Even MORE HQ KOL Concert Pics

I wasn't here for all the drama, but Kate you have done nothing wrong by posting the previous pics of the KOL concert I would have posted them without question had my internet access been behaving this weekend. If you ask me K Stew and Rob look as snug as a couple bugs in a rug. And its adorable, the hobolicious love story.

Thanks to KittyGlam from RobertPattinsonLife for the HQ and Untagged pics.


Haystackhair said...

They do look awfully cozy. They are so cute together.

Kate said...

Aah thanks Dani! {{HUGS}}
And thanks for posting all these my Broadband wouldn't behave either so I couldn't download all of them!

Dani said...

Thank you babycakes you have done a fabulous job guest blogging, seriously chica wonderful times.

I have been out of service of the internet all weekend and I just got it fixed today so I missed all the drams.

What I find hilarious though is that over at the IMDb message board for Rob people are arguing wether Rob and K Stew kissed. ARGUING as if it were SERIOUS SHIT...

Clearly things are heating up, I am no body language expert but when I hang out with my guy friends I don't hang out THAT close. Its obvious something is happening, and so fucking what. YAY for them I say. I think its cute.

Unknown said...

I don't see any kissing (KOL is LOUD!). As time passes I come to realize that although Robert is quite intelligent and has some wisdom, he's essentially no more than a young adult, in a transitional time of his life, in a crazy situation.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

hey welcome back...
yeah its lookin pretty intimate.
good for them...

Anonymous said...

They soo cute !

no matter what is going on.

Lexi55 said...

French...I could not have said it better myself. Good insight.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

thanks for these pix dani,

ok i see what people are talking about in the first pic.

KRIS is slumped down with her feet up on the rail, and her knees are up high. ROBS face is behind her knee, perfect spot to hide a kiss...

WOW.... COOL.....

Noe said...

i'm a robstew supporter and i never gave into speculation aka tabs and pap vids. i'm one of those people who need pics of them kissing/getting some hanky panky.

but hell my hopeless romantic side is jumping like a lil fan girl with these ones. yet i don't want to get too excited at the same time. ugh i'm a confused puppy.

they look adorable though!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


OH SHIT!!!!!

Noe said...

hell i was trying to be diplomatic in the last comment and make like it's not a big deal if it goes this or that way. but hell after reading how everyone else is alright with it...

*screams like a fan girl* YAY!!!! ROBSTEW ALL THE WAY!!!*collects her 19 year old self and such*

yeah i feel better

Dani said...

THIS RIGHT HERE IS WHY I LOVE OUR SITE...you people aren't crazy!

You are just sweet as can be and when you do disagree with one another it isn't a yelling match over the comments.

Thank you loverly folks for being so sane. And although I am a Rob and K Stew supporter I always shipped that action I respect those who need a little more proof.

Anonymous said...

has anyone else notice nikki and taylor if these pics say thet they are i mean n&t are married!!! lol look at her arm around his leg and when his wisp...

Cougar71 said...

I'm glad to see that more and more people are seeing or are willing to admit to seeing what many have known all along...and that is that Kristen makes Rob happy in more than just a platonic manner. I'm happy that Rob is so happy to have the girl that he has had feelings for since the day he met her. Kiss or no kiss in these pix, it's plain to see.

Sara said...

As weird as I think they would be as a couple, I kind of think it's adorable and I can't think of a better girl who would understand everything Rob is going through right now. Props to them <3

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I need no more proof. They are together!

Marna said...


OH SHIT!!!!!"

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies LOL, I thought the exact opposite!! I think he's looking down. Maybe he's reaching for something, or maybe she's whispering in his ear, or maybe she's kissing the side of his face, but I don't think they're lip locking.

riddleinside said...


thank you so much! you sumed up the situation very well...exactly my feeling.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Bryce looks completely lefted out. Ashley looks like she's ready to go!

Steph is Legit said...

you all can say whatever you want to disregard this photo and say "its too loud of course they needed to put there heads together" yea... thats why there is a pic of kristen and jackson speaking without being an inch from each other....

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


well i can see the back of his neck, i can see his haircut, so that means his head is turned completely around, kinda like linda blair in that movie right?
anyway, so she cant be whispering in his ear. and the reason he is not exactly on her lips IMO, is because the camera caught him leaning in for the kiss, comeon now work with me, if we calculated the trejectory of the lips his target would be smack dab in the middle of her face... THE LIPS...

NO? :) just sayin...

Jewels64 said...

Hey Y'all, I just want to say thank you for being gracious and magnanimous about the whole Robsten thing.

Unfortunately I am not a Robsten supporter but if this makes our Robbie happy...then I'm happy!!! :)

The person I really feel sorry for is Kristen. If she breaks his heart she is going to have to go into the witness protection program because nobody has more dedicted and devoted fans than Rob!

Ms. Bonderson said...

