!
I can't get this to open, what does it say?
These are the 1st lines:
"St. Tropez, France (MediaFetcher August 19, 2009) - The French Maritime Gendarmerie, a division of the French Navy responded to distress calls from 10 persons aboard a 120' luxury yacht cruising off of the coast of St. Tropez. Actor Robert Pattinson was reportedly vacationing aboard the privately chartered vessel. "
I kind of suspected it was a bogus 'exclusive'...there was something lifted right out of that Life Story magazine, verbatim. It was that bit about the anxiety attacks in the supermarket.
Guess with ad revenue's down and newspapers struggling, they have to do something to drum up sales *insert epic eye roll here*
I agree! Check the envelope for DNA and fingerprints :D
That's awesome Chi Girl!!! What a sweetie to reply! I haven't written a letter to a celeb since the NKOTB when I was like 10 years old (granted I haven't had an obsession like this since then)hehe, maybe I should try again :0)
'Luxury yacht sinks off coast of St. Tropez France
Actor Robert Pattinson reported missing'
'St. Tropez, France (MediaFetcher August 19, 2009) - The French Maritime Gendarmerie, a division of the French Navy responded to distress calls from 10 persons aboard a 120' luxury yacht cruising off of the coast of St. Tropez. Actor Robert Pattinson was reportedly vacationing aboard the privately chartered vessel.'
wtf is this cr*p? lol
And this is a title: "Luxury yacht sinks off coast of St. Tropez France
Actor Robert Pattinson reported missing"
Sorry, girls, for posting this...
Rob is actually VERY special - he has ability to be in several places at the same time. Maybe he learned to move like Edward?
Is this the first time any of Rob's reps have issued a statement to debunk an article?
Thanks for the good wishes, RPattz, Mech, Phosphorus, Lina, Lisa, Robaholic, Marz!
I haven't written a fan letter since I was in 7th grade. I think Rob is THAT special. I know, we all do.
Phosphorus~I believe someone posted here that he did an interview a few years ago with the Scottish rag, "Daily Record." I think he did a lot of little interviews here in the US with smaller media such as local radio stations, etc.
how could he be missing from the yacht if he overdosed this morning. LOL where do these stories come from???
i also think that it is strange that they took the time to comment on this story when there is tons more that are BS too.
chicago- i responded on the prev. thread about your pic. that is just great. keep that thought of him licking the envelope, it's so much better :))
also, how long did it take you to get a response??
rob's rep need to speak more often with all the crap out there,they need to put a break on this train before it derails
I might be wrong, could certainly have missed it...but this is the first time I remember seeing any official statement from Rob's reps. The mirror claimed that he flat out denied he had a girlfriend. Pretty sure Rob & his reps wanted to squash that asap. Think about it...if he is in a relationship, and flat out lied by saying he isn't & then later his fans find out he actually was... At any rate, I hope this discourages other mags from trying the same crap.
@Ana73,and are even bigger load of crap,why this one? hmmm I have my theory lol
and i wonder why they spoke on this story and not the others,for months now they have been crap said and his rep did nothing so why this story and not the others?
Rob didn't speak to THE Mirror but he did speak to A mirror in How to Be. And also possibly when he's in his bathroom trying to get his hair to behave. Haha! Okay, that was lame. Sorry, everyone.
Just trying to focus on something other than the truck loads full of crap that seem to be surfacing today.
Chi-girl, that is so awesome. I just imagined Rob using scotchtape. Makes me giggle, along with imagining him with needle and thread. Thank you for the smile!
How are you?
Hi mechev!
How are you?
OMG!!!! Idiots!! Thanks....
Emily, LMAO. That was my favorite scene in the movie. I love Art!
Thank you!! Stupid!!
Maybe they finally broke the silence because he actually CARES whether or not people know his dating status. I guess things must be serious with Kristen.... haha!
i hope from now on his rep take on the tabs
Too funny!
