Lets take a break for a moment from the tabloid drama to feast our eyes on his yumminess.

And saving the best for last...HUMMINA HUMMINA WOW!

Thanks to the gals @ Rob's IMDb Board for putting together a gif thread HERE and especially to kathywath89 and penguinmama88 whom made or posted most of the gifs above.
And saving the best for last...HUMMINA HUMMINA WOW!
Thanks to the gals @ Rob's IMDb Board for putting together a gif thread HERE and especially to kathywath89 and penguinmama88 whom made or posted most of the gifs above.
HOW long until New Moon comes out????
OMG!!! What were you thinking!!! Those are some of the best photos! Loved it! :)
Thank you Dani-
I sure needed that!
It's been a rough week so far, and that just brought a huge large smile to my face. What a lovely man.
*shirtless Edward*
Seriously....how long do I have to wait to see this in theaters again and again? And how long after that until I can watch this in the privacy of my own home????
Holy shit Dani, what are you doing to me??? Oh what a lovely break from the tabloid drama indeed! Supposed to be working here but am mesmerised....CAN'T BREATHE NOW,
Holy shit is right. That is a nice little break.
VERY PLEASANT on the eye I must say, I don't know about you girls but that last pick I like to check out that muscle just above his stomach, right before it hit's his pant's.......
GAH! Uh, thanks for the GIFs. You've given me a lot to think about!
OMG...just look at what he can do with his tongue!@!!!!!!!!! OMFG! I need to be dunked in a cold river
OMG - I'm getting ready for bed, one more look at robsessed....now what do you think I will be dreaming about - well hell I probably would have dreamed about him without the pics. Love them. God he is so gorgeous!
All I can say is he is yummy!
l,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ing. can't. stop.
AWWWWWW!!! Cold showers all around for my hot ladies GIFs check that thread out on IMDb for MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE.
I chose some of the best but its an ongoing thing so lots of yummy to gander at over there.
I am off to bed, LOVE TO ALL!
Thanks again, Dani, goodnight & sweet Robdreams!
Hi Georgie! how are you? He's beautiful! Did u watch the french video?
My eyes are going crazy trying to watch all of these sexy moments. The one that keeps zooming in on robs bum and other yummies is soo funny.
I also like rob and kristens make-out sesh. ;)
But you really did save the best for lastt! <3
@ Orion, yes I did but it was without sound coz hubby was asleep; I'll wait now for the English version - hopefully it'll be on the NM official website soon.
Just trying to make my flight bookings to Sydney again but some error message came up on the screen after my third attempt! I might just have to ring them.
OMG!!! you almost killed me with this - Rob and that tongue and then he just looks straight at you - I think I did just die and go to heaven... trying to get the heart rate under control...you guys are too much :-p
For the love of all that's holy!!!
So much better than tabloid TP.
Thanks Dani and Gif makers.
Sweet Rob dreams to everyone!!!
Hi Georgie and Orion - I just know what you two thought of these gifs!!! Heading over to check out the others that Dani mentioned. Good thing I'm not at work today - I'm feeling a bit weak...lol
Not getting much done on the dissertation though, Rob is a full-time distraction, it's more than I can do to pull myself away from him :-))
Live action Rob...love it!!! LOL
SMOOCHES HOT BITCH(I will never retire this saying...he's just to hot)
Okay I know i've already said this but still robsessing over that tongue action - the look he gives after doing that is pure filth! I want me some of that DIRTY ROB...right here and right now!!! arghhhh! can't quite breathe...
Rob overload! Cant.look.away.
Fracking A, the red carpet at Cannes...too ridiculous.....Justin Timberlake was right, God does love Robert more than the rest of us schmucks.
There goes any plans for anything constructive tonight...I'm getting myself a drink now! I cant stop looking....just one more little peek....
Jesus Goedze, too much!!!! My Eyes are on overload.
Oh my God. holy shit. thank you sir may I have another. ;)
Thank you Dani! Great way to start a new day and remind us of what is really worth to see :-)Can´t take any tabloid stuff anymore!
Check out this gif on PattersonLife, it's the funniest thing I've ever seen.
F*** now I need clean panties!
And to stop hyperventilating!