I'm glad to see I'm not alone...I've been secretly cheering for Robsten all along.
I love Rob, I love Kristen... and I'm glad that they seem to have found something together. As long as they are happy and having fun - good for them. And I'm glad to see they're not necessarily hiding it - that would just make it worse. Color me jealous. ;) LOL

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


its sunday here, and sniffle sniffle
i feel like celebrating...sniffle...

Marna said...

Whether they are kissing or not, they definitely have body language that says they are together in some way. More power to them.

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this yet so maybe it's just me, but Rob's arms & shoulders look a lot bigger. Like he's really been working out. Hopefully there will be more shirtless Rob in Eclipse.

Everyone looks completely bored in these pictures, has anyone been to a KOL concert? Are they boring?

Federico Zarco said...

aaaa.... there's people so Immature, and full of envy...aa what can we do?..
About the pics, are good, you can notes that are really in love.

TheCheshireCat said...

They do look pretty cozy there. I'm a total Robsten supporter and it does look like a kiss in the first 2 pics. I wish they were clearer!!

I like that I can come here and discuss my opinions on this and not be jumped all over like I would be at IMDB! I agree with Dani in that all of us on here are a bit more civilized when we discuss things. I also agree that I have a few close guy friends and I DON'T lean in that close to talk to them at a concert! And, believe me, I've been to some pretty loud concerts!

I'm just happy that Rob's happy!

Golnaz said...

Yay for Rob/Kristen! They seem so happy together, and i agree, the hobolicious adorable couple:)

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


i agree, he's lookin buff, which is good considering in the rest of the series and in unbound captives, we are going to be seeing alot of stripped down ROB... OH HAPPY DAY!

Ana73 said...

i noticed taylor & nikki together too LOL

but everyone looks like they are in their own little world.

the one thing i have to say is every pic is clear until the "kiss" and that one is blurry, strange. and no i am not in denial i do believe they are together but that is just weird.

Marna said...

Oooo, Unbound Captives, you're right! Rob wearing nothing but some animal skin on a horse with long hair looking all buff. YUM!! I hope he has to get a tan too :-)

Joolia said...

Ok i have been lurking on here since this place started and have never bothered commenting.. untill now.
I have read all the comments on the first set of these pics and the comments here and i have to get a few things off my chest.
Im not a shipper, never have been never will be, nor do i want kstews head on a platter, i have no real opinion on the girl if im honest, she reminds me of rain man sometimes with the way she always looks like shes about ready to drool on herself, she drives the same car as me (taste) and she bloody rocks a mullet. Thats about it. But yeah anyways what i wanted to say is, who the hell cares if they are together or not? i mean some of you lot talk about it (the fairly innocent NON-KISSING pics imo) like its the be all and end all! I mean like is it going to benefit your lives in anyway if they are infact together?! same as is it going to increase your lifes amazingness if they are not together? Like please.

He is a young lad, of course he is going to get with someone, mrs palm and her five daughters can only satisfy for so long.
What annoys me however is people creaming their knickers over the thought of Rob and Kstew rubbing rugs, i mean come on. I remember when people thought he was with Nikki Reed and it was all "ew no dirty hag slut ho-nut" *rollseyes* whats the matter, she wasnt Bella? thats what narks me, alot of people seem to want this because of the whole Edward and Bella thing, which is imo pathetic.

I too think Summit have more to do with this whole shibang than alot of you would like to admit, i mean these people are legally contracted, if Summit and its greedy bobs didnt want them papped together, they wouldnt be.

So yeah i have posted even though i really didnt want to.

Rob and Kstew together...Rob and Kstew not together, so fuck, im not guna cry myself to sleep tonight either way.

p.s you girls do an amazing job on this blog :)

marya said...

PR stunt my ass
right now the most honest thing we can do...especially those of you who are denying robsten...is admit we are all fucking jealous of kristen...
hello my name is marya and yes i am jealous of kristen because it looks like she might be shagging rob
i advise everyone to give it a try... and then bite a pillow or soemthing edward style and get on with your lives
other than that im soooo happy for rob because if there is anyone who can really support him right now is the girl sitting next to him in these pics...

Rhonda said...

I love that someone snapped these, and they do seem rather intimate. I have believed in Robsten since early May. But if it is or isn't has no bearing on my life. Just hope they are happy. And I am grateful you ladies are civilized over her and there is no name calling. In the end, what does it matter?

But, if I were at the concert seeing Kings of Leon I would have been snapping photos of THE BAND. Those guys are hot! Just sayin. Glad the whole cast was able to get out and unwind. I heard they were pretty much on lock-down all week.

Great job, Kate. Thanks for being the voice of reason, Dani. Give Gozde my love if you speak to her soon.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


cant wait...
but yeah, i wonder how his horseback riding is?...well actually i wonder how his 'riding' is on anything...
wink wink!

rpattzdude said...

oooh my godness my day got just like what hundred times better all butterflies and shits :D feels like i am in love and not those two hahaha seeing those pics damn hot and he is happy love you Kstew for making our boy happy :D

AnnaD said...

