Today 5:05 AM PDT by Ted Casablanca and Taryn Ryder (grain of salt? it is Ted C after all)

We keep running into these Twilight people so much we're starting to run out of questions to ask them!
Since director Catherine Hardwicke is about to finish her crazy-ass ride on the Twilight train, we couldn't pass up an opportunity to chat with the dame director, again. Why? Because she's friggin' unpredictable, and we effin' love it. Cathy confirms what everyone else in the cast is too scared to say:
That Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are not just friends.
Check out our interview with her from Sunday's Teen Choice Awards:
Your poor cast! They've all become insane tabloid targets. Do you pay attention to all the rumors?
When I'm in the airport on trips I'll look at the magazines. It's pretty wild. I feel pretty bad for everybody. You wish you could just have a life!
Some aren't exactly rumors though, like Rob and Kristen being more than "good friends." Do you like them as a couple in real life, too?
Of course! I cast them together, so obviously I think they're awesome together. There's no question about that.
Last time we chatted you told us how you knew there was something special with Robsten from the start. What exactly do you think makes them work as a couple?
I think they're both fascinating, tortured artists, which is kind of cool to be with somebody else that gets what that's like. They are both amazing with very interesting minds. So that's kind of cool, too.
Couldn't agree more. So is Breaking Dawn going to get way sexier now that Rob and Kristen are heating up?
It has to be! I mean, come on. There are feathers flying!
Whoever directs it should write some extra Robsten love scenes…
Oh yeah, yeah, they totally should.
So there's some more Twi fun for you Robsten lovers out there. We dig the way Catherine described their relaysh, too. It couldn't be truer. But then you all knew that already, didn't you?
Source- E! Online
I think CH either thought he meant theoretically or was talking nonromantically in some way. She tends to show more restraint. She talks your ear off how she found them and all, but she usually doesn't get all shippy about them. Something seems off.
I agree...something is off about this...or she's an idiot?
Anyway, yes her ride should be over now-it's going to fall gracefully on Chris Weitz, and then onto David Slade (if he doesn't fuck up to love story that is)..
Hmm, listening to Rob sing "I'll be your lover"
damn, wish he was my lover...
Did I miss something? Where is her confirmation? I guess I didn't read between the lines.
Now, who want's cheesecake? :D
It almost sounds like Ted C made up the questions AFTER he interviewed CH. Like he made up questions that sounded good with her quotes.
I don't buy it though, its' Ted C after all.
I am in total agreement...something is off and I think a reader has to read between the lines regarding this interview with CH.
dating,fucking,jumping,skipping,shitting....i really dont care anymore,would rather stare at rob'gorgous face and the national enquirer is reporting that taylor have a crush on kristen and rob feels threatened WTF lol
What, Taylor has a crush on Kris now...well it must be true if the Enquire is reporting it...OMG what craziness.
iam over this bull shit,its getting old,if rob and kstew are dating GREAT and if they are not GREAT its means more dick for the ladies of the world.
Okay there is deffo something fishy going on somewhere here. Something just doesnt feel right.
OMG-adorable pic of Rob from Remember Me..
I miss Robler...
I totally believe in Robsten.
What I don't get is why Catherine would just come otu and say it.
Those are "spin" questions, where you pretend to ask a question about one thing and are really asking a question about another. I'm a journalist and I know exactly how it is done.
I'm calling BS on you, Ted C. You're a loser, baby. As Suz says: TRUFAX!
Times were simple when Robler was around..
In case you didn't get to see the leaked trailer:
OMG O__O this just takes the cake, biggest BS I've ever read
i miss rob on remember me set,the good old days.
It may sound like CH speaking... yes, sure it is the way she speaks... but, still, CH talking about "Robsten"? Just like that? To Ted C??
friking weird...
I am pretty sure TED C. has recycled this so called "interview", I remember reading it a few month's ago because I had the same reaction "BULLSHIT".
This is getting tired tired oh so tired.
lol, that miley item is almost as good as robert being so intimidated by Taylor, he's buying kristen hundreds of dollars of vintage shirts on ebay to woo her back!
I think Chicago girl got it right! Tricks...
Miley? She said she didn't like Rob before...
It's all crap...
i wonder what rob is doing right now? what ever it is i hope he is happy and rested.
I know, we go even 24 hrs without Rob and it's hard. Should be out having fun with his pals & working out, rehearsing for Eclipse...
but she twitted she got to hug him,and now is a fan,said he's cute and all that
that pic of rob with the hat is one of my favs he looks so adorable
Chi girl I think you are spot on!
