Rob and Eclipse Cast hit a Yaletown Pub in Vancouver BC

The cast get a drink at a local pub after the KOL Concert Aug 15th.

Thanks to RobertPattinsonSource for the pics.

Mwahs and hugs to Monika for the tip.


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Anonymous said...


Display Name said...

I'm heartbroken. Utterly heartbroken.

I know it hasn't 'technically' been proven but you know... its as good as.

And congrats to the couple, yada yada yada.

Steph is Legit said...


my thoughts exactly. now we just have to anticipate the breakup.. god there is something wrong with me

Display Name said...


hahaha I never thought of it like that!

Seriously I thought it was just me! I WANT to be happy for both of them, I do. I am for Rob because he has someone but after that, nothing.

Anonymous said...

Oh commn guys..lighten up...they're young, let them have something, even if it's in the here and now.

But what do these particular photos at the pub say? Not a heck of a lot. We aren't going to meet him..really.

Display Name said...

I know that!! I just choose to ignore it! :D

I was happy in my little world of make believe where Rob is the knight in shining armour! hahaha

phosphorus said...

The more I read of today's postings the more I had to think of this Joy Division song. And some people are already waiting for it to happen.

Kristen wore a Joy Division t-shirt the other day.

Steph is Legit said...

believe me.. it aint just you. everyone is trying to prove how mature they are for wishing him happiness. their mind is saying otherwise though.. lol

we'll see how things go when he filming all of next yr

keti said...

Come on guys, we don't need pictures to prove the both of them are a couple. We can all put a puzzle together I think.
I've been saying this all along. Body language never lies.
But hey, my heart is broken in two. Seeing the pictures has devastated me too

Display Name said...

you say it like it is StephsLegit! Respect. :D

boleyn said...

Well, I don't care who is offended...I CANNOT STAND them as a couple. I find her so annoying. Her personality in interviews is like fingernails grating across a chalk board. Ugh!

Maria said...

he looks like edward already squeee!!!

Cuccicella said...

There pics just make me THIRSTY!!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


well good thing your not the one sleeping with her than...
apparently she makes his di-- hard,
go figure...

Display Name said...

@boleyn THANK YOU! I'm sorry but I know I'm going to be perceived as a 'basher' now but I honestly can't stand her!

She is one of those people where everything about them just irritates me! My friend and I have been saying since before this whirlwind started, 'anyone but her'. When he was filming Remember Me I was hoping he'd hook up with his leading lady! She seems so nice!

I'm prepared for the onslaught of defenders to bash me now...

Cuccicella said...

I'm gonna open my bottle of Guinness.. and drink with Rob..Mmmmm...

boleyn said...

Believe couldn't pay me to sleep with her. lol!

I would be happy to see him with someone who acted a little more mature. I don't get the appeal.

spunkinator said...

So wait.
Can someone tell me if it's official, that Robert and Kristen are dating?

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


no bashing from me. to be honest, when he was making remember me, i was thinking anyone but emelie de ravin, as she makes my skin crawl, and i cant stand how she looks.
either way, someones going to be unhappy, as long as its not ROB, im okay with it...

keti said...

Your entitled to your opinion Boleyn, I actually don't really like them together either (not sure whether its jealously, or that he could do so much better ) He looks happy, if he is happy I'll be happy I GUESS !! Him in a beanie/hoddie and a ciggie in his mouth - makes me want to scream, this man is beyond anything ever born.... She better not hurt him, because believe me she wont ever get anther role. She will be hated, BEYOND ANYTHING.

Display Name said...

well no, but judging by this, they are. I'm treating like it is official. therefore, my heartbreak! :P

Unknown said...

I am one of those people who are totally in love with Robert but for some reason, I don't feel jealous or something... I am so happy that they are together (if they are^^). If he would be together with someone else I would be jealous, I know, cause I saw the kissing pics between Rob and Emilie, but with Kristen.. I don't know, I really love them both, and together... super cute :)
hope someone understand me xD

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


so far its only official in our minds... :)

Temptation said...

We are divided and I agree honestly all those people wishing them the best are dying on the inside. I personaly feel that these guys like to play with the paps and tease us so I know it sounds crazy but I am still on the fence. No doubting these guys have chemistry that's why they were cast together. I will be really honest here but am I the only one that is a little put off about watching the movie if they are together??? it sounds really weird I love Twilight but it just seems a little freaky......sorry guys

bimbambom said...

Oh girls, we don't know her. If he finds her interesting, there must be something special in her.
Or it's nothing but luck and she happened to be struck.

I wrote it once and I wrote it once again - tell yourself: 'Don't worry! It's because he hasn't met me!'

I wish them happiness. I hope he is happy now with her and he will be happy with someone in the future.

Display Name said...

Could you actually imagine if she cheated on him or something?! She'd be lynched!!! They'd prob have to recast or something... I swear I'm not hoping for that even REMOTELY! *crosses fingers*

I know, I want Rob to be happy too. Deeply. He deserves all of the happiness in the world, especially because he gives so much to his fans. And I know its extremely childish for me to point the finger and say 'no you can't have that one!' I know that! But it just hurts more because I detest her so much! :(

keti said...

WHAT DO YOU MEAN OFFICAL!! its this offical engough. Why do people need statements.

Steph is Legit said...

@ delightfully,boleyn

i feel like we are the only ones who dont support this unholy union

realistically though they will be together until at least 2012... he is filming all of next yr and while that is a great buffer.. breaking dawn doesnt film until 2011.. godamnit

as for those who think kristen is ugly.. i think she is average--like a girl next door pretty, but the mullet needs to go. the fact thats he baffs her whilst her mullet is still in place at least tells us that rob isnt shallow

keti said...

This is all too much for me today. Monday morning ( Aus time ) and I see these pictures.

spunkinator said...

Thank you RPforDummies. =)

I just didn't see them kissing in those pictures though.
In one, where you couldn't really see her face, it sorta looked like it but, when you zoomed in his face was angled weirdly, and you could see her ear, and it just didn't really look like it, by the way their faces were angled..

But oh well, that's my opinion.

Display Name said...


Seriously I LMAO at that! hahaha its so true though, he must really like her to go near the 'do!

I think we are alone girl. Well... in the sense that we can admit it openly. I'd say everyone is dying like we are!

Temptation said...

Everyone seems to be studying these pictures way too hard. Confession time, who has put the magnified glass on them yet???

bimbambom said...

And Temptation you're right somehow I'm sad inside *swallow*
I can admit that, so that's the first step in therapy I suppouse.

keti said...


Unknown said...

oh my god, ppl...
beauty is in the eye of the beholder -.- (schönheit liegt im auge des betrachters - a german proverb)

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


if it comes out that its confirmed, we will replay all your denials and make you eat crow, until then, your guess is as good as ours.

kristen said in an interview, that they were told 'not' to play it all 'angsty' by summit in twilight, and they did what they were told. so if she plays it with more emotion in this one, she will have redeemed herself.

Anonymous said...

he's behind bars!!! i will do ANYTHING to break him out =]

Anonymous said...


If your truly adore Rob..

then you should respect...

his choice in ladies...

he's a big boy and...

has a good head on his shoulders...

Kris must have something...

or he wouldn't have been...

drawn to her...

Be reasonable now...

the fantasy doesn't die...

wait and see what he looks like...

at 30!! yummmmmm!!