Okay ery , I was thinking the same thing! If we're going to go off of body language alone, then there's something going on between Nikki and Taylor, too. I'm just sayin'. I'm not a big Robsten supporter, but I'm going to be happy for him either way. I just need more proof than a few blurry pictures. But that's just IMHO.

Sara said...

Holy shit. I just remembered something ladies.
Eclipse has Bella's seduction scene, right?
If these two are getting 'pretty close', imagine how hot that scene will be?

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

well joolie,

i must admit, i hated kristen in twilight, and i couldnt stand her till about 6 months ago i started looking at myself, and realizing, i was a bitch.

but as for living the whole EDWARD BELLA thing, the twilight thing is only a vehicle to spend time with ROB, otherwise i would be hanging out at one of a million twilight blogs...


its all in good fun as far as i'm concerned. is this the only subject i spend my time consumed by? nope... this is just hell of alot of fun, the people here rock!

marya said...

sara- seduction scene? please refresh my memory!!!! :D:D

monika said...

check this out lol


ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


R I G H T - O N !!!

L M F A O :)

Ana73 said...

monika - that is funny, i knew someone would zoom in on the pic of nikki & taylor but i HIGHLY doubt anything is going on with them, i really do believe they see him as a little brother you know the age thing. but then again you never know: :) oh, and what happened to her BF, he was with her and then i guess he did not go back.

Sara said...

Marya- When they're alone in Edward's house and she tries to get him to have sex with her. They get as far as Edward's shirt coming off, but then he stops her. Ring any bells? ;p

Sara said...

Ana- that picture was showing the exact fact that nothing was going on with Taylor. That when he spoke in Nikki's ear, it looked innocent and how you would normally do it at a loud concert, but the Rob/Kris one was more suspicious. That they were more intimate. I'm sure everyone knows Taylor is not linked to any of the cast. Stories like that make me feel strange...

marya said...

ohhh yes yes of course! damn that whole scene is gonna be AWESOME
what with edward's official proposal and all
my god...i used to say i cant wait for november
but really i cant wait for june!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Sara said...

Marya, let's just say that may have been my favourite scene in Eclipse...

Ana73 said...

ok, i just got busted by my husband while i was looking at the pics and he is reading the comments and he thinks we are all crazy to examine the pics :))

he also thinks that it is crazy that there are pics of them at the concert, he doesn't realize the obsession of robert. even though he think that Kristen is super HOT.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


awwww yes...
cant wait for some of that
'wild scandanavian tongue wrestling'

i just hope david slade has at least one 'torrid bone' in his body...

Joolia said...

RobPatForDummies, I didnt say i didnt like Kstew, i said i didnt have an opion on her apart from she reminds me of rain man and that i think she rocks a mullet.

I must admit it is a good time filler to read bloggers speculate and discuss the topic at hand, as well as others, but it becomes a tad tedious after a while of people practically making a marraige out of a few grainy pictures that imo show nothing.

This is one of the reasons why rag mags are near enough raping the pair of them on their cruddy covers every damn week, because they know it will be lapped up. Same as why gossip sites blog random shite about him.

Im sorry but it just flicks my bitch switch.

marya said...

sara- oh there is no question for me! that IS my favorite scene in eclipse lol i re read it a thousand times and still got butterflies in my stomach...i hope they get it right in the movie
and well lets not wonder what the scenes in breaking dawn are gonna be like...those will be the death of me...

enjoykim said...

marya-and I can´t wait for BD,still hoping that there´ll be more "details" in the film-Esme´s Island,you know... ;-)

I would like to see Robsten´s reaction seeing these pics...

RPLover said...

@marya-I'm barely hanging on by my fingernails until nov. as it is-don't make me start salivating for june yet!! LOL

I'm super glad, though, that there's not gonna be too much time in between NM and Eclipse, I don't think I could make it ;)

we also get to have How To Be in nov, too, at least here in the US, and I've really been wanting to see that!! it's gonna be a happy nov. for the US Rob fans!

Cindeeloo said...

@Sara...I think that was my favourite scene in the entire series. Since it is Sunday lets all put our hands together and pray that MR/DS don't FUCK with that scene.....I will cry a effin river if they do!!!!!!

Sara said...

Marya- I wouldn't get my hopes up for BD if I were you. We all know SM is a cockblocker with her fade to blacks. ACK. Unfortunately, I feel that Summit will do the same in the movie for the younger fans. *sigh

Ana73 said...

Sara - completely agree with you about SM. she is not going to let it get past a rating of PG13 so you know that it will fade to black.

Athena said...

