A HUGE thanks to FakerParis for unearthing the pants from 2005 :)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire London Photocall, October 25th 2005:

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Tokyo Press Conference, November 18th 2005:

August 4th 2009 LAX:

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire London Photocall, October 25th 2005:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Tokyo Press Conference, November 18th 2005:
August 4th 2009 LAX:
Let's examine the pockets to see if they are the same pants:
Why yes! I believe they are :))
So the pants are at least 4 years old, no wonder they are "mended" at the knees and crotch :)
Here is a gift idea for Rob (you're welcome): Get him a sewing kit with all colors so he doesn't use light blue to sew darkblue/gray pants... I'm just sayin' :)
HQs for closer examination:
As always thanks to Robert Pattinson Source for the pictures :)
They may not be the same pants cause I think the stitching by the knee are actual designs of the pants :) Too good to be hand sewn
Nope, not design. Check the small threaded hole under the knees. It's definitely mended :)
He's just too adorable for words. Now, my question is - has he been carrying these pants around with him through all his travels and just decided to give the ripped jeans a break? And please, please tell me his ripped jeans aren't getting mended and that's why he's resorting to wearing these pants that we haven't seen on him in years
That is hilarious! I love hobolicious Rob, but Rob, come on, let's be simple about this, can you stop? Let's get you some nice fitting jeans. I bet his sisters and mom are so proud! LOL!
It is so completely endearing that 1) He keeps hold of his clothes for so long, and 2) He mends them himself. Honestly, can he BE any more adorable?
lol i think its nice that he is still using them. It screams that he hasnt changed (no pun intended) since becoming really famous. And that he is not concerned what anyone thinks. I love that.
I think he's just messing with us. He knows we all (ok...well SOME of us) Ctrl + on his crotch from time to time, and I figure he just gave us something more to look at :-) He probably figured "let's see what they make of THIS" and then proceeded to sew light blue thread on dark grey pants. LOL! I'd love it if that were true...but alas, I don't think Rob cares that much to screw with us. I think he is just homeless chic.
Oh yeah, and Gozde...I told you I was jlpsu on twitter, and chinamother on the blogs...well, apparently my google ID is my real name "Jenna"...so "Jenna", "jlpsu" and "chinamother"...all me :-)
Hi Jenna! :)) We are on the same blogs today :PP
I don't think he cares enough to mess with us as well. I bet he doesn't even know we are so obsessed and keen on what he wears :)
are we to believe Rob is the one sewing these articles of clothing??? I can't let my brain believe that...Rob bent over a sewing maching or sitting casually on his hotel couch du jour with a needle and thread. The mere idea turns my brain mushy and that silly smile escapes on my face. He's just fabulous but surely he's sending these damaged clothes out to be fixed...its too good to be true if sewing is another talent of his. An interviewer needs to cover this topic, NOW. Why are none of the interviewers true Rob fans??? They always ask stupid redundant questions...they need to take to the blogs and see what's REALLY up before they speak to Rob.
OH please NEVER change your down to earth hobolicious self Rob, be yourself, this is the so UN-Hollywood ways I love about him. He never bothers with the latest and hippest trends or the hippest fashion fads. He sticks to his own style and seems to not give a rat's ass about what ppl think lol. Love that. There is another un Hollywood actor who is like that too, Viggo Mortensen, another big crush of mine.
But lmao this pic:
He's got a wet stain in "that area" on his left leg..lmao. yes I zoned in on that lmao.
OMG-mystery solved!!! What wonderful detective work!!
Love him more & more....he is so precious & such a little pack rat for someone who has no home...
He is getting better at mending. maybe someone got him one of those mini hand held sewing machines..
Oh Rob. LOL!
Do you darn socks? Soooo english!
and the laceless shoes? Nice!
i am sitting her laughing so hard at your great detective work.
forget sending him a sewing kit, send him a new part of pants.
can you really imagine him sewing these pants, because a seamstress did not do it because it is so bad. maybe when he stuck in his hotel, he calls down and asks for a sewing kit to fix all of his clothes himself. that would be the million dollar picture, Rob sewing his clothes!!!
