Clear The Traffic: Rob's Driving a Porche in LA :) -UPDATED

Video is from X17 Online and they claim:
Kristen Stewart And Robert Pattinson Get Together For Lunch
August 8, 2009 - Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were spotted meeting to have lunch at The Hall At Palihouse in West Hollywood. Stewart arrived in a cab and Pattinson sped to meet her in his Porsche. The two have been seen hanging out at parties, concerts and hotels for the past few days in Los Angeles. Maybe they are finally ready to make things public!

Gozde: I swear I watched the video 5 times, I can't see if it's even the same place. Maybe if I knew the place I would see it. All I see is a Kristen cornered at an elevator by papz and a seriously pissed off Rob driving a Porsche... Yeah, Rob is driving a Porsche... Clear the traffic! :)

Thanks to Danni for the link

Update: In light of the new pictures, yes Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson had lunch. Marcus Foster was also in presence. Because of the nature of the creepy pap video, the subject of the photos (people having a private lunch with friends (lovers, friends with benefits, whatever you want to speculate) we won't be posting the pictures.


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Temptation said...

That's because your young and healthy, I on the other hand have done far too much partying over the years, drink too much and also don't exercise. So when I drink it takes me 3 days to recover, although it was a great party so it was worth it. Everyone seems to be in a crudy mood today, just checking out a few of the comments "the girls are shity".

capitu-louca said...

Oh, how much I hate those paps. Can't they find a real job?
Do you think their moms are proud of what they do for living?
Maybe they just don't have moms...

Temptation said...

GEORGIE the angels SOOO COOOL, the party I went to had a cover band and all New Romantic song's 80's, so funny and the sad thing is I knew all the words to every song....I was dancing, singing and DRINKING all night...

Crazystraw said...

I'm just sad about the whole deal, seriously I saw the video (thing that I don't usually do, cause I only check this blog) and I wanted to protect K hit the pap and yell "leave her alone!" and then go and help Rob get away while saying to him "I'm really sorry" cause he looked so angry and tired...
And I really wish one day I could work there too, cause I love acting and movies and all and I hate that part, but I know it's a price to pay, but really...
And besides, I don't know if they're firends or couple, but it's their choice, or maybe they're figureing it out... they should be able to do so...
Isn't the whole problem a Summit contract or is it just a rummor?
ok sorry I got carryed away....

showme said...

first pics of rob at marcus foster sans Kris tonight

JittzPattzingRT @robstenlovers Rob out tonight ...more love for Marcus Foster!

Temptation said...

Does anyone remember Russell Crowe being interviewed and LA Pap's were giving him such a hard time. He said that what he does now is wear the same jacket and cap everyday so it screws them up when they go to sell their photo's because they don't look new because he has the same clothes on. Do you think that is what Rob is aiming at or is he just a Hobo and like to wear the same clothes???

Georgie said...

Oops didn't realise we've gone onto a new page.
Sounds like a great night Tempt! Yeh Veronica & capita - a lot of emotion expressed on here today and a lot to process as well. As I said: bring on the Teenie Awards so we can at least see Rob in the open and not furtively.

Tempt: I'm gonna go ahead and book for the Twi/NM movie night in Sydney with both my girls. I think I saw Orion mention on here yesterday that this should be the first screening in the world!

Crazystraw said...

hahaha in my party they played this hideous music called cumbia (a version that trust me, not good at all) and I wanted them to play Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Dire Strites and rock to listen, or at least another kind of dancing music...

Crazystraw said...

hehehe yeah, you're right georgie, but some of the girls, well, I had to leave, I started to feel guilty or uncomfortable... good thing, I got to talk to Gozde as she was in at the beguinning but then it started to hmm changing to spanish... "se empezĂł a picar la cosa"

Georgie said...

..having trouble with that link, showme.

Yeah that Russell Crowe clothes thing makes sense - why else would Rob wear that tatty plaid blue shirt all the time but out of a bit of contempt for the unwanted publicity. Although us Robsessors see eye candy in any pic of him - be it snatches of finger porn, jaw porn, the al.

