A conversation with Rob
Q.How was get a role after competing with many applicants and have 75 thousand fans organizing a petition-signed for that you don't make the character? You thought: "Now I will show them what I can do?
"Yes, like ... When are you going to an audition to live what a lot of people believe to be the perfect boyfriend, you are sort of asking for this. You have to wait people to say things like: 'Who this guy thinks he is? "So I was expecting every part of the repercussion. But I tried to not paying much attention in all this. "
Q.But the reactions are great now.
"I think so. I stopped to look at the (reaction) bad. "
Q.It has a lot of girls crazy for you. How you handle that?
"I don't know. I never met with anyone, unless the people of the press. But it's strange how the girls very, very young, like, ten years old, come and say things like: 'can you bite me?'. It's very weird. "
Q.Who would you like to bite
"I don't know if I would bite, no. I'm not like these folks who bite people ... "
Q.You went through some image training? Someone come to say: to become the star that we want you to be, you have to say that you don't have a girlfriend, have to be always beautiful and shaved,' that kind of thing?
"Yes Everyone was really angry with me because I simply left it aside. Sent us for a training of media to to say how you should answer each of the questions. And I thought: 'why? That is so stupid '... I made jokes all the time and people were annoyed with me. I received calls from everyone saying, 'what Rob is doing in the training of media? He's ruining everything. " (laughter) "
Q.What were the stupid suggestions you received in the training of media?
"Silly things . I thought very funny when they asked something to train for a interview situation and the guy faking say 'Hi Rob, I'm Bob's from CNN!' And I was like ... 'You isn't from CNN!' (Laughs). It was so stupid. But was pretty funny. "
Q.What is most important to you: be an actor or musician?
"None of them is more important. I can't really make music for a while because I think it means seems silly, especially when so many actors who have only a great movie, suddenly,says 'hey, I'm releasing an album' ... Both are important and I take it seriously. "
Q.What kind of music you play?
"I still don't know, really. It's strange because I never did a real professional recording and Catherine (Hardwicke, director of Twilight) only heard some of my things that were on mycomputer. "
Q.It's more indie rock or folk
"More folk rock."
Q.Catherine asked you to do the song for the movie?
"I had written before. Nikki Reed (Rosalie of Twilight) gave a CD for Catherine because she wanted to hear. And then she put it in the editing of the film and said 'hey, watch this.' And I hadn't noticed that was my music playing and I said something like 'wow, this embedded well. " I thought that would be nice to do this kind of anonymously, but nobody let me do so. "
Q.How was your life before making the role of Edward?
"In 2007, I rented a nice apartment, one kind old of London where you can climb on the roof in the middle of Soho (a London neighborhood). I spent almost every day trying to playing music and record things. I was able to maintain a good rhythm, but then I did a film in Spain (Little Ashes) at the end of 2007. And everything changed ... It was the first time I had to research something. And even being a small budget film, I really get involved. Changed my views about acting. "
Q.Do you miss London?
"Yes, a lot. I was surprised about how much I miss London. "
Q.Do you pretend to be the teen vampire in the next 10 years?
"Well, I won't be that for 10 years because he doesn't get old, so I can't handle this much longer than two or three years, maybe. Because, anyway, that would be ridiculous. "
Q.Why do you think people are so interested in vampires lately?
"I don't know, is very strange. I think it's just the way the industry works ... It's weird because I think people have always liked vampires - I don't know why. "
Q.Do you like vampires?
"I like the original Nosferatu and stuff like this. It's incredible. "
Q.And your friends, are they proud of you or make more jokes about your success?
"A lot of my friends were in the London premiere and was funny because when you see something like that for the first time, when there are literally hundreds and hundreds of people screaming at you, it's very scary. And all my friends started to see that and I took a look at them and they came to ask me: 'you are okay? "(Laughs). The reaction is completely opposite of what I thought they would have... "
Q.Are you afraid that the series affects your career in a negative way and that the directors see you only as a vampire?
"I hope not. It is too early to tell. But you expect that people are not moron. (laughs). "
5-Rob curiosities
He confessed that, in adolescence, was obsessed with Van Morrison, a very influential musician who plays soul.
