Aww poor baby!

source: Robert Pattinson Source
As we reported earlier the DVD release date for US is November 3rd and for Germany is October 15th.
You can also order Region 2 How To Be [DVD]
now. For more info on regions check THIS POST.
source: Robert Pattinson Source
As we reported earlier the DVD release date for US is November 3rd and for Germany is October 15th.
You can also order Region 2 How To Be [DVD]
I finally saw this and am so impressed with Rob. I love Art. Pep talk scene at the end was so touching. Thank you Gozde!
Aw, I just want to hug him. Seriously. I REALLY want to hug him. and other things too of course. LOL
I agree, WinWin. Definitely the best Rob movie ever!! I don't know if he realizes how good he was in that film. His comedic timing is priceless. Especially the "Choking on Dust" song. The way he sings in mono-tones & fits in all the lyrics at the end of the phrases is just so hilarious
Thanks for posting this Gozde :)
Oh that hair in the 3rd pic. I seriously want to run my fingers through that gorgeous hair.
i adore this movie. i know a real life Art too LOL
Thank you Gozde! Finally, some Rob pics worthy of looking at that don't make me feel disgusted or dirty. Robart rules.
Goz, is it ok if I add the links to this movie so all can see?
Feeling a little sorry it's not out in the US yet. No Rob fan should go without :)
I confess I feel ambivalent about Art. On one side I find him extremely annoying, would want to slap him on the back of his head and yell at him to grow a backbone, but on the other I just want to hug him and tell him he'll be alright and everything will turn out fine!
Rob did indeed a great job :)! He portrayed him so well! The pep talk to self at the end is just fantastic!
I really liked this film, it is a good film, and I liked the work did here, it is good to see that it is still giving good images
Thanks to my Dearest Sister, I just saw "How To Be" this morning. It is such a sweet film & Robalicious does a wonderful job as a Dweeb.
A very DARLING Dweeb.
I totally loved this movie! he is so funny!! favorite moments are when he sticks his head in the freezer and the woman takes no notice of him, trying to get a vibe from the faucet (how frickin' cute was that??), when he's nodding along with the couple on the train until they notice him, visiting his old bedroom...oh screw it, I just loved the whole damn thing!!
He is definately at his most huggable in this and btw, I wouldn't kick him out of MY bed!! LMAO <3
I can hardly look at pics of him holding a guitar anymore. It's sooo fucking frustrating! Just one lil gig? "Oh, please!"
ah How To Be...the good olde days when Rob was Rob and you could speak to him without security. :-) Oh how we wish for those days again...
@ A
Although I think he's talked about how he enjoys the open-mic sessions, I never got the impression that he necessarily THRIVES on the attention from it.
I do hope that he's able to spend time just jamming with friends. That's the most fun in my opinion..
hi gozde..welcome glad u here again.
finally i saw HTB last night. i love art,the movie impressed me. Rob did really good job there, no wonder he got an award for his rule on HTB
@hemiola: I don't care what he wants - it's what I want! lol
I don't think he did open mics for the attention. It's about the expression. I agree jamming with friends is great but it's not the same experience. Different space and energy. it's a leap in the dark.
PO'd he can't do public right now but I will take a private gig - and piano is fine too. :) Nite.
I loved this character... I loved the movie... anytime I can see Rob in shearling is a good day.
I need to watch this again. Thanks for the reminder!
I'm anxiously awaiting this movie - so bummed that I have to wait so long to see it. Rob is SO adorable and it looks like he did a good job playing this character (from watching the trailers). I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could please put up a link for it. Thanks!
Loved HTB but thought LA was much better-that movie proves to all the haters that he is an awesome actor NOT just a pretty face.
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