Clear The Traffic: Rob's Driving a Porche in LA :) -UPDATED

Video is from X17 Online and they claim:
Kristen Stewart And Robert Pattinson Get Together For Lunch
August 8, 2009 - Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were spotted meeting to have lunch at The Hall At Palihouse in West Hollywood. Stewart arrived in a cab and Pattinson sped to meet her in his Porsche. The two have been seen hanging out at parties, concerts and hotels for the past few days in Los Angeles. Maybe they are finally ready to make things public!

Gozde: I swear I watched the video 5 times, I can't see if it's even the same place. Maybe if I knew the place I would see it. All I see is a Kristen cornered at an elevator by papz and a seriously pissed off Rob driving a Porsche... Yeah, Rob is driving a Porsche... Clear the traffic! :)

Thanks to Danni for the link

Update: In light of the new pictures, yes Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson had lunch. Marcus Foster was also in presence. Because of the nature of the creepy pap video, the subject of the photos (people having a private lunch with friends (lovers, friends with benefits, whatever you want to speculate) we won't be posting the pictures.


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Anonymous said...

Oh lawd...he looks something FIERCE driving that porsche!!

Damn that's pretty freakin' hot wherever the hell he was going..he looked good doing it ;)

Anonymous said...

I hated Porsche until I saw the pics of Rob driving one. Now I want one!

elikarae said...

Wow...I feel bad for Kristen. I would have told them all the f**k off big time. And Rob looks more then a little pissed there.

Unknown said...

Goz, The girl is Kristen, she has one of a kind mullet, very distinguished!!!

Feds said...

Kristen had a badluck with the elevator....she need it and it wasn't on the right floor poor girl...robert was so pissed off that he forget how to drive BUAHAHAHAHAH

One of Many Lisas said...

God, what a sh*tty, sh*tty way to live life. For both of them.

Would I trade places with either one? Not in a second.

Anonymous said...

Can I just say Rob has some big balls for a nervous guy driing a porche in L.A. outrunning some paps, I just drove from Seattle and nearly had a heart attack. LOL

Gozde said...

Oh yes, the girl is Kristen for sure. I didn't mean it she is not Kristen when I said I see a girl. I should make it clear *goes to edit*

EdwardsPanda said...

DAM he looks FINE riding that porsche *fans herself* XD

But i do feel for him and kristen the paps should lay the f**k off!!!

Lina said...

So.. She comes in and he drives out. And that means they met? Were was K hidding in this Porshe? Maybe in a boot...

Paps work must be lowest thing in the world...

RPLover said...

@EdwardsPanda-my thoughts exactly, on both points!

Marna said...

What a total guy, he can barely drive a car at all, & he gets a penismobile. I'm a little worried that the paps will get on his tail while he's driving, & there's going to be an accident.

showme said...

well u can tell he went to pali hall or whatever bc the valet sign says it as he drives in the garage. i can't see any signs in any of the kristen shots tho. but i don't know the rest either. i'm sure somebody who knows LA will tell us.

but LOVED seeing him driving the car. he was driving w one hand tho which will get the girls scared LOL
(i'm looking at you, Diane & Yvonne)


kARLOTITA09 said...

well the guy that ran after Rob's porsche seems like the same dude that blocked the papz from kristen..

so they were having lunch..big deal..

it kinda saddens me how pissed rob looked when coming out of the parking lot.

monika said...

so x17 is determined to get Robsten pix but they're sneaky so it's almost impossible? that's good

Crazystraw said...

ahh Godze you give yourself too litlle credit, to me you are awesome, I have toruble keeping up sometimes and you Run this thing! and everything, I can even tell from the way everybody talks to you or about you.
Anyway, I feel kind of guilty watching the video, cause I feel sorry for them I wanna hit those paps protect K and yell leave her alone and theng ask Rob sorry cause he looks soo angry

Anonymous said...

I can't see the video! Is it in youtube?

Crazystraw said...

and Rob shouldn't be driving a porsche for the sake of the heart of every woman driving in L.A.

Sara said...

Oh my, those poors bb's. Especially Kristen, the poor woman was being treated like a slab of meat at feeding time.
Ugh, I feel sick when I see things like that. No wonder I never watch the pap videos...

monika said...


lostinphilly57 said...

Yes, he does look fuckawesome driving that Porsche; but there IS going to be an accident one of these times and let's just pray that our boy Rob doesn't get hurt(although I'd LOVE to see him run over a few paps)!!Seriously,why do these paps have to be such scumbuckets and bottomdwellers? I wouldn't take that job for NO amount of money,it's worse than being a debt collector or a ticket meter giver.

Anonymous said...

YAAAYY! my parents are getting me a Porsche that looks exactly like that! Same color, same kind...

next year, i'm driving that bb

Libbyrenee said...

He is very upset leaving the garage ... I dont like that sad Rob, what if they had lunch together? I think it really doesnt matter, Poor them, no one should live like that and ... what the paps expect? and some crazy Robsten fans? that they start kissing in front of everyone in the red capert of the TCA? whether or not they are together is their thing ... I think ...
and, of course, because it is obvious, Rob looks very very very HOT driving the Porsche ...

Anonymous said...

I knew that pic from the other day wasn't Photoshopped. Just hope Rob's careful driving with the papz after him. He seemed like he was driving a little fast at one point. Damn papz!! I don't blame either one of them if they go postal on the papz one day. In fact I look forward to it!!

phosphorus said...

Who else is having coffee with them? There is a third person there.

Barb said...

Earlier I said I wasn't going to say anymore..well I lied..not really. At the time I meant it but I just saw the video and I'm SCARED!

No matter what the debate is (Kristen & Rob may or may not be together...You may or may not like her or whatever) I know that none of us want either one of them hurt(my mom mode is kicking in)...Watching these f**king paps gives me a bad feeling. NYC was one thing but now there's a "fast" car in the picture....Nothing good can come from this.

I really can't wait for them to get back to Vancouver..maybe it wont be so bad if they survive the damn weekend.

tnan said...

So they met up for lunch. Why is that 'shocking' news?? They've been hanging out together all week. Poor Kristen, I'd be scared sh!tless if they came down on me like that. And the mad dash and racing around with that car. Somebody's just begging to get hurt! You can smell their desperation.

selective_fox said...

@Lisa: those were my first thoughts after seeing that video.

Man what kind of a life is that? sad, sad, sad.. I don't envy them AT ALL. Sorry Rob, I love my freedom much more..

elikarae said...

Marcus Foster is also having coffee/lunch with them.

and there seems to be another person, a girl? Can't see her though.

wanabRPsmom said...

someone been tipping the pappz!

Rob is determined to do normal things w a gf? not sure he can do it
Hope no one gets yet KS and Rob hire a driver and bodyguard if they want to go out together.

Imo...all these playing coy dodge the q's and denial are starting to bite them back big time. Actors and pappz is a double edge relationship in HW.

Rob is such a nice guy..charming...down to earth..reasons millions of fans fell in love with him instantly. He said one time He does NOT want a gf due to the craziness surrounding him lately. Will he change due to KS?

