Catherine Hardwicke was today at the New Jersey Twilight Convention and she shared some fun facts about Rob.
- At teen choice Rob told Catherine that he borrowed Marcus fosters shirt that marcus wore the night before b/c rob had no clean clothes
- Rob recorded let me sign while watching the cut of the scene and pegged the song to what he was seeing on screen emotionally
- At Robs audition he still had Dali hair, a stained tee shirt and wasn't toned. Studio said are you sure you can make this guy look good
- Rob originally saw that fans hated him as a casting choice and Catherine told him hang in there and trust me and said stay offline. Rob said my mother sent it to me. Catherine said stop opening emails from your mother- She had Rob put extentions in his hair and he hated them.
- Says she would have filmed some dream sequnces if there had been money.
Source via brandnewluv
I really can't imagine fans not wanting Rob to portray Edward! His face really is just so pretty and perfect for the part of Edward. I didn't even know Twilight existed until the movie.
"are you sure you can make this guy look good"? Do they need glasses! Even as Dali, Rob still looks hot. Tsk, tsk, Studio Execs. Tsk, tsk.
Treasure_7 over 75,000 people signed a petition against him playing Edward. There are a lot of very devoted "Twilight" fans long before the movie came out and they all had their own Edward and for a lot of them Rob wasn't "it"! Hard to believe I know but true!!
Hahaha, wasn't one of the preferred choices TomStu or is that a rumour, too? I wish TomStu was in one of the Twilight movies! (HOW HOT WOULD HE LOOK AS A VAMP?!?!)
I swear I'd never doubt of ur rob's borrowed clothes theories!!
I'm trying to imagine rob as dali??playing edward??I thought he looked nice too ...he wasn't toned??(in peru LA hasn't come out yet sad but true)
poor rob not only those fans were against him but the studio also??that's mean
how different things are right now
treasure me too I didn't knew anything about twilight until I saw the trailer..didn't even pay too much attention to the plot only recognize rob (I've only seen him in HPGOF and ring of the nibelungs)
Rob is the only reason I am aware of Twilight too..
it's really really sad that indeed so many people bothered to sign a petition against his playing Edward...I can only picture Edward in my mind with Robert's angel face :S *sigh*
What's even more disturbing is the knowledge that some of the same loonies that couldn't see Robert for the handsome man that he is back then are now part of the loonies brigade that attack him in the street and drool over his pictures...
Is it only me that finds the amount of time CH spends talking about Rob a bit disturbing to say the least? I know she's only answering the questions she's asked, but man, could she practice a bit of filter?
boy she sure loves ridin' the rob
Purple83 - I think it's creepy, too. Though I think it's perfectly innocent. People probably attack her with a million-and-twenty Rob questions.
And, I too, was introduced to Twilight because of Rob... in the grey shirt... Ooh, lordy!
but why is she bringing up all this negative stuff now,all that shit is in the past,now all the fans LOVEEEEEE him,i think cathrine should talk more positive memories
That's so hobo Rob. Arrive with a bag of dirty clothes and just borrow Marcus's already day-old shirt which still smells good buddy clean to him!
I can actually sympathize with the studio's concerns. Imagine the audition tape of a Dali coiffed, soft bodied Rob in a stained shirt, trying to dazzle like the most beautiful man in the world!
Lucky for us, he didn't even try. Would love to hear a more forthcoming explanation from Kris as to how she peered in his eyes/soul and knew he was "her Edward." That must have taken a great leap of faith and confidence in her intuition. Lucky for us, she saw it immediately, and then CH was won over. Smart ladies!
Yeah, CH tends to bring up the old hurdles, but I don't know how CH's obvious crush is any more "creepy" than our own obsession!
@ Loisada - touche, girl!
I've heard her mention this stuff before. The part I love best is the Marcus-outfit tidbit! Rob is very humble (or doesn't give a crap), but either way, it's endearing.
is it just me or does cathrine have a huge crush on rob?i first notice it when i heard the Dvd commentary,its so obvious and kind of weird
@rpatzz-I think CH is not bringing this up as negative stuff, she is just trying to make it clear that she is the only one who deserves credit for Rob's success as Edward.. Because she was the only one who believed in him even when her own mother and he himself didn't.
its crystal clear...
Hey but who can blame her?