Celebrity Yearbook Awards
Most Popular
Best Smile
Best Hair Men
Slide #11, #17, and 19
this is the best page on the whole entire internetz! *GAH*!!!!
Slightly OT: Carson Reeves (ScriptShadow) reviewed the script of Bel Ami. You may not like what he said about it but the caption underneath the pic of Rob is priceless:
Would you trust this man with your wife?
Here's a link to Guy de Maupassant's book, by the way.
Good grief and holy heavens - nearly fell off my chair at work, and I might add had to quickly flick off the screen so nobody caught all of that Rob action.
Freaking me out - in a good way.
Now I have to run home to really enjoy.
How do you save an entire post with all if the yummy gifs??????
WANT!!! *points at Rob*
Dani... why do you want to make me cry???
I just can't bear this amount of splendour!
He's too gorgeous... *gets teary eyed*
@ phosphorus: haven't read the article, but my answer to that caption is: HELL, YEAH!!! Where do I sign???
I hope they are not going to butcher Bel Ami, because I loved the book and because Rob deserves a decent script.
Gosh! I can't get over this, I just look and look this photos over and over again. Dani, definitely u choose the best pics. But please girls be gentle with us, sometimes is too much to bear.
I'm with ya Orion. I just keep coming back. Some tongue, here, some a$$ there..cannot go to sleep...
@ Athena: So do I. I'll be so glad when he's finished with Breaking Dawn and can move on to different roles. [Die, Edward Cullen, die! ;-)]
Hi Phos
possible spoiler **
We have the stepping stones in place here to take Rob from the sexually repressed Edward to what we really want to see of him - naked yummy Tyler in RM and jumping over UC to Bel Ami - downright dirty and sexy Georges - the sexy Rob we all want to see. I'm ready for it. Bring it on! lol
Oh no! Please don’t wish Edward away....
I love the character Edward & could read those books (& visualize Rob as Edward)over & over (Oops! that’s right...I have read them way too many times to be considered normal!) but I love the Edward character in a very different way to I lust for Rob.
I have really struggled at times with this Edward / Rob thing but I so know the difference now & can watch Rob play/be Edward for hours on end but know that Rob is not Edward....I mean nothing about Rob seems to be close to that 'perfect' creature Stephanie created (I don’t think anything in the world is close to that!)...Rob is perfect in so many 'real life' ways!
Does that make sense or should I have another drink??? Guess what I am trying to say is that I love Rob as Edward...just hate that the tweens love it so much & wish they were able to distinguish between Rob & Edward.
The only man who could wear shoes in my bed. But nothing else. :)
Wow, those are lovely. The last one makes me sweat! Thanks for posting!
Hi Jacqui
I know exactly what you mean. I watched the Twilight dvd before I read the books - my daughter introduced me to them - much to her regret now that I am so Robsessed...lol but when I first watched the movie I thought cool I want to read the books. I devoured the books because they are just so freakin' good at getting to you but I never really thought too much of Rob as Edward until I got into Rob himself. I still don't think he looks like himself when playing Edward - they are separate to me. Rob's the sexy one that is keeping me involved in the whole Twilight thing. I really didn't like New Moon too much because I just wanted Edward back in the story. Roll on Eclipse though! lol So yer Rob / Edward - sorry Rob in real life wins and Edward in the books wins, not one and the same though. Okay don't know if I've made much sense either so that glass of wine is sounding good right now...
Sometimes I ask myself what he has that make so crazy and obsessssssive...
Yes, I know he has EVERYTHING...look at his eyes, his jaw (the best I ever seen) his body not too much, just perfect, his hair, his long fingers, his long legs, his long feet, and maybe everything is long...oh my Gosh...sorry talking too much
Hi Orion - sorry i missed chatting with you earlier - yes I think we all feel a little puzzled by the hold Rob seems to have over us. Okay the couple of you that I do know a bit better than the others - we are mature, reasonable, intelligent people who hold down a job and appreciate what we have in life. Hold on - then Rob blows in and this irrational obsession starts to take over your normal life and reason goes out the window. Intelligence is the difficult one because this is what I think we find appealing in Rob. He's a smart, sexy, funny, endearing, dorky mess - we love him to bits. He's got me and there's no way I want out of this Robsession yet. But will it die down a bit at some point do you think - or has he just got us in his sights and we're stuck there??
