Joy Russia, August 2009 (Thanks to Darja)
Robert Pattinson
Montepulciano, Tuscany, filming sequel to Twilight, New Moon, Bella saves boyfriend Edward
Montepulciano, Tuscany, filming sequel to Twilight, New Moon, Bella saves boyfriend Edward
Nova Slovenija, 15. June 2009 (Thanks to Darja for the scan and translation :))
Translation: Vanity Fair readers voted and Robert Pattinson is the most beautiful man on the planet. Star of romantic drama Twilight is the most popular hollywood actor and women around the world from granddaughters to grannys are crazy about beautiful british vampire with magnetic gaze.Young star has no competition at the moment, he has 59% of votes, followed by Brad Pitt with only 12%. Heat UK 15-31 July 2009 (Thanks to Darja)
Interfilms (Spain) (Thanks to Anna :)
And your weekly NW Australian CRAP (NW is the magazine that claimed Kristen was pregnant) (Thanks to Orion :)) Story confirmed as CRAP HERE.