No one with a vajaja is safe from the Pattzzzzzzzzzzzz charm
CW definitely has a cougar crush on Rob!! Plus it get's her publicity as well. Let's face it, if it wasn't for her (and Kristen), Rob would still be a struggling actor. I gotta thank her for taking a risk on an unknown "chubby Irishman" as he called himself when he auditioned. Not that he was chubby at all!!
Note to self: to boys, a shirt worn by a buddy the day before (throughout a gig, under the heat of the lights) equals "clean"... gotta love that!
The comment by the studio tells volumes about how short-sighted they are (if their behaviour in this whole business was not enough).
CH doesn't really have anything else to talk about, her time with Twlight is over & done with. She's never going to have anything new to add to the discussion so every time she talks, it's the same stuff
Oops, I mean CH not CW!
She's annoying. Her interpretation of TW made a tolerable book into a bad movie.
@Marna - I totally agree! I think it must suck for her to be out of the Twilight series-- having to repeat the same answers. Very tedious.
It was like the poor HP cast. "What as it like working with Robert Pattinson?" Poor kids answered that question at every HARRY POTTER promo! Gotta feel for 'em.
No matter how hard they try to downplay his looks...
How To Be
Bad Mothers Handbook
Little Ashes
It all comes through-he would have to wear prosthetic (like in Mask, Rocky)..even then, he'd still probably look good!
For Edward, people just had their own versions picked out. and not a lot had heard of or scene Rob...so yea, they didn't want him.
CH casting is something I will always be grateful for=she knew a good thing when she saw it.
Kristen too..she said it had to be Rob.
I have to disagree with you French, I thought Twilight was good for what it was, a low-budget Indie flick. But then I like indie movies so . . . And I like the Twilight series. *shrug*
if she have nothing new to add to the discussion maybe she should just SHUT THE F*** UP,dont mean to sound vulgar or rude but she is starting to annoy me
I just wish CH would release the audition tape of Rob and Kristin's kissing scene. She said in one interview she had to film it twice since she couldn't show the first one to anyone. Think we could bribe her??
hahahah, ew, a stained t-shirt. keeping it classy for the audition!lol He's so funny, he comes off like an absent minded music professor. I remember in GQ CH mentioning tha tthe head of the studio was like are you sure you can make this kid hansome?Stupido!
and I think CH talks up Rob a lot cause she got dumped on for the end product that is Twilight the movie. So, she is reminding folks, "guess what beyotches, if it wasn't for me and my ovaries as director, you would have gotten some boring pretty boy instead." And she's right, a male director most likely wouldn't have cast Robert, most men don't get his appeal. They don't think he's built enough or handsome or manly enough.
Kristen said that every other guy came in quite dishy, and that Robert was so shy and hiding behind his hair. She said she kept trying to look past all the hair to see his eyes, and he came off very mysterious as a result.
And I think CH is being affectionate when she mentions his stained shirt. Shes' a free spirit type and I think she finds Robert's utter lack of (knowing) guile very endearing.
Maren--I just saw your post, yes, that's what I see too. The girl's trying to get a new project off the ground and Twilight helps keep her in front of cameras and relevant, so yeah, chatting up the fact she "found" RObert and "found" Robert and Kristen's "chemistry" is smart press for her.
@rosa - You are definitely right.. Neither my brother, nor my husband did get what is special with him when we have seen Twilight together. They even said these girls (including me) don't know what the s**t they are talking about.. So it is totally hormonal, your Estrogen/Testosterone ratio should be above a certain level to be able to appreciate Rob..
to be fair too, the reason CH is responding to questions like these is because people ask anyone remotely related to Robert about him. And CH has done a couple last Twilight events lately, so new details have come out from those events where she's talking shop about twilight
Can't believe CH tried to put extensions in Rob's hair?? Didn't she read the book?
Yeah, who wouldn't love a peek into the audition tapes! Bet they're worth some $$ now! In the commentary, didn't Rob say he would sue if something came out. Forgot what he was referring to.
Marenostrum-YEP, guys totally don't get it. I"ve even had a conversation with my husband where he tries to persuade me to lust after someone more worthy like brad pitt or a george clooney. And I'm like bitch, please, pepaws can step to the left, cause I want the pale pretty boy with the accent and the dirty jeans!lol IT actually BOTHERS men that women lust after
him I've noticed. I've seen so many bitchy critiques about him from male writers, it's so transparent.
its a primal animal lust women have for rob and other guys dont get it,my boyfriend hates rob,i told him never to say anything bad about rob in my presence,he dont get his appeal but i must say str8 guys dont get him but my gay guy friends do
MTV.com article about this.. here are better explained her quotes.