But be nice about what you say about Kristen because saying shitty things about her is also disrespectful to Rob.

And if you're truly a Rob fan you wouldn't make him look like crap by insulting who he cares for.

Think it over....

Life is NOT over for you...LMAO!!!

Display Name said...

I haven't used a magnifying glass yet, I'm afraid to look!!! I saw them and my stomach dropped from my body while my mouth screamed NO!!!

I feel as though he has broken up with me or something! hahaha

Temptation said...

My morning routing (Aussie time) is eating vegemite toast while checking out Rob. My toast is stuck in my throat and just wont go down this morning. I wonder if I can claim Rob Depression on my health insurance??? I just want to go over there and ask him WHYYYYYY

Display Name said...

life is over for me now! well my internet browsing is! all the hours I've spent saving Rob on to my hard drive...

I can't do that for a man in a relationship! I'd feel to guilty! hahaha

enjoykim said...

I don´t want to be in Kristen´s shoes right now...She´s under high pressure from now on...It´s not the "maybe thing" anymore...Most of the (immature) Rob fans will damn her if they´ll break up (well,IF they´re a couple-I´m still cautious)...

Anonymous said...

Guys take a look at this!!

keti said...

I've got major Rob depression Tempt. I honestly feel so upset, like he has betrayed me in some way ( WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS )
LOL I need therapy. I haven't spoken a word a work - I'm too upset.

Steph is Legit said...


everyone hates me on me!

truth be told, they do not look like they were kissing. we really dont have "proof" but we know better. i just cant stand her. i prob wouldnt like anyone he was with, but her, just no. i dont like her because she complains about twilight fans and how they hate her and she calls us stupid and crazy.. that may be right, but said fans are the reason why you have a paycheck and are the reason why you just got a bump from a 2 mill to a 10 mill to a 13 mill for eclipse paycheck.. she bites the hand that feeds

rob although he says he appreciates fans it is obv he wishes we would all leave him alone, but at least he is cordial. i just find her tude completely unnecessary..

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

you aussie girls are cracking me up, jealous much? maybe Rob has a little brother... oh no guess not...
well as others have said, we can now start the 'breakup' watch. does that make you feel better?

(before some bitch trys to turn my words around, i'm joking with much love to all the babes down under.)

Display Name said...


Its so true! I didn't know that about the paycheque thing though... what the hell?! And she's complaining?!

Her attitude really gets my goat. She tries so f**king hard to be something she's not and she just ends up looking like a moron. Comic con anyone? What WAS that?!

RPnKSaddict said...

Holy crow! I'v e been gone all day and come home to all kinds of Robsten..
1.Kate your awesome for helping a Dani and Goz out. Your doing a fab job we love you for it.

2.Shome-I read all the comments on the other threads and you are my hero. Robsten in a box tied up with big red bow...ok ok. It's on baby!! lol
3.I feel for Rob and Kristen when they come up against critical comments as to weather they should be together or not. I went through it with my DH and in the end it is their business their chioce.
4.I'm happy if they're happy. They're human and are intitled to be as such. Screw the suits and the haters. Yay for Robsten.

Stupid69Lamb said...

Personally I couldn't be happier. I think she's amazing and that they were and always will be friends, no matter what will happen with their relationship. I was never nuts enough to believe to have any chance with Rob (just the thought makes me laugh), so this is a really really great day for me! And I totally don't get the Kristen-hate.

Temptation said...

RP for Dummies I think you have missread my comment, I did not mention she couldn't act or that I don't like her. My problem with seeing her in a movie with him ( IF THEY ARE DATING) is TO ME a movie is fantasy, an expression of something unreal a reason to escape, when you know they are a couple you look at the sex scenes and kissing scenes differently.

If it comes out confirmed I am sure I am not the only one that you have to make eat crow, you will be very busy.

Unknown said...

This is reminding me of the song 'Don't Matter' by Akon.
'Nobody wanna see us together, but it don't matter, no'
get over it.
it's a person you will NEVER date, sorry. :)

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


i havent seen or heard them.

keti said...

She is a stupid bitch that needs lessons how to speak!! I hated her at comic con .
I"m sorry I'm just really upset right now, this is way too much information to digest .
do you think this is way they haven't official come out, Us robsessors cant take it.
I cant take it, this is driving me insane. How am I going to work today. AHHHHH kill me now

Anonymous said...


You are NOT Robsessed if you are dissing his girl. Honestly. It would piss him off. Think it over.

PLUS - even if they weren't KISSING at the KOL concert you can damn BE SURE that they are in a relationship.

You don't need to see a pic of them kissing to know that much. They are very intimate with each other and have been glued to each other's side for a while now.

Pull yourselves up outta your pity party and quit being the laughing stock of all the websites:


If your truly adore Rob..

then you should respect...

his choice in ladies...

he's a big boy and...

has a good head on his shoulders...

Kris must have something...

or he wouldn't have been...

drawn to her...

Be reasonable now...

the fantasy doesn't die...

wait and see what he looks like...

at 30!! yummmmmm!!

But be nice about what you say about Kristen because saying shitty things about her is also disrespectful to Rob.

And if you're truly a Rob fan you wouldn't make him look like crap by insulting who he cares for.

Think it over....

Life is NOT over for you...LMAO!!!

mya bluesky said...

@delightful: my first reaction when find their KOL pict is "WOW",is this really happen? my heart bit raced like a horse,then broke apart. After examined all the pict i convinced myself that there weren't no kiss at the pict but i did convinced that both rob and kristen look very very happy.

i saw many picts then and i see Rob happy smile.suddenly everyhing just fine cos u know a quote "everytime we see rob's smile, the whole world becoming so much better"..

and now im so happy for Rob, i love him if he and kristen really "together", and i still love him if they not.

finally i was going to bed last night with peacefull and happy mind ^_^

Display Name said...


what websites are making fun? I only ever come on here.

Temptation said...

Now look what has happened to poor Keti she is having a Rob meltdown. As for us Aussie chics being extra jealous, I think you have jealous and honest confused. Hey we all love Rob and feel cheated, the hours I have spent on the internet, I even had to get new glasses we just don't think we can deal with all this SPECULATION any more. It's 10.09am do you think it's too early for a drink.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

well temptation,

if they come out and deny it, i will be the first one eating crow, make no mistake...

but i hear what your saying about the relationship in real life on screen, i dont get it, but i hear you...
for me, i dont care if they are f*cking in real life, that doesnt bother me.

maha said...

StephsLegit said:

believe me.. it aint just you. everyone is trying to prove how mature they are for wishing him happiness. their mind is saying otherwise though.. lol


You are completely right but if he is dating Kristen or any other lucky woman,what shall we do?
Nothing , just accept the fact Robert is just a DREAM.

I don't know what is wrong with me I like Kristen as an actress and I know she is sweet and lovely girl but I was hoping that he is not dating her hoped he will date any one except her and unfortunately I call this ( jealous ) and I don't want to have this feeling :(
wanna be happy for him like others because sooner or later he will date someone.

keti said...