I don't know. If is going to finish or what, but I just try to enjoy him (I'm suffering too, sometimes is too much, LOL). Sometimes amazed me the way everyone is so crazy about him, maybe he did something to us, maybe deep inside we think that he is Edward...don't know, LOL.
@ Jand R
You're making sense to me but I've had too many so enjoy that wine & I'll have another one with you....
How funny! It was my son that raved & raved & introduced me to Twilight too & I am sure he regrets it now! He said to me last night...."Mum there's more photos of him on the computer than me!” Then my bestie started on me (she's younger than me so I though it was something that had skipped a generation as such), then my ex....who is the most judgmental & critical person I know, told me about it & took my son to see it (twice) & raved about it to me (we actually get along well!) Now even he regrets that he told me to watch it!
You know Jacqui?, something similar happened to me too, when I went to see the movie, I didn't like it much but after, don't know why, I start waiting for the dvd to come out and I couldn't wait for the next movie so I bought all the books and between Rob start doing his job in my head and I'm here. My husband said to me whats wrong with u? your teenage years comeback to you?
got the wine in hand and dinner in the oven - jacquie still there? we might only be making sense to each other but it is nice to share this obsession with others who feel the same way...lol
Orion - reliving your tennage years is never a bad thing! Just think of it as a new lease on life...lol and thank Rob for bringing back all those sexy feelings that we old married chooks thought had gone long ago ;-)
JANDR, you are right, thats what I said to my hubby, Who cares? at least I'm happy...and like you said that sexy feelings are back and thanks to Rob
Oh I'm still here...just checking the internet for any other Rob news in between posts!
You know my mother actually summed it up perfectly for a group of my friends the other day when she began to explain to them that this was not something new.....that in fact as a teenager I had obsessed over many people & met some of them along the way...it was a little bit embarrassing as my mother told the stories, but it did explain to my friends that this wasn’t actually something new...just something about my personality I had kept hidden for years (while I tried to be a responsible adult …a mother, a professional & all those other things we are when we are not being Robsessed!) ....Rob just bought it out in me again (after many years of successfully denying it!)...so I'm going with this…. Rob made me do it!!!!
That's ok. We blame him...so what? Meanwhile we keep dreaming and enjoy it, lol
Holy CROW!!!! GAH! Panties...poof...all chances of working today....poof.
maybe you've hit the nail on the head withh this theory Jacquie. I had my obsessions as a teenager, John Travolta, the Monkees...lol showing my age - and funny you should mention meeting them I met Davy Jones from the Monkees - mind you I was a young teenager and he was probably around 40 haha. But I fell in love with Legolas when LOTR was in full swing and transferred that to Orlando Bloom who my daughter loved - well we met him in Wellington so yes your dreams can come true. Wonder when we'll be meeting Rob then. Slightly different feeling than the others though - I would have to physically hold myself back and try and show some decorum...lol
I just saw on internet (NINEMSN) that he'd text Kristen 400 times a day when he was in NY. How in a hell they get that information? LOL
al I wanted from Davy Jones was his autograph - what I treasured from my meeting with Orlando (apart from the autograph and dozens of photos) was his gorgeous smile just for my daughter but with Rob - well we all know what we want from him...lol can't stop myself - today has been overwhelming with those sexy gifs of Rob, the fantasies have been running wild!
its an addiction that is happening to women all over the world,women of every colour,race,religion,rich,poor no matter they have one thing in common THEY LOVE ROB but i think its more lust than love,rob is sex on a stick and you can look at him and tell that when he fucks a woman in the end she is well satisfied
Orion - how did he have time to work?? I think it's all a crock...
danyasky - I love that - yes I agree - he knows how to satisfy a women - just gotta look at that tongue action and sexy smouldering eyes - the boy knows what he's doing :-p
I had my obsessions too when I was a teenager but I don't think the same way like I have with Rob,no...no way. This is really a obsession. I can't work without thinking to come at home and go to the pc and look for something new about him. And this is the right place...Oh, girls!! I can't wait till november, so looooongg...