Unknown said...


I guess they don't realize they were been photografed, and they don't look more than friends!1

Dilia said...

My god i feel so sorry for them, i would totally be having a panic attack if i was put under that situation.
They are just young people, sure very famous and rich young people but that in no ways makes the behavior of the paparazzi acceptable.
this is gonna end badly,they seem like really shy and private people and this is probably stressing them to no end.

phosphorus said...

phosphorus starts singing:
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

Marna said...

Everyone is making it sound like a romantic lunch, but if you look at the pictures on Bauer Griffin, you can see there are 2 other people with them. 4 people is not a romantic lunch. I guess it could possibly be a double date, but I don't see anybody acting date like.

GT said...

wow...& not a script in sight.

Unknown said...

In THOSE pictures they don't look like a couple!!!

Dilia said...

Let the crazyness go even more into overdrive with this new pictures of them having lunch

MBMOM said...

Video won't load - ;-((

Anonymous said...

Wow, I feel bad for the both of them. That is just crazy. Can't even do anything without the stalker-azzi being there bugging them.

Though, yes I agree he looks hot in the Porsche, I would much rather see him not looking so pissed off. I would much rather not see them at all actually.

And I never get what is so damned important about seeing someone standing next to a damn elevator (or whatever ridiculous things they do when being followed.)Not exactly photo worthy in my opinion.

Diane said...

You're at least half right, Sho. I've already assumed the fetal position & he's still 400 miles away. Why do guys have to be such guys? Put your other damn hand on the wheel, Pattinson! Those babies try to get away from you if you don't show'em who's boss. My husband once totaled one on the hwy (not a scratch) and before I could make an impassioned plea for public transport, he got another car. Two guesses what it was. You know what was going thru my mind, then as now. Yvonne, please come hold my hand.

Anonymous said...

here's pics

bimbambom said...

I don't feel sorry for them anymore.
They shouldn't be pissed.
That's what you get when you try to fool fans.

If there is a Robsten they deserve it. Why? No, I'm not angry because Robsten seem to be a thing. I just can't stand lying and sneaking.
As many of fans I belive in what Rob is saying. He denied it, so I didn't belive in Robsten. Now I'm done.

Just my opinion. And I guess that I'm in a bad mood today, that's all.

Dazzle said...

This is so much BS! The paps chasing them and the frenzy....we're gonna have another Princess Diana situation...leave him the F*** alone!! Damn, this is really scary!

Unknown said...

i love fierce Rob!!!

riley said...

Another day, another high profile spot to be seen at. Okay, Robert in a porsche looks awkward to me. Watching Kristen drop by the Palihouse Hotel for lunch, when the girl usually settles for sushi in the valley?lol Um, this is all completely surreal and I swear watching Robert hold his hand over his mouth made me think he knew he looked sorta ridiculous. lol

Here's the thing-I feel bad for them. BUT, they are going to pap friendly places. Notice how the paps like rushed her taxi too, like they anticipated her. Kristen and Robert look mortified, becuase honestly this is unnatural what they are doing. At least together.

The only conclusion is they are meant to be seen for whatever reason will be made clear later. In the meantime, I think they are somewhat mortified and embarrassed that they have to do this for whatever the reason is.

riley said...

bimbam: When was the last time they denied being together though? It's been months since he's done an interview where he's spoken up, same with her. Like six months probably. A lot can happen in six months.

And as I mentioned, they aren't sneaking. They are going to places where they will be papped. This may, who knows mind you just a guess, they're way of trying to tell people things have changed.

monika said...

@Danni,well don't know about you,but I'm not usually all over my bf when having a lunch or smth. like Robsten I'm not big on PDA

Steph is Legit said...

I'm still sold on their relationship from yest. early morning walk of shame out of chateau marmont. The last question that was asked regarding their relationship was at Comic Con.. which got dismissed. they never get dismissed it is always a NO. anyways...

He shouldn't drive like that, it's not safe. No, it's not because of his 10 hour drivers course because here in nyc where i got my license a person only has to do 12 hours. it was once a week for 12 hours. i have my license and have had it for 4 years and no accident. with that said. i think people need to stop making cracks about him being a terrible driver. i do feel that he should slow down. he could clearly injure himself and anyone else.

riley said...

ps bimbam: I forgot to add, robert and kristen have refused to comment on their romantic status since MTV movie awards. They avoided the red carpet, and they avoided the question at comic con. So Robert has not been lying to you or fans if their relationship status has changed.

phosphorus said...

@ bimbambom: Isn't that a little too harsh?

tnan said...

Just saw the Bauer pics (creepy angle!). They're having lunch with Marcus and some other girl @ the Pali. And they make it sound like such a secret rendezvous. Ridiculous!

Rebecca said...

I work in the industry and I can tell you that it is common practice for most couples to deny relationships or not remark at all on personal matters. And both rob and Kristen but especially Kristen are INTENSELY private people. Rob and Kristen are together but they are light years away from verbal confirmation. I have heard from multiple sources that Kristen at least doesn't feel like her personal life needs to be discussed just so the gossip rags will have something to print. She prefers to talk about her work if she's being interviewed. I expect we won't get a confirmation, but we won't get the old denial line "we're just good friends" anymore either.

Steph is Legit said...

i meant 12 hrs today not a shot a week. i dont have that kind of time to dedicate lol

Unknown said...

I didn't see food in those pictures, and kristen was near him in some pictures, not even a touch, if they actually look like BF and GF that picture ii woulb be posted by now!!!

phosphorus said...

@ Rebecca: Suppose you're right, we won't get this line any longer. And journalists - the ones not working for the gossip media - will from now on get told which questions are not to be asked when they'll meet Rob or Kristen for an interview.

Dilia said...

I was jut wondering..why on earth should the fact of them being or not being together affect us..its not like any of us know them or is not like by them being together there will be world peace.
from now on IM DONE with this whole crazyness of arent they or are they? I mean why should we care? is not our lives, we should all just stop speculating and feeding the frenzy that the media is creating with the lives of this two young people.
just let them live their lives.

Rebecca said...

RE: Phosphorus...I think that's the game plan. In interviews for promos they'll be told ahead of personal questions. Just like at comic con. And really, its their business, they don't have to confirm or deny anything, right?

Steph is Legit said...

like a few others and myself have posted before. when is the last time we had verbal confirmation regarding their relationship? mtv movie awards was almost 3 months ago...

a few of you are saying its not our business and you are all right, it isnt, but if you all truly felt that way you wouldn't be on a blog designated toward one person. HIM. so enough, you are all curious as well.

I have friends in the industry too and the first tell tale sign isnt to deny its to leave "no comment"

i know they dont owe us anything, but like someone else said before, we are all fans. we believe what he says is the truth. if he says no we believe it and the same goes if he says yes. but when he doesnt comment it is sort of like a slap in the face to lie to your fans. true fans want to see him happy whether we think kristen is a strega or not. public image is imp. in the industry and if his fans dont even like him for lying it wont look good for his public image.
i just think if they came out as a couple it would be easier. they wouldnt have to sneak around so much and eventually the pappz will get bored.

