NM Interview with Rob

Update: Apparently this "interview" is actually from the ComicCon panel transcript. Still its an excuse to post shirtless Robward and some good quotes are in there so no harm done with a lil repeater.

Robert Pattinson on New Moon
“It wasn’t just the director that made this one different,” Pattinson said. “It was so different as well because we kind of knew what type of animal that we were dealing. I was much more of a supporting role, in this one. It was actually one of the most relaxing jobs that I’ve ever done. Chris has a really peaceful presence and I got on really well with him.”

Even before any footage was completed to screen, Pattinson could tell New Moon would differ from Twilight. “ Aesthetically, it looks very different. The script was very different. It’s a completely different mood. So, I’m really interested to see how it works out.”

As for the vampire craze that continues to fuel his franchise, Pattinson can’t comment. “I think we’re the worst people to ask about it. The problem is that, when I looked at it, I never looked at it as a vampire story, right from the beginning. When I try to play it, I try to eliminate the vampire element, as much as I can, and just see it as a tool to make their relationship a little more fraught. Right after the audition, I found myself bizarrely invested in the story and I hadn’t even read the books, at that point. I’ve gotten more and more attached to it. I’ve been talking about the script for Eclipse to people, over the last few weeks, and I find myself getting very argumentative, which I’m not usually. They definitely have some kind of power.”

But, and not just for PR purposes, New Moon was his favorite book. “Mainly because I like the juxtaposition. Edward is such a hyped character, and there are so many people looking at him like a romantic hero. In New Moon, the way that I read it anyway, he’s just so humbled. It’s a character who’s looking at Bella and thinking that he loves something too much, but he can’t be around. He deliberately starts breaking up their relationship, which I think is a very relatable thing that is very painful. And, in the fight sequence at the end, Bella ends up saving Edward, as she does in every single one of the books. It’s really funny how everyone looks at Edward as the hero, and he’s continuously saved by the damsel in distress. I think he really realizes that in New Moon. Eclipse is really him trying to catch up with Jacob because he’s so out of the loop and he can’t speak in superlatives anymore. He’s accepted being alive and he needs to catch up to Jacob.”

The Twilight Saga: New Moon opens to theaters on November 20th.


selective_fox said...

That is very similar to what he said at Comic Con panel.. Almost the exact words.. I could be mistaken..

Haystackhair said...

Oh, this is exactly what he said at ComicCon. My favorite part of the press conference is when Taylor says Eclipse is his favorite book, and he says something about the start of a love triangle, and Rob smiles and says "arguably". He gets it! there was never really a love triangle, for Bella there was no choice, it was always Edward. I love that Rob agrees! Of course, i love Rob, and thanks for shirtless Rob Goz!!

Haystackhair said...

Oops, I mean thanks DANI!!! Any chance for a shirtless Rob!!!

keti said...

Love that pic, Thanks Dani : )
We havent' got that long too wait now!!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

i like this little vid of
Boo Stewart, who is playing Seth Clearwater, he's going to be a kickbutt little guy...

RPLover said...

haystackhair, I totally agree. Bella recognizes that if she were to stay human, life would be simpler with Jacob, but she does NOT love him the way she does Edward. It's a choice between a simple and somewhat peaceful life, and a life with someone she is really incapable of fully living without. If there is a triangle, it's totally lopsided! LOL that was always my take on it, anyway.

is this an offical poster, or a fan-made one? I'm loving it!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

comic con interview maybe? loving shirtless rob going to use it as my screen saver

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

twicrack posted this link to buy a $60.00 edward cullen silloutte for your wall, nice actually...

Sara said...

I love it when he speaks. He always has something interesting to say.

Also, I may be late about this, because I haven't checked out the other posts, but have you guys seen the Edward dildo?

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

also this is where they posted pictures of the new moon snap bracelet and puzzles you can get at blockbuster, right next to the new moon candy... niiiiiice

keti said...

Bella does tell Jacob she loves him in Eclipse, but obviously its not the same as her loving Edward. Its more of a obsessive love with him.

Quote Jacob: He’s like a drug for you, Bella. I see that you can’t live without him now. It’s too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun.

With Jacob its more humanly and natural.

Quote Jacob: "I’m exactly right for you, Bella. It would have been effortless for us — comfortable, easy as breathing. I was the natural path your life would have taken… If the world was the way it was supposed to be, if there were no monsters and no magic…"

monika said...

pics from Rob's possible new photoshoot?