In the film Little Ashes, which plays the painter Salvador DalÌ, Rob kisses the actor Javier Beltran ... in the mouth! He said that felt strange to do the scene.
He is Jack Nicholson huge fan.
His younger sister, Lizzie, is musician. She played in a band called Aurora (the music is in the blood.) You can see some clips of her on YouTube.
At the time who lived alone in the Soho apartment, he needed to go to his parent's home for take a shower. "There are only two garden chairs, no carpet and no heater, much less shower," says Rob.
Ok, they seem to keep recycling old and very old interviews and pictures. It is irritating. What's the point other than to draw us in...to stuff we've already seen and heard.
Old interview....bet he would answer the questions quite differently now....
This looks like it was done for promotion of twilight! Recycling Interviews, I hate that! And he speaks differently too, I bet his answers would be preeety different today!
I'll take anything Rob...but wish we had some new stuff!
so iam guessing this is an old interview
I always see Rob's gorgeous face on the cover of "Toda Teen" and other brazilian mags, when I go to the grocery store. I never buy them; they are stupid! But I like to look at his face, from the corner of my eyes, while I wait in the line...
I miss Rob! I can't take any more of Taylor. Honestly, if they try to shove Taylor down my throat once again, I will refuse to see the film. Otherwise, I might just run outside shouting like a lunatic from too much Taylor
I get it he's important in the story hello we read the books, we know the story line, we will watch the film just quit it already or I might just not.
Sorry girls, this is not the proper venue nor the proper thread for the rant but I'm on breaking point already lol...now I'm fine
i was thinkiny the same thing
if they keep forcing taylor it might backfire
@danyasky - I meant come on, if they are promoting this as a love triangle then for the love of all holy, let Rob, Kris and Taylor promote, at least that will balance it out.
What do they plan to accomplish from all this? For Taylor to reach the same stature as Rob so that they can also make money out of him?
Gaaahhh! I use to have nothing against Taylor but if they want this to be a competition between the two lead, that's just epic fail.
I totally agree.
first.... taylor will never reach the same stature as rob' if that is the motive behind this?? they have to stop drinking the kool aid because it will NEVER happen,twilight only have one superstar and thats rob.
and i fear if they keep this up it may backfire,i have been to other websites and some folks are saying the same thing so summit better listen
We should start keeping track of how many times an article gets recycled in different outlets. And how many re-editings and bad translations it gets. With all due respect to the source, I nominate this one for worst mangling of Rob's words. It must make him just cringe... Anyone remember exactly where the English interview was first printed? Wasn't it a filmed interview?
He's joking right? "A nice apartment in SoHo" that has no heat or shower?
Where is Soho in London? I thought that was in New York:P
I'm no big Taylor fan, but he's a step up from the overly forceful and manipulative Jacob. (Revealing my true colors here, ladies. I'm a big RP fan but no fan of Twilight. Sorry!)
And New Moon is Jacob's book. After all, deadbeat Edward just left her to her fate, after turning her whole world upside down and alienating her even from her own family.
I was proud of my 13-year-old who read NM at the urging of friends who were all gaga over Edward. She came away disgusted: "Mom, Edward just left her, totally unprotected. And he thought he was thinking of her! What a dumb ass. She should never take him back!" I was actually pretty proud of my little girl that day. I think she'll know how to choose a man with better judgment and qualities when the time comes.
That said (please don't throw tomatoes!), I'll have a hard time getting into a movie focusing on Taylor trying to woe Kris, unless she gives a great performance of a woman forcing herself to come to terms with heartbreak and move on. It could be riveting.
Of course, I'd rather see an entire two hours of a half-crazed Robward running through the Amazon in search of Victoria!! Battling wild animals half-naked. Having daydreams of what he'd rather be doing with Bella. Why don't they make that movie instead?!
PS: Yes Johanna, Soho is in London. There's a neighborhood in Manhattan (South of Houston) that conveniently copied the name!
"Rob, gorgeous lover, Loisada's daughter is right! Edward was a jerk, leaving K-Bella that way... But nothing against you, lover, you are totally different from that. I know it! So... come babe come... your own private Sophia has (HERSELF, OF COURSE!), beer and french fries waiting for you... All in bed... for sure. Let me dig that happiest happy trail... we both soooo need it..."