I also believe these "tips" are from their agents. many A-listers go by undetected. you are only seen if you want to be seen.

lostinphilly57 said...

Well, well. This should be very interesting to see what happens when they get to Vancouver with the rest of the cast. Let the drama begin - Rob and KStew, and Nikki&Paris, and the Tay-Tay "Love triangle"???? Man this is gonna be good and any paps up there are gonna have a field day with all this. I feel sorry for ALL of them now, this will not be pleasant. Even though I didn't like her too much before, Lainey's up there, and maybe she'll be able to give us some accurate info. But, then again, who knows??

riley said...

I agree they are very private people-which is why them meeting up at every hotspot that is a pap mainstay is what makes this all the more bizarre. It makes me want to cringe just watching them both do these odd little exercises. lol

Rebecca said...

Rumors in the industry are that some suits like the Rob/Kristen speculation, but don't want an outward confirmation b/c they know Rob's appeal as a single guy has skyrocketed his popularity a lot more than it would had he been "taken". This suits R/K just fine since neither of them are interested in selling their personal relationships to the media. However, they would like to spend time together and act like a normal couple. That's what the word/gossip is, anyway.

monika said...

Lainey and accurate info in the same sentence? sorry but lmao,the woman is so guily of selective reporting and twisting and stuff,it's not even funny. much like Ted actually.

monika said...

oops meant *guilty*

Unknown said...

I feel sorry for both of them when I see stuff like this... They're both so young and even though they're actors they are obviously not fame-whores like some of the celeb folks and couples out there these days... They seem to legitimately want to be left alone to lead a normal-ish life - can you blame them for seeming uncomfortable/annoyed/freaked out in situations like this? It sucks, regardless of whether they are a couple or not - and if they are, all the media attention certainly must be a kill-joy. Living under a microscope like this would be intolerable...

Sure that Porshe is totally freaking hot (esp with RPatts in it - lol) but honestly every time I see it all I can think of is "why did he even bother getting a convertible?" Poor dude's never ever going to be able to cruise around with the top down, you know?


elikarae said...

I say let them have their time together if they are in fact together. When they are ready to verbally say they are a couple then we can all be happy...for now just let them be.

elikarae said...

and yes I know...that is very wishful thinking on my part LOL

Crazystraw said...

@Rebbeca I agree I have always though very well of kristen since I saw her on Panic Room... I like the way both of them talk and the choices they've made career-wise.
I agree with you and furthermore found your views on the industry very intresting, now I have to go, but please keep writing!

bimbambom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
showme said...

Danni i see the exact opposite in those pics! she's practically falling off her chair to make leg contact! and his hand is prob on her leg inthe standing up pics. the body lang, facing each other all open and spread out is pretty undeniable to me. in fact, if i looked at this as a strange observer and didn't know them, i would say they were bf/gf

phosphorus said...

My younger sister just came back from China yesterday, she'd been there for three weeks. She told me how she and her husband were paparazzed there all the time. Her husband is tall and blonde, so this wasn't a big surprise. But she didn't expect to be such an interesting sight in Beijing after the olympic games last yearm (well, she is pretty, I have to say). "I just paparazzed them back. That was my revenge", she joked.

Unknown said...


And probably tonight they will be seen together again. It would be so easier and looks so more real if they do something a couple usually do in public just for once, at least would look more real, that all this sightings, i don't know why thingcan be easier, all this drama just give more hits to these sites

lostinphilly57 said...

Monica- yeah, you're right, those 2 words should not be in the same sentence. But I think that Ted C. is worse than Lainey. Then again, Lainey will be looking for all the attention she can get from posting any Twi-drama, so yeah, she'll be a media whore with this and will write anything regardless if its true or not. So I retract that sentence. LOL

showme said...

papz r tattling on each othr! RT @x17online Some paps (not ours, unfort), just paid $500 to get in back dr of hotel to get pix of RP & Kris!

cutecandy said...

:) They should just come out, it will lessen the speculation and people will just be chill to see them together IMO

GT said...

Why all the hate for Kristen?

Clearly Rob likes a friend or something more..who knows but she is the one he decides to spend his time with so we should accept this.

But saying your not a fan of him anymore because of who he decides to hangout with is juvenile.

They know each other better than we will ever know them.

Looking at blogs and reading every interview that they do or meeting them for 5 secs just does not cut it.

lostinphilly57 said...

I'm sorry, I spelled your name wrong, monika. Ooops, my bad. No hard feelings, huh?

Unknown said...


i just can't see, i'm not saying they aren't together, i think they are, but i can't see in those pictures

bimbambom said...

@riley and phos
You're right. It's too harsh.
I ate cookie and I feel better.
Yes, you're right girls :)

AW said...

Woo hoo! Ready for top gear. Hah!

"Baby, you can drive my car"

monika said...

@Rbecca,thnx,I thought it might be the case. It's common for many celeb couples to deny their relationships to keep this part of life for themselves. Well those two have not denied anything for months now,but they do seem like ScarJo/Ryan type of couple.

I think if they'll be outing themselves it'll be like the way Angelina and Brad did, no cheesy verbal confirmation but gradually allowing themselves to be seen together more and more often. It seems more natural that way.
I doubt we'll see much at TCAs, I think they're still controlled by Summit on this matter.

noisefaidaus said...

Good for you Godze not posting the invasive photos of them together for lunch,way to go!!!!!!

spunKILLER said...

Paps are like flies in L.A, They are everywhere and you can't Get rid of them!


Rebecca said...

Lainey sold her soul to the devil during NM filming. Nikki Reed that is. She trusted Nikki as a source and shouldn't have. Ted C. reported on this and for once was accurate. Nikki was Lainey's on set source last year, but feeding her inaccurate and blatantly false information. Now Lainey has egg on her face, but will never admit it. So she will snark her way through Eclipse filming with more inaccuracies most likely unless it becomes impossible to not report the truth.

FrankieBlue said...

The first part of the video is definitely Chateau M. Rob is driving into and out of the valet parking garage for Palihouse. It looks like Kristen at the elevator is actually Chateau again, but I've not entered Palihouse from anything but street level and when I valet I don't drive my own car down. :)
The Bauer-Griffin pics were taken from one of the floors at the Palihouse as the floors are open and overlook the patio at the Hall, where Robsten was dining. The two other diners are Marcus Foster and another guy, perhaps Bobby Long?

Athena said...

Wow... I hadn't seen the video in the post before. I only saw the screencap. Poor Rob... and poor Kristen!

BUT! Lordy Lordy... does he look good, pissed off in a Porsche!

LMAO! @ Gozde's comment about clearing the road!

By the way, you have to consider yourselves lucky that *I* do not have a driving license! ;)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

what do people want ?

do they want him to pull out his dick and start fucking her on the table

and what possible reason do they have to be spending all this time together? is it work? LOL

WOW i guess they are just working lol

lostinphilly57 said...

