Full New Moon Trailer

Video removed due to Summit Entertainment's claim of Copyright Infringement.


Anna said...

"je m'en vais... tu ne me reverras jamais..."

=> LOL, this line sounds even more stupid in French, which I didn't think was possible :)

That being said: half-naked Robward kissing Bella is HOT.

Elena said...

Omg. In the beginning where Edward is kissing Bella. That was definitely sexy! Love the new scenes. Jane looks good. And of course, so does Edward. Can't wait for the English version.

Anonymous said...

man... now I wish I paid more attention in French class! is it November yet??

Alexandra said...

Hello all! *waves*

OMG this trailer looks so good! But... why do they keep playing an interview with Taylor throughout the whole thing? lol

Krissy said...

Now wait one Blood Sucking second here...

Why does France get to see this TWO days before the U.S. gets to see this?!


And where can I make my AIr Travel arrangements? ;)

Thank you, Kate!

Truly...Thank You. ☻

Mizz_LaUrA_XxX said...

OMGGGG noww i defoo cant wait till novemberr !!!!!

Cant wait to see this trailer in english =] !

cutecandy said...

Two words, More Edward! jeezzzzz

monika said...

what's up with all the Jake/Bella hugging? DNW,I wish Summit stopped making Bella look like a fickle wh*re who jumps Jake seconds after E leaves her.

monika said...

they could have showed more than a second of E/B kiss:(

Kelly said...

Squeeeeeee!! This looks so good.. that spot flying UP the tree.. the Wolf Pack... GAAAAHHHH!!! Can't Wait until November!

Pet73 said...

Where the f**k is Robward?

Pet73 said...

That said, the trailer is great and so will be NM :)!

Pet73 said...

Monika- As Rob is shirtless in that scene, I think it's the kiss in Volterra, when Edward and Bella reunite. So they have to keep something back for the actual movie.

Lady B said...

Thanks for the video!!! It's good to be Spanish/French bilingual...

I can't wait to see the film. Here in Spain will be released on November 18, 2 days before US!!! Do you want a summary after seeing the film??


rpattz-turn-me-on said...


and i dont get the bella/jacob connection those two have no chemistry

Suz said...

holy krispy kreams...

this looks hawt!

99 days sqqueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

cutecandy said...

Did you guys see Robward with the Volturi robe? OMG!!! That looks amazing, he looks so tortured

JessicaC said...

Is anyone as frustrated as me about the way Screenwriter Melissa has said that the next two movies will be ALL about the 'love traingle'? That makes me ill. Bella Loves Edward. If he's her soulmate/love of her life, she's not going to jump to Jacob all willy-nilly. I'm just so depressed at the thought of little to hardly any Robward.

Pet73 said...

Cutecandy- Tortured Robward never looked so hot :p!

Divinesally said...

OMG OMG OMG!!! IS IT NOVEMBER YET???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NM is gonna KICK MAJOR ASS!!

When Jacob climbs up to Bella's window looked really AWESOME. I officially love Mr. Weitz. Tortured Robward is going to break our hearts. And that kiss...woweeee, smokin hot. I've played it over and over and over...

Thanks for the trailer, even though it's in French =)

AW said...

My french isn't good but Wachsberger was extremely complimentary about Rob. I know they are promoting him but still.

"Il est lui-meme." Always.

Anna said...

didn't realise that Summit's CEO (guy talking in the beginning) was French! And he only has nice things to say about Rob:

"Rob Pattinson is... (smiles) himself. Always perfectly prepared and professional. He's one of the most extroardinary young actors I've ever worked with."

Pet73 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mya bluesky said...

the trailer is fine,although too many taylor talking ruin me.i think they put too much pressure on introduce jacob/taylor to the audience. and the almost kissing bella/jacob is confusing. i didn't picture it like that when i read that part at the book. watched that part just make feel so bad to Edward..i dont know if i can stand in patient to watch the whole jacob/bella moment at the movie while hope edward part will start again...

after all, edward look so tortured, Gud Job Rob..

Divinesally said...

Did you guys read the book? She does run to Jacob. Even though she is madly and deeply in love and devoted to Edward she still needs Jacob. Robward will be green with jealousy in Eclipse. baahahhahahahahahahaa

It's funny knowing K/R are possibly, most likely together, makes the story that much more believable. It's actual love.

Pet73 said...

It is funny how everybody constantly is saying that they are glad when Rob is done with the Twilight series, but as soon as anything TW, NM, etc. with Rob in it is showing up, all the girls (including me, of course :p) are going totally insane! Looove it!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i hate that summit is trying so hard to push jacob/taylor on the audience,dont they know its about rob and always will be no matter what

WinWin said...