Jezz! well, well...
Thats why i love me some rob, he's so real.He's says whats on his mind and doesnt aplogize for it.
@ Sophia! lol! You crack me up! Luv the idea of Rob, beer and french fries in bed...
It is friday night!
Luv this man!
Loisada, my 13 year old hated Edward in NM too. Yep! We are raising XXI century smart girls! They will not kiss the frog!
After seeing that Taylor all + 30 pounds of muscles, now she is love with him.
I prefer it that way. It was strange when we were both lusting for Rob... Now Rob is all mine around here.
Are you afraid that the series affects your career in a negative way and that the directors see you only as a vampire?
I think this is a very stupid question and what makes him think so !!?? I love to see Robert in another movies than Twilight Saga he is just so talented actor and I think no no I believe that he will be one of the big stars in Hollywood.
but defiantly I love Rob answer
I loved his sister (LIZZY) song ( Dreaming) and her other song ( The Day it rained forever ) but I loved dreaming more she looks beautiful and has a very beautiful voice I don't say that because she is his sister but really she has a very beautiful voice
Thank you so much for posting this interview I enjoyed reading it as usual enjoyed reading about Robert and it makes me forget the whole discussion and blah blah about Robert personal life.
God- been off the PC for hours and nothing new???
Serious Rob panic attacks now...the man can't hide forever! He's got to eat, drink...''maybe hiding out in his hotel???
Miss him...don't want him stalked, but need to see him..
he is so cute in interviews. i love watching him...he is always like..."hmmm, nahhhhh, playing with his hair" love that he just is himself and doesn't care =]
Was hard to follow the grammar on this interview.
Thank God im not the only one who sick of this lack of rob n too many taylor.i dont hate taylor but now i start to avoid all of the things they put about him,his pict,interview etc.i dont know if i can go to cinema to watch newmoon several times like i did to twilight. God,i really need to see rob,i dont want he to be stalked but i just need to..damn it.i think i've to be more patient 4 rob's sake
No Rob's news yet? Buuhuu...
Off to bed, then...
No news is good news....
umm yeah so this is def old interview stuff yeah?
evening all! :)
Hiya, TS!!!
Def an old one!
How's it going, TS???
hey ellie :)
what's happening? awfully quiet around here for a friday night, yes?
ellie... is it just you & me kid?
Anyone else joining?
The crickets have taken up resisdence...
Yep. Just you and me,kid.
Anything up for the weekend?
We've got my dh's family reunion on Sunday, in PA...
The dentist is tomorrow am...AAAGGGHHH!!!
boo hoo...i'm all alone? guess i'll go eat some worms
oh! there you are!
Yep. In all my smiling glory...
family reunion eh? those can be fun... with alcohol.
we have my company picnic on sunday at a nearby theme park. that's about it for me.
Oooo! A theme park!
Do you do all the risky rides?
I'm am NOT one for rollercoasters...
oh yeah... wooden roller coasters though so they shake the shit outta you.
it's really fun though! the theme park is all about different holidays... so i get to see santa ;)
Hmmmm....Santa in August.
Do you have to be naughty or nice to see him in his bathing suit?
You there?
hmmm i'm here... my daughter was having drama.
LOL, I get drama ALL the time, with my dd...
mhmm boy drama too! the worst kind!
We haven't had that yet, really.
she's got a senior bf and she's a sophomore...i'm happy my son is gf free for now!
How old is he, TS??
he's a freshman...14 and he's all about focusing on school. he couldn't care less about dating. momma's good boy haha
That's the ones you gotta watch out for!
Mine's a great student, too. Very focused.
We're hoping for the academic scholarships for college.
that's awesome! what does she want to do?
Not at all sure. For a while it was psychology, now maybe graphic arts, of some sort.
well... that's certainly a wide spectrum. graphics is such a booming thing right now, she would probably do really well. and of course, psychology will always be needed. sounds like a smart girl!
TS, I'm gonna go and sign off...
go to my g-spot...
Olive juice, babe!
nighty night ellie!
see you soon ;)
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