Win - I'm one of the unlucky ones that still hasn't seen it! Can't wait for the US release.
yes, idiots, what can we say more...
now, I'll wash off my make up, get to bed (it's late in Lithuania) and repaet my mantra - half naked Rob, half naked Rob... just like lullaby :)))
Sweet Robbie Dreams Lina!
if rob and his people come out and say he is single and we the fans find out its a fucking LIE.....not good for him
Thank you!!!
Emily, I only saw it in the last a few weekends ago youtube. I know my bad. I'm still going to add it to my Rob dvd collection. November 3rd release, right? Can November come any sooner?
I know...November is going to be fantastic!
I just imagined Rob using scotchtape. Makes me giggle, along with imagining him with needle and thread.
Are you picturing him getting the tape twisted around his fingers too? ;)
Does anyone else find it weird that his rep has come out to deny this interview but not all the allegations of his relationship with Kristen? I don't believe gossip cop neither. What makes them different from other blog?
I am really annoyed with the whole Robert and Kristen turning down interviews in Mags, on tv and red carpet events. I mean seriously, yes they have been in other movies but, Twilight was their only successful hit movie. If top A list celebs like Brad, Angie, Jennifer Aniston, Britney Spears, Robert Downey Jr, etc.... Can still go on tv and walk red carperts when they were dealing with their issues that were plastered everywhere. What gives R/K the right to avoid these events because they are worried about being asked if they are dating. PLEASE! This is getting ridiculous. They knew before they got in the biz that there was a chance things like tis could happen and now they want to play the pitty card. I don't feel sorry for them at all. They both need to suck it up and deal with it! Also I am tired of hearing how they are very private people and don't like to talk about their personal info. I call BS because after Twilight came out they continued to say i have a BF or I am single or were just friends. So they are the ones that started opening up about the personal life and now they get mad because people ask them about it.
Sorry i just had to vent because i am annoyed at all the excuses and BS! I still like Rob by the way! LOL
Gossipcop is there to squash crap,was co-founded by some Chief Legal Analyst for NBC News and sh*t
@ Chicago Girl: Smaller media like local radio stations aren't necessarily doing yellow journalism - at least not over here. Is it different in the US?
I searched the online archive of the Daily Record but could not find any old interview with Rob. I found "exclusives" with Katie Leung and Emma Watson but nothing with Rob from the old days.
it's still so odd how his reps denied the article "he is single"
i mean the article was harmless all it said was that he is a single guy isn't that what they (reps) want out there, to perpetuate the idea that he is available, i know a yr ago that's all he said in interviews (ellen etc.) of how single he was and how he couldn't find a girl blah blah blah.
I think theres more to it, it's because of all the pics and video of him running around with Kristen, and the thought of it biting him in the butt if he were to get caught in a lie.
example: saying he is single and later being found out he wasn't
bottom line, don't care what people think, live your life and be happy
Lisa, yes, open-mouthed with twisted scotchtape stuck to long fingers madly flinging his arms too. LOL
itissoover, I don't the reps comment about content of article, just that he never gave them an exclusive interview recently as they claim. Days of loose mouth Rob are truly behind us. Sad isn't it. Thank goodness we have Youtube. Loved his old interviews.
Gossipcop is there for just that to squash rumors before they spread, they don't start rumors they kill them.
The red carpets R/K skipped were not too important--TCAs and MMAs. Now if they pulled this at the Golden Globes though or the OScars, then yes it would look much worse.
And as for speaking out on this article, maybe they are starting to use Gossip Cop to their advantage to be honest. Who knows.
They've had a neither confirm nor deny strategy in place for R/K since May and neither comment on their personal lives anymore like they used to. Maybe speaking to Gossip Cop works to their advantage.
Isn't it their choice not to do interviews? This is still America, and they have a choice in the matter.
Jennifer/Brad are not asked who they are sleeping with when they walk out the door or down the street.
Neither of them are mobbed & strangled by crazy fans..
I don't believe they're asking anyone to feel sorry for them either...
And it's also their right to keep their relationship or non relationship to themselves.