Temptation said...

The pages are jumping all over the show it's getting confusing. That's why we are going to the NM screening because it's the first, are you doing the whole thing or just NM at midnight.

Surely Rob is not going out to see Marcus Foster AGAIN.. wont that be 3 nights in a row now???

Georgie said...

Yeah Veronica, I saw you were on here the same time as Gozde! Love your taste in music too.

Anonymous said...

@showme: No more kristen tonight eh?

Temptation said...

YOU ARE NOT LOST - I think you are lost - what are you on about???

Georgie said...

We'll also go and see Twilight coz I've never seen it on the big screen!

Dani said...

I will give my two cents. I shipped the whole Rob/K Stew thing a long time ago.

If they are a couple yay for them they both dress like street people, smoke and seem to be intelligent people who are interested in the same things.

So K Stew light up your bong and boff Rob's brains out. I am in full support.

Interesting however that during the whole filming of Twilight and after during promo K Stew was always pictured with Michael Angarano her bf. But nowadays he is no where to be found.

Hmmmm speculations away I will believe it when they come out with pictures that are a bit more convincing then friends seeing a concert and having lunch together.

Just sayin...proof is in the pudding and I see no pudding.

None of us are going to fuck these cats so either way good for them.

Temptation said...

Are you serious I think my daughter saw Twilight around 12 times, it came on during the school holidays.... I just thought of something...What happens if NM is a load of CRAP....should we like say "well that was interesting"...

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Crazystraw said...

Temp-nop, the second, the first one was a Bobby Long... maby he's playing differt songs...or he goes to support him, I've been to the same kid's play t support my best friend at least 3 times in one season...

thanks Georgie! I try to pass it to others, but I don't succeed much ...

Temptation said...

Dani never say never - the universe works in mysterious ways and anything is possible...What is interesting is that although they go out with friends the pap's never take pics of them so it seems like they are always alone together..

Crazystraw said...

oh and don't worry temp (by the way, do you mind if I call you that?it's to short it up) I have a feeling that you won't be needing to cope and say "well that was interesting"...

Georgie said...

Well said A; isn't this the 3rd Bobby Long gig though? Yes I can understand Rob supporting his friend by going to all his concerts if he's available.

Temptation said...

You can call me anything you like....I just think that it's interesting with all of these type of films i.e. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter etc. they take a big step assuming the second/third will be as good as the first. I have not doubt from what we have seen it will be fantastic and even the makeup etc looks so much better, I think more money was spent on this one.

Georgie said...

As long as I can look at Rob, NM WILL be good!

Crazystraw said...

no no, it's been the first one of Bobby long then one of Marcus Foster of those I'm sure...and now aparently anotherone of Marcus Foster?

Dani said...

Surely love never say never.

Rob could certainly fly on over to Portland Oregon knock on my door in some tight jeans with a big ol cheesecake in hand ready to slam my pregnant ass and feed me tasty goodies all night long.

Oh...I just woke up. WHAT THE HELL!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...


they may not be dating but they are definitely FUCKING

what you think she was doing in his hotel room all night

playing scrabble and reading the bible? LOL

orion said...

Hi, girls! I agreed with u Georgie I think they r a item. Hey, did u get the tickets?

orion said...

I forgot: he look so hot in that porsche...

Georgie said...

Thanks Veronica, I get confused by all these Brit boy muso's!

Ha ha Dani, sounds like you've been dreaming a ff!

Danasky: I reckon whatever it is, judging by the looks between them and from what I can tell, I think the BIG L may be involved.

Dani said...

I definitly don't see Kristen or Rob reading the bible. Perhaps using it as a headrest as he gives it to her like a filthy wench but no reading of the bible for those lil heathens.

Georgie said...

Hey Orion, not yet but if I get my arse (ass) off this blog I'll get around to making the bookings LOL! Then we'll all have to arrange to hook up on the night.

orion said...

