Remember When.....
....We had pics like this everyday. It wasn't that long ago but feels like ages. Well I was looking around and found these I'm not sure if Goz or Dani posted them before but I figured you wouldn't mind a repeat if they did. These are from the fabulous cybermelli and she has loads more on her flickr account take a look.

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i love this remember when post...those were great time every day was a Rob day....
I know what you mean! Part of me miss the daily pictures but at the same time I'm happy the photogs camera's aren't in his face all day long. Less stress I guess.
I miss the Robapalooza that was Remember Me. I'd love to have a Robwardpalooza. Sigh
awwww the good old days,i miss those days,the first pic is breath taking
Morning everyone!
Thanks for pics Kate of course we don't mind seeing them again, which I'm not sure of since there were so many.
Goz the banner is beautiful, love the colors.
Bring it on!!!! Love the privacy on Eclipse set, but we need to see some teasers!!!!
looking good with the cigarettes.
Ah I remember it well, I never got any work done at work I was on the computer 24/7 looking at new pics and vids of Rob. *heavy sigh* Love the RM pics and there are so many of smoking Rob too. GAH!!!
@Goz ~ love the new banner!!
he is the only person on earth who can make something so deadly(smoking) look so GOOD
Ah the good olde days...sigh...
And the two thumbs up, so adorkable!!
Thanks for these Kate! They are beautiful! Just like the man....
LOVE the new banner!! some of my fav pics of Rob!
yea, the new banner looks good.
I am glad to see these; would rather view and review old (or not as recent) photos and not have his space and privacy intruded upon to get new ones.
*shudder* oh, to be the cig hanging out of that sexpot's mouth.
what a fuckin' doll!
OMG how I Miss Robler & Remember me.
These are just some of the most beautiful photos of him..
geez, I can't wait for New Moon, I can't wait for Remember Me, can't wait for eclipse!!
That picture of Robalicious smoking is downright cruel.
Cruel, I say!
I'm a Former Smoker of almost 3 years time now and SUDDENLY I find I want a cigarette.
Really, really want one.
OTOH, I may just be feeling the dire urge to suck on something.
Long, Cylindrical and HOT.
Kate THANK YOU for posting these.
Remember Me Rob is glorious
and I love these photos.
Ahh the SummerOfPattz
I remember being on the phone with a fellow Robsessor as she walked up to the location on day one.. I was on the phone when she first saw his face.. Her reaction, her joy, her magnificent moment..
I shared that with her..
It was one of this summer's best moments!
Then of course, my set visits.
He is quite something to behold in person. Ethereal
O these are gorgeous!! Please next time you have too much else to do but you're bored....will you edit the one of him in profile with his hand in his hair? That's my fave and your edits are gorgeous! Thank you!
He was so cute in these, but it was a worry, near the end of shooting you could see how fed up he was with all the interuptions with shooting.
@Lynda ~ Seriously! That was a really hard shoot for him and the whole production team. But the movie looks awesome and I can't wait till it comes out! Hopefully it will get really good reviews and it would have been all worth it.
Remember photos were fun but when they made that little holding cell for him on set because the fans were too much, the fun sorta ended there for me. lol Poor Robert in a holding cell cause everyone wanted to rape him.
LMAO Krissy!
Another great banner. Thanks.
ThanksKate for this walk down memory lane, the days of Robler and Remember Me. At the time we didn't realize how lucky we were getting these daily updates and photos of Rob. Also all the set visit accounts from fans who went there, especially from Suz (hers were so funny, summer ofPattz indeed)!!!!
I love the two black-and-white photos,Rob looks absolutely gorgeous in them, but then when does he not?????
seeing these pics again is a good way to enjoy a sunday afternoon...I miss RM and Robler cause as I've said many times rob looked the best on RM...can't wait x that movie
linda I know what u mean I didn't do anything either too many pics to dream about good times!!thanks kate
I do miss the daily pics of Remember Me but I think that we already have had some awesome pics of New Moon.
Beautiful pics, Kate! Beautiful Rob!!
Nice editing job - the tints. Looks like another time. His face suits all epochs.
Makes me think looking at David's shot of Taylor that the tones and contrasts in Eclipse are going to be far more marked and heightened than NM. Not so soft but will be vivid.
Cannot wait to see RM I think I am more excited to see this than NM....
Of course Rob looks totally awesome.... but is that Rod Blakgoyevich standing behind him in one of the pics? LOL
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