They owe us nothing...
just sayin...
yea, I miss the good old days when he would joke just anything and was so carefree
damn you paparazzi
ps; Stars never interview for generousity's sake. They either are doing interviews to promote something, or else to help alter or maintain a certain public image.
Robert and Kristen have maintained an constant "neither confirm or deny" pattern since May regarding their personal lives and eachother. There's no reason for them to spill the goods right now. They don't have to promote anything, and public opinion isn't to the point where they need to do damage control.
rosa, you make me smile. : )
win-I miss diarrhea mouthed Robert too. When I saw him do the NM interview for Entertainment Tonight, it was such a bummer cause he was so much more cautious. Not that I blame him, that's best for him really. but it's much less entertaining for us!lol
@rpattzgirl: I don't mean they need to tell everyone if they are/aren't dating. I really don't care but for people to continue to say that they are/have always been private about their personal lives is incorrect. Yes Brad/Angelina were asked those questions they just ignored them. i was stating those celebs for just relationship questions this applies to all personal issues in general that some celebs have or have had in the past and still went out and promoted their movies. Some of the A list stars have gone through worse and here you have 2 youngsters who are afraid that a relationship question. Ignore the damn question and move on. Not every interviewer is going to ask that question. Also when you have pretty much all the co-stars doing them as publicity for new moon or eclipse and not you lead actors only because they are afraid they are going to get asked about their relationship, THAT is BS they can have pre approved questions. All I care about is looking at Rob complete these interviews thats all. Now because of these dumb a** rumors that won't happen no time soon. It also appears as though they both have a chip on their shoulder too.
The fact that his reps are commenting on this article and not others makes me feel this is an indirect admission to some sort of relationship with Kristen since it's the only article that quotes him as saying he's single.
There's a brand new interview with Kristen in a UK magazine called Dazed and Confused (conducted on the set of The Runaways) where the interviewer asks her straight out about Rob and she laughs and rolls her eyes. Perfect opportunity to set the record straight as she often has in the past and she didn't. Sounds like an indirect admission to me there too.
first it was the MTV awards then seen all over LA then cathrine spilling the beans then jennie garth then the concert DRIP ,DRIP ,DRIP DRIP i wonder whats coming next?
Hey WinWin, made me laugh with your imagination of Rob using scotchtape =D
Gossip Cop is not that reliable either, remember they never corrected the Peter F issue when he made an official statement..
Many agencies try to contact reps as soon as they see news to confirm or deny, most of the time, reps are "not available" to answer, who knows why they answered to this... maybe rep was near the phone, answering it :P
rosa, i agree, he was very cautious. but we did get some of rambling rob at the comic con panel. open mics and bouncing rocks. lol. i could kiss that person who got that on video for us.
i do hope he gets some serious interviews for RM. Charlie Rose maybe. It would be funny to see him struggle with his answers and trying to keep a straight face.
Rumors of costars shacking up on a movie are one thing.
Rumors of costars shacking upon a four movie franchise that is only one movie in and was written by a Mormon soccer mom about two virgins is a WHOLE different story.
You can't compare their situation to many other examples, they just don't apply.
There are certain factors involved with the Twilight franchise that make this situation sensitive. The very virginal storyline, the key tween/teen demographics that tend to be on the prudish side, Kristen's likability(or nonlikeability) factor-and that's just to name a few.
Whether they are together or not, they have to proceed carefully. It all comes down to money and keeping a franchise chugging along.
Mech, make sure you imagine it with his mouth opened. it makes it so much funnier. lol
brad and angie did not lie they simply kept quiet until the right time came,if kristen and rob say they are just friends and its proven to be a lie,not good,i know they dont owe us anything but all we the fans who spend the money want is the truth,they are adults not kids
Well, then lets agree to disagree..
I thought the tone in your comment was off-putting, so we'll just leave it that.
I guess this is one mystery we won't see solved yet.
rosa, I totally agree with you. This is not only one movie and it differs from HP series. Twilight hints sexuality and has a massive teen fan base.
Mech, I agree and i personally think gossip cop is too new to be completely reliable.