Danyasky : I think what she was doing with him, is all what WE all want to do with him or to him

Georgie said...

Dani - Portland Oregon: did you get to see any of Twilight being filmed...or even see the object of our obsession himself??

Karina said...

New Moon pwns Twilight by miles, you can already tell. CH overstylized Twilight, and sorta forgot to tell a coherent story in the process. CW looks like he's got his priorities in better order, including the fact that Edward isn't wearing kabuki style makeup this time out.

orion said...

Georgie go and do it NOW! so we have a fun night talking about our favorite subject...

Dani said...

@ Gorgie. No chica I didn't actually make it to the set although they were filming really close to the hospital where I work the high school.

I will be honest I get REALLY super embarassed around celebrities and every time I meet one which has been on a few occasions I generally get really chatty and say weird stuff. Not creepy but just off color and odd.

Besides at the time the Twimoms were like buzzards on a corpse around the filming sites and really put a bad taste in my mouth.

boleyn said...

Rob and Kristen did tons of press and promotion for "Twilight" in multiple countries; TV, online, magazines, etc. Of course, this is done with other movies but the hype and press for "Twilight" was immense because of the existing online/book fan base.

We were supposed to become interested in the actors to help sell the movie! Well, it worked...perhaps better than anyone could have predicted, especially in Rob's case. Once that level of admiration and "involvement" has been generated it is pretty hard to take back. The train has already left the station so to speak and everyone involved in "Twilight" is along for the ride.

The media was used to promote the movie, as well as the actors in the movie. The actors gained an immense amount of visibility which is to their benefit. That's the good side. I think we can all see the downside. That level of fame or notoriety, admiration and fan involvement can cut both ways.

Not really sure what my point is...just musing out loud.

Georgie said...

OK Orion/Tempt let's do a headcount: the 3 of us, Keti, and JandR maybe flying over from the West and kespax maybe from Melbourne. Sounds like a plan! I read somewhere that the RobKats (a legendary group on this blog) all got together at one of the Brit boys' concerts in Texas recently. To think that ours would be a gathering brought together by Gozde and Dani through Robsessed!

orion said...

Georgie I was thinking to take a photo of us with a sign ROBsessed and send it to the blog...don't forget that we're going to be the first ones to watch 'New Moon' in the whole world, LOL

Dani said...

Oh and I also involuntarily touch people. I actually hung on Stephen Baldwins arm, I was grabbing it like we were old friends when I met him in a bowling alley. He was very sweet about it.

I am way too friendly in person at times, 5 min past meeting me you'll be invited over for spaghetti and sangria.

Georgie said...

Well on that note Dani, you and your new bub are welcome to come and join us Downunder for the "world premiere" of NM.

Crazystraw said...

hehehe no problem Georgie!
I think if they're togheter it's because they like each other or they are in love (hope so, I love romance in my own way)
that "only fucking..." well, if it makes you happy... doesn't work for me... there must be a spark there! something!
and I'd like to think that they're like that =) it's so beautyful to see people really fall in love...

Dani said...

GORGIE!!! You're a doll. I adore Australia it is my favorite place in the world. I had an amazing time there in 2005 for my honeymoon. Good people, good food, beautiful place I AM SO THERE! LOL!

orion said...

That will be great! so is a date then...I'm going with my daughter and one friend, she is not a fan, but we can "make"

orion said...

Well Dani, you can join us, here in Sydney

Georgie said...

Great Dani you're welcome!!
Orion: There's another Aussie girl on here - Athena - that I think is from Sydney, we should try and "recruit" her as well.

Georgie said...

Awwww Veronica, we'd love to have you come over from Uruguay too!!

Crazystraw said...

sorry, I get romantic when listening to chopin nocturnes...

Dani, hi, you said you were pregnant? congratulations!

orion said...

I saw her in the blog, but didn't know she was aussie, of course, we recruit her too. But get the tickets now coz there no going to be out forever.

