From Gossip Cop
Robert Pattinson To Get Booked
Not only is Robert Pattinson hot on screen, but once again he’ll soon be hot off the presses.
Gossip Cop hears the good boys and girls at Us Weekly are busy working on another bookazine – hard cover magazine – devoted to the “Twilight Saga” and its cast since the last one was so successful. A source at the magazine tells Gossip Cop the 120 or so page book, which will come out before the film’s eagerly awaited release on November 20, will be on sale at Barnes & Noble and in certain supermarkets for $10.
Gossip Cop hears the good boys and girls at Us Weekly are busy working on another bookazine – hard cover magazine – devoted to the “Twilight Saga” and its cast since the last one was so successful. A source at the magazine tells Gossip Cop the 120 or so page book, which will come out before the film’s eagerly awaited release on November 20, will be on sale at Barnes & Noble and in certain supermarkets for $10.
So what’s in the “New Moon”-timed bookazine?
The staffer says there will be great portraits shots of all the stars, including Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, a plot summary of “New Moon,” dish from the set of “Eclipse,” a section on what the stars “were like in high school,” “the A-Z of Robert Pattinson” and others, and yes, the book will delve into the hot stars’ love lives.
The staffer says there will be great portraits shots of all the stars, including Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, a plot summary of “New Moon,” dish from the set of “Eclipse,” a section on what the stars “were like in high school,” “the A-Z of Robert Pattinson” and others, and yes, the book will delve into the hot stars’ love lives.
But in case Us Weekly doesn’t fill all your “Twilight” needs, Gossip Cop is told that rival People magazine is also hard at work on a special edition to similarly coincide with the release of “New Moon.”
Anything to cash in on the cash cow!
Will I buy it? Hell yea!
Can I just say I'm happy you included WetRob in this post? Can you put him in EVERY post? I'm sure the readers won't object yanno.
I agree Rpattzgurl.. But I also know I am soooooo buying this!
Oh yea, Jo, wet Rob, any day anywhere!
these magazines are out to make money from rob's fame.
Yes, thanks for the wet Rob, always a nummy treat. Now if we could just get some naked wet Rob, that would be excellent!
but HELL YES i will buy it,i bought the last one it was worth every penny.
The only reason to buy an Us mag is Rob... I'm just sayin'...
AMEN. What Marz said. Defs the ONLY reason to buy crap.
I have to say how happy I am that I stumbled upon this site last year. (I lurked for months). It has gotten me through some pretty dark days.
The day that Twilight opened, I fell while painting and shattered every bone in my foot and heel, and was laid up in bed for almost 4 months…so of course, I didn't get to see the movie in the theater…had to resort to shady things like watching it online from some illegal site.
I hadn't read the books yet (gasp) but I saw Robert on the Ellen show, and that's when I fell in love….
Then I read the books, watched the movie…found this site, and became obsessed.
I will NEVER forgive myself for not knowing about this BEFORE 11/08 because Rob was here in my town (Portland) for 5 months, and I never knew it.
Moving on….I'm grateful to Gozde, Dani & Kate, and all the gals here who keep me sane.
I TRULY never thought that I would say this, but I am actually getting sick of all of the Twilight coverage. It is EVERYWHERE and, while I still love the books, the coverage is getting ridiculous.
But I continue to like Rob and will always come here to get my fix :)
More Robporn in hardcopy...you bet I'll buy that...
WET ROBBBBBBB..... I need to go look at that entire photoshoot NOW.
Unless these books have photos or info that hasn't already been put on Robsessed, I am unlikely to buy that stuff. Also, then I would have to come out of the closet. Or at least hide the book IN the closet ;)
I am glad rpattzgirl, that you found your robsession. Yeah, it was interviews, not the film, that did me in as well.
memories,memories....i remember about 2 years or so ago i was watching harry potter GOF with my baby cousin (i was babysitting) and this tall greek god caught my attention,it was rob and that was it I WAS INLOVE,i had no idea who he was but i went on the internet did research and followed his career this was way back before he got involve with twilight.
i am glad you are doing better and you found your robsession
Thanks, me too! Just wish I could go back in time....
@ rpattzgirl.. I too was late to the Robsession...Janurary for me... I will never be the same after finding this place... Robsessed...Trust me tho I have made up for lost time...LOL
let's get excited? Mission accomplished after seeing wetRob. Just sayin...
It's never too late for Rob obsession!
Rpgirl...got that right...I still have to laugh at ppl who havent heard of twilight??? much less Rob...is that even possible??
They're in denial, or under a rock!
HAHA got that right... more ROb for us all tho... we know a good man when we see one...
Ten- Haven't talked to you in awhile. How's everything going? I'm doing good.
And your right...we do know a good man when we see one...just more for us. The line of trains, planes, and automobiles are already full. LOL
Hey Shani... I am good.. RL is busy... the Robsession is still strong..
HAHA when you said Trains, planes...automobiles...totes made me think of Steve Martin and John Candy...when their in bed together and Steve asks where Johns hands are... he says in between two pillows... Steve says.... those arent pillows....LOL sooo very random...sorry...
Glad to hear all is well Shani... back to RL ...and off to work..boo...see you around fo sho!!!
Amen ladies. I'll buy that stuff!! I too am really late to this parteee. I just read the books in July and watched the movie for the second time. I couldn't take my eyes off Rob-it was then I became robssessed. I won't even tell you how many times I've watched the movie (my DH travels slot tk goodness) -but I have a lot of lines memorized. I know, join the crowd!! I too noticed him in GOF but he was so young then it would have creepy. ...but he was gorgeous even then. I am just looking so foward to newovies to watch him in...esp. Rember Me. So glad I found you all!!
@rpattzgirl- too bad you missed out on Rob when he was filming in Portland. Maybe you did see him in Starbucks...but just didnt know it. What a killer that would be !!
Love you crazee ladies!
Oh, if I had seen him-I would of known, even without knowing who he was, I would have followed him anywhere!
roxiegirl-- July? It's never too late to be obsessed.
So I am watching Twilight right now, 'cause I couldn't stand the drought anymore. Has anyone noticed when he says: 'money, sex, money, sex, cat' how HOT the first 'sex' is?? He kind of draws out the xxx...dear Lord.
so true when he said the word 'SEX' it rolls off his tongue and the way he was looking at bella when he said it and the waitress flirting with him SO HOT that is my second fav part of the movie after the kissing scene omg
I know, I watched it last night with the commentaries-really missing his voice.
Yup. July. Hard to believe. I've got a lot of catching up to do. I'm up to the task tho! My fav lines "I just want to try something....hold still....don't move...." sucha SEXY kiss. Lordy Lordy gets me everytime. Sometimes I wish back to the days of VCRs so i could rewind that scene and then rewind again and again... I'm hopeless. Gee I think I'll watch it again tonite.!
My gosh, it's sad that there are hardly any posts now! Though, I'm proud that the Canadian fan-girls are keeping it low-key for the Twilight cast. I felt bad for Rob in NYC.
i think there will be less of Rob at the upcoming book and Taylor will definitely get the big spot, u know that they think It's JAcob/Taylor time in newmoon (i hate this).They just mention Rob's name for sell strategies cos they now there are many girls who still loyal to Rob.
more days come and more article i read about newmoon promotion,more i hate jacob. i dont hate Taylor in person but i hate how they push him on surface too much.
wow - I would never have guessed - I spose those who come late to it are just in the freakin early love/lust/passion stage of Robsession!! I love your blog - you say what I think out loud! LOL
I 'found' Rob on 31st may 2009 and have been lost in him and Twilight ever since!
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