Lisa, yes, open-mouthed with twisted scotchtape stuck to long fingers madly flinging his arms too. LOL
Get outta my head, woman! I imagine the same thing...mouth open, head tilted slightly, fingers and arms flailing wildly trying to get unstuck...
wonder if he's ever mended his wardrobe with scotch tape?
so if gossip cop is not reliable why is rob's rep speaking to them and sending them statements?? and i think those concert did damage now they are trying to clean up
Robert and Kristen aren't lying either, either way. they are avoiding questions so they don't have to lie. That's why they are avoiding red carpet interviews and any personal questions from the press like at comicon.
Either they are doing this for a pr stunt, like some believe, and fueling rumors.
Or else they are trying to avoid confirming they are together for various reasons.
Lisa, how could I forget the slightly tilted head? LOL
I wouldn't put it past him to use tape on clothes, bubble gum too. Oh we love goofy Rob.
I ONLY believe Robbie.
If Rob stated he is yound, single and free as was reported a week or so ago, there is no lie in that statement, no matter what his situation is with Kristen or anyone else. He is young (23 is still young), he is single (not married, right?) and free (not in jail? not indentured? not under any long term contract except individual films he signed up to do). That doesn't mean his is not "involved", but he is young, single and free.
It's funny how people keep waiting for him or Kristen to come clean with the "truth" when they both state they are just friends all the time. What these people really mean is they want to hear the words they are waiting for.
I noticed earlier this year The Awful Truth quoted "someone from the set" that Rob was a man-whore, sizing up the extras and looking through the crowd to see who caught his eye each day, and then would skip out on lunch or disappear when he was not filming. They stated he was f**king his way through Hollywood. Then the next day The Awful Truth came out with a statement that they didn't really mean he was a man-whore, and that the person they quoted the day before must have been jealous or something. Did Summit or Rob's rep decide that was not good publicity?
Now they create very public sightings of Rob and Kristen together and then state they are just friends. That is really good publicity for Summit and the films he is making for them. Kristen is 19 and Taylor is what, 17? In some states, that is not entirely legal, so it's better to have rumors about her and Rob. Plus, they get back together at the end of New Moon, so to keep from making her look fickle, they just stick with Kristen and Rob. (I just hate the term "Robsten". When people get together, even marry, they are still separate people! Although, "Taysten" is kinda funny.)
You all are probably too young to remember this, but Rock Hudson was one heck of a lady's man with a reputation for being quite the stud. Then he died of AIDS and it finally came out that it was all studio publicity and his "personal assistant" was his life partner. Even the wife was hired to marry him. And he kissed Linda Evans just months before he died.
Basically, I trust NOTHING that comes out of Hollywood, any movie studio, or any tabloid. Nothing on the news (they edit to promote their truth) and very little I see with my own eyes. We used to watch at least 2 nightly news broadcasts as well as listen to NPR on the commute home. If you didn't hear the same name mentioned, there is no way you could connect the 3 stories as the same one.
Rob is a damn fine actor, the most beautiful creature on the planet and pure sex. But he is still a figment of our imaginations as far as a real relationship goes. We will never know what he truly feels and he never has to tell us. If some of us feel betrayed to find out he really does have something going on with Kristen, there are millions more who love him anyway.
It's you life, Rob. You do what you want with it, just as long as you enjoy it.
Robert and Kristen aren't acting in a vacuum people-they have A LOT of different people directing them on how to go about publicly with themselves and eachother.
Here's one true thing-
He's not shagging me
And I wish he was....
Eeeeeh, what a surprise! Not!
I didn't even bother to read the "interview" in the first place (although I do thank Gozde for getting her hands dirty and posting it for us! I do appreciate your sacrifice! :D)...
I'm so happy I don't get to hear half the crap these low-lives publish (I don't even want to know what that stuff re: "heroine" was about!).