Bloody hell! :D All this to-do over a pair of pants? I thought the whole point was pants OFF! ;)
the pants could be to him like johnny depp's boots...he's had those damn things forever...they are falling apart and he even wears them with his tuxedo...you never know
i just watched harry potter today and squealed whenever i saw rob on the screen, i think my mom figured out why i wanted to watch it...
i couldn't watch the bit at the end where he got killed, so i stopped the movie
This is hysterical!!!
What a fucking hero.
he still has the blue nit sweater too, believe it or not.
The pants are old and sewn, yes... but have you tried to push a needle through the reenforced seams of jeans?! Not an easy task.
The "spot" was NOT stitched and clearly looked like pen fail. It's very likely that on the plane he was reading, making notes and a ball point pen fell in his lap. There's no cleaning that up or changing clothes before debarking - not that he would care that his pants were stained.
It IS adorable that he is apparently attached to his old clothes... like his old friends, he keeps them around. (That, or he really hates to shop.) ;)
Hahaha! Funny post!
I have a feeling there will be more of these to come.
Anyway, I found this video-- yeah I have too much time on my hands too.
It's at the Twicon and it's Peter telling a story of the funniest thing that happened during filming. Yes, there's Rob in there.
Starting at 1:58.
He is a taurus girls, they like to wear they favorite things no matter if it's falling apart, they don't care about being fashionable.
LMAO Maryann, I noticed the wet spot too. Goz, thank God for your spare time, great detective work!
Jenna, LMAO. Can you imagine if he did that, and came here to laugh his ass off at us trying to figure it out? And if he sent those pants to get fixed, it must have been to a bag lady, no pro would sew like that.
Now for the real question. How did you get a rip THERE Robbie?
Captain KC:
Yeah! I was disappointed nobody asked him about the Stoli shirt at Comic-Con.
@Maryann ~ I noticed the wet spot too! Mmmm . . . yes, my mind so just went there!!
Great detective work!
Honestly, Just imagining Rob bent over sewing his old clothes is just an inducer of brain mushing, silly grins, and happy squeeings.
I don't think he would bring a sewing machine though. Unless he's got one of those portable ones that you can carry and hold in the palm of your hand. But judging from the stitchings, it's gotta be hand done.
What a typical guy-thing -- to never throw away worn-out pants! Silly boy.
Did anyone notice that his brown shoes (nice) have no laces?!
What is up with him? It's one thing to wear old comfy clothes, but mismatched buttons and no laces... ?
I have a feeling the only time he is clean shaven and decently dressed is when someone has forced him into wardrobe/hair/makeup.
Huh, never thought about the Taurus angle. I'm a Taurus as well and I own some clothes that are around 10 years old :)) I have a Lacoste coat that is 11 years old and it looks new (to me) :))
oh my god! he is absolutely on earth. hm but these threads between his leg))))))) make me laugh all the time / seems he tried to make it for present height))) adore that man -crazy and cute
I know what you mean. That can be pretty frustrating in a guy. But with Rob, I think he knows when he should put in effort in his appearance and his clothes.
I think he gets clothes sent to him, like the suit at Cannes and the Prada suit in Tokyo.
Blue spot = stain, not thread.
What do you mean Taurus' aren't into fashion? My niece shares the SAME birthday with Rob and she is ALL about fashion. We've nick-named her "Alice." Heh.
Oh yeah Taurus' not being into fashion is totally wrong. We like expensive, flashy things :)
Well, girls, I'm taurus and I can confirm that my wardrobe is full of old stuff that I like to wear for about 100 years :))))).
But the pants... You know what really fascinates me? The guy makes good money and can afford really fancy things to wear. But nope - he still is in with his old patchy clothes and sometimes he manages to miss the buttons :)). That's beautiful :)).
I really think you guys should just leave the man's clothes alone. What does it matter what he wears or how long he's owned it. He is a very simple guy who hates to shop...so what?
I love you Rob, but seriously, you need to throw these pants away. Really. I'm all for comfort, but this is just stupid.
In response to "so what?"
It just adds to the list of things we admire in him and find totally endearing. We haven't seen or heard anything about Rob for several days that Goz brought out old goodies of Rob.
His clothing choices are just one of them.