Well... wow... I guess that is proof enough! Thanks Dani and Kate, you did an anwesome job! :)

How romantic, to kiss at a concert! :)

I'm certainly very happy for Rob (and Kristen, I so wish I were her right now!!!) because he looks positively glowing :)! I agree with everything the sane people have said on this post :).
Go Rob, be happy! You happy, me happy! :)

*swallows* That said, excuse me while I crawl into a little corner and have a bit of a virtual weep. I know he was never meant for me and I'm genuinely happy for him, but tell that to the 16-year-old living in the depths of my heart! Hee!

Don't worry, I'll be fine tomorrow and ready to enjoy Rob's beauty (inside and out) again ;)!

What really bugs me is: I can already hear the choruses of "I told you so" from the tabloids... they'll be all over this... we will never hear the end of it! Aaaaaaaagh! Oh well, I still will never believe them on principle, anyway.

P.S.: I just love all the Rob mannerisms in these pictures! :D

RPLover said...

<3 you, athena! officially I'm stoked for happy Rob, but I'm also having a weep on the inside where my teenage fangirl resides! *sigh* it's embarrassing how much I love this man...

Cuccicella said...


I love this site, this blog.. no matter what..

Love all of opinions, comments - Robsten or non-Robsten or others..

I respect all.

And these pics are adorable not just Robsten - when they smile ohh very cute together, the whole cast..

I love them all.

Cindeeloo said...


"Tell that to the 16 year old living in the depths of my heart"

SO TRUE.....I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!

monika said...

more pix


Unknown said...

joolia-it's good to get things off one's chest. lol I didn't do that shipping thing ever, but I've mentioned consistently I like Kristen cause she's proven herself to be a true and loyal friend to Robbie P. throughout this whole insanity. That's good enough for me to like them together. She's a loyal egg. And she gives good bitchface to scare off the fangirls. lol

Cuccicella said...

Hi Rob for Dummies..

Pass the bubbly over here too...

Thanks.. :))

Ana73 said...

monika -you are good, how do you find these pics??

i am guessing after the concert??

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

O0 o
O 0 o

o o

Heres some bubbly for you my friend,
have some smoked oysters on crackers while your at it... :D

Joolia said...

I agree Rosa, I want nothing more than for Rob to be happy and smiley. Just get the impression sometimes that alot of people think he HAS to be with Kstew because of the twi-shit, like i said earlier, when the rumours were rife about Him and Nikki, people we like NOOOOOOOO SHES NOT GOOD ENOUGH, SKANK YADA YADA but Kstew is different yeah? hmm. Thats my point.
Whoever hes banging though, fair play to the girl, give it to him good. But im neither going to cry or cum in my pants over him shacking up with Kstew (If he even has) and it boggles my mind why some people do so.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

ok well joolz,

is it okay if we 'come' in our pants, if EDWARD shags BELLA in BD?

just askin :)

Steph is Legit said...

sorry to digress. this is completely off topic but who was the opening band for this concert.. im seeing them on the 12th of sept but there was no leak on the opening band

phosphorus said...

I don't know if someone already posted this (sorry, haven't got the time to catch up at the moment, I'm on my way to bed). On Sunday the German newspaper published an articel about Rob:
The male Barbie doll (the headline refers to the fact that Matell releases Twilight toys Edward and Bella in November). Facts are correct and the tenor is positive.

bimbambom said...

Ahena, I completely agree with you.

I told my 16 yo girl "Don't worry! That's because he hasn't met you! But maybe someday..."

Oh it's really bad time for me since I broke up with my bf. But I like the fact that Rob is happy.


Joolia said...

hahaha RobforDummies (sorry i keep shortening it) cum away, i may even twitch a bit, if Smeyer doesnt cockblock that is ;)

monika said...

Confirmed by inside source: Summit have called meeting tomorrow for cast! Looks like the pics didn't go down too well!
about 1 hour ago from web

Confirmed by inside source: the meeting was called 2 hours ago, so def about pics! Also kellan was called in today!
about 1 hour ago from web

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

what the hell? my bottles empty!

woooo woe wowe whatever...

soooo i think this is goin to be a great couple of months... cant wait to see what they do next

monika said...


Steph is Legit said...

ok but arent they supposed to start filming tomorrow? or at least start doing some screen tests.. i doubt it was solely about the pics

monika said...

Confirmed by inside source: Full rehearsals should start tomorrow, true filming is not tomorrow as people are tweeting.
about 1 hour ago from web

enjoykim said...

Well,Summits PR/press responsibles have to work overtime I guess...

I want to be a fly at the meeting...

I´m curious to see how Summit´s going to react...

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

its not like we will probvably ever find out, but it would piss me off to know they would try and power trip

the two kids have been nothing but dedicated to this freaking franchise since day one... we have laws against slave labor.

bimbambom said...

And one more thing I'm not the biggest Robsten supporter, but I must admit I like Kristen.
Why? Because she is not perfect She has no boobs, she is pale and... she doesn't care!
She doesn't want to be next Megan Fox.