As for Robert "missing" from the yacht... of course he was missing! He's in bloody Vancouver, for God's sake!!!! *rolls eyes at rags*
@ Chicago girl: if you do find DNA, would you clone The Rob for us? Pretty please with sugar on top? ;D
Katherine--while I think Ted C has lost his marbles with "Robsten," he was one of the VERY FEW gossip sources who said Robert was NOT a man whore on the New Moon set. He maintained he was staying in a lot, or else going out with noncast friends at the beginning of filming.
I don't have any idea of what you are talking about ~ and no time at all to read all the posts...
I just wanna say: he is hawt!!
I'm not saying it's not true. I'm just simply saying that I am right not skeptical of all media. Gossip Cop is literally weeks old. I find that magazines and media outlets that I once thought were reputable have proven to be not so reputable.
I went through my Master's degree defense today... I cannot believe this thing is OVER!!
WOW! "Rob, gorgeous lover, wanna join me and celebrate this?? Pleeeease..."
Phosphorus~What I meant was that the lower-circulation media is less likely to get interviews, as is a rag. Don't know about the Record archives since I clicked on a link from here... (probably from Monika) and it was *I think* a rehashed current story. I believe someone here just said he did an old interview there w/Katie. I never checked it out personally. I appreciate your thoroughness.
Win: thanks! No licking though, as it would've then stuck to the back of the photo...just tape, which does show a partial print, haha! I feel so warm inside just picturing this!
Ana~Rob's response took about 9 months. I feel excited to think that he read my letter which was fairly serious and not at all fan-like.
Now that I think about it...I wonder what he did with the $5.00 US I enclosed for postage? I wasn't sure what to do about postage and I thought that would more than cover it. Maybe he kept it and spent it. Lucky, lucky $5.00 in his pocket, lol! A pittance for what he has given me!
Oh, I'm staring at the personalized photo and getting happy again! Help me!!!
Ladies, it's been a blast. Heading home to my kids and the real world.
Honestly, I'm becoming numb to the whole thing and don't really care anymore. As long as they are happy, healthy and willing to make me smile with their pictures and movies, they can do/say whatever the want. That rag about him being dead was the last straw.
Later girls!
Chi-girl, you just make me smile. Hobo Rob pocketing postage funds. : )
BTW, missed you but I have to run home now.
Kathryn, wow, well said!!
rpattzgirl, ITA, isn't it sad?
i doubt ROB gives a shit about anyone catching him in a like, i think he will probably come out soon...
they may have that in the pipeline,,,
Athena~I would soooo love some Rob DNA since I am in the market for creating a little one. I don't think DH would like that very much, though!
Kathryn~You share sooooo many common-sense thoughts, thanks! It is nice to see a balance to all of the mind-reading, speculation and magical thinking going on here. I agree that so many are just interested in hearing/seeing what they want to hear/see and not the facts.
Sophia~Congrats on your masters defense!!-- and I hope you get back to read the comments...
Does every discussion have to lead to the bloody dating question? Geez, I feel like Edward Cullen now - endless repetition of the same. He was half bored to death in his pre-Bella days. And so am I. I'm sick and tired of all this dating stuff.
@ Chicago Girl: I don't know if this Daily Record article (posted here on August, 17th) was really legit. Why should he suddenly talk to them after being so reclusive lately? He isn't Scottish like Katie Leung, after all.
P.S. Yes, a lot of it seemed rehashed, most likely from interviews he did with other media.
E! online and other mags are saying the same thing ITS FAKE
P.P.S. The next time anyone comes up with the dating question again I might bite this person.
Hey do you guys think Robert and Kristen might be dating?
lol, I kid, I kid.....
phosphorus opens her mouth like a crocodile ...
Hi Girls! Just reading some posts to see what r u talking today. I agreed with Kathryn. We can still have our fantasies with him but his life is his, and we think we know everything about him but we don't. The newspapers like magz are crap sometimes ( just check the aussie magz scan I sent) full of crap
@SophiaZ: congratulations on completing your Masters!! I finished my Masters in February, a month before I ever discovered Rob or read Twilight. Thank God - otherwise I really don't think I would have been focused enough to do it. Rob consumes my thoughts and my life right now - I am truly Robsessed!