While i am in the camp of those who believe that Robsten is real, CH did not confirm anything. I think she was just talking about the charaters, not the actors.
they probly going to shave my rob,i love him all manly and hairy YUM
i hope eclipse have more make out scenes with rob and bella and i want to see a real kiss with tongue between the two of them
Maybe Rob and Miley can read Amis and Fenton to each other between pole dances.
danyasky, there will be no such a thing till BD:(
Thanks. Read the article. LOL. Wow. Words fail. What a load of BS.
monika - just read the miley BS, that was too funny. what the rag made out of her twitter from that night. that is utterly DISGUSTING to think of her dancing for rob. too funny also about rob buying kristen clothes to woo her from taylor. wow the lies are really coming out now.
i know we miss rob pics from RM. but dont you think he is much more relaxed without hearing screams at every corner and shutter noises from cameras. i really hope fans there leave him alone at least for a while.
oh, and totally agree with chicago. like i said before the interview is from ted c., go figure.
With the closed set, he's going to be in a nice bubble of security up in Vancouver. Good for him, he needs to get away from us crazy bitches for a good week or so!:)
And if CH knew what she was answering properly, she'd do what she always does: "What is dating? What is love? i think it's the universe coing together through vibrations of energy..." And then we'd all check out before we get to her point.
not really believing it but CH tends to put her foot in her mouth a lot =] so i guess he may have let the cat out of the bag, but idk.
oh yea breaking dawn,i cant wait i want more action between edward and bella
"Cathy confirms what everyone else in the cast is too scared to say:
That Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are not just friends."
I keep rereading the interview and my eyes seem to be skipping the part in which Ted asks her "Are Kris and Rob dating" and Catherine says "Yes".
Help me out here!
Rosa - "What is dating? What is love? i think it's the universe coing together through vibrations of energy..."
Haha, so funny, and so CH!
gozde u'r so funny it's all kinda fishi but I refuse to believe anything until I see a pic of a hot kiss or a freakin sex tape
that real triangle is just bullshit..I'm kinda sick for all the taylor publicity I swear I never have a problem with TAYCOB but i do now..I'm so sick of him
BD has to have the sexiest love scene bad is PG13
ok i totally did not hear catherine say they were dating??
A- what you said about rob and miley and amis and pole dancing- AWESOME! hahahahha
*Comes out of Lurkdom*
Ugh...I can't take it anymore. If it's true, I really, REALLY don't want to know.
(Robsten fans should read no further)
I tried to like her. When I first saw Ms. Stewart I thought "Wow, she looks just like I pictured Bella to look". But the more I hear her speak (I've never heard her complete a sentence), the more I see how she still makes faces at the expense of the fans (yes, she still does), or the catty, possessive way acts towards the Twilight guys when they're in front of the fans (like, "see what I can do and you can't"), the less I like her. IDK, maybe it's just me.
IMHO Rob needs someone who balances his personality and his uniqueness. He needs an intelligent, funny, outgoing woman...not a neurotic youngster whose ideas of things she considers "Soooo important" baffle me.
Rant over...sorry if I offend.
why cant BD be rated R iam tired of all the pg 13 bull shit and i agree taylor is a sweet kid but he is starting to get on my nerves
Cali-I keep arguing that I think Kristen's a real bitch and that maybe just what he needs to kick off all the crazy ass bitches that are ruining his life. lol Watch at 7:oo, how shy and like a little lamb Robert is about how he can't do open mic because people record him now, and then listen to Kristen respond for our little lamb all butch and scary as she screams into the microphone: "So don't record his songs!" Bitch is gonna regulate if she ever becomes his
Kristen bitchface--kicking meddling fangirls asses , then asking questions later!
Dany I am with you there in BD Jacob starts to really give me the shits. Eclipse I really get annoyed with Bella, she has two great guys chasing her but she cant make up her mind OOHHHH, I love Eclipse it's my favorite.
People notice I have used character names, Book/Movie remember.
Cali I am with u it is getting so painful the Robsten thing, by the way we don't all love Kristen I can guarantee WE ALL LOVE ROB......
I think poor Taylor's problem is that he's got a whiny voice. Did anyone see the new EW cover. It's just Kristen and JAcob. I bet you it won't sell anything close to when Robert's on the cover, silly rabbits.
i'm in total agreement with danyasky..woohoo!
Rosa - Ack!!! Proves my catty point. She bouncing & twitching then lets loose on the fans. Rob's face was like "huh?" LOL...sheesh. I know...the fangirls can get crazy and annoying, but, yeah, I just don't get it. I hope spending quality time with her will cure his infatuation.
Temptation - Eclipse is my fave also! I hope Spade does it justice. And, yes...we DO love our Rob.
Yes we do love our Rob!!
Yeah, I think Kristen is definitely polarizing, I think it's funny how she is, and if you watch him when he makes eye contact with her, he's cracking up too. You know he's bitched about it a million times about intrusive fans, and then she actually sorta calls him on it, on being coy as to why he cacn't sing anymore-notice he doesn't say straight out. I'm all for tough fan love---I think Robert is too nice publicly, and it only invites people to behave like bigger aholes with him.