That kiss was awesome. Edward being tortured in Italy, wow! Jane looks awesome. Wolfpack, wow. Jacob's flying stunt. I'm so excited I can't get the words out.

Sophia Z.86 said...

OMG! He was shirtless, wasn't he? WASN'T HE?? My poor little heart... That kiss, oh man!...

Srsly, I thought my Robsession was on a "decent level" by now. But, after watching that shirtless Rob and that hot hot hot kiss...

Damn! I am lost...

Haystackhair said...

can anyone get it on myspace? GAH!

tnan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Transcript by FP added!
I've been trying to upload pics but my BB is SO slow it's ridiculous so I'll have to try it later!

WinWin said...

I hope US version has less Jacob interview and more scenes. They are trying so hard to sell Jacob. 99 days. I'm itching with anticipation. : )

Anonymous said...

Did any notice that at 3:03 in Bella's bedroom her and Jacob are about to kiss. What is up with that??? Besides that I love it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is good but NOT ENOUGH EDWARD!!!!!! Have to say Kristin looks absolutely stunning - much better than in Twilight and the special effects are heaps better than before.
Who is the man at the beginning introducing it and is he the one who is being nice about Rob? If he is then I like that man!!

Pet73 said...

If they don't bring enough of Jake and his connection with Bella, Eclipse is useless.

When they show that Jake loves Bella I hope they don't forget to also show, that Bella is only with him all the time because she needs someone to hold her together as she suffers so much from loosing Edward :(.

Pet73 said...

Hi Win! 2 days in a row, wow!

tnan said...

Nothing like 'tortured Edward' first thing in the morning! No need for coffee.. November so far away! Robward looks sooo much better in NM. I love Chris Weitz!

Sophia Z.86 said...

You know what? All the teens that I know are in love with that Jacob now. And that is good!

Leave Rob to real women; we know about the good stuff...

cutecandy said...

Pet! Sooo true! I hope there's a fast forward button in theaters, I can;t stand Jacob...not Taytay but I really detest Jacob for some reason

Sophia Z.86 said...

I like the way the movie looks. This is gonna be SO MUCH BETTER girls...

I like the way Rob kisses. This could be SO MUCH BETTER if he kissed ME (oh yeah...), instead of that K-Bella...

cutecandy said...

Right on Sophia, they are easily swayed by the publicity and a beefed up body but us real women knows to dig deeper.

Sophia Z.86 said...

I don't hate Jacob. I think he is funny in the books. But that Taylor is just too young for me...

And I hope that they don't forget about Edward/Bella love, trying to sell Jacob/Bella relationship...

And I hope we will get to see a lot of shirtless Rob ~ oh I hope that for sure... happy trail and happy pubic hair make HAPPY SOPHIA!

AW said...

Thanks for the translation, LB. I think Wachsberger's mother was french. Anyway, he worked on movies in Europe starting out.

Thanks, Kate, for posting transcript.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Hey, cutecandy and the rest of the girls: have a happy shirtless Rob day!!

Gotta go back to work... damn...

Pet73 said...

His name (Wachsberger) definitely is German.

Golnaz said...

Im excited!!

Not enough Rob for me

Kristen looks beautiful

Best/Hottest part: Edward/Bella kiss at beginning!

teambuffy said...

O-M-R. I just watched two seconds of shirtless Rob in a red cape and DIED.

Yvonne said...

Good grief....pure torture to watch this and have to wait 99 days!!!!!!!! AAGGGHHHHH!

I keep reading "Too much Jacob", but think about it....the ENTIRE book was basically Jacob and Bella. It's a GOOD thing to not have Edward in it too much....if he isn't gone, then you can't miss him. And then what would be the excitement of the reunion scene? I hope they don't have too much Robward in the movie....I know it will kill me, but it will make the ending even better.

Apart from that...THANK YOU for finding this :) Thank God for our French sistas!

phosphorus said...

Has Taylor changed his name to Jacob, then?

phosphorus said...

"Jacob: As time passes you can feel the passion growing. New Moon will really bring it up to a whole new level. There’s more action in this movie especially with the intervention of the wolf pack. I think fans will be really satisfied.

JessicaC said...

Yeah! I'm not the only one that detests Jacob! Unfortuantly, I don't think I can flip past his parts in the movie. Perhaps a portable DVD player with Twilight is in order for the doggy portions?

Yvonne said...

Phos, LOL I noticed that too...I think a lot of people call poor Taylor, Jacob :/

Yvonne said...