'Twilight' Director Catherine Hardwicke Tells Behind-The-Scenes Secrets
'We had to do a lot of things with little money,' the director tells the 'Twilight' convention crowd about making the first film in the franchise.
By Amy Wilkinson
Many "Twilight" fans may think the first film in Stephenie Meyer's four-part saga is darn near perfect, but there are a few things director Catherine Hardwicke would go back and change if she could. "I would have a giant, plastic dome built over the state of Oregon," Hardwicke joked during a one-hour Q&A session at the official "Twilight" convention in Parsippany, New Jersey.
Joking aside, Hardwicke did say she wishes she could have delved deeper into Bella's vivid dreams. "I loved in the book when Stephenie would describe some of the dreams and things, so I really wanted to film some of the dream sequences," Hardwicke said. "And we had a whole plan for this beautiful, underwater dream sequence. [But we had] no money. They said, 'We can't afford it.' We had to do a lot of things with little money because Summit didn't know if anyone was going to see the movie."
Obviously fans came out in droves for the vampire romance, but there were a few other scenes fans didn't get to see. For one, the beloved "blood test" scene from the novel was cut to add variety to the filming locations — and to abate Hardwicke's bloody fears. "I was actually that person that fainted in my seventh-grade biology class," she said. Another thing fans didn't see was a hairy Robert Pattinson. Hardwicke originally envisioned Bella's bloodsucking boyfriend Edward with long hair. "I thought it would be cool if Rob had long, romantic hair," she said. "So we put extensions on Rob and he just hated it. He sat there in the chair for eight hours and was like, 'No.' "
Hardwicke also had Pattinson style secrets to share from off the set. According to the director, Pattinson was sporting a not-so-fresh shirt at the Teen Choice Awards. "I was sitting on the couch next to Rob and he was telling me, 'I didn't know what to wear. I didn't have anything clean, so my friend wore this shirt last night and did a performance.' So his buddy did a whole performance in this shirt and Rob found it on the floor and thought it was the cleanest shirt he had, so he wore it to the awards."
But it wasn't all Rob, Rob, Rob during the Q&A session — Hardwicke offered particular kudos to actress Kristen Stewart. When one fan asked if Stewart could pull of the emotional intensity needed in "New Moon," Hardwicke wholeheartedly replied yes. "She has depth deeper than any actress I've ever known."
Though the session revolved mainly around "Twilight," Hardwicke alluded to her upcoming projects including "If I Stay," "Hamlet," "Maximum Ride" and the recently announced "The Girl With the Red Riding Hood," noting that they are all in the development stages and that she is not sure which she'll work on first. "Any fortune tellers out there?" she asked.
I think CH talks too much about Rob, of course she is asked but she lets her mouth run.
How did she imagined Edward with long hair?.. thank goodness Rob denied to use extensions. And why did she want to film the dreams sequence? she should have focused in sticking more to the main storyline from the book, representing it right, the acting in the film and the editing.
Ps: Rob is really dirty; picking up from the floor of his room the shirt his friend used in his show the night before because he thought as it was.. it was cleaner than his own clothes hahahahaaaaa
First of all, I don't like tidy, beatiful guys and for them that's hard to understand. I hate George Clooney and Brad Pitt, I always have... Clooney more than Pitt.. I don't like the guys who are so in love with their own beauty. I like the guys who don't give a s**t about how they look, don't care about what people think about them. So, the only person that I really liked before Rob was Johnny Depp..
this whole 'dirty' thing about ROB,
is such a turn off to me...
I have to not think about it...
i get, that he doesnt want to go out to stores and laundry mats, but again, its bad hygiene...
SERIOUSLY DUDE... CLEAN BODY, CLEAN MIND. (well skip the mind part!)
this is what i was talking about some fans maybe turned off by this little info,i wonder how rob feel about her talking like this?
He wouldn't care anybody saying anything about him, that's the best part of him..