@ Jolilabrat - I love you thank you. You have calm me down. Yes its true what you said. Its just a little hard

Steph is Legit said...


im solely having a convo with you on this blog btw lol..i do try to find reasons to like her. we dont know her and if rob likes her i should respect him enough to know he made the right decision. kristen isnt a whore either. while she did have feeling for rob she was at least smart enough to feel him out before dumping her boyfriend. she defends him. he looks happy and thats is what matters most is that he is happy.

i dont like her because of her arrogance and lack of respect to her fans. there are some of us (maybe like 3 people?) who are actually kristen fans pre-twilight, but she doesnt appreciate it. she doesnt get that people have seen movies like the cake eaters, speak , and fierce people and were actually touched by her peformance and felt for her character. she insults her fans and acts truly ungrateful for everything she has (she could be thankful, but she doesnt exactly show it)

her attitude is what is wrong about her.. people making jabs at her looks saying she is skiny,pale,boobless,horse teeth, blah blah blah are saying it because of jealousy. i think she is ok looking. its her personality that makes my blood boil.

honestly.. he could have done so much better, but in the meantime lets just hope the chode bitch cheats

boleyn said...

I am not upset b/c I thought I was going to date Rob. I'm not delusional. : )

I find him articulate and funny in interviews, and the idea of him dating someone who isn't capable of stringing together a coherent sentence is just wrong.

The reason I don't care for Kristen...hello...ComicCon anyone? Did you see the bitch face she was fronting? I don't have an issue with her looks except for her fleshy arms. She is an actress that is paid upward of a million dollars. She is paid to be in shape. Just sayin...

I'm not someone who thinks she must be really special or cool for him to be attracted to her. Actually, it is just the opposite. Maybe he is not as mature or "together" as he comes across.

Still a fan girl though.

keti said...

She is a very lucky women and I wish them all the best !! cough cough. Honestly I was just clearing my throat I do mean it ok .
* Tempt do you feel my heartache??

Temptation said...


bimbambom said...

Oh girls, please stop.
You may like her or not. We can talk about it. But you must admit that she seems to be serious about relationships. She was with MA for so long. She doesn't want to hurt Rob, I'm sure.

We can be sad, because our dreams are not coming true. But we'll get over it. I'm sure.

Kristen is not stupid. She is strong and she doesn't care. Try to be like her. Strong and don't care.

Anonymous said...

Delighted -

Many many sites are mocking ya'll.

LJ's, Ted's boards, other Rob boards, including IMDB. I know, i know...some of these are FOS..

BUT they all have that in common when they say that all the ROBSESSED are lined up on a cliff today waiting their turn to JUMP!

Come on ya'll, grown up and mature. Don't prove all these sites right.

I used to comment here all the time but got tired of the Stewy hate. Then I peruse other blogs and boards and all I ready about Robsessed is how they are insane cougars who hate Stewy.

I still defend this site cuz it's still one of my faves and I love all the Gozde does here. She's the absolute best and has the best heart. So I comment on the other sites and tell them that not ALL the Robsessed are haters.

I do truly believe that if you love Rob you must extend that to who he loves. JMO.

Temptation said...

I feel your pain Keti my day is now over I am going to have to meditate now and clear my mind of all evil thoughts. I am not going anywhere near TED C's website I couldn't stand it.....

Keti shall we go over to Vancouver together and ask WHYYYYYYY

Display Name said...


I kind of noticed it was a conversation! hahaha add me as a friend or something so we're not hogging up here!

Anyway I personally think that Kristen is beautiful. She has a great figure and beautiful skin. She looks hot! But again, the attitude... yeah.

Right. I've had enough of this. But I'm supposed to SLEEP after this?!

I'm going to curl up, finish eating my pot noodle and listen to power ballads. I am Bridget Jones, Spinster Extraordinare reborn!

Part time jealous harpy. But a jealous harpy who can admit it.

Steph is Legit said...


how does one go about adding people asa friend on here? lol

Display Name said...

I have no idea! hahaha any ideas?!

keti said...

Honestly I'll be there in a heartbeat Tempt. Lets go. I've had the green light from the hubby ages ago. We will ask him Why!! What does she have that is so special, does she make you laugh, does she make your heart skip a beat when you look into her morning face. Does she read poetry to you ....
what else ??

Temptation said...

KETI before we leave we will have to dye out hair and get mullets, OH YEAH and take a smoking. I am up to scratch on my poetry "my heart, gnawed by love's invisible fire, has long suffered from the deep wound draining my life-blood", we can work on it....

Steph is Legit said...


email ur sn to

it was my old sn from about 10 years ago so its not like anyone can really stalk me lol

Golnaz said...

Looks like Rob had such a good time, and i think Kristen had a lot to do with that:)

I love Rob, and i couldnt be happier that he appears to be with Kristen. I adore her, i love that shes herself no apologies. I find her to be endearingly humble and shy, and i think she is wickid smart, stuttering aside, the things that come out of her mouth are very deep and inquisitive, very much like Rob imo.

Love them!

kp said...

How can you possibly pass judgment on Kristen when you don't even know her?! Some of you are just plain rude.

Ashley said...

I agree with Temptation.... I don't think I really want to see the remaining movies anymore if they are a real couple. It just makes it too real!!! I can already say I'm not as excited about New Moon. All this "Robsten" nonsense is overshadowing the Twilight fantasy.

keti said...

I just read this awesome book called the Bronse Horseman - I'm totally and utterly in love with the characters.
I didn't think I could love a character more than Edward in Twilight, but I think Alexander in this book has just won
my heart .... the book is beautifully written, they need to turn this into a movie. Rob could play Alexander - then all
my dreams have come true. I"ve haven't read love more powerful than this book. I'm onto the second one now ( 3 in total )
I cant not put the book down.
** So Rob, if you love Kristen like Alexander loves Tatiana than I"m ok with it.

showme said...

SPEAK JOLI! She speaks the truth!

RPAddict. Love ya back. I'm just glad the speculation SHOULD be over and we can move forward...

It's so silly to be sad ab rob dating kris. The ONLY reason to be depressed would be if he was dating a true scag like Paris Hilton or like fucking Tilla Tequila or some shit.

I alwasy thought kris was a cool girl that had VERY low BS threshold but was young and needed some maturity. And a poor public speaker.

That being said, those 2, like Goz said, are hobolicious and somehow really work. these things are unexplainable.

but THEY knew it the first time they laid eyes on each other. that's apparent.

I trust Rob. period.

Barb said...

My reason for sadness is not because of who he is dating. Rob is my first celebrity following in my entire life. I've enjoyed viewing the pictures, interviews, stories, and more hot pics but the main reason I've enjoyed this is because he was single and I didn't feel guilty for drooling over all of it. BUT now that he is not (as it seems by the pics...etc), I feel creepy.

I'm sad because I don't feel like I can continue to "drool" over someone else's man...does that make sense???

Temptation said...

leftcoastpunkrocker I am not judging Kristen but remember people also have been judging Rob. Everyone assumes he is a kind, gentle guy based on the interviews they have seen, when he could be the opposite only those who know him know the real Rob.

On this site we just vent our frustration or lust depending on the day, please don't take it personaly there is no harm intended....

enjoykim said...

@ keti
I just realized you´re talking about Alexander and Tatjana!!I´m German so I don´t know the title Bronze Horseman,but reading the names-I got it!!I looove the books,I cried at the end...But I know only 2 books,is there a 3rd?!I read it about 3 years ago...*sigh*

Anonymous said...