P.S. As a boobless girl I feel better when I see her with The Hottest Man In The World. Trust me :)

Steph is Legit said...

honestly regardless of what summit has to say.. if they are even talking about the pics. i dont really think either of them give a flying fuck to be honest.. its not like they can fire them. Rob & Kris own that meeting and whatever they say in regards to their relationship would probably to placate summit.. they are summit's lucky charm & rob and kristen own the show

Sara said...

bimbambom- *high five* Me too ;)

boleyn said...

For a thin girl, Kristen sure has chubby arms.

Anonymous said...

They look cozy, Kellen looks weirded out, Rachelle's replacement looks ignored and left out...or jealous that Rob and Kristen got to sit together..
(oh dear..I'm being naughty..)

Jackson looks like he doesn't give a crap about anything but the concert.

Yup, I don't lean into my male friends like that unless there's more then just friends going on that only "we" know about. Enough said..

I don't care as long and he's happy and she seems to make him happy..so this is good. I'd rather it be her because she understands him and knew him 'before' and not a fame whore.

bimbambom said...


HE likes boobless girls! :)
It makes me sort of happy!

Lucerne said...

StephsLegit, agree. Seriously. Rob and Kristine are summits cash cow. What are they going to do if they don't tow the line, or whatever it is summit might want them to do. Fire them? Replace their two leads? Please. Summit is not crazy. They might have replaced lefevre in Eclipse, but they sure as hell are not going to replace Rob and Kristine.

Anonymous said...

Somebody should do collage of these pics or something funny. :) Rob looks like hes having fun. If he's happy I'm happy. *goes to see EACH pic CLOSELY*

Steph is Legit said...

if they even address the pics which i dont even think this meeting i about.. it will probably be a slap on the wrist.. that would insane if they fired them. actually it would be hilarious if summit had the balls to do that.

wideyes said...

@ RPlover, I have a link for How To Be if you want to see it.

How comes you don't have it in the USA yet?

Kymz said...

I sense cover stories in the works here!

Lucerne said...

Regarding the pictures and Robsten. All i can say is that from the pictures both Rob and Kristine look happy to be with each other. Good for them. Life is too short. If you find someone who makes you happy, grab that person, hang on, and have fun.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

ummm so i think they should have invited RACHELLE to the concert...
she used to love to go to these things...that would have been interesting...

maha said...

They are absolutely in love , look happy and enjoying their time.

And it looks like they were kissing , it seems that the concert was very boring :))

monika said...


the real reason Stewie's hair is still JJBlack... so that when leaning in close you can't tell where the beanie ends and the mullet begins


ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

wild eyes would you be able to send that to me as well?
i would love to see it...

Lexi55 said...

me too wild eyes

monika said...

of course they're not gonna fire them,that's out of the question,those two would have to do smth much much worse for Summit to even consider this.

Treasure_7 said...

Those two really have great chemistry...I think it would be great if they were a couple!!

monika said...

Summit will be holding on to those two(Rob especially) for dear life.

enjoykim said...

monika,thanx babe,these twitts are hilarious...LMAO Kellan´s texting...

Steph is Legit said...

if i were kellan id so be texting too.. must have been so awkwardddd

Steph is Legit said...

actually id be scowling, but thats cuz im jealous

enjoykim said...

If Summit is going to make a statement,I wonder which way they´ll go... Whether they´ll admit that there´s a Robsten thing going on or they´ll try to downplay,you know,blablabla,just friends,blabla...

Probably they won´t say anything...

PsympleMind said...

I am so happy I am crying! i know that may sound ridiculous to many but i am one of the ones who wants so very much for them to be together (for as long as they can)...they seem so completely suited to one another in so many many ways that its (to me) completely beautiful..as it should be...as it can be...when the 'right' two people get together: he has the soul of a poet and she is...well she is remarkable...both are sensitive, artistic, deep people...I hope its real and good and wonderful and all the good things it can be...its so awesome to be young and in love! (which I know we don't know but i for one think it's real till proved othrwise) yea for Robsten...you go kids!

showme said...

Glad you're back Goz.

I'm a happy camper today LOL

Marna said...

I can't imagine the meeting tomorrow is about the pictures, why would the entire cast be called in for what is just between Kristen & Rob?

wideyes said...

@ROB PATTINSON for Dummies,
Sure, there's two parts and you might have to wait for them to buff. sending them now ;)

wideyes said...

@ROB PATTINSON for Dummies,
Ok, not sure how to send the links to you one here and not sure i should post them directly on this blog. is there a why i can send them straight to you blog page?

SarahBella said...