Rebecca: Oh my. I didn't know that Lainey's source was Nikki, OMG let's hope she doesn't rely on her again for info because that'll be a disaster, But I'm sure Lainey's chomping at the bit waiting for the whole cast to get to Vancity. This should be interesting.

riley said...

why an unspoken confirmation may be getting set up here:
1)Thursday-Kristen's ex seen out with a pretty girl -why is he getting papped in sherman oaks ?lol
2)Thursday--K/R at the concert, rumors of them heading back to CM
3)Friday-K leaving CM, Robert eating on the terrace. The terrace, really???lol
K/R at the concert, then leaving together.
4)Saturday--K going to meet Robert for lunch at the Palihouse Hotel. The Palihouse Hotel, really?

Just want to clarify how this looks really organized and how to very prviate people are doing suspiciously public things in the last three days. And i also think Robert in a porsche is set up in a sense--he's instantly identifiable now.

monika said...

Like how Rob's sitting,with his leg extended,touching KStew's leg:)

hot4pattz said...

This is such a sad video. How dangerous for both of them. Rob racing in that car and Kristen running for her life. This stuff needs to stop. maybe they just need to walk with their head held high and smile for the cameras so they dont have to run anymore. i see lots of actor actress couples do it every day. Come out and not run and all this crazy garbage will stop. they are never going to stop taking pics of you but maybe not such sneaky ones. they will move on to greener pastures. shoot how many people are on the Twilight cast? This x17 video really made me sick and scared. not a good feeling for my poor robby.

Unknown said...


I wouldn't mind if see him pull out his dick and start fucking her on the table... just kidding

phosphorus said...

@ Rebecca: About the game plan... Some actors' agents give out such long lists with topics that are not to be talked about that it hardly makes sense to conduct the interview at all. There's almost nothing left to talk about. A very awful situation if you want to do a portrait.

cutecandy said...

For real? Nikki was feeding Lainey those info and pics? Well she's been accurate on some aspects wasn't she? And we must admit she always knows the breaking news

monika said...

more footsie under the table? hehe

monika said...

yep Nikki was Lainey's source,it's fairly obvious.

Karina said...

lainey gets tipped off by Summitt too-she's always first on the scene for total photo ops--Taylor and Selena frolicking, Kristen and BF piggybacking, etc. She definitely has a deal with Summit, cause she got exclusive photos time and time again.

noisefaidaus said...

It is so sad that the paparazzi are so relentless in their pursuit that these two that they can't even drive to lunch without being hounded. I felt very bad for Kristen and Rob both.
But then it's our (the fans) selfish desire for around the clock news that makes this feeding frenzy possible.
I know some people will say that it's part of their life as a celebrities, but when was the last time anything like this has happened, Princess Di, the Beatles, this is not normal Hollywood treatment and if it is then it is shameful.
Rob and Kristen are obligated to put up with the fans and paparazzi at scheduled events, premiers, and interviews, now does that include their private lives as well.
Does anyone really have the right to stalk them at their place of work or to follow them around recording their most intimate moments, or times when they just want to unwind .
Maybe I'm just a bleeding heart.

elikarae said...

anyone else seeing that Kristen is wearing the same thing as she was last night...except no fugly jacket tied around her waist?

lostinphilly57 said...

Anyone think that Summit is behind ALL of this in order to just make as much money as they possibly can? I mean look at the speculation of them making Breaking Dawn into 2 or 3 movies. They seem to be SO money-hungry and want to grab it while all this Twilight stuff is hot; because face it, its not gonna last forever.Its just in its prime right now. If this is true, its so sad to see them play with peoples' lives and privacy like this.

Steph is Legit said...

i agree thats it rouses suspicion, but like i said yest. after i saw those pics of her leaving his hotel i was sold on their relationship. i dont venture onto any other sites besides here and i have google alerts, but most of the time it is posted here first.

Goz remains neutral which is why I come here. Lainey apparently had Nikki as a source so obv she took her word. Goz just posts how it is and not what it looks like. how it looks can be interpreted into many different ways. some of you can look at these pics and says "what the big deal they are friends" and then some like me have had enough denying it when the rumors seem to outway the "truth" granted if we believe in something strongly enough we will look for things to prove our theories right because we are cognitive misers and skip logic and go straight for what we see.

i feel bad for them mostly because i feel most of this hype has to do with keeping the hype up for the movies. that means being seen at obvious places that rouse suspicion or their own agents giving tips on where they are. they are under contract to appear to be doing certain things, but regardless of that fact i still believe them to be together.. she just got out of a serious long term relationship i think they are just casually dating, but still something is going on and its both for their benefit and summits

showme said...

I don't think they owe us anything except keeping themselves safe & this cloak/daggers shit is gonna get em hurt, esp rob & that car

i agree. makes them look bad. that being said, i think they stand to lose a lot of $ if they come out. tough decision

But at this point, summit should recog this train has left the station & protect their actors fr perhaps being killed by these papz!

FrankieBlue said...

If I were advising a celebrity couple that wanted to end the speculation about their relationship but did not want to make an actual statement, I would advise them to be seen continuously in places where the paps are staked out night and day. Both Chateau and Palihouse are such places. The two hotels are not even 2 miles apart and both R/K are smart enough to know where to go if they did not want to be seen. This is as close to confirmation as the Robsten fans or haters are going to get for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Man I am so sick of Rob/Kristen BS...seriously! He's a great actor and decent person..she's a really bad actress and a beotch...he can do so much better than that hoochy!

monika said...

@Karina, that too,she's on their payroll all right, and she already started hyping up Eclipse,we can already see daily pics of the Eclipse cast in Vancity posted on her site.

showme said...

riley i certainly hope u're right ab the coming out but i kinda doubt it, at least right now

Unknown said...


I notice the same clothes, and i also notice she need to wash her hair ASAP.

Aneska said...

I don't like this video at all. I don't like everybody talking about Rob's love life. I hate pappz. And I feel that good and happy days are gone. I miss laughing Rob :(

Unknown said...

Ok i keep seeing everyone say that Rob and Kristen are private people and they never will talk about their personal lives. Did anyone forget that in many interviews Kristen openly answered relationships questions when she was dating MA? So, since when did she become so private about her personal life? That would be right after the infamous Sam concert in Canada! Rob too, has openly answered the same relationship questions and now nothing. In a way, to me this adds speculation to their friendship/relationship what ever it is.

Also, someone pointed out the Kristen is a valley girl or something like that, this is totally true. Kristen did an interview earlier this year and said that she is not a hollywood girl and would never hangout in that are. Yet here she is in THAT area for 4 days now.

Rebecca said...

@riley Hmmmmm...your theory is making a remarkable amount of sense.

riley said...

showme-show me-not a verbal confirmation, mind you, a nonverbal confirmation. I think either they step it up for the awards show with another cue like the past couple of days. OR, all they are doing is setting the stage to be seen out publicly once they get back to Vancouver. Knowing Kristen and her tendency to totally lose her shit at public'm now guessing on the later. That this is the time to set up for Vancouver.