Georgie said...

Yeah my girls are coming on the proviso I take them to Wicked on the Thursday night, so I'll have to make sure I can get those tix as well - should be far enough in advance!

Dani said...

I adore the lovely Rob fans on this blog and I have never met an Aussie Rob fan on here I didn't like.

Alright my lovelies it is getting on 11:23PM for me here in Oregon and I am beat. I feel so old going to bed before midnight all the time but chasing after a 2 year old and being infested with another baby on the way just makes me so tired.

Oh and Rob came by earlier with K Stew and we had a riot of a threesome but sadly my camera broke and we lost all the pictures. So sorry :(

Crazystraw said...

Awww thanks Georgie! trust me, if I could I'd be there in a blink!

orion said...

Hi Veronica! how r u? no worries I think we are all romantic here ;)

Georgie said...

LOL G'nite Dani, dream on....

orion said...

Good nite, Dani!

Georgie said...

Anyway my lovelies I too must go and get the washing off the line before it goes cold and damp. I'll try and find that link for the live streaming of the Teen Choice Awards b4 I go though.

Athena said...

Hey Mandy! Great to see you here! :D It's a really (and I mean *really*) nice place! Gozde is just awesome! :D

What you said about the Twilight saga... I love the books and the movies and all, but honestly, I can't wait to see Rob off Summit's hook altogether... maybe then things will start getting a bit more back to normal, at least I hope!

Re: Paranoia. Yeah... I do hope he is sticking to what he said in that interview in Cannes and holding on to himself and avoiding negative thoughts. Here's hoping with all my heart.

Crazystraw said...

Sweet dreams Dani! hahaha Hi Orion!

orion said...

Georgie don't wait till thursday, u just have to call. See u later then

orion said...

Georgie, do u have the link for the Teen choice awards?

orion said...

Hi Athena! Georgie told me that u r from Sydney,yes?

Jacqui said...

Hey Girls,
I'm another Aussie. Been lurking around here for months but have only posted recently. Have been watching very closely for past 48hrs as this all actually too lost for words to respond to any of it!(as I head to kitchen to get another scotch & drown my sorrows!!!)

orion said...

Hi Jacqui! we're planning with the girls to go to watch "new moon" in the Ritz in Sydney, do u want to come?

Georgie said...

Someone posted this link the other day, hope it'll work:

Teen Choice Livestream

Don't forget 10am Aust EST Monday (5PM Sunday LA time).

I'll work from home tomorrow morning because home cable is faster than work ADSL!


Jacqui said...

I do want to get up there, I'm in Melbourne. Trying to work out logistics of it. Wonder if it would be suitable to take my 12 year old son to? He'll be so peeved at me if I dont take him. He started all this twilight / Rob thing I have!
Are choice awards screening on Foxtel in Oz?

orion said...

See ya Georgie! and Thanks

orion said...

Yes Jacqui you can bring your son, I'm taking my daughter with me and she's 12 too.

Crazystraw said...

Ok, girls, I have to make my leave, given it's 3:35 and time for me to be nice for a change and go to bed.

I guess I'm still a litlle puh over how R&K are being treated... ok won't repeat myself...

As always, a pleasure talking to you guys, I'm really fond of you, and you've been great, cause it can get a bit lonely here, they have different ideas and such.
so thanks a lot!
hope to see you soon
night night

mya bluesky said...

new photo of Rob entering a nightclub for Marcus Show at 8 august 09...and now he is ALONE :))

i think he really like blue, and he really looks gud in blue..

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if anyone has a link to where I can see that's Kristen hat that Rob's been wearing? I can't seem to find any pics of Kristen ever wearing that particular hat..???

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if anyone can help me find a link to see that its really Kristen hat that Rob's been wearing cuz I can't seem to find any pics of Kristen ever wearing that particular hat...???

orion said...

ok, Veronica see u soon.

Em Sao said...