As for Rob's rep finally coming out and refuting tabloid crap, it's about time! There's been a whole lot of other crap like having flings with Emilie and Nikki, Kristen's pregnancy, etc etc!!
Miss you sweetie
I know for a FACT that this is how Rob spent many of those hours in his NYC Trailer..responding to his fans.
I know a few people who received their photos back signed post marked NYC!
You Go GURL!
(you deserve it!)
Hi, Georgie! I don't have to go to work yet, so I thought: what a hell! I can be in the blog for while...Yes, Rob became more and more demanding.
... and sinks her teeth into Georgie.
Sorry, Georgie, but you really asked to be bitten.
Chigirl- so excited for you!! yay!!!
The tape wrapped around his fingers cracked me up.
About stopping for interviews....did you not notice at the tca's he tried to stop and his manager would not allow it?!
They don't always have a choice. The management team makes arrangements for interviews etc.
Rob's new to the industry on a big level, I think for now he's just following there lead.
Besides how do we even know the reasons behind the
decisions "to",or "not to" do the interviews or red carpets.
@Phosphorus: Owwwwww I felt that!! I thought my reference was subtle enough...
@Orion: I'm just delaying getting out of bed after getting home from the office at 2am!
New thread....more Rob yumminess courtesy of Kate.
Oh girl! 2 am!Just stay in bed, watch his photos, is the best place to look at it...
Girls, sorry sometimes my English is not the best...
Hey all! No time to stop or read all past posts sorry...just wanted to let you know...the interview must be true bc I just heard it from reliable sources, a breakfast radio show here in Australia. They told me he was single & had denied any rumours of a realtionship with his co-star. So if it's on the radio it must be true...right???!!!lol!
Got to rush as I have to look at Rob in Rome...my favorite...before I go to work, will help me get thru' the day.
Mother of God! did you see the last pics from Rome? some there are new for me...He's gorgeous,beautiful...God, that face!! and I look his shoes, typical of him, his pants are loooong..love it
I just heard it to on channel 9, here in australia, but I think they just talking about the mirror interview, and that's is fake, some quotes of Rob are old.
People magazine online picked up the Mirror's story and posted it yesterday (crediting the Mirror). Maybe that has something to do with the rep's denial?
@ Kathryn:
"Rob is a damn fine actor, the most beautiful creature on the planet and pure sex. But he is still a figment of our imaginations as far as a real relationship goes. We will never know what he truly feels and he never has to tell us. If some of us feel betrayed to find out he really does have something going on with Kristen, there are millions more who love him anyway."
Word! :)
Okay. Was trying to get through these comments, got about half way through and said..."I've read enough." Now I'm gonna say something here that might get me into some hot water, but I've never let that stop me from voicing an opinion before...
First of all, this man owes us no explanation for how he conducts his life (unless he's doing something illegal). NONE!!!
When I read something like...'if he lies to the fans, etc.' (implying that he better not dare) This man owes us one thing and one thing ONLY...when we lay our hard earned coin down at the box office, he owes us the best performance he's got. THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL. He doesn't owe us a picture, an autograph, the time of day or a how-do-you-do. NOTHING!!!
Why is it that some today think that famous people owe us some kind of explanation for their lives? One more time...THEY DON'T!
If IF he and Kristen are in the first flush of an intimate relationship (and it's lookin' that way), then they are attempting it right smack dab in the middle of a madhouse. A madhouse that's watching their every move and then judging it for the whole world to read (thank you internet. what a pal) They owe us NOTHING of their personal lives. Please, some of you try to get that concept through your heads.
As for this interview...of course Rob never gave it. Actors don't talk to the press when they've got nothing -at the moment- to sell. Pay NO ATTENTION to any interviews with Rob unless they're directly related to the release of an upcoming film.
He's the hottest ticket on the planet right now and any publication will conjure up anything to use his name to sell their rags. Ignore it.