Think about it for a minute, we don't know her, Rob does, they've spent so much time together. He's comfortable when he's around her, she seems to bring out the best and those smiles. Whether they are just very close friends or something stronger. He's far from home, she's known him longer then any of us for that matter (and we don't really know him when it comes right down to it). It was Kristen who insisted it had to be him who played Edward, we should be thankful to her for that at least, we wouldn't even be here if she'd picked someone else.

Their private life isn't a reality show, we don't get to vote on who he dates, thank GOD!
We can still look at him, watch his movies, drool over his hot, sexy self and guess what? Nothing changes, for us anyway..LOL!

katie said...

Let me break it down for you. she's 19, has done more in her young life than most professionally, she singled out Robert as "the one" for Twilight when none of you gave two shits about him and don't forget Robert is very aware of this fact, she's beautiful when she cleans up, but low maintenance on the day to day, she plays guitar, and is a bit of an independent spirit like Robert, stuck in a very, very mainstream franchise.

And most importantly to a 23 year old male,her teenaged ass is incredibly perky. And firm.

keti said...

@ enjoykim,
Yes there is a third book called "THE SUMMER GARDEN" haven't read it yet, I'm just half way through the second.
My PASSION for this character is beyond words Alexander is an amazing man that
loves his woman "Tatiana" more than the air he breaths. Its an amazing book - everyone should read it.
I honestly dont know why this hasn't become a movie.

marce said...

Well i know i'll get a lot of hate for this but:
I LOVE Kristen Stewart actually i became fan of rob because of her. don't get me wrong i love rob as well, but my point is: they really make each other happy wether they are a couple or not. i personally would love them to be together but not chase by every damn pap. whatever it is i'm happy that kstew is happy and if rob is happy, well good for them, i just don't understand why people heat her so much. that's it!!!
sorry for my english, my language is spanish, soo have a grat day

Temptation said...

BARB I am with you honey it just feels a little creepy IF they are together.

KETI I am off to Border to get that book I need something romantic for my stressed heart.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


thats about as succinct as it could get. thanks for reminding me about alot of reasons i forgot why Rob adores her...

and yeah your right, i owe it to kristen that i am ROBSESSED...

malu said...

God, whats wrong with you guys? Did you REALLY think Rob would end up with YOU? And you all must be little preppy bitches from the sound of it, if you guys can't respect a person that shows herself for who she is. And look... ROB LOVES HER FOR IT! I think Kristen is gorgoues and good person too, I mean COME ON! She is nineteen, okay? Thta pretty fricken young here, if you really can't stand her she won't be like this the rest of her life, okay?
And again... you really thought Rob would fall in love with you? Really? Look at who he works with, Ashley, Nikki, two beautiful girls, prettier than Kristen more put together, but he chose her, I think this was just meant to be, so so sorry your fantasy didn't work!

keti said...

Tempt - go and get this book. You will thank me for it. I love it more than the twilight books. The characters are beyond words.

Barb said...

@Temptation...Yeah it takes all the fun out of it...I guess even my fantasies have morals. HA HA

@Keti...I'm with @temp...going to go get the books tomorrow. I've been looking for something good to read.

Unknown said...

Watch kristen in the first MTV interviews she ever did, alongside Robert, and notice the extreme change from that interview to the interviews she did in the fall of '08. She was shy and sweet and funny and GIGGLY, I know almost creepy right?, with Robert.

Then the Twilight moms shat on her for acting "unapproachable" when they broke onto the set. Then she met fangirls at promo events in summer who made it clear they hated her ass. lol

By fall, she was very closed off and very self protective by then. She didn't banter with Robert like she did before as much, and she was clearly leery of fans.

AFter reading some sites and even this thread, shit, do you blame her? lol

showme said...

i have no problem lusting over a public figure who happens to have a gf LOL

NONE. no guilt. Kris can share the eye candy.

Ana73 said...

just popped back in and saw latest pics posted.

completely agree with linda...

well you all continue.. true blood will be starting got to go and watch more vampires

everyone have a good evening :))

Temptation said...

MALU I hate to dissapoint you but most of us are not preppy bitches we are intelligent, stunning infact heart breakingly sexy women who lust after one very sexy man. As for being bitches, yes I confess today I am a bitch and feeling very bitchy, as for one of us ending up with Rob, well who knows what the universe brings.....Lighten up MALU

Barb said...

@showme LMAO I wish I was like that and I definitely don't judge people who are...Keep on with the eye candy!! Enjoy yourself girl.

Pandora said...


You make total sense. Its like being a virtual homewrecker swooning over some guy that is taken. XD

I understand why so many seem to be so upset. Its a conflict with their fantasies and nothing wrong with that. Everyone here knows they cant have him BUT in your head you can create everything. Now there is this other woman in the back that kinda destroyes that.

I totally get those who are upset. After the events of the past few week Im way too much over givin a s*** over this. Their "easing the public" into their relationship certainly worked on me XD

enjoykim said...

@ keti
I know,Alexander is a little bit like Edward,isn`t he?A little bit "obsessive"...?!I was overwhelmed by the books...And I was also wondering that nobody seems to see the movie-potential...Rob as Alexander-unbelievable!!
I just ordered the 3rd book at Amazon("Land der Lupinen")...and I think I´ll read the 1st and 2nd again...;-)

keti said...

Tempt & Barb,

There is 3 books
By - PAULLINA SIMONS . You wont be able to put the books down. I'm taking them everywhere with me...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love the beanie!!! And of course the Stollie shirt....

Apparently someone on twitter (haven't seen it) who was at the concert last night (don't know for sure) said they were indeed kissing..
(don't know, don't know)

At any rate...we're all entitled to our opinions, and we speak them loudly here.

Some don't like Kristen, that's their choice....I don't like Nikki, that's mine.

And yes, I do wish Rob/Kristen the best because honestly, I'm so burning up inside with jealousy it's making me ill, but I'm already used to seeing him with her in the movies, so it's easier to accept than with some random bimbo..

If I can't have him (and I know I can't) then I'm glad if he's chosen her...

She's smart enough to be with him and that makes her alright in my eyes.

Rob happy, me happy-and he looks gloriously happy in these photos.

mya bluesky said...

So now some of the people will not see the remain movies if rob and kristen really a couple???

cmon ladies:
ROb/kris is not bella/edward. yes they are playing the character,bring it to the reality, but they are not them.can we just separate the fantasy and their real life?

poor Rob and kris. if they are couple, some people will hate it and dont want to see the remain saga movies.

poor them cos if they are not couple,some people blame them or summit to cover everything

poor rob, why he can just have his own personal life like any others do.

im trully fans of twilight saga, i love edward and bella.thank u for twilight for introduce rob to my life, now i love rob separated from edward character cos i know rob isn't him. i will follow everywhere he go, i hope i can see the whole movies he make,whether he's single or in relationship with someone else.

@keti:who is the author of the book? i think it will be nice to read some other book beside twilight

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


dont trip, you spoke from the heart,
and no one can blame you for that.
you have a generous spirit, thats what counts.

Unknown said...

another example to think about: when she did the first comicon, she was a little shy, a little awkward, but smiled a lot and was playful. Next year? She comes in full Joan Jett armor, ready to brawl.

Did she just change in a year's time inside a vacuum? Or could the fact she was treated like a two timing, cheating whore whose boobs and body and hair and face were scrutinized all summer in the media AND by fans have anything to do with it?