Thanks for the insight Zelda. You do know this is a blog about Robert Pattinson right? If I leave him alone, there would be nothing to post and hence no blog :)
Great detective work, but as a mother to 4 boys it doesn't surprise me that he still has pants that are 4 years old and falling apart.
His excuse will most likely be, they are comfortable and perfectly OK for traveling.
Rob has never been hung up on his wardrobe just another one of the endearing things about him.
@ Marna:
I agree. Someone should tweet this to Peter. He could get the word to Rob about the pants.
For me, mending unique old-time shirts like the Stoli is one thing but pants as plain as those-- get real. Hmm... just had a thought: maybe he doesn't like to get new pants because of how stiff they tend to be when they're new... Just a thought.
I'm a Taurus and I like to be fashionable and I care how I look. I don't think the Taurus angle works with Rob as far as his clothes go. Other Taurus characteristics, yes, such as holding onto things for comfort. He's a typical 23 year old guy. Doesn't like to shop for clothes, not that he even has any time and he dresses for comfort unless someone dresses him like in Cannes. He looked delicious in all those photo calls!
Aw, don't tweet to Peter. It may embarrass Rob.
Maybe Rob is protesting the movie "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" and wants to star in a movie called "The Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants". Equal rights and all!
He's just preparing his pants ahead of time.
That's brilliant.
I'm nuts about the guy, but it's time for him to spend some of his well-earned cash and get a couple of new pairs of pants and a couple of t-shirts. When he's dressed, and I assume someone else lays out his clothes, there's no competition. I don't mind the way he dresses, just saying he needs to go on a little shopping spree. I'll go with him if he wants.
Rob this makes me swwoooon even more! Too effing adorable! Jeeze.
*high five to the detective* Nice work. Seriously!
this is perfect for Rob
i think he will get a laugh out of this if someone gave him one
well girls, I'm telling about the taurus thing from my experience, I had a boyfriend who was like that, I had to buy him some clothes because he never care about that, and after we broke up he returned to his old clothes,just like rob, same pants, t-shirts, grandpa sweater, but I find it cute, Who cares? he is still Rob and I love him the way he is.
On the other hand all my girldfriends from taurus own lots of clothes but keep their stuff from many years ago too.
If someone does send him a sewing kit, please make sure to take the safety pins out of it. They are so much easier to use.
Can you see it now...Rob all safety pinned up!!! LMAO
remember the no shoelace was his thing before LOL...darn it ROB I will buy you a new pair of jeans, what's your size? girls figure that out for me pls!
You know it doesn't really matter what it is that you blog about Rob. It's just the fact that you guys pick everything about him to pieces... that's what really gets me. We are all supposed to care so much about Rob as a man, but it just seems kinda disrespectful to me when we put him under a microscope. The very thing he hates so much. I don't think he would be very appreciative of some of the things I've read and I'm not saying necessarily here but everywhere. I'm not trying to be shitty and I love you guys ...just sayin'!!!
Who's picking him apart?
Sense of humor required sometimes.
Those are his comfy traveling clothes... good for you, Rob! (and, at least they're not sweatpants - nothing worse than a man in sweatpants, no matter how hot he is....)
Adore him. He's so frugal.
Also - your horoscope is more about your rising sign, not your "moon" sign... go to www.astro.com to learn more about your in-depth horoscope.
I would love to know more about Rob's! He seems like a pretty typical Taurus, but he's also on the cusp of Gemini. That explains why he CAN clean up so well!
@JennB ~ you mean "sun" sign, there is also your "moon" sign. There's a lot of influences you need to consider when doing astrology. Also, Rob is not on the cusp of Gemini, his Bday is May 13th. To be on the cusp your birthday needs to fall either 3 days before or after the new sign begins. Maybe you mean his rising sign is Gemini?
@Zeldas5's: You sound concerned but I can't think he stays up nights worrying about chatter. It's another world.
Right now, I imagine, he should be working script (yes, with a certain actress,) talking Summit doing a photo gig, trying to see friends - have a life. :D
Oh, and sleeping..with his pants OFF! :)
Aaaahhh...I love this post!!!
I am, however, conflicted...