Well it isn´t exactly a turn on for me to know he wears dirty borrowed clothes, I like that like any guy he doesn’t care what he wears, but I would like him to care being clean hahaa.... :P
But lets keep focus that this anecdote he told CH personally, not to the media; CH is the one that put out there something personal he shared with her; if this a turn off or a turn on to us, the point is that this was something we as fans, were not meant to know.
Marenostrum, I agree with you, and as you said, Johnny Depp was and still is my first celeb crush, the difference is I never cared to know so much about his interviews or private life as I find my self seeking about Rob.
if he told her in confidence and she BLAB i wonder how he feels about the whole situation
Men don't see the beauty in Rob because they're jealous lil bitches. hahaha, soooo jk. I do think, however, that they feel a tad insecure with Rob. He's this 23 year-old nobody (really) who shot to fame with Twilight... A film in which he portrays the "perfect man".
@Mechevpao - I guess we have the same type of interest and history about celebs... Johnny Depp was the only one for me, but I never cared about who he dated or was with.. Maybe because when I was growing up, he was already settled and had kids. I hate Vanessa anyway.. :P
For Rob, I want to know more and more about him. Because he has something very different than Johnny.. Johnny has this magic even without speaking, only the pictures would do it. But Rob has to speak and look, you should see him alive.. Then he is even more charming than Depp.
And just so we're clear, I DON'T think Rob's a nobody. He's a nobody in their eyes.
I wonder if she could tell us whether Rob sewed his Stoli shirt.
If Rob is picking Marcus's clothing up off the floor, does this mean they're sharing a bedroom? They don't make enough to afford their own rooms?
I would imagine that Marcus does not make nearly the money that Rob does.
I know of many musicians who travel from over seas and are very happy to stay with family, friends and in some cases strangers to cut costs.
here's a video of her talking about Foster's shirt
Rob is a typical 23 year old guy on his own. Doesn't care if he wears his cloths smelling musky and stitched up. For me, it just adds to his charm, call me crazy. He obviously doesn't care because he tells people too. He hasn't changed who he is with the fame. He's been sharing clothes for years with friends.
I definitely agree; some preppy dude who wears a handful of styling cream, just doesn't do it for me. Rob is adorable and is the kind of person who (I think) could never lie. It's because of this disposition (added with his "I don't care mentality") that we're all hypnotized by him. Kristen even said it once, "he can't lie." awwwwwww!
You know when you watch the video of Catherine answering the question it takes on a whole different tone than just reading the Q&As. She was cute about it.
Hm, so if Marcus was bunking with Rob during his LA visit, wouldn't that kinda throw a wrench in the theories of a Robsten love nest that week, no?
His smoking and lack of personal hygiene are big turn offs imo. Hope he grows out of it..soon.
@tnan - I like your rationale! hahah! Though I HATE to say it, but because of Rob (and TomStu) I have thought that smoking is sexy... I'm so ashamed!
It broke my heart when I heard of the petition against Rob to play Edward. Of course I didn't hear any of this till way after the fact as I didn't discover Twilight until my daughters had watched it at home on DVD. (They had watched it in the theatre and at friends home many, many times) I caught a glimpse of Edward- and it was all over for me.
Anyway, from what I read, it was hard for Rob to read all of those horrible comments, and we will never know to what extent it affected him emotionally. I can't stand to think of it. And to make it worse, many of those same females now lust after him.
@tnan, K was back home the night before TCA's.
but they spent the other nights together hehe
@tnan~I like your thinking there! So true huh!
@Marz~OMG, I feel the same way. Rob is so sexy when he smokes. It's crazy!!
he went to a concert,K wasn't there,everyone already assumed she didn't spend that night in his hotel.
Ugh! The GQ photo in which he's smoking KILLED me. Literally. My fingers hurt as though they wanted to grab the smoke from him! hahaha!
Hardwicke just said he took the shirt,his buddy was wearing the previous night, off the floor, who's saying MF was staying with him at the hotel the whole week? err that sounds quite wrong you know.
Rob probably HOPES the dirty rumors help keep all the crazy bitches off him!lol And he LOVES b ringing up what a slob he is, I think he embellishes at times even. I think it's sorta his dude response to all the pretty boy claims. Pretty boys are usually like Zefron, all perfect and c lean without a hair out of place. I think Robert actively tries to work against that grouping, thus all the "I smell and I don't wash my clothes ever" rhetoric.