Why are we blaming her for being self protective and suspicious honestly? She has every right to be, Robert's like the fucking prom king and the whole school is freaking out he asked the weird goth girl to prom!

Pandora said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
selective_fox said...

finally a discussion over these pics that I can relate to..

Ladies, I hear you.. I'm heartbroken too.. What can I say, I'm a possesive bitch and Rob was waiting for me in my sad little imaginary world.. But you know what, I was happy in it too.. LMAO it's a sad day..

My take on KStew: she's a kid who's trying to act all rebellious and mature for her age.. But wtf does she know about rebels, she grew up in a sheltered world of Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood.. Sure, she's smart and all but waaaay overrated.. Too cool for school, as that MTV Canada guy put it :)

Anyway, I'm not happy with this situation.. I'm gonna get drunk..

p.s. I really miss Gozde, I would love to hear her unique take on this..

mya bluesky said...

@keti:u post the author while i was typing..ok i will definitely read the books. i just kind of frustrated when i finished Breaking Dawn cos i want more. i try to find and read fan fiction related to twilight, now i think i m ready to find another books to read

keti said...

@ enjoykim,
Yes Alexander reminds me a little of Edward. He is very possessive and protective over Tatiana, only because his love for her is so strong. He wants to breath the air she breaths, its amazing story. There love journey is wonderful, heartbreaking, heart aching everything more and beyond.

Barb said...

@Pandora Exactly!! There are other actors that I've thought were worth following but I haven't because they're either married or have a gf so I've never even done a search on them. I guess the attraction is gone..I know it doesn't make sense but you know..what fantasy does?

It has nothing to do with thinking "in reality" that I could ever be with him. I'm not crazy. It just feels wrong now.

I also don't find much interest in watching the movies.

wideyes said...

I think Kristen is fierce. I don't think she is the most stunning girl in the would, but I love her attitude and I love her career choices. She not Disney and that's a good thing. All the haters out there should remember, they would never have seen Rob in twilight if it wasn't for Kristen demanding it.
Credit to her for her amazing taste in men and talent, even when a lot of people didn't agree with the choice back then.
I also love the fact that Rob hasn't gone for a typical Hollywood bimbo (even though he could have them) he has gone for the girl next door, if he is with her.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know what Gozde would say-

He's 23-have at it babe....

If I had a 19 or 23 year old ass, I'd be giving Kristen a run for the money!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

there i said it, i'm a no good two timing slimy bitch, I WILL GO TO HIS MOVIES ANYWAY.... :)

may his woman find a way to forgive me... :)

enjoykim said...

@ keti
Yeah,possessive,that´s what I meant...not obsessive ;-)
And I like stories playing during the 2nd WW...
Oh,Officer Alexander...(men in uniforms...yummie...)

Anonymous said...

c'mon guys..anticipating the breakup
sheesh how would any of you like it if people were constantly breathing down your necks.

it must be awful, lets be grateful he is happy.

Anonymous said...

Just saying..for me anyway, my husband would never allow me within 100 miles of Rob, and believe me, he'd be Hell to live with if I tried. Well either that, or he'd be laughing too hard at me if I tried...whatever..either way, he'd be Hell to live with. So I'm content he allows all the eye candy I can collect and doesn't make a fuss..(just laughs, the Bugger!)

Rob Sweetie, Love ya! Be Happy Babe!

keti said...

Honestly girls if you love Twilight you will love this more.
With Edward his love was so hard for him too express to Bella, especially when being intimate.

With Alexander - his love is expressed every way humanly possible, through words, lovemaking, his eyes his hands. And he just sounds so delicious, so handsome. I'm in-love with him. Totally

keti said...

@enjoykim , I love a man in a uniform. Alexander is just delicious!!

Temptation said...

KETI you are making me feel better allready, well I have to go and do a socks and undies wash for Hubby he is going away..........NOW you know why I need Rob Fantasy in my world...

As for all you Kristen Lovers we don't hate her we are just a little upset with her at the moment, I will leave you with this quote.


boleyn said...

@ Keti,

Thanks for the book recommendation. I am going to get the first book and give it a try.

riley said...

wow, hoping for a breakup? Geesh, people, this isn't the SIMS!lol And you guys are wondering why Kristen seems so negative to fans.

I like Robert because not only is he pretty, but he seems to have a good head on his shoulders. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt he knows what's best for him.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


You said it girl!! I will still dream my nasty little dreams over him & drool over his photos & see all his movies....

Happy Rob melts my heart....

selective_fox said...


LMAO! That is definitely Gozde's style! I tried her mantra but it's not working for me today..

keti said...

Tempt you felt my pain this morning, I feel a bit better now taking about Alexander in the Bronze Horseman ( God I cant wait till you start reading it, you will love it sooooo much ) AND I do not hate Kirsten, Thank you Tempt. I'm just upset. Rob is my Life at the moment- My fantasy world has been shook, tipped upside down and rattled, then rattled and shook some more - Feel some compassion please. I love Rob more than anything. Of course I want him too be happy etc etc. If she breaks his heart I will hunt her down and rip her throat out. Sorry to be so graphic !!!

Unknown said...

I have NO idea why people are saying they are 'heartbroken' over this. If you are a fan, you should be happy he's in a relationship with someone who, by all accounts, he has liked for a long,long time. It is crazy that people would rather see him that means he would be available for them. Get over it.

riley said...

keti- I have a feeling one reason Kristen might be good for him is because she won't think twice of hunting down crazed fangirls and ripping THEIR throats out either. :) As others have mentioned, she's been a REAL friend and support to him since the beginning. Who cares if they are sleeping together really or not, I'm just glad he has people who watch his back.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


we're just shameless huh?

i'll meet you at the popcorn stand!
by the way, i'll bring a couple of bottles of airline booze, whats your poison?

JandR said...

In an old interview Rob was asked what he was into and he said he read a lot. Asked what was he reading one of the books was Virgil and he gave it to Kristen to read. I'm sorry but I think Rob has been into Kris for a long time and now if they are together - and they have so much in common why shouldn't they be? - I am happy for the peace he must be feeling in his soul.

They are young and will explore their feelings for each other in this weird context of intense physical closeness that comes from what they are experiencing in being Edward and Bella. Can you imagine the overload of emotion from playing these characters - they are not the first leading couple to transfer this energy into real life.

I for one was excited to see them together again especially at a KOL concert cos I know Rob is a big fan - and they do share that love of music. And for whoever it was who said it must have been embarrassing for Kellan - hey the rest of the cast would be clued in by now and as they are all such good friends I imagine they are all cool with it and probably pretty happy for them too.

So I understand those of you who feel crushed because Rob is not there for you now in the same way - but hey cut the guy some slack - he's young, in love and hopefully enjoying exploring some deep emotional fantasy of his own.

Hansom Ransom said...

It's true that Kristen seems to have a hard time articulating what she wants to say sometimes.

It's true that she often seems to have an attitude.

It's true that she sometimes puts her foot in her mouth.

It's also true that Rob brings out the best in her. It doesn't take one of us or any other obsessed Twilight fan to notice that, anyone can. When she is with Rob, she lights up completely. And cut the girl some slack; she's 19 and still practically a kid. Going with the assumption that they are dating and putting myself in her shoes, how much would it suck to truly love someone but not be able to have a (normal) relationship with them? I feel for them. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone, either, just venting my feelings.