The soul of the fashionista in me hurts, because, well, just LOOK at him! He's tall, slender, beautiful...and I can completely see him in Armani :D
Then there's the part of me that doesn't know if it should laugh or squee while thinking of him sitting there, bent over those pants/shirts/goodness knows what else, trying to mend with small, even stitches.
Then there's that maternal part of me (funny...all these years I thought I was missing that mommy gene) that wants to take him aside and ask him exactly what he was thinking there.
Of course, since I am also the girl who spent 3 out of 4 years in a Catholic high school with a giant safety pin acting as a toggle thru the button hole of my uniform skirt (as I lost the button and was just too darn lazy to replace it), I guess I really have no room to do anything but laugh...but I really would love to take him to Old Navy and introduce him to some new pants :D
Anyone else wishing they could even fit into pants they bought 4 years ago? That's clearly never been a problem for Rob.
I think this is the real essence of why we just adore him so much...
He just doesn't care what is fashionable and what is not, he just wears what e likes...just think how rare is nowadays a boy who cares much more what he reads than what he wears...
Rob stay like this forever !!!
RobKats: I'm with you all the way!
zelda: We're just pokin' fun at Rob's endearing qualities and it's not like we're bashing him for it. In fact, we're sayin' we love him for it and speak out our minds about it. We won't even hesitate to say something along the lines of: "Dude, we love you for that and don't ever change. But it would seriously be a good idea to get some new pants especially if you're gonna be photographed all the time. Just an idea ya kno?"
I bet if Rob were to run into this, he'd be a little skeezed at first. But I think he'll laugh. He's got that sense of humour we all know and love to enjoy!
Goz, is this the same thread that he used on his stolli t-shirt? The guy is just plain real and unaffected by money and fame! hmmm...he makes me love him more everyday!
Goz and girls the Eagle is in a convertible driving thru LA, he was just spotted..Pop Sugar has the pics. OH mama mia he looks fine as always!! Try this link:
just on lainey, new pics of the cast out for dinner last night...
does anyone else think that it is weird that rob & kristen are not there? i dont mean its a robsten thing but it's weird that neither one of them are there, when the whole cullen family and others are there. just an observaton :)
That is a fine ass car!!!
That's a really nice ride!!
I don't believe the "allegedly leaving Kristen's house". Or maybe he did, think about it, she still lives with her parents. Maybe they're just that close of friends that he stayed at the house. That video shot by X17 showed Kristen's mom fixing his hair, she seems very motherly to him. Just a thought.
@ Ana73: Aren't they supposed to show up at this Teen Award show this weekend?
I can't get onto that Popsugar link - must be congested with everyone wanting to see the latest Rob.
The pants: all I can say is that I simply adore Rob even more if that's at all possible!
I absolutely LOVE this site!!!!
I have to admit that I was a little disappointed to see him driving a Porsche :( Too many people let money go to their heads and lose touch with reality. I know too many people like that (basically, I can look next door at my neighbors). It is almost refreshing to see Rob....please don't change....
very good detective work there, Gozde . . .
. . . looks like a used Porche to me Nicole, not one of those outlandish new ones! He did say he was looking for a car.
anyone knows the brand of the jeans?? oooohhh! I would like to add it here!along with all the products he's been using!
Robert Pattinson and Products
I love Rob being totally non-consumeristic and holding on to his clothes even when they are beyond falling apart! I do wonder if he does mend his own stuff... considering the choice of threads, I agree it must be so... if not, he shouldn't pay the taylor! ;)
i think if he started to wear new clothes, his hobolicious friends would disown him and kick him out of the hobo crew!
you have to love him for this kind of things!
thanks for clearing the mistery Gozde!
I couldn't sleep all last night after staring at the computer all day yesterday checking out his crotch, I don't think I could do it 2 days in a Row...Perhaps these are his favorite pants, you know the ones we all have the are ultra comfy that's why he is traveling in them and he can't part with them.
Can you just picture Rob asking someone to get those mended? Production assistant:"Rob, we can go pick you up a couple of new pants." Rob: "Nah, just get the crotch and the knee sewn up in these cool blue pants - Cherio"
I really love Rob hobolicious! so hilarious!!
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