I think if you live in Los Angeles, it makes it a lot easier to see what's going on, like Frankie Blue mentioned. All the paps mauling them is sad, but it's expected when you go to such places.

Unknown said...


I know what you mean:

monika said...

oh christ

Some paps (not ours, unfort), just paid $500 to get in back door of hotel to get pix of rpatz and Kristen!


Aneska said...

Maybe I'm taking this too seriously but I'm a sensitive person and I'm tired. It's too late here so I'm going to sleep. Good night everyone, and sweet Robdreams ;)

elikarae said...

Rob and Kristen know EXACTLY what they are doing. They have NEVER been this public with themselves before. Separately or together.

CK said...

I didn't want to say anything about the footsie but thanks to showme for saying it first. They looked like bf/gf to me...the way they were leaning on the edge of their chair so their foot can touch. Time will tell I suppose...I bet there will be more of them out and about in Vancouver. Maybe it's time for me to fly to Vancouver to visit my sis in law. ;)

phosphorus said...

@ riley: I'm not sure if they wanted to be seen and got their picture taken after the Bobby Long concert. A blogger (well, Moon of LTR) did that, not paparazzi. And she was the one who not only reported it on LTT but also gave the story to this gossip site. They read blogs and use rss feeds and twitter, too. So they probably saw the pic at LTT and asked her for the full story.

So, yes, it looks organised but I still have the feeling something went wrong and was not planned that way. Wouldn't that explain why they look so uncomfortable with it? All this could have been done in a different way. And with more nonchalance.

Nikola Six said...

Haven't got time to read all the comments. Just skimmed a few. And I did something I don't ever do. I looked at a pap video and I went to a source site and looked at the photos. I wanted to see (just this once) how far these POS (pieces of shit) would go. Those overhead shots should be illegal. Most of the time they know they're being photographed, but these? They didn't have a clue. But these monsters can smell the blood in the water now and the pursuit from here on in will be relentless. And if they are together, all this intrusion will most likely rip them apart at some point. And question? With them being chased contstantly, why would they 'act' like a 'couple' in public? But that's not what I wanted to comment on.

As some of you may recall...once upon a time there was a beautiful princess whose life was hounded by these POS and eventually they caught her one night in a car and chased her into a tunnel and ended her life.


Maybe they need to come clean. My fear is that they will torn apart by the intensity of getting that money shot proving they are together. And what would be the point of that?

If Summits holding them back, they need to go tell Summit to fuck themselves. No movie is more important than their own lives and happiness.

I don't know. This thing could get very scary before it's over.

Careful kids.



wideyes said...

Even though the video is quite creepy and makes me feel second hand uncomfortable for Kristen and Rob, Much respect to you for not posting photo invading there privacy. I would like to think they wouldn't feel they can't go out to dinner in the future without it ending up on every fan site. Well done for rising above the rest.

Anonymous said...

This is my opinion, I think that they spent the night together, thus K is still wearing last night's outfit. They probably decided to meet up with his friends for lunch, but to get there separately knowing that the paps would b there to hunt them. Seriously, it does not matter where they go, those paps will b there :(

riley said...

rebecca: seriously, why is MA getting papped in the valley? :)

joeya-Kristen's relationship was "sold" in the media a lot during the promotion. I think she mentioned it a lot to fight romance rumors with Robert. But Summit sold THE SHIT out of it too, if you notice. Why do we all know that kid's name? Why was he always in frame half the time with Robert and Kristen on red carpet events? He was everywhere during promotion, and actively included in the promotional picture by the studio. I think the reason for this was to keep the image of Robert having an innocent crush on his taken costar that couldn't be realized nonetheless. Watch all the promtion for Twilight-that's how they sold Robert image wise. A sweet, unassuming babe with an innocent crush on his costar.

Unknown said...

The Video of kristen reminds me of deer hunting. I was waiting for the part shes trying to bite off her leg, or at least ruins the elevator-button.

And Rob....he looks like an axemurderer. Like a really hot axemurderer...but still like an axemurderer. I can read his mind: "maybe i could turn the car around and just kill them. Kill them and burry them in the Woods. I bet nobody would miss those bastards.

showme said...

i agree with u nik

posted the same thing. at this point it's about safety, and summit should let them out of the monetary contract ab not dating.

the boat has already sailed. it's time to ease some of the pap pressure. they shouldn't have to chose privacy/safety, but it's to that point now

i'm esp worried ab rob and the porsche

Steph is Legit said...

im waiting for tonight's photos.. if this is big.. its gonna rouse more suspicion if we all have yet another set of photos

showme said...

i agree that's what summit was going for riley

Steph is Legit said...

and kudos nik. agree with safety. there are so many factors that go into them just admitting it already

riley said...

phosphorous: I don't know if they necessarily wanted to cause a commotion at his friend's concerts honestly. They were classy at both concerts, trying to not draaw attention to their presence. And I honestly think they just wanted to see their friends play. So, I want to be careful with that point. BUT, they were going to be noticed by someone. The fact they are noticed the same night MA gets papped is what I find very interesting, after months of people calling Kristen a cheating whore. lol

Also, I think they look very uncomfortable in pictures. And I think some of that discomfort, if all my insane theories have any credence, , comes from the means justifying the ends. This is not Kristen's natural habitat. Robert actually is more natural in these settings, has frequented these places in the past. But him driving up to the Palihouse Hotel in a porsche? I'm sorry, I'm surprised he's not gauging his eyeballs out right He prides himself on being a hipster, not a new hollywood douche. lol :) It's all very conscipuous and "look at me," and neither of them are like that.

Nikola Six said...

And riley...

You one smart cookie. My gut says that Summit would prefer the "speculation" as it fuels the flame of fantasy and they've got FOUR more movies to sell us. They don't want anything messing with this franchise. Like for instance, the screwing around of their leading man and leading lady. But maybe it's more than just fucking going on. Maybe there are some actual feelings. And I also think we've got a couple of rebels in Mr. Pattinson and Ms. Stewart. This may be their way of telling Summit to go to hell.



FrankieBlue said...

Perhaps the first night at Hotel Cafe was more impulsive, but night 2 Rob's agent and manager were there. Staying at the Chateau Marmont and going to eat at Palihouse and being surprised to see paps is like going to a liquor store and being surprised there is vodka. That being said the Bauer photos from the upper floor is intrusive, but it doesn't look like they got anything on film except a foursome having brunch.

My point is that whether you arrive separately or together at such places when you are the fodder for tabloid speculation, have an upcoming movie to shoot, and a highly-anticipated awards show appearance in a few days, continuing to be seen together is a convenient way of making a statement without actually making one.

TwiHartRK said...

Athena - I'm laughing at your comments - yes, lawdy he looks good. Dangerous in a hawt and stay off the road kinda way. And I guess I should thank you for not driving then?? Thanks!

This is an intense car - let's hope Rob doesn't accidentally - or on purpose - run someone over.