Hi Girls, wasn't it Chanel 9 that reported that comedian jumped off a cliff the day Michael Jackson died ??? Unfortunately our Gossip/Entertainment reporters are a little slow down under, perhaps we could take over girls, what do you think.
Hey someone made a shitty comment to me last night, something about being in denial. I was too tired to respond......Denial about what ???? last night we were talking about Brad Pitt screwing virgins ???
Just finished reading the posts and I see that alot of you agree with what I said. And Rosa, I think it was? You nailed it.
This isn't just one film to sell us but possibly a five film franchise of which we've got four to go. Like you said, it's the story of two virgins, written by a Mormon AND with -in part- a young, impressionable fan base. Would Summit and Meyer prefer that Rob and Kristen conduct themselves more like Zac and Vanessa? Of course they would. But someone here said the other day...'they're a couple of smoking, drinking, rebellious, hobos.' (or something like that). And a more perfect description of those two I've ever heard. Kristen even said (when she and Rob were fighting for their interpretation of the characters)..."they didn't hire a couple of Disney kids. They hired actors."
There is a reason for this subterfuge about this relationship. And lets just say that all roads lead to the box office. This ain't rocket science people.
Hi girls
Hey Chicago-Girl - way to go!! I did the same a few years back, sent my favourite photo of a celeb to him for signing but sadly when it came back it was a stamped signature and not the real deal :-( Had to go to NZ meet him in person for the real thing) and his mom handled all his fanmail - she told me 600 letters a week - that was one good thing - I met and spoke to his mom - weirdly - at a red carpet when I called out to her and I told her about my letter which actually was not run of the mill - she told me she remembered it and would write me and she did!! So I ended up with two letters from his mom as she told me she had a scrapbook of photos fans had taken of him and I sent her copies of mine - and she wrote back again thanking me. I was walking on air.
So getting back to the real deal - fan mail response, personally signed pic of Rob and handled with his own beautiful long fingers - you must be in blissful heaven - just enjoy the high....til you get to meet him in person that is!! ;-)))
I think he's very handsome, and I think she's very pretty. Why do people care so much if they are or aren't. I remember I had the biggest and I mean biggest crush on Leo Dicaprio he was gorgeous but I never had an investment in his personal life, he was good eye candy though. Still is lol.
This is so bizarre that this would get a comment and none of the other articles. I am not understanding the goal of his management team. If this was a veiled "admission" of his relationship, as many are believing, why would it be necessary when they are not confirming anything anyway? What was the goal of the statement?
Something is very unsettling here. This was a sloppy move. I know that it is very hard to win in this type of situation, but there are ways to maintain a positive image and they are not being employed.
If I were his management team, I would book him on Oprah or some high profile show, ban questions about his dating life, but let him SHINE. He speaks very well and that is what has brought him to the attention of non-teens. Allowing his image to take form at the mercy of the tabloids is foolish and that is exactly what is happening.
He is over exposed and burning out. This window of career opportunity is going to close because his most fervent fans, the young girls who buy those movie tickets and who propelled his name into the stratosphere do not like to be disrespected. And once his following fades, so too will his options.
@ Kathryn..I like how you think/express yourself lady. So true with all you said.
@ Chi girl..Congrats on receiving a reply and thanks for sharing with us.
@ Phos..I think you may have bitten off more then you can chew with that P.P.S. (excuse the pun)LOL.
@ French..once more..with feeling...ROB owes us NOTHING but a good performance at the cinema when we go to see the movies he is in.
...and,I am sure his career will outlive the "fervent" teeny fans.
So funny how young people like to throw the respect/disrespect word around when most of them don't really know what it means.
Oh and Oprah??? Purleese!!!!!!
@ Chicago girl and Georgie!
Thanks girls! Yeeeaahhh! The thing is OVER! WOOOOWWWW!
Ummm...French? If I may beg to differ.
In the short term, yes, all of this tabloid crap could be detrimental to Rob's career if IF he had no talent to warrant this level of celebrity. But we all know he does and if anyone doubts it, may I direct you to three films; The Haunted Airman, How To Be and Little Ashes. Ain't nobody gonna tell me that boy ain't got no talent (not to mention his musical abilities).