He must be...oh God! in bed, he must be...like I said before, everything is long on him. LOL
Just a minute, I'll be back I'm going to change my panties and smoke a cigarrete....
We are going far, tonite!!LOL
Wet dreams tonite!hahhaha
Did u see that photo of his JAW? (5 down right) oh holy shit!!
just go with it and enjoy it Orion! I'm off to sort dinner for the family. talk soon J x
i read some where one of his ex girlfriends said he is amazing in bed,now that is a rumor i believe 100% and as i said many times before rob is packing some serious hardware (big d**k)
I'm going to ruin things a bit for you here and share that the gif with him waggling his tongue (all over the place- Gah!!!) is a outtake from HTB... and he was discussing something gross involving his ear. True!
But it still looks sexy as hell! The first time I saw that gif...my nether regions jumped for joy and I lit'rally wet my pants... in the nicest way.
No, it wasn't "one of his ex-girlfriends", just someone who claimed to have spend a night with him. Can't remember if it was on Twitter or somewhere online but you should take it with a grain of salt, enough posers out there. I wouldn't be surprised if there's someone out there claiming he was boring in bed. People do anything to get some attention.
And by the way, would you like it if I publicly started speculating away how you are in bed?
@ Danyasky
Well...if I ever get to find out those intermit details in person I promise to spill the details right here on this blog! Unlike Kristen....I will hold my head high & happily take one for the girls on this one!!! (I am so sure of this never happening that I have no qualms about making this promise!)
Nice thought tho'....will think of this as I drift off tonight... great in bed...big ...Mmm!.... but honestly what kind of ex would make that statement to the media? I’m guessing there isn’t alot of truth in the report despite....IMO it probably being very true!!!
iam going to speculate all i want and let me say it again.....ROB GOT TO BE GOOD IN BED just look at him DAMN i need a cold shower now lol
lol yes take one for the girls and definitely hold your head up high,if it were i would be fucking dancing LMAO
@ Jacqui: You'd be a kiss and tell?
Oh! I agree...just look at him....that does it for me without anything else....imagine if....lets not go there!!! (it's too late & cold here for any cold showers to sober my thoughts up!!!)
The Rolling Stones wrote a nice little song, that just came to my mind.
well latebloomer - ear or not - that demonstration showed me all I needed to know lol - did notice it was from how to be - don't know how I can get a copy in Australia - no good buying it from O/S as our dvds are a different region - hopefully it will be released soon... hey Tempt where are you tonight? Did you say that you've already seen How to Be? Did you download it from online or what? Anyone esle see the New Moon stuff about Jacob and Bella on ET tonight 7pm on ch 99?
@latebloomer: who cares if he was discussing with something gross involving his ear? GIVE HIM TO ME, LOL. He can do to me anything discussing he wants
Love the song & oh! yeh that would be so me....kiss & tell....just bc I know it will never happen & if it did all the girls here would love it as much as me!!!! Well maybe not quite as much but ....close!!!???
I watch "how to be" and "little ashes" online.
Jacqui sounds like we'd all be prepared to take one for the team...lol - don't know if I'd be quite prepared to share it all though...would want some precious little Rob details that could be just between him and me - but I guess if you're taking it for the team the point is to share...;-)
...and "the bad mother handbook" that I really love it. Little ashes, too.
Orion do you have the links of where I could find them? I have seen bits and pieces on youtube etc and would still like to own my own copy when it comes out here, but keen to see more of Rob's work and How to Be looks so funny...
@ Jacqui: Well, to each her own style.
I so need to order Bad Mothers Handbook & How To Be...they both look great from what I have seen.
I only make the promises re sharing detail....bc I am 100% sure I will never have that oportunity...If I thought otherwise I wouldnt be promising so openly!
Yes, Jandr. Just give a few minutes to find it, do u want for little ashes too?
yes please Orion - you're a gem!
Script review of Bel Ami
watch it, where is in 2 parts
and "the bad mother handbook" u can watch in utube
@ monika: I already posted this (see above).