Hansom Ransom said...

It's true that Kristen seems to have a hard time articulating what she wants to say sometimes.

It's true that she often seems to have an attitude.

It's true that she sometimes puts her foot in her mouth.

It's also true that Rob brings out the best in her. It doesn't take one of us or any other obsessed Twilight fan to notice that, anyone can. When she is with Rob, she lights up completely. And cut the girl some slack; she's 19 and still practically a kid. Going with the assumption that they are dating and putting myself in her shoes, how much would it suck to truly love someone but not be able to have a (normal) relationship with them? I feel for them. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone, either, just venting my feelings.

Temptation said...

KETI I feel your pain and I have a feeling only a stiff drink will sooth it,

As for the I hope Rob is happy, she supports him stuff all I hear is BLA BLA BLAAAAAA. IF they are together and WHEN they break up it could affect the chemistry for BD and notice I say IFFFF....My numerology chart said today is going to be an emotional day and I need to focus on me.....

wideyes said...

I can't believe the bitching coming from some people. I can only assume the childish comments are coming from children (under 16's) I can forgive childish comments from teenagers.
The sad thing is that kind of possessive behavior is a bit disrespectful to Rob (not to mention weird) Talking nasty about a friend who he is very close to, who he respects and who he is very fond of. Not cool. Not from a true fan.

mya bluesky said...

apart from the discussion.this is my favourite pict of rob at KOL concert.
he made his happy face with a wide smile

im just soo happy to see his smile

Display Name said...


Preppy little bitch is it?

Right. First off you know f**k all about me so keep your cat claw comments to yourself.

Secondly I for one admitted that she is a very beautiful looking girl. Along with the rest of
the sexy ladies on here. And as far as her being herself, I don't f**king think so.

By the way we all KNOW that we're not going to get with him but it doesn't hurt to dream,
except now it does because we can't because he's taken. There's no need to be a malicious bitch about the whole thing and coming on here and taking shit clumps out of other board members.

Get a clue and snap out of it. If you want to insult other fans, find somewhere else to do it.

Temptation said...

JANDR I also saw that interview and if I recall when he was asked if she read it he said No.......So what does that mean???? Virgil is very complex and emotional a thoughtful gift that requires a deep amount of conversation regarding his words....

JandR said...

@lynda_bluecanoe - weirdly enough my hubby would let me within 100 miles of Rob even though he knows how obsessed I am with him. He's the one I play out my Rob fantasies with so what's not to enjoy ;-) Rob's hotness is a win win for me lol

riley said...

If they are together, and they break up, I don't buy that line that the chemistry is ruined.

I"m sorry, but Breaking Dawn isn't exactly Shakespeare. There isn't even a lot of romantic parts in that movie. It's about them becoming domestic for the most part, and a couple fade to black make out scenes.

They're professionals they handle making out and domestic bliss just fine acting wise, regardless of their relationship or lack of.

keti said...

There is a lot of emotion running through us now, I will stop with all my shit.
I'm happy for them. May they enjoy each others company and be good too each other.
..... "ripping her throat out " was a figure of speech - I'll take that back - I'm sorry .

katie said...

On the larry carroll interview for MTV, kristen said she did read the book Robert got her. And I think the person was implying he was always giving her nice gifts since they became friends--he mentioned buying her his favorite movies once, and then he bought her that guitar. The poster was saying he's always had a crush on her, that was the point, and using the sort of gifts he gave her as an example of this.

Temptation said...

WIDE EYES open your eyes as we have all said our bitchy behavior is only venting and if we are behaving like 16 year olds then he "it's great to be young again".

As for offending Rob do you know something I don't know, does Rob read this blog on a regular basis???

JandR said...

Hi Tempt - I think he shows his feelings by wanting to share Virgil with her in the first place. I believe the words he has put out there and when you look at the things he was reading at that time he was drawing on those ideas eg Dennis Potter etc to make sense of his own experience. I for one would have recommended Identity by Kundera for him at that point :-) that aside I think he has found her interesting and attractive from the word go, he said she was fierce and I think he just wanted some of that. He is full of admiration for her on many levels. Well he's stuck in there and won the prize he wanted - let's see what happens from here and let him enjoy the ride :-)

Display Name said...


put ever so eloquently once again! I didn't want to have to bother to defend myself again! I'm getting sick of this to be honest!

Georgie said...

I must say I've all-but scanned the photos with a magnifying glass and indeed it looks like Robsten is ON and good luck to them - however, for all the closeness I'm surprised Rob's hands/arms appear to be in view and not touching Kristen! I know this can be upsetting to some of you, but for me this will actually enhance the movie experience knowing that the affection is REAL. I also like the fact that Rob has shown real character in not falling for a Hollywood barbie doll type (aka Megan Fox) but rather someone more down-to-earth with flaws like the rest of us.

@ Keti - thanks for the tip-off about the "Alexander" books - unless they describe him entirely differently, I'll imagine him as Rob...

Anonymous said...

I've followed this blog for a few months and rarely post. I want to start by saying thank you to Gozde, Dani and Kate for giving me an outlet for my Rob obsession.

I'm a romantic so Rob and Kristen together lifts my romantic heart!! They are adorable together. But I'm really surprised at the hate for KStew - the things that most are saying they hate about her are the things that I really like about her - she is a badass at 19 years old and I love the hell out of that. I don't understand how you can't be happy for Rob if you've paid any attention to how he acts when he is around her - he lights up.

Oh and I'm with Shome - Rob being involved romantically with someone will not stop my lustful thoughts for one second, he's a celebrity, that makes everything ok - that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

Temptation said...

HEY GEORGIE, I have recovered from the flu and had also to organize a suprize party for my 18 yo son for Saturday. I cant open your resume is it possible to send it in a PDF my word is playing up....

keti said...

@Georgie, you can imagine Alexander as you wish, If Rob had bit more muscles he could definitely be Alexander. But he smokes like Rob so hey !! let it be Rob ha ha
ahhhhhh this has been a stressful morning hey girls ...

GOROB said...

Rob and Kristen have a lot in common! I for one am glad he is not with someone who only wants him for fame and fortune!

Temptation said...

KETI it has been a stressful morning and on that note I will leave you all with a passage from Virgil

'Sweet relics, sweet so long as God and Destiny allowed, now receive my life-breath, and set me free from this suffering.'

I shall return....

Georgie said...

@ Tempt: glad to see you've recovered from the dreaded lurgy - must be all those good vitamins in your vegemite giving you the strength to pull off the surprise 18th for your son - you can consider it a success if the cops didn't turn up, ha ha!

I've updated the CV a bit again and will pdf and forward to you - thanks for that!

keti said...

Just looking at those pictures again, he is so adorable. KS is lucky (hands in the air)
and all ... we mean no harm on KS, we are purely venting out is all.
Cheers to them : )

JandR said...

Keti - thanks for the book recommendation. I am always interested in what gets to other people so will def be looking it up. And in the meantime Wide Awake fan fic has me hooked. I love that Edward and Bella almost as much as the originals. :-)

keti said...

Dont forget to buy your Book Tempt

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


I just went back to the last thread and saw that you were so sweet to share...

this place gets hostile huh?
yeah but we always divide up into factions, and right now babe, you are and i are on the same team...

cool huh?