Marna said...


Sara said...

Marna, it just goes to show the levels of insanity Twilight brings:

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You nailed it girl! First off, this is a real interview, not a made up one thank god...

And you're right on about it not being a love was more about acceptance for her mind Edward wasn't coming back-it wasn't a choice for was always Edward, but she chose a different path in his absence..she needed Jake to survive..

I fucking love that Rob gets that too...

And I agree, thanks Dani for the shirtless Rob-this has been an awesome photo day!!

keti said...

Monika those pictures are new , I never seen them. they are HOT

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Hmm, could be!!! I can't wait for the Vanity Fair one to come out that he did in June!!!

Jewels64 said...

I love his take on Edward needing to catch up to Jacob. I honestly never thought about it that way. Sounds like our man has done some serious homework into thinking about what makes Edward tick!

I love it! Thanks for posting this Goz!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

robward DILDO say what? i have the teddy bear but i never heard of the dildo,what will they think of next

Ana73 said...

so is this the same exact thing from comic con or is this an actual new interview???

he does look great :))

monika said...

oh wow yummy*I4R*IcWMi8PT1ubrqS0cgUe-ntm6fkzVB2/newshoot.png*FGUMqFMGubgmganESo1WaAI5A-hZZDT98rO6Nqp8*D1F2QSDDoZpU1PsUV4x*lshKYmWbrPbIh97UzmjzuytN2SRTi9x/245963423fd2c6144e42aa784b9087ed1b505690.4a8dda9afull.png

keti said...


Gozde said...

Yeah, it's not a new interview, they took everything from Comic Con.

Marna said...

OMG!!! The DILDO CAN BE PUT IN THE REFRIGERATOR for the "authentic" experience!!! This may be the funniest thing I ever heard of. I guess if you have one of the like size Edward cutouts & some ice, you can have yourself a little party. All by yourself. LOL

(Dear God I hope nobody wants Rob to sign one)

keti said...

I'm HYPERVENTILALATING over those pictures Monika.
Gee he is such a God.

Angie said...


Thanks for those pictures. They are amazing!

keti said...

Sara where have you seen this Dilo. Post the link. I need one lol

Ana73 said...

Marna - this is freaking hilarious, put it in the frig for authenticity :))

monika - OMG the pics, WOW!!!!

Suz said...

Ladies, people under the age of 18 read this blog....

Please keep that in mind.



Anonymous said...

some poster over on said there's apparently around 140 photos from this photoshoot

noisefaidaus said...

Looks like an old interview pieced together unless Summit is scripting his interview answers now.

Sara said...

Keti- I posted the link above.

Suz- I'm under 18 myself...
hahaa, dw. It has a link to a post with another link to a NSFW pic.

Ana73 said...

Sara - just saw it that is freaking hilarious, the commentary that goes with it is great!!! and you are under 18, how did you find this??? what sites are you looking at :)) or shouldn't be looking at LOL.

kchambers77 said...

@ the dildo: AHAHAHAHAHA! oh come fucking on already!

Sara said...

Ana- lmao! It was a post on ONTD. TOTALLY NORMAL SITE I PROMISE ;P

Haystackhair said...

I'm so glad you guys agree! Even Kristen gets it. she said in Bella's mind there is no triangle, which is what is so tragic. And Bella only considers being with Jake to make HIM happy, because she cares for him. She says it would be a shadow of what she was capable of, and what do you do with the "mundane kisses". Sigh. Robward owns me obviously. Because his voice whispered "be happy" and Jake's NEVER would.

Angela said...

I love it when Rob analyzes Edward. He picks up on things that aren't said in the book and it makes me feel like he's not embarrassed to be playing Edward.

I agree, no triangle. Even though Bella thought about going dog for a brief psychotic moment. I'm not sure why SM got so into Jake? It's almost like she was done with her Edward fantasy and decided she had the hots for young indian boys. Weird.

I like to think Edward is not going to look like a total wuss in Eclipse somehow.

Once we get thru NM, then we get lots of Edward again.

And hopefully, in the movie, Bella actually thanks Edward for saving her butt all the time.

If it were me, I'd be riding a motorcycle with Edward and wearing that ring and running to the altar, not complaining about my wolf friend all the time. Geez...

In a way, I'm glad I didn't like the whole Jake concept in the books, so I can get on with my life a little, otherwise, I'd be even more obsessed than I am.

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