I'm really REALLY SHOCKED about the porsche : this is sssoooo show off and Rob's never seemed to be a show off guy. it looks so wrong... What is it about the men and car attractive almost sexual thing??? I never got it...

And about the other story : if they officialy come out, then they'll have more peace coz it then be official so nobody will no longer care and papz' pics of them together will get less priceless and so the papz will move on to next rumor. See what i mean?

Sorry for my bad english.

Athena said...

@Georgie: I'm actually not an Aussie... yet! I'm Italian, but I've been living in Sydney for almost four years, so I will soon apply for citizenship! Thanks for considering me as an Aussie already! :D

If you are talking about the screening at the Ritz in Randwick, unfortunately I don't think I can make it: two of my friends from Italy are coming between 16th Nov and 8th Dec. I'm not sure we are even going to be in Sydney at all at the time of the screening.

Good thing is that by the time I see New Moon, hopefully the crazies will have had their fill and I'll be able to see it in peace, without unnecessary shrieking every time Rob shows up! (It's already hard enough for me to understand a foreign language as it is, the screaming would just make it harder and ruin my experience)

FrankieBlue said...

Interesting that Rob entered Hotel Cafe through the regular door in the back tonight and sans Kristen, manager and agent.

Yes, the teen choice awards (how many of these things are there anyway?...what's next the tween awards for 12 year olds?) should be interesting indeed.

Athena said...

@ Orion: sorry I just saw your post now!

@ Verònica: I love Chopin's nocturnes, too! I fell in love with them watching The Pianist... God, does that film make me cry!

Georgie said...

Hi Athena, you can be an "honorary Aussie" because you live here and are on Aussie time on this blog! That's a shame that you can't join us on 18/19 Nov for our Ritz night at Randwick and the "world premiere" of NM, but I understand if you've got overseas visitors at that time. Yes we're hoping that the midnight screening will mean an absence of crazy screaming teens!

Temptation said...

Someone said that the Ritz have a "no screaming policy" not sure how they monitor it with 800 women, hey imagine if you were the only guy going wouldn't that be funny.

Was someone asking for a head count for Sydney?? I am going with my x 2 16yo old I said before I had my daughter when I was 12 so now you know my age...apparently you don't numbered seats so you have to stand in line YUCKKKK..that's why I bringing the girls...

AW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maryann said...

These er...creepy stalker pics, shows "Robsten" is it normal for a couple to have a rendezvous with 2 other ppl? I thought a rendezvous was a romantic and private get together and not some lunch with 4 ppl? What did I miss here? lmao

And apart from that observation (I could only stand to look at a few of these pics, not due to "Robsten" but the creepyness of it all) they had lunch, and Rob had his Iphone, he had his er..button fly jeans..yep I noticed that lmao..and apart from my first observation, that was all I saw heh..

As for the video, Rob sure looked comfortable driving that car apart from being royally pissed off.. (who can blame him!) and poor Kristen being cornered at the elevator...sheesh... and some media ppl wonders why she doesn't smile? This is why.

Steph is Legit said...

someone requested hat pics...

google them, but you can make up your mind regarding it

the pic of it is supposedley front last yr which kristen wears the hats backwars and the yankee emblem can be seen on the left side of the back opening( the part where you can adjust the cap) there are pics comparing them. i found an HQ one a few days ago but i cant find it again. there is one i found on a search of a close up but it was blurry =/.. i mean i believe it to be her hat.. there also a vid "claiming that at comic con kristen playfully smacks rob and says "your wearing my hat" bu its a side view nd to read someones lips you need to be frontal and not to the side so i dont believe that. i do believe that it is her hat though

just go to a google search and type in lristen stewart yankee cap or include robs name in their.. at least 20 dif searches will pop up

Steph is Legit said...

i'm sorry my spelling is atrocious. i type to fast and then i always forget to fix my errors

phosphorus said...