Sam said...

well son of a bitch- it was him in that porche! This video is scary as hell. They attacked KS with the cameras- good grief...

monika said...

for those still insisting it's just friendship, I for one do not hang out with any of my guy friends everyday, and if I were to actually see one of them on a daily basis for almost two months while being quite far away from home, hell no,I'd prefer to spend the remaining time with those I wouldn't be seeing that much, like family,other close friends,bf.

Krista said...

Damn... he really gunned the hell out of that Porsche. That was dangerous... but so hot! And I think he should've "accidentally" swerved coming out of the garage to take out a couple of those bloodsuckers following him.

I still can't help but think that this all this paparazzi action and "excursions" with the two of them is awfully coincidental with the fact that they're going to be at a public event tomorrow and the media hype of New Moon is getting into full swing. Whether they are or aren't together, the whole thing just seems too orchestrated - the flashy car that's easily i.d.'d, going to places that are infested with paparazzi already... it's hard to tell if they're actually together or not, but I definitely think all these "sightings" are cleverly orchestrated publicity stunts. Think about it - once Brad and Angelina were confirmed to be together, the following died down a bit until she got pregnant. Plus, it did wonders at the box office for their movie. I'm just sayin'.......

Steph is Legit said...

here here monika.. and whatever happened to kristen and nikki being bffs 24/7. Nikki is in vancity.. they are in LA. They cannot use the "cast is praticing fight scenes" exuse because if bryce dallas howard is there and she is playing victoria, then the actor playing edward should be there too... but he is not. he is in LA

enjoykim said...

OK,I finailly jumped on the Robsten train...
Riley,your theory got me.It´s right,they def know how to stay under the radar,they proved it many times before,but they are SO showing themselves,it´s obviously...
Well,I´m really excited how they´ll behave at TCA...

monika said...

more pics

Steph is Legit said...

welcome aboard.

phosphorus said...

@ riley: I didn't have any doubts there is something fishy about MA being paparazzed in the valley. Nor about them going to all those places known for being a hunting ground of the paparrazi.

Still, this nonverbal confirmation could have been done in a more casual way. And why now? Why not the last time he was in LA? Or around Comic Con?

I wonder if there is a weekly magazine who has the photos to proove it (and does not want to give the scoop away online for free). They would have called them to get an official statement, so Rob and Kristen would know about it. This might be an attempt to get ahead of it. Out yourself before someone else does it.

Steph is Legit said...

and carrying luggage? really. even if all of this is to just make us believe they are together? how many people are buying it? i know im sold. i mean can they really be anymore obvious?

phosphorus said...

P.S. Why not in a week or two in Vancouver?

Athena said...

Mmmh... the only thing that disturbs me in all this is the thought that they are seemingly being forced to play the "Hollywood Game".

One of the things I like about Rob (and Kristen, I guess) is that he doesn't want to do that and I feel truly sad that now it seems like he has to (and I think it's rather plain that he's not liking it one bit). :(

If that's what's actually happening, of course.

One of Many Lisas said...

You'd think carrying that bag around everywhere she'd change her clothes a little more often.

wideyes said...

I hate Rob in this penis extension of a car.
"Who are you and what have you done with the real Rob!"

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
enjoykim said...

@ Lisa
Maybe she´s carrying her bong!? ;-)
just kidding...

phosphorus said...

Or a sewing kit for Rob. ;-)

emme said...

Rob said in an interview for twilight that Summitt wanted him a K to answer the questions about their relationship with "no comment" but they refused because see had a bf.

If Summit wants to promote K & Taylors chemistry as they obviously were at Comic-Con then they don't want R&K to say anthing since R admittedly won't lie.

It is all about the $$$ for Summit. They are using a new New Moon trailer to try and keep Bandslam from bombing at the boxoffice.

BTW it looks like the porche keys have rental tags on them and K is wearing R's grey t-shirt ;)

Anonymous said...

who cares about the car, omg look at kristen i feel so bad for her :(

Unknown said...

@ enjoykim

ROTFLMAO! Too funny!

AW said...

@Wideeyes: Hah! I thought all cars were penis extensions for guys. At least the ones I know.

CK said...

Wouldn't it be funny if KS shows up with MA at TCA and sticks her tongue out to the pap and says "fool ya!"

Anyhoo, who are we to say anything about Rob's lack of discretion in driving a Porsche? He can drive anything he wants and heck why not a Porsche?! I would if I am rich (which I am not...sobbing at the corner).

enjoykim said...

Hell yeah,that´s why he wore all those sewed clothes the last time-IT WAS HER,she did it!!And now they´re exercising and she shows him how to sew... ;-)
No shagging-just sewing...

Steph is Legit said...

there crocheting as well.. making mittens for the cast in their down time

Steph is Legit said...

there crocheting as well.. making mittens for the cast in their down time

Steph is Legit said...

they're ( ugh god i wish i could spell)

Anonymous said...

phosphorus said...

I was rather thinking about that shirt. It doesn't look like it will last much longer, especially not when worn at nights or days of passionate love making.

Unknown said...

As a mother of a 19 yr.old son this video breaks my heart. The paparazzi are ruthless and disgraceful. The sames guys that harassed Rob at LAX - I presume. If Rob and Kristen are together (and I believe they are)-imagine not being able to ride in a car together or display any kind of affection in public? The only place they truly have privacy is at her home or a hotel. And, I even question the privacy in a hotel suite. Perhaps it is time that they go about their life as if no one were watching. The paps are looking for proof of a relationship - maybe when they feel they have proof the harassment will stop or lessen. These kids obviously enjoy one anothers company very much. It is such a shame that they have to hide.
Does anyone know if their contract with Summit forbids or strongly discourages co-stars from dating?
If so, I say they both bail out of Breaking Dawn - that is of course, after they film the honeymoon scene and ok - the cottage scenes also :)

Jewel said...

I just realized how lucky I am, they are being chased everywhere, how can they act normal..

AW said...

Ok, taking the point nobody wants to think he's becoming Mr. Hollywood, I will say again that I think this car is more about Edward than Rob, although others don't appear to believe in prep for a role.

Diane said...

Ah, Nik, nice to see you! I doubt very much that Rob has purchased this car. We know what he managed to get around in during his last extended stay in LA. And he isn't going to need one what with upcoming shooting in Vancouver, New Zealand, France, etc. I'm betting it was leased for him by someone who wants to keep him happy right now. (And whether they're into cars or not, guys will always get a kick out of such a powerful piece of machinery.) Either Summit's feeling generous or they're purposely raising his profile so there will be more pics.

If that's the case, it's a dangerous game to play. I agree with much of what you say Riley, but the fact is they are sneaking around - they're sneaking into places with papz and Rob's gunning that damned motor out of a place with papz. If they're meant to be photographed together, then let them go about it in a straight-forward way, that doesn't produce such a feeding frenzy. Otherwise, somebody's liable to get hurt.

bonemama said...