I really think Taylor has done an amazing job for this role. He'a only 17 and has worked his ASS off for the fans. If you don't like the character, that's one thing, but you have to give the kid credit.

cutecandy said...

well for me I like Taylor I don't like his character Jacob

phosphorus said...

@ Yvonne: Well, I just hope people won't assume that Taylor falls in love with a new-born, then. :-)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

the tweens can have taylor/jacob

us real women have robward

Mechevpao said...

Taylor talking in the middle of it breaks the "mood", I mean it is annoying to be trying to catch all those little images and dialogues from the film and in the middle it goes back and forth to him talking. So weird for a trailer, what is wrong with Summit? Fans can make trailers that represent better the storyline of the book than them.
Too little of Edward!!! what seen of him looks great, his expression almost at the end of the video let me O_O.
The rest of the images look great!

RPnKSaddict said...

Loved it. I'm shaking from excitement.Squeed when I realized it was the trailer.
One thing I'm not ok with. She did not kiss Jacob...unless it's iterupted by Alice and they just didn't show it.
Other than that I'm gearing myself up for the rest.
I'm already missing Edward.This movie is going to kill me.

Anna said...

"I think a lot of people call poor Taylor, Jacob :/ "

Well, Rob is still "Edward" or "vampire boy" for most people, so...

Apparently, being called by your name is not a right in Hollywood, it's a hard-earned privilege.

Anonymous said...




(Jane's hair is wrong but I guess I could try to overlook it...)

Suz said...

and just like that.... POOF


RPLover said...

GAH!!!!!!!!!! it's gone before I got a chance to see it! I knew I should have skipped feeding the kids this morning and gotten online instead!

grrr, they're always getting in the way of my Robsession. LOL j/k please don't call the authorities on me! ;)

Yvonne said...

They removed it???!!!! wow, I'm glad I watched it.....237 times.....

RPLover said...

@ Yvonne- :P thanks, rub it in!

TagsbyDina said...

You can download it here:


Save it while you can!!! LOL

Anna said...

other YouTube link:


Anonymous said...

It's gone...already!

Kate said...

Have another version up for anyone that didn't get a chance to see it!
Don't know how long it will be up for though!

RPLover said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! ahh, sooo glad I got to see this, *sighs contentedly*

wow, waiting for the Edward comeback scene is going to kill me! and what's with the bella/jacob kissing?? there was no kissing! right?! the jumping up the house into the window was cool, though. can't wait for the english version, and can NOT wait until November!

thanks again, Kate, you rock :)

Kelly said...

Crap.. I'm gonna have to go and see Band Slam!

Ana73 said...

just saw it, i am so excited for november but i notice france will see it Nov. 18 and we have to wait til Nov. 20, what's up with that. i hope summit will change it to a wednesday opening instead of friday.
as far as jacob, it's new moon, it's mainly about jacob and bella, i dont see it as jacob being forced down us. i know we all would love to see rob more but it has to go by the book.

monika said...

new link


peeling a fig said...

Haha, this is fairly amusing, watching the fans put up a new youtube link each time the old is removed. Power to the people, and all that.

I am really hoping lots and LOTS of girls will fall for Taycob and it will take some pap pressure off our dear Rob. He would like to be known for his work, not for looking beautiful. Remember when Brad Pitt took a load of deranged/ugly/bearded roles after his hot debut in Thelma and Louise? I wouldn't blame Rob for doing the same, really.

RPnKSaddict said...

I love Edward,and he and Bella are ment to be together that is my FIRM belief. I will always be team Edward,but...
Bella needed Jacob, he was there to keep her from falling apart the rest of the way. Edward even admitted that he understood what Jacob did for Bella.
New Moon is hard because we mourn the loss of Edward, but I can't help but love Jacob to.He was there for her even knowing she still loved Edward. He couldn't help falling in love with Bella, and, because Edward left she was available.( not emotionally of coarse).
It took a long time for me to stop seeing Jacob as the bad guy and once I looked at it from a different propective I learned to love the character.
I think from what I've seen so far that Taylor is going to do a great job portraying Jacob. He seems to have put his all into this part and he really wants to do it justice.

RPnKSaddict said...

Kelly- LOL I know me to, thought I'd go long enough to see trailer them then slip into another movie.

Haystackhair said...

OMG TagsbyDina!!!! I LOVE YOU!! thanks sooo much. I just watched it. OH MT GODDDDDDDD, that kiss with Bella and Edward. HAWT doesn't even cover it. I AM DIED. Off to go watch a thousand more times and die each time. THUD

Unknown said...

oh, god, this looks so much better than Twilight. I feel like a dirty old birdie everytime Jacob flings off clothes, but hot damn, is Paul a hot piece or what? ANd the kissing scene is fracking on fire. I can't wait. With twilight, the more I saw the more I worried. It's the opposite with NM-the more I see, the more I'm excited.

anna F said...