The only way Summit can scold them is if there was a stipulation in the contract that forbid cast members from dating one another. There are a lot of companies that have strict rules against dating co-workers. And as kinda/sorta happy as I am for Rob (but mostly just jealous) Summit has a right to be nervous. All the buzz surrounding the franchise right now is based off the "Robsten" relationship. It's good publicity at the moment, but it could end up being bad publicity down the line if the two ever break up and start seeing other people. Since so many people associate the two of them with Edward and Bella, and since a real life romance would only reinforce that, a break-up down the line might threaten the next movie and cause viewers to take Edward and Bella a little less seriously...if there was a slew of bad press about Robsten breaking up and being on bad terms. Just my take on things.

That being said, I'm happy for Rob in that he has the fame, the dream job, and he ended up getting the girl. It seems Kristen is crazy about him as well...finally! I was worried for awhile there. This all goes to show that nice guys don't always finish last (yay!). But I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not disappointed and that this won't effect my Robsession. I still think he's sexy as hell and will continue to follow his every move...but it's hard to obsess over someone who is involved with someone else. It was different when he was single and fair game to anyone...you never know! But lusting after another girl's man? Not my style. Hopefully this means that the teenage fangirl inside me will calm her little ass down :( I'll be sad to see her go. *tear*

sunny said...

Sorry gang. They are not kissing in the pic. I'm not in denial, but am I the only one who doesn't think there they are dating?

wideyes said...

F**k it, I'll just post it here for all. Goz you can remove it if it's not ok.
Spoiler alert coming! ;)

(part 1)

(part 2)

SarahBella said...

It really does seem like the two of them are very compatible, though. They're both reeeeally low maintenance, like smoking and drinking, enjoy the same kind of music, have a mutual respect for one another, a unique shared experience with all the Twilight mania, strong work ethic and similar goals and ambitions. Assuming Kristen is mature in a relationship and isn't the type to jokingly bring him down....Rob seems a little sensitive :(....they could actually be really great together. Never thought I'd say that. I was never a big Robsten shipper or a big fan of Kristen in general. But she's growing on me a little. I just want our boy to be happy. And if Kristen is what makes him happy....more power to them.

But seriously..some girls have all the luck :/ Put it on him good girl! For the sake of all of us!

SarahBella said...

At this point....I think you just might be, Sunny ;)

Anonymous said...


Yes. You are, sorry.

They were close and flirty at the Sam Bradley concert at the end of April.

There were pics of Kristen at Rob's hotel the morning after the MTV awards (not to mention the look Rob gave her when she dropped her award. Dear. God. Is there a woman on earth who doesn't want to be looked at that way?)

They were shooting each other looks at Comic Con constantly, so much so that this woman at Hollywood.com said they are either involved or having a "staring contest."


Rob flew out of LA instead of SD after CC? Why did he go back to LA?

Then why did he fly into LA for five days before the TCA's. Why was she leaving his hotel all weekend? Why did her mom drop her off there with a bag? Why was she on his balcony? Are there pics of ANYONE else on the same balcony as Rob in his hotel?

Why did they go out everynight together? Rob hung out every night with different people, but who was the one constant that he saw every day? Kstew.

Sure , some few of us have friends of the opposite sex that we hang out with and sleep in the same bed with and it's strictly platonic...but what is more LIKELY?!!!?! The probability of this is so low (as we all know), plus Rob has said constantly that he could fall in love with her easily. Given the way he feels and the way she knows he feels, do they same like the kind of people who would just sleep in the same bed with nothing happening?

Do they same like the kind of people who would engage in this type of behavior for a publicity stunt? Does Kstew seem like the kind of person that would hurt MA like this if she could at all help it?

This, plus the KOL pics and the fact that they are inseparable. They are leaving in cars together WITHOUT the rest of the people. THEY are everywhere together.

If it looks, quacks, poops, talks, sings, plays guitar, and kisses at the kings of leon concert like a duck?

It's a mother fucking duck.


katie said...

I was obsessed with Robert, so of course I've read every article and interview about Twilight. And honestly, Robert sounded like a bundle of nerves on the set of TWilight. Very hard on himself, breaking a scene or line early over and over again cause he thought it wasn't going right. And it from most accounts Kristen and to a lesser extent Catherine were the ones to walk him through his panic and self doubt almost daily. He sounded tiring to be honest,lol, but one interviewer noted that Kristen had an affectionate smile on her face as she recalled patting his back through things.

Then MTV's Larry Carroll got onto the set and noticed that Kristen was the opposite. Whereas Robert had a hard time channeling things, Kristen channeled her emotions so well, sometimes she had a hard time bringing down those emotions. And Carroll noted it was Robert who would go seek her out(she'd often isolate herself) and bring her back down.

So, I always thought that was really cool. Like she helped him channel what he needed, and he helped her not get stuck with the channeling. That would take a lot of trust to allow someone to do either. I

wideyes said...

