Kicking off another work day, Robert Pattinson was spotted arriving at the set of “Eclipse” earlier today (August 27) in Vancouver, Canada.
The “New Moon” stud looked a bit weary of being seen, as he kept a low profile as he pulled up, accompanied by a couple of bodyguards.
Earlier this summer, Robert experienced an overwhelming amount of fan obsession while working on “Remember Me” in New York City, and it seems that he’s taken measures to avoid another such incident.
And pretty soon, Pattinson and the rest of his “Twilight” peeps will be gearing up to promote “New Moon,” due out November 20th.

Cheer up Rob! ;)
And he's been spotted! Finally. I was beginning to think we wouldn't see him at all. Though, this is probably the first and last time we're going to see of him for another while. They have given us a mere INCH... I'd like a mile...
Sorry, I'm lame ;P
I'm pleased he's been able to dodge the paps so far but am super excited to finally see him!
He has NOOOO idea how just the sight of his lovely face can make our day!
(he also makes our panties want to melt away....)
he's in the back seat, and he looks like he's reading or sleeping lol.
Thanks for posting Dani!
My Broadband obviously knew I was waiting for something and promtly broke down on me just in time for the Rob pics LOL It's only after coming back now!!!! Typical!!
Damn! They caught him. Sorry hon. Hang in there kid. In a few years or so, 90& of all of this is gonna blow over.
Oh, you'll still be a hot mess and women will still continue to ache for you, but...this tornado know as Twilight will die down. IT WILL!
Nothing stays this hot forever.
In another couple of years or so there'll be a new IT boy in town and then you'll be able to go on with your life and career with some semblence of normalicy. Depp survived it and went on. DiCaprio survived it and went on. And so shall Robert Pattinson.
It's just that now you've got to walk through the fire.
thanks DANI...
i'm glad myself that he is not overwhelmed by stalkers, on the other hand, i'm still wondering how he is doin...
i know its not Rob related, but the pics are cool, saw them at twifans... :)
Thanks Dani!
he looks awesome as ever...I'm glad he's hiding from the pappz & the crazies-but we need a little fix every now & then!
Now that I had my fix I am off to bed ladies. Good...whatever for all of you.
hopefully he gets through it in one piece.
aww...he looks a little pouty there on his way to work...just like I look every morning when I'm driving to work LOL
I am sooo dying to see what Eclipse Robward looks like now!
I know, me too.
They filmed the "meadow? scene which is so exciting-rolling around together & setting the wedding date!!
Sounds like DS is keeping close to that part of the book!!
Leg hitch anyone? I want to hear about that one next!
GAH! the leg hitch. hey rpatzzgirl, did you have to ask permission to use that photo? I saw one I really like! ;)
what car is the hottie driving anyone knows? He looks so damn good in anything, he looks good serious too, good for him, i miss him i hope we get more of the hotness of Robward soon. Who knows when the promotion for new moon starts?
No, I didn't-I just took it!
sorry, haystack not hatstack-lord...my mind is still on the meadow scene!
Hmm, interesting article about why we're NOT seeing Rob/Kristen-
Truth or fiction?
Thanks for giving us a little peek Rob. We were all goin' a little crazy. On another note got my Target 3 disc exclusive set-watched all the extras last nite. Loved the piano concert-Rob has the LONGEST fingers. My gawd they were beautiul. No wonder he's so good on the piano. Isn't there something about long fingers long.... Ok i'll get my mind out of the gutter- or maybe not! Sigh.
I'm just not sure anymore about the things that are posted on Ted's blog. By the looks of the KOL pics, it makes it seem like Robsten is a sure thing. But, I think it's cute. They definitely have great chemistry and I can still ogle at Rob. Just 'cause he's "with" Kristen doesn't mean he's off limits! haha
@roxiegirl - No... I think all women feel the same way when it comes to long fingers... (that's what she said...? no...? hahaha!)
more pics
Hmmmm, maybe they just have a good time hanging at the hotel!
Wow!So he didn't fall off the planet! LOL! Glad to have pics of him again. Robbie, I know you've been avoiding it, but we miss you BB! Glad he's back and looking better and better...*sigh*
I don't think it's a coincidence we don't see Rob at all, he can't do the where's waldo deal on his own. I think it's a good thing for him especially though. Although even when he stays out of the spotlight, he's still in the spotlight with everyone screaming, 'where's robert?"
And the way his lips and jaw are, he looks like he's either reading or taking a cat nap too.
One more thing-I'm so waiting for pics of Jacksper in that confederate uniform-yee haw! LOL. Its gonna be hot in VC/TX.....
Oh, and Haystack-where the HELL did you get that Avi?!? DAYUMMMM!!!! Very hot. Fun in hotel indeed...;)
@haystackhair- lovey that avi too. I also love your user name. Sounds like my hair! Lol
LOL, same place rpatzzgirl got hers. Twifans. they have a bunch of f*uckhawt E&B manips there. This one just really caught my eye!!!! THUD
oh and that is one of my favorite lines in twilight. Your hair looks like a haystack. But I like it. LOL
I hope he is happier than he looks, the poor thing... I'm just happy to see he's well, though :).
@ rosa: I like your explanation of Rob's pout :D I'm feeling better now! :D
What I noticed, because of what happened in NY, this Rob is so much more closed off. He doesn't even smile for the cams like he used to. It's said.
Thank God he's allright.
yeah Athena, i hope to see his happy face, but i do happy to see his pict whatever it looks. so sorry Rob, i know u didn't expect this things, but we need our fix too. sound selfish, but sometime we all need being selfish..
Lov u Rob
Hello Lover....
Soooo good to see you again.
Studying as usual.
Be Safe,
I think Rob needs a break, a much needed rest. Hopefully he can go home soon. Like I said before, I'd rather not see any new pics of him if it gives him some peace and quiet and happiness. But I am happy to see something from him, but just hope that the papz give him a break after the whole RM scene in NYC. Granted, there were ALOT of HOT pics from that shoot but the way the papz and fans were was disgusting. Looks like he got his hair cut. Damn, I love the longer hair. More hair to run his fingers through. Those long guitar picking, piano playing fingers. (Teeth are clenched! :)~~)
yay...he is out of hiding. looks like he is changing the radio. looks a little bummed that he can't find a good song =[
Phew...Rob drought 09 has ended...
*sigh* LOL
I still don't understand where they're all hiding. They must be leaving the hotel sometime, are they using some kind of secret passage? And why hasn't any of the cast been seen? It's really strange. Nobody is eating out?
Thought he will be undetected forever, someone is been keeping an eye on him like a hawk! thank goodness for that...otherwise i miss him some more.
I'm glad he's being able to go out and about without being hounded by the papz...good job Rob...
HELLO SPUNKY CHUNKS - now that is a man that does not look like a morning person......
Could the Rob Drought be over ???
New pics of Robward on the Eclipse set. Scroll down~second post. I don't think anyone has posted these yet
Rob probably has that sullen look on his face because he just found out about this:
HMMM Wow Edward in full force!!! You look oh so good love...
there are a few more of rpattz @ socialitelife...
thank god!!!I was so sad but I know I'm being selfish at the same time but a sneak peek of him doesn't hurt anybody right??
I don't wanna get too excited I hope after this he would have the alone and secret week he's been enjoying
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