Since quite a few mentioned that the TCA should be interesting - I bet both of them must be really looking forward for this night, knowing everybody will watch their every single move. The thought alone is enough to make one feel awful / induce a panic attack.
Some cup to drain because it won't pass from them.

I still wonder why they didn't choose another time to be seen together that often. Five times in two days (after months under the radar). Why the hurry? Why didn't they do it in a more nonchalant way? Why NOW? With that award show coming up.

Steph is Legit said...

do u think the pic in the post Goz just posted was kstews shirt? i mean its dark grey. he could own it to all by his lonesome lol

i also find it weird how kstew was nowhere to be found... maybe cu ppl are starting to speculate? or that the people who thought there was nothing going on are now sold? or at least on the fence?

sorry i know i seem to be spreading propoganda here since there is no confirmation. i just need a place to vent my theories and plus i like reading everyone else's theories as well even if i dont agree

Anonymous said...

So what if Rob is driving a porsche....I don't think he's driving it to look 'flashy' - crikey he is exactly the opposite! LOL. Hasn't he earned the right to have a bit of fun these past few months? What I can't understand is how someone who only had 10 hours of driving lessons then took a break from driving for what neaarly 8 months can be confident enough to drive a car like that. I'd be having a nervous breakdown! So well done Rob! You're a better driver than I gave you credit for!
Just keep BOTH hands on the wheel!

As for these latest pics looks as though they do enjoy each others company and IF they are conducting a relationship then I really hope they make each other happy. They don't need to make an official public statement....they are not Prince William and Kate Middleton but as others have said perhaps they'd get less harrassment if they just acted normally and went about their business together with gritted teeth and smiles!

lolly!!! said...

would people just get a life!!!!!
i feel so sorry for poor r+k! what a way to live ur life, no-one should have to but up with that!
so two friends (maybe boy+girl friend) went out for lunch together...
rob looked sooo annoyed coming out of there!

lolly!!! said...

would people just get a life! i feel so sorry for poor r+k, what a way to live ur life! no- one should have to put up with that!
so two friends ( maybe boy + girl friend) went out for lunch together...
rob looked so annoyed coming out of there and i can't blame him!!!

Fuglefenta said...

I always feel like crap after seeing stuff like his. Poor Rob! The car is nice though ;)

kchambers77 said...

when is the level going to be reached that this is now stalking? celebs have a right to privacy themselves. i mean that shit is just uncalled for. are you that greedy?

aimary said...

I felt sad for him, because every day in his life is so hard! this paps sucks..I hated them..he looks so sexy in this porshe, but I guess he maybe shouldn't because is a porshe you know! the paps find him so easily! and he is so pissed in this video..poor Rob

Diane said...

I understand both sides of whether Robsten exists. What I can't grasp is the idea that they're "f*ck- buddies." Nothing in what we know of either of their personalities would point in that direction.

Rob has listed many reasons why he's "in awe" of Kristen, and made no secret of his admiration from the beginning, Kristen has been loyal to one guy for years. Would she dump him for a FB? For over a year, people have speculated about the way she looks at Rob - with fascination - not like he's a piece of meat. Really, if there is something going on between them, why would anyone prefer to think it's just for sex?

I don't believe either one of them would put themselves in the awful situation they're in right now with the papz, etc. for something casual. The only thing that would make walking this gauntlet worthwhile would be if there are deep feelings involved and they make each other happy. If that's the case,then ich bin ein Robstener.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I observe post after post of speculation and so many ignore the facts that Rob and Kristen never went to any of these places ALONE TOGETHER for dates.

At all of these places, several other persons (Marcus, Bobby, Manager Nick, Agent Stephanie, Nick's wife) were part of the group.

Dating means you go to places to be together as a couple. All we see are a group of friends socializing.

No dating has occurred, so all of the continued speculation is just silly.

Haystackhair said...

I seriously cannot imagine how you handle people running along side your car while you are driving snapping your picture, or chasing you to an elevator. Just creepie. LMAO Goz, Robbie scares me driving that car!

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