Georgie said...

@ JandR: I have a busy week ahead and therefore will leave WA until next week as I'm worried that I'll just drop everything and read it 24/7 if I start now LOL!

wanabRPsmom said...

Group HUGS RObsessed ladies!

Tomorrow is another day. All the shocks will wear down and life goes on for Rob and K.

Same with all of us..;)

What would Ted C writes from now now? ;)lol! His Robsten is No longer a speculation to generate hits.

At least here at RObsessed...we have Robs bright future -acting/music to talk about.

JandR said...

Hi Tempt and Georgie - yes I managed to survive a party at my place yesterday for my Dad despite the weather trying to drown us all that is!! Georgie did you get the heatwave they showed on the news while Melbourne had gales?? Bizarre.

keti said...

@JandR - anytime, I really hope you read it. You will love it. I promise you that!!

Lisa said...

Damn that beanie on his head. What the heck? Is it December in Vancouver already?

My friends and I have what I like to call "the rule of truth" which reads as follows: "He's never gonna put it in you, so build a bridge and get over it." Rule applies to both celebrities and real life men. I live by this rule, because as hard as it is to swallow, it does give some clarity to situations, like a personal situation I have to deal with every day LOL

I'll say this much about the whole shebang: I'm not a fan of hers, and it has nothing to do with Rob. Back when I first got into the whole Twilight thing, a friend who sweetly offered to help catch me up sent video clips. There was one (perhaps the first ComicCon?) where she was rolling her eyes and seemed to have some sort of attitude that people were fawning over Rob. I hadn't seen the movie yet, and her attitude just left a sour taste in my mouth. I just don't understand why people just can't be gracious, ya know?

That said, I'm just going to go with my current favorite Rob fantasy: He comes over to my house, looking positively sponge~worthy, wearing the Stoli shirt, the mended gray/blue pants and that knit toque. I rip his clothes off him...and deposit them into my big Webber Kettle BBQ where I promptly light them on fire and cook my burgers over them :D

Temptation said...

GEORGIE we did have a fight and someone broke a pool que over someones head, typical boys and too much drink and it was over a girl of course. My 16 yo ran away for a night and we had a huge fight also, so all in all your typical weekend.

I do love the vegemite, do you think Kristen will still let me smear it all over Rob and lick it off ???

Glad to see the Beanie is back YUMMMY....Keti I will get the book today as I said I need some heart healing.

mya bluesky said...

im finish from rob/kristen moment

is it monday already at ur place?
Eclipse Rehearsal is TODAY (at least it's already monday at my place)..

im so EXCITED to see the whole cast in eclipse mode

Lucerne said...

Wow. I am stunned, and sadden by some of the posts I’ve read here today. I did not expect this. Wishing for Robsten to break up, and/or no longer following Rob because he is in a relationship. I am at a lost for word. I am a fan of Robert, and Twilight. I will continue to follow him, and see the rest of the saga unfold on the screen, no matter whom he is dating. As a fan of Rob, if he is happy with Kristine, than I am happy for him. I wish the both of them all the best.

JandR said...

Tempt - I'm with you on the beanie. I think it puts all the emphasis on that beautiful bone structure - god he's gorgeous - long live the beanie and long live the hair, the fingers, the fingers in the hair, the tongue - oh god the tongue, yep he's a god :-p

Georgie said...

@ Temptation: apparently Kristen's mum is Australian so she may be no stranger to vegemite...but maybe a lick-off demo on Rob IS in order!

@ JandR: yes it is a heatwave for winter here - high 20's - typical Queensland "beautiful one day, perfect the next"!

keti said...

I love Rob in a beanie he makes me all hot & sweaty when he wears that esp... with a ciggie in his mouth.
ummm Vegemite on Rob's lips licking it off slowly ... WAKE UP KETI !! Oh sorry Tempt that's your fantasy LOL

mya bluesky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
keti said...

It was hot in Sydney too, it reach 29deg I think.

Temptation said...

SEE Aussie girls we are slowly recovering and yes Keti that is my fantasy but if it makes you feel better you can have a loan of it tonight. Imagine all the hubbies and boyfriends that will be depressed tonight - this will affect their sex life.

Athena said...

@ Temptation:

"when you know they are a couple you look at the sex scenes and kissing scenes differently."

I think I know what you mean. It happened to me when I heard that Steven Moyer and Anna Paquin are dating: I feel a bit like I'm intruding, when I see the sex scenes in True Blood, now, especially because they are quite explicit! Hee!

I am afraid that I might feel like that with Rob and Kristen, too and that would suck, not because of them, of course, but because I don't want to feel like a peeping tom!

I guess I'll just have to wrap my mind around it and remember that what I see on screen is Bella and Edward, not Rob and Kristen. I have a bit of a split mind, so I think I can do that. With (lots of) exercise! ;)

Sam said...

getting full scrutiny!

wideyes said...

Agree with you about delightfully_delighted

wideyes said...

Are you one of those three crazy girls that threw themselves at Rob on the Remember Me set? LMFAO!

Sophia Z.86 said...


Srsly, IF it is true and they are together, I hope that they STAY together at least until they finish shooting Breaking Dawn...

Otherwise, it will be weird for both of them to work together, think of that...

And BD will not be as good as it could be...

keti said...

Yes Tempt, I'm slowly feeling better, People need understand that some people need to vent.
Express their frustration - no harm on KS or others. We just want our man to be happy - this is a place
were we can express our opinions and views, to other robsessors!!
If I take the Vegemite out tonight my husband will have a heart' attack - LOL he hates vegemite
maybe some strawberries and wipe cream lol lol - then I'll read my book and fantasies about Alexander

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

wow myabluesky,

watching that made me feel dirty, and not in a good way. i felt like a voyeur in ROBS home.

those were real personal moments with friends, i doubt he wanted to share those with us. yikes, maybe someone stole those pics huh?

doubt he will be happy with this intrusion, but i guess its all part of his life now.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Wow, I just read the hundreds of comments about the KOL pics and post-KOL pub pics.

Still haven't seen a thing that changes my mind or confirms anything. Soooo tired of the speculation, confirmation or whatever you want to call it.

I harken back to a bit of Youtube footage from Rob's Potter era when he was dating Katie Leung (She played "Cho") and it looked like he was dating her and loving her. His arms were around her and he was kissing her. Still haven't seen anything even close to that here with Kristen.

And until I do, for me the jury is out. Not that I'm on pins and needles. All I see so far is Rob's buddy for 4, maybe 5 films together.

I'm not a fan of hers because I don't like her personality. She always plays outsider girls and, to me, is a mediocre actress. I have nothing against her personally.

I think Rob is way, way smarter just looking at his education, the way he speaks and the books he reads. His oldest sister went to the London School of Economics. His family is quite bright.

Kristen is uneducated (did she even get her G.E.D., yet?) and street smart.

IMHO, I don't see much happening between these two after the "Twilight Saga" finishes shooting. I don't see a long-term romantic relationship because I don't think these two are on equal footing.

But Buds now during the shooting, sure, why not? As Rob himself said in an interview (on youtube): he has to keep telling himself as Edward that Bella is the only one for him. He also said after shooting that it took him about a month to psych himself out of that thinking.

He's a Method Actor, right?