Who is someone you would like to see him with ? that's not a loaded question I'm just interested now.
Where's the video footage?
But at this point I think they probably are. they hang out all the time, they look at each other longingly....what else is there?
There´s something wrong about that...CH is a very good friend of MA...i don´t think she would be talking about Rob and Kristen like´s a disrespect with them and with her friend...if anyone is going to confirm this relatioship i think it´s going to be Rob or Kristen...or their actions...if i see sources saying things about this i just don´t believe it...their friends would never do that...that´s just me tough...
Why CH...why? *shakes head*
rosa - Hmmm...pressure...I don't know that I can name a specific celeb that I can see him with. More like...a type...someone with the demeanor of say, Christian Serratos (personable, funny, etc.)...but a little older, and with the ability to "get" his intellect. Someone who will speak up for him, but maybe with humor, not bitchiness. For all his meek behavior in public, I swear I can sometimes see the wheels spinning in his head when someone says something that interests him. He's said himself that he doesn't think it's possible to have a (my word here) "regular" gf with all the craziness going on, and unfortunately that's probably true.
I do agree with you...I think he gets taken advantage of due to his innate politeness. To the point that when he was trying to WORK on RM he took a lot of crap for not totally focusing on the fans...go figure (virtual eye-roll).
aw, I love Christian S. --- I used to watch her on Ned's Declassified when she was a wee lass. :)
In all honesty...what do we know whats best for Rob? We don't .
We don't know him at all and we don't know Kristen. There is obviously something he likes in the girl. It's plain as day..
I'm not a big fan of the saying."he's too good for her" or " he can get anyone he wants" etc. because clearly he wants her ... and he can't always get what he wants. Maybe that is the attraction. She doesn't fawn over him like the fangirls and fanwomen.
We scare him.. of course he's too polite to say it but admit it people are crazy. He's just a regular guy, doesn't need all the adulation.Now that he is famous.
Where were all these fans 2 years ago. Why wasn't he the sexiest man 2-3 years ago. Rob is not stupid he knows whats going on.
rosa - Yeah, she's adorable. I follow the cast members who Twitter. She's sounds so a typical young woman her age. Peter F. is a!!
danyasky said i hope eclipse have more make out scenes with rob and bella and i want to see a real kiss with tongue between the two of them
Why do you wish for that? Their job is to act, not to fulfill your sexual fantasies or voyeuristic desires. If you want to watch some "real" action, rent a p*rno.
GT: YES, he thinks fans are totally scary. As he should too, because it is scary how much we obsess over him-guilty as charged myself. This video always cracks me up, because the sheer disturbance on his face talking about how "extreme" fans his mouth twist in distaste::
I don't care if they are together or not, but at the very least, Kristen is Robert's wingman. And he needs one, because people really take advantage of his polite and gentle nature.
don't buy what the rags say,
and certainly not what ted spews out. all you gotta do is look at the pics they speak for themselves.
but we really should not be intruding on their lives too much.
maybe we should just look at his pics and be like he's pretty in a manly way of course.
oh and taylor is like kristens little brother, he is what 16? he's adorable in a cuddly way he has a g/f her name is sara. he was with selena gomez (15) very briefly last time in vc. she's a cutie too.
He's 17.
...i would not mind the kristen/rob thing if she just had a sense of humor and was not so arrogant. She seems like she is a difficult person and rob seems funny and down to earth. I bet he has to work really really hard to impress her...but maybe that is part of the attraction.I don't think she is" a romantic touchy feely "type of person and that is why she seems so nonchalant. He has always had a big crush and maybe he likes the idea that she does not go "all fan girl on him".
But she does have a sense of humour, isabel. Remember the early interviews on set they did together? They laughed a lot back in the old days. Not to mention her "getting pregnant"-remark at Comic Con.
well I for one am all for a relaysh between Rob and Kristen...he totally needs her in his life, that much is clear by the way he looks at her, talks about her, acts around her, takes her places, they share a freaking hotel room in her hometown!?! and so on...
and I might be biased here (I don't really care to be objective, this is after all an opinion) because I adore Kristen almost as much as Rob, but I find her totally smart funny and beautiful...and she totally gets him...
so yeah, I for one am sure they're a very happy couple...and I didn't need CH to confirm it for me, they confirmed it themselves. at this point if I'm wrong and they're not a couple, then one of them is for sure gay :S
hahaha, Rob being gay would cure my robsession now....
GT- I know what you're saying, but you just completely contradicted yourself.
First you said that we don't know these people and then you claim that clearly he wants her.
I'm sorry, but how do you know this for sure?
Did he tell you?
Although, I completely agree with you about the fan thing. I just get a little touchy when everyone talks like they know what is going through the guy's head.
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