OMG... the one he smokes just drives me crazy!! ahhhhhhh
Thx Orion - that's gonna keep me busy for a while - can't wait... J
@phosphorus, oh yeah sorry, didn't read the comments first.
so according to this she spilled the beans? dunno how legit this is but interesting nonetheless
MAN! The Twilight bedroom scene is making me sweat! They don't break that kiss as they lean back onto the bed....Kristen spreads her legs and Rob leans into them without even bumping into her knees.....perfect fit!
Now.....I've taken Kristen out of the scene in my head and replaced her with Meeeeeeeeee!!! HAWT!
Thank you!
Bless you!
OMG did you guys read what peter facinelli wife jennie garth said about rob? first kathrine now her lol you cant keep a secret in hollywood for to long
I just read it. I'm sure is Kristen and no Nikki.
my daughter told me she heard it on breakfast radion here this morning that Kristen had confirmed the relationship - but I thought I would have seen something about it on the net or here before now - but we are half a day ahead in time here so I guess it is only morning in US and Canada?
people are coming out of the wood work and spilling the beans LOL i wonder who is next?
Hellooo ladies, I've just been catching up on your earlier comments and nearly wet myself laughing, but suffice to say that all your emotions were invoked on me as well looking at those gifs...over and over...
Holy Hot Gif, Batman!
How am I supposed to tear myself away from this and go get ready for work???
Dani, if you weren't so awesome I might have to declare you the root of all evil. ;) No wait, that would be Rob, for looking so insanely flame-licking hot!
the way things are going by the weekend all the skeletons should be out the closet lol
hey Georgie HI - boy have I enjoyed these gifs today ...lol and Orion has just given me the links for how to be and little ashes so I got plenty to keep me busy - robsessing for a while. Apparently the gossip mills are in overdrive saying the K & R relationship is official. Not that it has come their lips from what I've read!! Anyway my daughter has sat me down to watch Gossip Girls with her so I am trying to keep an eye on this at the same time...lol
All I want to say is, Thank You So Much For Posting These Luscious Little Vids!!!
OMFG!!!!!!!!I'M REALLY DEAD!!I've swear i never understood when u guys said that but I do now...but I have to stay alive for november at least
seeing KS makin out scene in twilight make me wonder how's gonna be the love scene in RM????I mean with rob as a real person mmmmmmmmmmmm
Hey JandR, yes I just looked up Monika's link where Peter Facinelli's wife supposedly spilled the beans. I also left a link on your FB some interesting comments about the RM script and a better explanation of the ending - on the same site as that earlier link from I think Phos about the Bel Ami script.
i distracted by robart's tongue. i need more coffee. oh mah gahd....
Hi Georgie!I tell you and not going to believe anything till I see coming out of their tongues or photos, real ones
@Georgie I received your email in FB. Thats great! will meet there then. Do you call the Ritz for the tickets?
Hi Orion, yes I rang the Ritz and booked with credit card over the phone and I can pick the tickets up on the night. We should all meet up earlier and have a drink or 2. I think Tempt said the Ritz has a bar with champagne, and get the kids to line up for the tickets and make sure we get seats together.
@Georgie: Done! Are u going to watch twilight too? I have tickets for that too
Jesus! What was that?? OMG the chest hair, the happy trail, the pubic hair!!! And the jaw? And the mouth? And the tongue?
Those GIFs can KILL a girl... Srsly!
Anyway, I think 'Summit' won't let them go ahead if is a Robsten...no yet
Sophia, his JAW! gosh! make crazy! aaahhh and...everything else!!
Can't think of a better way to start my day :0)
yeah it's official! Dani is trying to kill us all with lust overload...lol
Well, here in Australia is time to go to sleep and is no better way to finish your day
Sorry Orion, just catching up on a new ff chapter. Yes we also booked to see Twilight at 9.30pm because I've never seen it on the big screen.
Correction: I've never seen ROB on the big screen and it will be a warm-up for NM at 12.01am.
hahah i love the one of him doing the tongue thing in How To Be outfit. that is hilarious =]
Lisa...New Moon comes out Nov 20
sweet Rob dreams Orion... J
Yep it is bedtime now, midnight here, so it must be 97 days to go...g'nite!