Sophia Z.86 said...

@ keti!!

I am becoming obsessed with Skargard too... hell...

Temptation said...

YES that was me screaming ROB ROB ROB and then I grabbed him around the neck and just would not let go. That was an extreme effort for me because I LIVE IN AUSTRALIA.....

Chicago girl now in LA said...


So nice to "see" you!

BTW, Rob looks sweet and handsome as usual. ROBLOVE.

keti said...

@Sophia, I'm in love Alexander from the book "THE BRONZE HORSEMAN" - amazing book. If you loved all the books from Twilight you will love this book even more. See my other posts.

keti said...


orion said...

Hi every1! I was reading some of the things you all said...and I agreed with some of you...there's a bittersweet on all this, I know some of u don't like her, I'm not sure what to think about her, sometimes I found her arrogant, but on the other hand I think she's shy more than that and she's young...lot to learn. I'm happy for Rob, I think he's got what he really want, and they are a nice together, look that they have a lot in common...and I still love him, he's special. So, I would say good luck to them, my only worry is that their relationship don't interfere in their work together.

wideyes said...

@ROB PATTINSON for Dummies
You very welcome sweetie. He is cute as a button in HTB.
So glad not all Robsessed fans are weird lol. I think lakerkat made great comment on our wave length too. x

Sophia Z.86 said...

Hey, Chicago! How are you, girl?
Long time, no see...

And as always, so nice to read your posts... You are damn right about Kristen. That is the way I see her too. I don't think she is the right one for him (I am, for sure... hehe), she is not "good enough", but, hell, that is his life.

Still, I need to SEE them kissing or saying it out loud...

Jacqui said...

Hey Girls!

Okay...I have spilt my coffee several times (& drunk way too many cups of it!), walked away from the computer (& come back...way too many times!), done the housework (it's therapeutic sometimes!), been on the treadmill & any other therapeutic thing I can think of (except had a drink…it’s a bit early for that!) & I'm still not ready to make comment just yet....what ever I say isn’t going to come out right!

What I have seen here today (besides those photos that I cant comment on at the moment!) is that others are being very quick to make judgments about peoples personalities, emotions & the like based on their own beliefs & feelings. Not cool here or anywhere IMO. If people do not like what they are reading ....I’m guessing that no-one is forcing them to sit at the computer & read the can I suggest….move on or away from the computer…. but please don’t be rude. It is one thing to have an opinion & voice this in a constructive manner but to actually attack another persons personality is offensive (& more so in a public forum).

I have only recently started posting here, although have lurked for way too long & love this blog. I love that everyone has opinions which have often broadened my perspective on a situation (I may become a KS fan yet! Lol!), I have joked & laughed with others & related to others pain, frustration & angst at this strange obsession we all have in common! Please just accept that here, as in this world, we are all individuals & as such are entitled to opinions & emotions that may not be the same as your own.

I guess my message is please be polite to each other…peace, love & happy thoughts of Rob!!!!

mya bluesky said...

im sorry if i made u feel dirty in bad should i remove my post?? i will remove it for sure if u want to..

Temptation said...

What are you saying WIDE EYES we aren't weird, just because we like to bake little gingerbread men and put Rob faces on them, is that weird ????

Sophia Z.86 said...

@ keti, ok...
It is a different "Alexander" ~ I guess I am seeing Skargard eveywhere tonight, just watched True Blood on TV.

BTW, did you read the books? They are awesome! I read n.9, the last one, in june... Can't get over it... just like happened with the Twilight books, I keep re-reading them...
I will check the one you mentioned... thanks.

orion said...

Hi, Tempt! How u r feeling today? sad?

Lisa said...

Oooo! Are we talking Sookie Stackhouse books??

I just started #5, Dead as a Doornail, today :D

showme said...

wow it's amazing how someone like chicago girl can not see something SO UNBELIEVABLY IN YOUR FACE and blatantly apparent to like 99 perecent of the rest of us.

i've never seen rob look at ANY girl like that since i've been following him. ever. his love looks are hers and hers alone.

um rob didn't go to uni either. he didn't do well in school. he's smart but so is she. the both play guitar. their both creative. i'd say they are on very equal footing.

rob's been whipped since day 1. sigh. oh well. if people don't want to see the truth, they won't see it.

Temptation said...

SAD and broken hearted, Keti and I have the same emotions, but I am with Chicago Girl I still would like to see the clear as day Kiss. I am not alone in my suffering and for those of you that tell me to be happy for Rob, don't bother today is not the day..

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


i will watch it and report on it later...
yeah lakerkat and half the posters are ROBSTEN FANS...

its a democracy, i hope the kstew haters get pissed and go chase the jonas brothers, that will leave only 35 million women ahead of

oh yeah, i'll take KRISTENS leftovers, yeah i would...

Dani said...

HOLY MOLY! Hiya comments galore!

Are things going okay on the comments, I have not near enough time to read through everything I just wanna make sure things are staying tame on here.

Someone please lemme know.

Temptation said...

DANi what do you call tame ????? we do have a very polite debate happening, a little Kristen bashing, confessions, fantasies of Rob rubbed in Vegemite nothing out of the ordinary...

keti said...

Which books are you talking about Sophia ?
I'm taking about Paullina Simons's books. The series I'm reading is
"The Bronze Horseman "
"The Bridge to Holy Cross" &
" The Summer Garden"
They are the best books

keti said...

Hello DANI, oh we are ok, some are being a little um how should I say passionate.

Tempt you funny : )))

Temptation said...

KETI aren't you at work ???? have you done any work this morning/afternoon. The only thing I managed is the DH socks and undies wash, HOW DEPRESSING...

wideyes said...

Lmfao! Just as long as you don't make voo doo dolls of Kristen and stick pins in it. ;) I think I would like to try one of your ginger bread men though. Do they taste of Rob!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...



its a good thing we're all seperated by miles, cause there would be some nasty bitch slappin goin on otherwise. especially since we've all been drinking...

NAW just teasing you...

Dani said...

Oh I mean like everyone bashing on each other, the naughty talk of Rob and whatnot is A OK! In fact im plannin on having a little naughty talk of my own in my dreams with Rob and K Stew later, ya know just sitting them down and instructing them on how to make a relationship last.

Who am I kiddin I am just going to show them how to hump like monkeys.

I just wanted to make sure people were keeping polite debating going on, naughty talk however is always on the menu.

orion said...

@temptation: I feel the same, like I said before, a bittersweet,( more bitter than sweet). This morning when I woke up I put the pc on, and I saw the photos, Gosh!! I went to work and I couldn't stop thinking all morning. I feel strange, AND I'M A MARRIED WOMAN!! FOR GOD SAKE! but still I can't stop feel bad about it, in the other hand he got what he wants. So, maybe I'm happy for that, don't know...hard to explain

Sophia Z.86 said...

Thanks for the tips, keti!! I am always looking for good books written in english...

I was talking about Sookie Stackhouse's books, in which True Blood is based... love them!

WinWin said...

Chi girl. miss you like. ITA, I think close friends for RK.

I love Rob with Katie Leung. They were so cute togteher in interviews. He even said he wanted to take her home when asked if he got a souvenir from GOF filming.

I think Camilla belle make Rob smile the best.

Just adding my 2 cents. : )

and here

He opened the door for her and he was leaning in on her during lunch.

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