On the subject of SM cock blocking love scene in BD the movie. I would find that a little crazy. It's ok to show a girl getting violently through around by a vicious vampire guy, having her head cracked of a wall, leg broken and arm bitten. But making tender love on you wedding night is a no no to see!
I never understood how showing violence is more acceptable, than showing the most natural loving act. Especially between a married couple.

showme said...

Amen Shalf LOL

SarahBella said...

*high five Shalf*

That's what I'm saying....it's a duck. This isn't Dawson's Creek. Those two aren't sleeping in the same bed because they're such close platonic friends. They're "practicing" for their BD scenes at Isle Esme ;)

Athena said...

@ SarahBella

"but it's hard to obsess over someone who is involved with someone else. It was different when he was single and fair game to anyone...you never know! But lusting after another girl's man? Not my style. Hopefully this means that the teenage fangirl inside me will calm her little ass down :( I'll be sad to see her go. *tear*"

Yep, right there with you. I'm really happy for Rob, but it *is* going to be a bit different (and not necessarily in a bad way), as I, too, can't lust after someone else's man. However, I still can admire his beauty and talent as the living work of art he is. I, too, will be sad to see the 16-year-old go, but on the other hand I'm sort of glad I can flick that particular switch off, now :). I've been expecting it and sort of waiting for it, to be honest...

A part of me wishes they weren't co-stars, though, seems a bit "common place" to fall for your co-star, if you see what I mean, but on the other hand, lots of relationships start in the workplace, it's probably the most natural thing in the world, so why should it be different for them? I just hope they will keep on being happy as they obviously are right now. :)

Athena said...

@ shalf1: "It's a mother fucking duck."

LMAO! That had me rolling on the floor! :D

SarahBella said...


"I, too, will be sad to see the 16-year-old go, but on the other hand I'm sort of glad I can flick that particular switch off, now :). I've been expecting it and sort of waiting for it, to be honest..."

You and me both! It's bittersweet. I was waiting for an excuse to let go of a little of my Robsession and return to a bit of normalcy. And now that I can, I'm a little more sad than I thought I would be.

I agree that it's common for people to find love in the workplace. It's where you spend half of your time. I know that I've met some of my closest friends at work. But co-worker romances are always a little taboo...in that it will ALWAYS be awkward if things don't end up working out. Crossing my fingers for them, though. And since we have another 2 years of Twilight to look forward to, I hope they can make the two year stretch. The last thing we need are a bunch of crappy tabloid stories right before Eclipse or Breaking Dawn come out. I don't want to be distracted watching them in a scene and knowing that there was a bunch of personal drama between them when they were shooting it.

RPLover said...

@wideyes-I wasn't on when you posted, thanks so much for the links!! I have no idea why we haven't been able to get it, apparently someone decided that we were qualified or something? j/k

all I know is, the behind the scenes of HTB is probably my favorite vid of Rob, he was so laid back and hysterical, I love it! off to watch the movie, muah!!

Xtyn said...

Surely, they are not kissing. The body proportions are not that close to say otherwise. However, you can definitely tell that there's something going on. Easy to tell according to 10 people I've asked regarding the pictures.
Good for them! They are happy. You can tell Rob is in love and so is Kristen.


I really enjoy reading ur comments..as far as my opinion goes well I'm not son robsten fan and seeing the 1st 2 pics in HD I agree with MARNA i don't see lip action...I see a very close whisper to ear.But that doesn't mean their body language is away from seeing them as a couple.I've always thought there was something there but like everybody says "it doesn't matter really and they don't need to be public with all this.I'm not such a KS fan I find her sometimes really cool and interesting and others so annying and like she thinks she's beyond everybody else in this world but I'd never give up on rob just because he's with KS...that's my opinnion

Kelly said...

As long as he's happy... I think it's great... but I will say.. I just don;t see it.. I've never seen it... I don't see the chemistry between them.. Please dont throw things at me.. it's just not obvious to me... and the two pictures where "there could be a kiss" you can still see the side of his head and his ear .. if he was kissing her, wouldn't you think you would only see the back of his head not the side of his head... I don't know... just a thought..it's a sketchy angle...

As long as he's happy.. it's all good.

Anonymous said...

They both look happy! It looks and sounds like that the people around them approve of this situation. They're either covering up for them or evading the issue.

Just a thought...I wonder how this will turn out if Michael Angarano turns up in Vancover all of a sudden!!!My oh my, will that turn out to be a disaster!!!

wideyes said...

Your welcome hun, I love HTB. It quirky funny little movie and I just love Rob in it. I think it's close to himself in real life. He once said he could relate the art the most. I kinda miss those care free days before timania :)
If you ever want links to any of his movies, let me know. x

innoutwife said...

They r doin it, trip it out... These pictures make it so official to me.

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...


I agree. I love Robsten, and I do think they look adorably intimate in the clearer photos -- but, to me, the alleged "kiss" photo looks more like him straining to hear what she's saying. And his posture just isn't that of someone in the middle of a kiss (of course, the boy's posture is often awkward as hell...LOL).