Marz~the GQ photo shoot, is that where the pic of him smoking while lying on the floor with a wife-beater tshirt is from? God that is so sleazy sexy!! And all those RM shots at the Alice in Wonderland statue. Oh My Lord!!! Did you notice my Avi pic? Yummy!
'Eclipse' school gym set is a wrap. Graduation!4 minutes ago from mobile web RPN
we all get that ROB uses the whole dirty thing to scare stalkers away, but its not all stories...
we've seen for ourselves that he wears cloths from highschool...
the whole torn, sewed, ragged homeless thing, friends dirty cloths thing, is, well, nasty...
again i say, where is his personal assistant? i dont want him to fight his way out in the women infested shopping malls of the world. BUT, WHY OH WHY, HASNT SUMMIT UNWOUND THEIR WALLETS TO GET ROBERT, AN ASSISTANT?
I am sure it's Rob's personal choice on what he chooses to wear.
Personally, I respect that.
He's 23...
I agree it's not made up--Rob clearly can dress like a hot mess half of the time, and interviewers have commented on him smelling. lol But hey--that makes him a typical college aged guy. And musician dudes are worst of all- they are usually night owls, smell like stale ciggies, and don't have to worry about smelling that great-guitar and singing skills pwn smell with most girls. lol
Right on Suz!!!! :)
Ladies, you all have to accept Rob for who he is. If you find his hygiene and smoking nasty, then don't follow him. That's part of who he is and what makes him Rob.
What Suz? I thought Summit was behind what he should wear :P
Ok, I see, there is no way a sentence expressed from his mouth or anyone close to him, would avoid initiating a robsten talk somehow (how do we always get to that kind of talk out of no where? Hehe); in every thread there seems to be speculation and our conclusions in chronological timing and their actions.. let me ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sorry, I just had a momentary lapse of reason (sudden sleep) :P
Marnostrum; I knew about Johnny when he was breaking up with Kate Moss; I don´t remember well but I can tell you I like Vanessa, when she speaks of him, she does it with adoration in her tone, she seems as much fan of him as any of his fans, which I find very cute, and his family helped ground him (he was a real "bad boy", not a Hollywood pose). He has this "magic" you mention, but what I find the most attractive about him is his intensity, and I find that Rob seems to be a very intense person as well, or that is the vibe that comes from his work and his interviews, for me.
No Mech..
Summit only DICtates what he can do with his....
linda rose - you are so right, like rob for who & how he is.
O_o.. Suz you are debunking all my theories with it.. I thought he was Summit´s poppet
speaking of johnny depp, he was also my first celeb crush for about 20 years - since 21 jumpstreet - but i didn't follow his personal life, just his movie career. but then again we didn't have the web and all the pics and stories that we have today. but i dont compare him to rob at all - two really different people.
ha ha ha Mech!
If only all theories could be debunked so easily..
Agree it's a put-on of sorts. I'm sure he found Marcus's shirt on the floor (so what was Marcus wearing?) and flung it on before he headed out the door?! This is a guy whose never done a photo shoot, has never killed in a tux and has no idea how to dress the part?
He likes ambiguity, plays up the dressing down and doesn't like to be pigeon-holed. He's not 'off the rack' in any way. Re hygenie: at least he cuts his toenails. lol
In my view the shirt sharing is now a definite mind-fuck for all. :D
Omg this totally sounds like something someone would ramble about when they were drunk like i am right now lol!
I think many tend to forget that Rob is European, and that hygiene standards vary from country to country. People in the UK and France consume far less soap and deodorant per capita than Americans. In fact, we consider Americans' overuse of "sanitary" products and aversion to all natural body odors rather neurotic! I for one would more than happy to get a whiff of Rob's animal smells! (Anyone remember Truffaut's 400 blows?!)
LindaRose - That is EXACTLY the pic I was referring to. That GQ shoot was by far the hottest one GQ has had in quite some time...
Loisada - I too would LOVE a whiff of Rob's "natural" smell. I'm sure it smells of musk, sex, and tobacco. Mmmmm... haha!
Oh and P.S., ladies. You two have two of the best display pictures I have ever SEEN! Smoking Rob is as;ldfja;lsdfja;lskfalsjkf;asdl (I just orgasmed! haha!) jk
I just ran across a Robism from an old interview that goes well with today's discussion: "I don't bother to have taste. I just close my eyes." Really? Who knew? Hahahaha
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