These paps are looking for the money shot! How much will it be worth if they catch them in the act? Half a million maybe who knows! Paps are bold and itching for major cash!

enjoykim said...

Maybe it´s just promotion,Summit forced them to be seen together right now.And when they´re in Vancouver they´ll force KStew and TayTay to be seen so it´ll look like a lovetriangle...?!Summit would go too far...

Unknown said...

wideyes: i think most of us agreed that he looks so freeking hot in the porch... so please, your comment is out of place....

just saying :)

Miss B. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Athena said...

@TwiHeart: You're welcome! The day of the driving test, I almost took a roundabout straight (that's how bad I am), at that the examiner said "Madam, please pull over" and that was the end of my driving days...

For the rest, I agree with what most girls said re: safety first, freedom of being who they are and with whom they want. Oh, and Summit sucks in a whole new plethora of ways, if they are indeed behind this brouhaha, as I imagine.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...


rob looks so hot driving that car


come on people i cant believe u are still in denial

if they are not dating they are definitely fucking

and its been going on for awhile

and summit not forcing them to be together

they are doing it on their own

Shani said...

Rebecca- Thanks for that confirmation. That's totally how Kris seems to feel about her private life. Neither feels they need to make a public announcement.

I thought everybody knew by now Nikki was Lainey source. It was talked about so much at that time.
So Rebecca your saying all the info was blatant lies. So no
hook up with you know who? No
wonder Rob was so mad that time
when those two silly girls wanted a pic and one claimed to big this big time blogger. He asked if she was Lainey. If it was her he was going to tell her ass off. Hmmm...interesting.

Riley- Yeah slow outing sounds about right too. Like their thinking will show everybody with our actions since Summit want allow us to talk.

Nik- Good insight with your theory as well.

Unknown said...

did anyone notice how BOTH of Rob's feet are in between Kristens? It is in that picture that shows all 4 them at the at the table.

lostinphilly57 said...

Hey, I'm not trying to be hatin' on Kristen but even though I agree she should not be hunted down so dangerously by paps like that,her "allegedly" getting involved with Rob involves this kind of pap circus. She's old enough to realize what she's in for with this relationship with him. And if that's who she choses to be involved with, then hey, she's gotta expect this shit to happen. If she didn't want all this hunting down and stalking to happen, then she should've never gotten involved with Rob. She's a big girl, let her handle it. As for Rob, he's just clueless about all this.

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aleksandra said...

HQ pix

Shani said...

Phos- That could be possible too. Like that lady who writes PAGE SIX said awhile back that she has a lot more info on celebs than what she publishes. And Diddy threatened her that time about the info she knew. So she didn't report it.

Aleksandra said...

@enjoykim that tactic would just backfire on them,don't think they would be that stupid,too many Robstenites,the idea of KStew/Taylor is vomit-inducing for 90% of this fandom,they're like brother and sister,besides it would make KStew look like a whore and TayTay's been seen with his ex lately.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i wonder how all this going to play out

time will tell if their feelings are true or just lust

enjoykim said...

Well,I´m sure the Porsche is a rental car,you can see it on the tag on his car keys.It´s Studio Services Inc.,a car rental company in California...
BTW,Rob´s not wearing the bracelet anymore...

boleyn said...

I am confused by why some think Rob & Kris being seen together is promo for "New Moon"? Doesn't "New Moon" open several months from now in November?

To me, this does not reek of a promo attempt. This reeks of them getting outed at Bobby Long's concert by a fan (not the paps) and deciding to begin to come out with it/make their relationship more public. The jig was sort-of up so to speak...

Diane said...

wideyes. Please don't be put off by someone telling you your opinion is inappropriate because most others might disagree. That is not the norm for people who post here. This blog is meant to be a place for anyone who likes Rob to express their views and consider the pov of others who support him. Posters who don't respect that don't last long.

SugarM said...

The relentless pursuit of R & K by these paps just makes me so sad :( I wonder how Robs paranoia is these days. He certainly looks hot driving that Porsche though.
@ Athena *waves* lol at your driving test. I agree with you & most other comments re: safety & freedom. I can’t wait for the Twilight saga to be over. I am hopeful this crazy will settle. I suppose that if they are really together there will definitely be no rest from the paps. I am curious how much photos of these two are really worth, with the extremes these paps go to, I’m sure it’s big bucks.:(

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hot Damn Rob!! How I love Bad Ass Rob...and fuck if he doesn't look fine in his new toy...

I don't give a crap what he's driving..he deserves to let lose a little, and if that means driving a penis car, the so be it.

I just don't want him to crash..more concerned about his safety...

The photos from the roof are scary-too bad the pappz didn't fall & break their camera's (or neck)

I'm not going to speculate on Robsten because it's none of my business...

But...they seem to be out in public more than usual..

However, in Vancouver, everyone was always out & about..but more in groups I suppose.

Hopefully once they get back to BC things will calm down a little.

I love Rob, no matter what he may or may not be doing...

And I do love Kristen-but she looks like she needs a shower.

riley said...

Diane: I see your point, but to me sneaking is about trying to hide something. There's a million places for them to sneak to in LA and not be seen. If they go to places where paps are, that ruins the whole point of sneaking. I tend to think this: notice that they are being seen together--but not in a romantic way, or in vague ways. The reason to do this, if you look at how other couples have come out, it's all about rolling a couple out publicly in baby steps. Baby steps are used to get people, especially fans adverse to a coupling, acclimated to them s say, friends, before launcing into new sightings where they look more close than friends.

I don't want this to sound like they are being manipulative either, because they aren't. WE the public, if this is what they are indeed doing(who knows?lol) are the reason they are having to resort to these basic pr steps, because we are all being nosey about their lives. I think it's one of those things where they have to trust others with more experience about how to do this, but they don't enjoy the process really.

and to whoever mentioned this--I did not mean to imply I'm judging robert for driving a porsche. My point is Robert tends to be much more mellow with appearances. It's not his mo necessarily, which makes me simply question why the car and other behavior this weekend isn't his or her mo either.

Emily said...

I refuse to watch videos like this. They make me feel sick. It's wrong to hound people like this. And I don't feel that way just because it's Rob. No celebrity should be stalked/chased/pursued...whatever was happening in that video. People have become so obsessed with 'catching' Rob and Kristen doing anything that it has become dangerous and just ludicrous. They may be famous and I get that this type of thing comes with the territory but not to this extent. Some people seem to think that being a celebrity means you have no right to privacy anymore. Last time I checked, they are just as entitled to privacy as the rest of us are.

Goz - Thank you for not posting the other stuff. Good call on that. My thoughts are with your family and wishing you the best.

maha said...

Hi everybody there

Rob looks so wonderful so hot in Porche, and I love the color.
About the pictures of Kristen and Rob I really can't imagine how much the paparazzi are rude to take these pictures . And what is wrong if they have their lunch together as friends ???? and what is the point of trying to prove they are dating while both of them denied that?!

But I really feel sorry for Rob no privacy at all, how can he deal with this being stalked all the time by noisy and rude Paparazzi.