Soon all of this hysteria is going to pass and when it does, his talent is what will keep him still standing. There is one thing and one thing only that matters in Hollywood and that one thing is TALENT. If you've got it, you will work. And if his career continues on the tragectory that it's on, he's going to end up one of the biggest stars of the first half of 21st century.
Hell, I remember when Johnny Depp was banging everyone in town and trashing hotel rooms to boot. It all died down, he grew up and went on to become not only one of the biggest stars of his generation, but a devoted husband and father as well.
And so it shall be with Rob, if he so desires. I promise, 10-15 from now no one will remember his love affair with Kristen Stewart. That is unless she becomes his wife and the mother of his children. Then the talk will be..."remember all the hysteria when Rob and Kristen were kids and everyone wondered, 'are they or aren't they'" and no one will care anymore.
We live in the age of information. It's coming at us so fast that we don't really have time to obsorb or analyze it. Today's scandal or tabloid fodder is tomorrow's 'who gives a shit.' Right now Jon and Kate are dominating the tabloid headlines. In a few months, it'll be someone else. Although...
I don't think the Rob/Kristen thing is going to die down in a few months. No. They've got at least 2-3 more years of this insanity. If they truly have fallen in love with each other, I hope their love is strong enough to survive all of this. With their young ages, I don't have much hope for that. I think this will run it's course and the unimaginable intrusion in their lives will eventually split them apart.
Rob's gonna be just fine...career wise. Head wise...that's another matter.
Hello Girls! I just off work, feeling sick. So, I desired to come here again and give a look to the Rome photos....Yeah! I feel much better now...Girls! the interview in the Mirror is fake, a lot of that are from old staff of Rob
Debbie (a million posts ago) hit the nail on the head - indirect admission. I found it telling that for all the crap written about him, this one he officially addresses. He's got a girlfriend now and the relationship is meaningful enough that he asked his rep to deny the 'no girlfriend' statement.
@Phosphorus: Regarding Daily Record - you may have noticed from yr research that Rick Fulton, whether or not he interviewed Rob as Cedric, did face-to-face interviews with the bulk of the HP cast at diff times, and I believe a number of his other celeb interviews are legit. He may be a showbiz editor, but he's not in the gutter like The Mirror. It seems to me he gets access so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt till I hear otherwise.
That said, never hurts to verify sources and I'm always open to being knocked on my arse. :)
Hei guys, wake up!!!!
Media hype!!! Rob is not with Kristen,they pretent they are. Camilla Belle talk in one interviu in Nylon how Rob is frustate with media training and also Kristin(Angarano have to stay away too)
Where did you get that?
About Camilla talking to Nylon that's old...
Orion - what's wrong with you ??? you didn't catch my awful flu did you ??? or was it all that sex talk yesterday....pace yourself.
Hey if you check out the other comments - the Twimoms Vice President has appeared defending all Twi Moms.....what a crack up
I got like stomach bug or something. Anyway, tell me more about the Twi Moms, I can't find it
It's the new listing about the convention's that are going to take place.
Someone happened to mention that the Twi Moms go a little crazy (towards the bottom) and they called in Vice.......Scarry.
Sorry about your bug, are you sure it's not a Robsessed Virus ??
Ah, ok. I will check. No is not Robsessed virus, and I telling you more afer re-checking the pics on the blog feel much better
@ Kathykeene: I'll just go piranha all over the place. ;-)
@ A: I noticed that - and as you may have noticed I did not say it was not legit, I only stated I do not know if it is. It's the timing that leaves me wondering. Rob has been so reclusive lately, why should he suddenly talk to this newspaper? So I became curious if he really had done an interview with the Daily Record some years ago - as suggested - which may explain why he chose of all the newspapers in the world them but could not find it online.
Still, this does not mean Rick Fulton has not spoken to Rob. I'm just trying to understand Rob's - well, Nick's - media strategy.
@Phos: No rehash, but duly noted.
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