I guess I just don't think this is the definitive proof. That said, I would love to believe they're together. If I can't have him, KStew's the next best thing. ;)

Heather (a.k.a. Bella) said...

And btw, if Summit bothers making a statement about photos that are so ambiguous, they (Summit) need other things to do besides focusing on whether or not Robsten comes out.

Unknown said...

I used to be one of the main people saying they were just really cool friends but now i have to agree with the comments that they are together.
even if the picture wasnt them actually kissing the way they are sitting so closely to each other and talking like its only them kinda makes you think that they are in fact together.
I just think that with the whole media obsessing over them and all the twihard crazies this is not gonna be a long lasting relationship which is probably why Summitt is trying to control everything.

Mechevpao said...

Hahahaa Joolia, I agree with what you said in your first comment, I think you were spot on the matter

I don´t think Summit have to put any smack down on the pics at KOL, since they were there... them and the entire cast

People, this is busyness:


there is no "poor robsten, summit is not letting them out" whatever they are, this is private matter to them... stop reading into lines, please!

e.g.c luvs rob said...

im not a big Robsten fan (sorry)
and as much as i wanna say its not true i simply cant.

these pics are more then enough prof well atleast for me it is.

i never really believed any of it i just thought it was bogus tabloid stuff. but the pics dnt lie!

(watever makes him happy)

crazylife said...

Something has bothered me about that picture of them kissing. I have looked at the other blogs and something is not right for me, Where is the white shirt Kristen is wearing? Would we not see part of that white shirt???? did she put on a coat?

Sorry for this, home sick with a cold nothing better to do....gotta get a life what do you all think? Am I crazy like my name?

Aneska said...

Something makes me think that they're not kissing in the pics.
A) You can see them perfectly in the others pics, but the ones of the "possible kiss" are blurred.
B) Media has tried TOO hard to show them as a couple, manipulating anything (even Kristen was told to be pregnant!)
Anyway, I don't really care if they're kissing or not, I just want Rob to be happy and feel whatever he wants to feel. What I don't like is the media manipuilation.
They look cute in the pics, very sweet.

bonemama said...

I will say it..but it might not make it to the comment section...it really bothers me that someone as attractive as kristen chooses to dress like a militant lesbian. She looks like she just stepped out of a dike bar. No i'm not gay bashing! Thought maybe it would be nice to clean up a little. Can't apologize for the truth..

anonymous said...

I agree. The media could have manipulated the photos. But whoever took the photo could have been a shit photographer.

I'm not a huge Robsten fan. Actually, I'm not. But I have at admit they are quite cute.

I don't think they are kissing, but I think they are quite intimate. KOL is very loud though. They could be struggling to hear each other.

But you never know.

And I also agree with French.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

media manipulation LMAO i cant believe people are still in deep denial,YES THEY WERE KISSING its true people get over it and stop trying to fool yourself LOL rob and kristen are slowing coming out the closet, i cant believe after we have seen people wishing and hoping its not true

Sunshine said...

I agree with you bonemama...I was thinking the same thing...that and she looks trashed.

but kudos to them...who really cares ya know.

Aneska said...
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Aneska said...
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Aneska said...

I'm not saying that they are not together. I was happy when I thought they were together like a normal couple. I'm not pro-Robsten nor against Robsten. I think they have to be whatever they want to be (friends or a couple). What I say is that everything around rob and specially his relationship with KS is being very manipulated. I think that if they'd have been kissing we already had a pic of that kiss. Pappz are dying for that pic. This doesn't mean that they are (or they are not) together, to me it just means that they were not kissing during KOL. It's my opinion, of course.
Anyway they look cute and happy together in these pics :)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i have male friends and i was NEVER this close or so intimate in any situation,those two are so hot together,but the million dollar question is if they are just friends?? why do they spend all day and night together,she spends more time with him than most women spend with their husbands

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

u get what you are saying but where there is smoke there is fire i dont know if they are dating or not but this much is clear,thay CANNOT stay away from each and the way he looks at her OMG something special is definitely there,he wanted her from the moment he saw ,it use to pain him that she was with M,iam hoping he finally got his heart's desire

Aneska said...

I totally agree :)
When you see them together it's easy to think that there's something special between them, and I'm sure there is, but...what? Maybe when they are sooooo close they are just rehearsing (I just learnt this word) for Eclipse (I'm joking :P )
(were you born in 1977?)

noisefaidaus said...

A lot of people on other sites have stated that they Rob and Kristen are so close because of the noise of the concert, well in case anyone is interested those seats they are sitting in at GM place in Vancouver are called Hospitality Suites and they are in the 400 and 500 level of the arena (top floors). That means they way above the stage area and general seating. The noise level there believe is minimal, I've been there.
I suggest you check out the GM Place website and take a look yourself.

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