That's funny, The guy with the white hair (Waschberger?) talks about Rob before the trailer, and the trailer then is mostly about and with Taylor/Jacob.
It's like we get some Rob without him at the same time~

About the guy W., I didn't know who he was, but I was thinking: "wow, they got someone from france on the team to comment for the trailer, are they gonna do it for all the countries?".

The french voices irk me >_<#

About the trailer global quality: it makes one feel like going to the movie much more than the 1st one to my taste (even if i'm neither jacob, nor Taylor fan).

Unknown said...

sigh...and robert in the cloak....frack...

RPLover said...

gone again...that's ok, I got to see it a few dozen times first...now I need to see it in English! lol not going to Bandslam, though-someone will go just for the trailer and post it on YouTube ;)

Capitu Cullen said...


I don't want that much Jacob! I want a lot of Edward! And shirtless!!

I don't care if there is too much Jacob in the book...


shirtless... make a Capitu happy, Mr. Cullen! :))

Marna said...

WAAAHHHHHH I missed it :-(

Capitu Cullen said...


I watched "only" 108 times! Now it is gone...

Capitu Cullen said...

My teenage daughter is in love with that Jacob. That is good. It was weird when WE BOTH were lusting for the same guy (Rob). Now he is ALL MINE. He, he, he!:))

AW said...

Gone, then. I did wonder how they'd take the footage being shown before Friday. Not well! ;) Curious if it will be exactly the same cut but we'll know soon. Not soon enough for some, I guess.

Anonymous said...

sexy sexy love that kiss (edward and bella)

Hannah said...

Every link ive tried has been removed! Nooooooo!

God Damn you to hell Summit!!

Carti cu Colti said...

on twifans.com is still the video

Hannah said...

Thank you alexis!!
Its looks FAB! :)

Unknown said...

just go to youtube, put in new moon french. It will give a few hits, not good quality, but hey...

islandviewbebegyal32 said...

hey guys ive recorded the new moon trailer in french wit my shitty phone.. i will post it on youtube and i will let you know ASAP so you guys can watch it :D &hope lets hope it hasnt been removed soon.

heather said...

This link is working as of now..hurry if you haven't seen it yet!

islandviewbebegyal32 said...



watch it while it last!!!!! and pass it around!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Goz I posted it on my TwitVid since youtubing it is a no go Summit's all over YT http://www.twitvid.com/6317F

Sari Pooh said...

Bad quality but complete at:


Go while is still online!!

Sari Pooh said...

this one has subs


Anonymous said...

i just can't wait until the English version comes out. I bet Summit will have it on the New Moon official page once it is out. some of the youtube sites have been forced to take the video down and it says.....this video has been removed to do infringement with Summit....sounds like someone will get in trouble!

Anonymous said...

they have the interview with Taylor going on because this is the sneak peek at New Moon....that is what all the previews for Bandslam have said....a sneak peek of New Moon. not the official trailer yet. just a longer version. they don't have the film done editing yet so they can't have a full trailer done yet.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Well that sucks, vid is no longer available due to copyrights....

melo said...


Thanks for the clarification. I was kind of bummed. It didn't seem like a trailer at all to me. Who wants to see Taylor talking through the whole preview? I just want footage and more with Rob...stinkin werewolves...

Kymz said...

I think Im lucky now that I got to watch it earlier before Summit went all mean.

Personally Jacob annoyed the crap outta me throughout this book so Im hoping it wont be as bad in the film.

Ashley said...

New Moon is going to be soooo AWESOME!

RobaliciousLover said...

OH HELLS NO! I just saw it somewhere else and HELLS NO! Bella and the EVIL ONE DO NOT KISS in New fuckin MOON!!!!! There's not even passion between them in this book! That's only how wolfie feels cause he's an arrogant prick!

On the other hand, that Edward/Bella kiss when he's half naked is..... yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

RobaliciousLover said...

When I read the book, I didn't get that image. I got Bella looking like 'ohshitohshitohshit' and wolfie like 'hehehe i'm gonna kiss her.' But here it looks like she's fuckin leaning in! It doesn't help that Kristen and Taylor have like zero chemistry like that.

Also, if New Moon and Eclipse are ALL about the love triangle, I'm gonna sue. Bella never really considers choosing puppy over Edward. She knows what she wants and she knows that's Edward. In Eclipse she just realizes that she loves shark boy too but not near as much as she is IN LOVE with Edward.


Unknown said...


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