I hope this is not effect on him he should enjoy his time with his new Porche ^_* .

Emily said...

rpattzgirl - LOL @ Kristen needing a shower. Seriously, Rob can pull off the unwashed, greasy look but she can't. And will someone please explain to me why she always has her shirt tied in a knot? Sorta driving me crazy.

mya bluesky said...

poor really worry now..
please Rob get a cab instead driving on ur own..with the whole papz things,im really scare...

@phosphorus: the blue shirt is the one written Bali at the arm,i've told u before.thats my favourite one..

boleyn said...

I am sorry if someone else already posted this. People has an article about R & K online.,,20296866,00.html

Aleksandra said...

by saying it's just part of a publicity stunt you're insulting both KStew and Rob,they wouldn't sell themselves out like that. that'd just damage their credibility.
they're not like that,they're not HW whores,they don't need any more publicity than they already have,same goes for NM. this theory is out of the question imo.

boleyn said...

Sorry, hopefully this time the link will be clickable.

People Artilce

Temptation said...

Well it cleared up the mystery about the pictures of Rob in a porsche being photoshopped, now we know. Can he drive a Porsche?? that is debatable, regarding the Robsten thing still not sold on the one only time will tell....The KCA will be interesting though, it must be so uncomfortable for them both..

Crazystraw said...

Hi Temp! =) missed the Aussie girls!

RPnKSaddict said...

wow just got home from work and came across the pics of the "lunch",on another site. So I come straight here because I trust Gozde's veiw.
I couldn't watch the video but read the comments.
My stomache is in knots for Kristen and Rob. I'm scard that there will be another "Princess Diana"incident in the makings.
I just don't know what to think anymore.Some of the happenings and pictures over the past few days have me questioning my stand on Robsten.I'm still on the perverbial fence.
More importantly is the conformation of "are they,or aren't they", worth either of them getting hurt by pursuit of the papz?
Regardless I think they should be left alone. I feel sick.

Emily said...

RPaddict - We're totally on the same wavelength. Well said!

Temptation said...

I think we are all feeling the same although I am starting to feel, how do I put this so I don't offend, I feel like they are taking the piss out of us. Now I love Rob like everyone else on this site but quiet frankly I wonder if it's a publicity game at the moment. I know you are all going to come down on me for saying this and I do agree it must be horrific to have people follow you 24/7 but admit it, the reason they are being followed is people want to know are they or aren't they. OK whatever it's none of our business but why the big drama, for example Zac Effron and his chickie babe came out from the begining, no drama. Based on Rob's mood I can see a huge Pap explosion happening soon and we can imagine it will be justified.

Hi Veronica, had a huge party last night and I am a little hungover- KCA = Kids Choice Awards, I think it's monday in US?? Plus I am cranky I just found out my lover to be may be cheating on me with a young 19yo with a mullet HAHAHA

riley said...

temptation: I won't come down on you re: thinking it's a publicity stunt. I realize why it looks that way-they are trying to get papped in many ways. But one way to look at it is this: what are summit gaining by this stunt that they already didn't have? Rob and kristen have been dominating headlines all summer, and they've been nowhere near eachother. Why these elaborate setups to be papped just for publicity, when they make publicity already without lifting a finger. Robert sneezes and he makes headlines.

Secondly, what do Robert and kristen gain from such a stunt? Nothing. They are already overexposed, people are getting sick of them frankly. It's too much attention for two kids no one knew a year ago. At least Brangelina had bonafide star power for a coupling. One thing both of these kids have made clear is they aren't going to do things for the franchise that compromises their prospects long term in the business. So, they gain nothing from this.

The question is why they are doing it though, if they aren't doing it for publicity's sake, and I think people have different opinions on that count.

Temptation said...

Thank for being so nice Riley I suppose it's hard to understand from where I sit in Australia, we have no idea how frantic and crazy pap's can be. Orlando Bloom was in Melbourne and we didn't even know he was here ?? Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes went to the Aquarium and it didn't even make the paper...Rob and Kristen have nothing to gain from all this drama and if their attitude is it's no one's business that too is understandable......BUT if you take that attitude you must then realize what the consequences will be.. they are actors, YES YES actors are people I know but they also rely on FANS to appreciate there work...It's a very fine line what is right and wrong...

riley said...

(can you tell I'm down with a cold, and only have my computer for company this weekend? My husband is watching tv and ignoring the fact I'm too consumed with aa younger man:lol): temptation, it is a fine line. I think the problem with both of them is they both have competing loyalties at stake here, and no matter what they do, they are going to compromise those loyalties in some manner.

They have an obligation as the heads of a franchise to be team players. Yet they have an obligation to keep some individuality too to make sure the don't compromise their longevity in the long run professionall(they want to be the harrison fords of twilight, not the Mark hamill. They have an obligation to their fans. yet they have an obligation to themselves to have something left at the end of the day that is just for them and those that are their friends and family and loved ones.

In that light, I think fans have to give them some leeway and understand no matter what choice they make they are probably compromising one or more of those loyalties in the process. Cause not everyone can be made happy at the same time.

I feel for the kids, whether they are just bffs or even something more. Either way, theirs lives are pretty complicated at an age where what I wanted to do on a ?Friday night was my biggest decision to make. :)

capitu-louca said...

Srsly, do you really care if they are or not together???
That is THEIR f*ing business!
Like I care...

I only come here to check on his pics. He is gorgeous, talented and adorable.

I hate all those speculations... srsly, let them be...

Temptation said...

We can also look at it on a positive note, how many actors are out of work at the moment ??? I think they are both very fortunate to be working so perhaps that is how they deal with all the drama. Look at the success Twilight has brought Rob, it is because he is HOT property at the moment that people do want to sign him up. He is yet to prove himself in the world of acting and it must of been so hard on the remember me set trying to focus with all of those screaming girls on the sidelines.

I have a monster hangover so I am typing to distract myself sorry for the bad spelling and waffling....

Crazystraw said...

Temp, I thought you were gone, haha I had a hughe party last night as well although it's saturday night right now, (my party was friday night) but one thing I'm lucky, I don't get hangovered =)

Georgie said...

Hi guys, i've been lurking on and off on this blog all day and followed the links and the whole "story" unfolding of the second concert and then lunch/brunch whatever it was that the papz so intrusively snapped from above, and have been quite entertained by all the conjecturing going on over the fact that R&K are frequenting well-known Hollywood celebrity haunts that are swarming with papz and Rob is in a conspicuous car and there is a strong school of thought amongst the bloggers that this could be deliberate - on the part of Summit/R&K management/even R&K themselves for a "soft" outing of their relationship. Then again others are thinking it is a gross invasion of their privacy when they're trying to stay under the radar. I'm keeping an open mind on the why's and wherefor's but I def think they're an item - which will make the Teen Awards very interesting.

BTW I've worked out that live streaming will be 10am Aust EST Monday.

Georgie said...

Ha ha I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering - I went to an Angels concert last night and am 3/4 deaf today!

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