SO I was sent a link to these pics of Rob leaving the set in Vancouver but they looked familiar to me so thanks to a little detective work I figured out they're actually from the "New Moon" set and not the "Eclipse" set but they are pics that I haven't seen before and damn Rob looks hot!
And to see the original post with the other pics go here
Source and thanks to the lovely Yvette at RobPattzNews for sharing her pics!
Rob pics.. old or new are never..
Thanks Kate!
I don't mind if they're old! Is Robbb!!! He looks so cute in these photos!!! Just like an angel!
Suz, you got that right!
Be still my heart-Robward...
I remember these, but hell I will def look again!!!!
I'm curious to see if the makeup in Eclipse will be as good as it was in NM?
Rob is quite possibly the nicest celeb out there. Look at him autographing those NM books! I would love to meet him just to see if he's as down-to-earth as these pictures suggest.
Is this an official drought yet?
Feels like it :o(
He looks downright sly in that first one. Imagine being on the receiving end of that smile.
New-Old photo of Rob=Ive never seen it and it's one to lick!
I can't remember who posted this video of Rob-was it you Suz??
But HOT Damn!!! He can have my kitty-cat anytime anywhere any way!!
RPG, I do have this vid on my blog..
and it has appeared here..
It was created by the lovely and VERY talented RK Trixie!
It's possibly my fave of ALL times!
I've seen these some time ago. He looks much younger and care-free in them than he does now. Life ain't easy for THIS movie star?
I've seen these some time ago. He looks much younger and care-free in them than he does now. Life ain't easy for THIS movie star?
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