Georgie - hope it's Wide Awake you are reading - I got through 9 chapters today OMG - I love that stuff!!!
night Georgie - talk soon. J
Nice!! Will meet for drinks of course before the movie, we going to need it...before Twilight and after...specially after Twilight
G'nite everyone!see u tomorrow...Bye Jandr, bye Georgie...Rob dreams x every1
I have to say that (in here ~ and I am glad that there are over 100 comments before mine):
There are two men in the whole world that make me WET and almost come only by f*ng LOOKING at them: Gabriel (my BF, thank God!) and Rob!
That said, and I am going off to watch those again... slowly...
Orion. Goz does not allow links for websites where you can download the movies. Could you go back please and delete the post where you have the link!
Thanks Babes!
Oh, my god.
So cute.
Sophia, I *heart* you.
@ JandR, Orion and Jacqui you ladies crack me up. I'm so glad there are others out there who are as confused as I am about this whole robsession thing. Man it takes you by surprise and then doesn't let go. Just gets stronger and doesn't make any sense! I wish I could come over there and join you guys at the Ritz so i could robsess with other people that understand. One of the girls at work called me a paedophile and I'm only 35! Long way from Perth tho. So wish I could meet him, don't know if I could control myself if he spoke tho. Oh my.
At work... Hyperventilating! NOT A CHANCE I can be productive now :)
Well this might be old and just new to me but here's a great video of sexy Rob kissing a lot. ;)
Ok-last post for the day-since Ivedieddead!!!! *GAH*, again....all i can say is.....LORD HAVE MERCY....*sighs*.
@Sophia-LOL! Girl, I LOVE the way your mind works...oh yeah...;)
@heather-holy hell, thanks for this link! never seen this vid before and I've always loved that song but have never so accutely understood it until just now ;)
I think my laptop just melted.
How the hell am I supposed to get anything done today after that? LOL
I thought it was quite perfect myself..considering that's all I keep thinking! My favorite is when he is nibbling/kissing on that girls neck, good gawd tingles just explode everywhere!!! :D
Oh and a young tomstu thrown in there doesn't hurt either.
I love you.....hahahaha! Rob you rock my world!
um, yeah, the neck thing totally got me, too...from summer house or somthing, right? it does me in, also same scene when he wraps those long fingers of his around her waist-my God!!
I saw on someone's site, "he can make the most mundane things like scratching his nose look like soft-core porn..." and I SO agree!!
I need to find a VERY, VERY Large Iceberg and then place it somewhere a little South of my navel.
That's the *ONLY* way I will possibly cool off after seeing these Delicious GIFs.
They should be called GIFTS.
Seems Christmas came early this year...and it wasn't the only thing!
OM Word...That Tongue!
:::content sigh:::
OMG may i say...HE IS HOT!
whoever made these is a genius and i love you! ;)
is it just me or does rob look more like a vampire in new moon than in twilight? :/
Sophie x
The jaw! the sex hair!! :P:P i love the one that zooms in on his butt and erm..other parts *ahem* ;)
sophie x
Just so we're clear...I agree with you @Sophia !! hhaha
sophie x
Thank you, thank you, thank you Dani! I think.... at least... because I'm totally incapacitated right now. Oh but what a lovely way to die!
I needed my asthma inhaler after seeing that! lol
@Kate: thank you! I didn't know about it.
i love the 'how to be' gif!
ha ha! love the "tongue" one from the "How to Be" extras!!! these were great!!!!
How can I ever get to sleep now?
Looking for one of these pics in non-GIF form (not that I don't love them!). I want the one of Rob in Cannes I believe at the Inglorious Basterds premiere. The shot is from the side and he is looking at the camera and it is close up with the light behind him? Why can't I find this one? I can find others from the same set... HELP :)
Thanks so much for these GIFs. I keep coming back to this page to stare.
Linz McC, I´m triying to find that photo too and I can´t, is impossible :(
Does anyone know something about it, please?
Stunningpatty: Annamolly (Twitter) found it this morning and it is posted at Thinking of Rob. Already put it as my background!! http://thinkingofrob.wordpress.com/2009/08/15/looking-for-a-cannes-pic-anyone/
Linz McC:
Agghhhhh, argf, argf, argfff...
*** THUD ***
Thank you, thank you, you´re great!!! :)
PS: The best pic I´ve ever seen, I can´t breathe...
One word: HOTTTTT!!
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