Robert Pattinson and his brooding "Twilight" alter ego might not be the first things that come to mind when contemplating the casting for Brett Ratner's upcoming, big-screen adaptation of the superhero series "Youngblood," but that's exactly whose name the filmmaker dropped when asked if he had any actors in mind.
"Definitely [Robert Pattinson] from 'Twilight,'" Ratner told MTV News when asked if he has his eye on any potential "Youngblood" actors at this point. "He just feels like he belongs in that world. I don't only see him as a vampire, he's a really good actor."
Given the roster of the comic book's team, Pattinson's leading-man resume and Ratner's previous comments about the "Youngblood" storyline, it's not too difficult to guess which role Ratner has in mind for the "Twilight" star.
The series, which was conceived by "Deadpool" co-creator Rob Liefeld, chronicled the adventures of a government-funded team of superheroes who dealt with with supervillain-level danger and super-sized drama, all while constantly remaining in the public eye. The team was led by a former FBI agent and expert marksman codenamed "Shaft"—one of the focal points for the film and the most likely character for Pattinson to play.
"[Pattinson] could do anything. He just has that look," said Ratner. "I picture him on Youngblood, for sure."
As for where the project stands these days, the "X-Men: The Last Stand" filmmaker said the script is still being written, and the mature themes of the source material—which often served as a commentary on politics, government and the nature of celebrity—will find their way into the screenplay.
"My vision for it is: We're going to make a very edgy, cool film," explained Ratner. "We're not soft-peddling it at all."
Thanks to the lovely Suz for the tip.
Wow - click on that pic - huge Rob! I like!
Also love hearing about potential new projects. I'm counting on watching Rob well into the future. :)
Yeah, he is a good actor, but not sure action hero is his cup of tea...
awesome, Youngblood would be the perfect antidote for Twilight! I love twilight, but I'm afraid it's making the male population write him off like he's just some dandy, and he needs to win over the boys if he's going to have a long term career. Youngblood is going to be awesome, I have always seen him doing more noir genre-stuff. He's beautiful, but he can pull of cruelly beautiful or beautiful with a lower layer of darkness really well. Awesome, so excited that directors are taking note of him.
sharpe-hahaha, about action hero. Me and my friends always lovingly mocked him for his constant pidgeon toes when he walks, but then at comic con he said one legs shorter and now I don't know if he's pidgeon toed or peg legged....lol
And isn't Rob still a bit too young anyway to play "a former FBI agent and expert marksman", leading a team? How many ex-FBI agents are there at the age of 23, leading teams of experts?
I'll hunt him down, clock him a good one, toss him into the back of my trunk and drive him off into the desert before I see him work with that hack Brett Ratner. I can't stand that overgrown fratboy.
He ruined X-Men III and was in on one of the 'nastiest' punks that Ashton Kutcher ever pulled. It was on Hugh Jackman and it was deplorable.
Besides Rob, stay away from the comic book shit. Actors usually only go that route when they need to boost a sagging film career (hello Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow and Edward Norton) and yours baby is just getting started.
The Twilight Saga will buy you enough box office clout to see you through your twenties. Go do some serious stuff. Some indies. Work with the best directors. Although...if you must go the comic book route, go after the role of Gambit in the second X-Men spinoff. You'd actually be perfect for that.
Nik (who probably needs to go lay her head down on the desk for awhile)
Um, no. Just..no.
Speaking of Rob's projects, check out the interesting debate about Bel Ami over at ScriptShadow: (is there a way to make it a clicky?)
Youngblood is a very cool, noirish comic. Ratner is a bit of a twat, but the source material is very cool and clever.
wow, some strong and differing opinions on this one! personally don't know anything about this director or Youngblood, but I agree that this role sounds like an older actor would be a better fit...not that Rob is immature, far from it, but I don't know if he could pull off "former" FBI agent.
that said, though, I'm interested in anything he wants to try, and I agree that a more adult role after twilight would be a good way to go!
I heard that he auditioned for the Tv version and got knocked back :/
I've been wondering about Bel Ami of late. When is he going to do it?
With Unbound Captives taking up the first 2-3 months of next year, followed by Breaking Dawn (and if it's going to be two films, then they're going to most likely have a 5-6 month shoot AND if it's going to be in the theatres by
2011, they can't wait till the fall of 2010 to start filming), so...when is he going to get to Bel Ami?
I got a queasy feeling that Summit might just cost him this role just as they did with Parts Per Billion.
Bet he'll be happy when all this Twilight shit is done. Btw...whatever happened with Parts Per Billion? Did it ever start filming? Wouldn't it be lovely if they waited for Rob? I just think it would be such a great role for him. Any role which shows off his musical abilities will only add to his 'legitimacy' as a musician.
And I want to see his music career to take off and not be met with scoff (just another actor trying to be a singer). If he can play a singer/songwriter on film first, his music career will then be launched from a 'legitimate' (there's that word again. very important word) platform.
Just my take.
Hi Nikola Six
I was just about to post comment but you got here before me and made me re-think. LOL
Don't know anything about the film industry or the way it works. All I know is that I WANT Rob to choose his rles very carefully in the next year or two....doesn't have to be box office because I'm not a box office type of girl...just something INTERESTING and EDGY that will get the attention of the citics and not just the teens who next year will be drooling about someone else (TAYLOR?) There is so muchmore to Rob and I want to see that...
Rosa - Rob is so lay back I can't imagine him working up real muscles like Hugh Jackman or Taylor. Though I am sure he could pull it off since he is definitely a good actor but he's gonna need lots helps from stunts, pads, and CG!
I myself like to see more of the English public school side of him, something more in line with his own personality.
Nikola Six
I believe he is supposed to start filming Bel Amie 'early 2010' fingers crossed. I so want to see him away from the Twilight stuff now.
sounds like a good role for him but i don't think he would do a super hero thing. doubt we will see him in this movie. not his mind frame on that stuff. he likes roles that mean something and challenge him.
Okay. To be honest, I don't know anything about this Youngblood and it could absolutely be a perfect fit for Rob. But Ratner? NO WAY. The guy is a hack and he's only tossing Rob's name out because at the moment, Rob Pattinson is the hottest young actor in the world AND by tossing his name out, it got noticed, didn't it? You want to put something in the spotlight? Mention Rob Pattinson's name.
I wouldn't let Brett Ratner in my house.
Heard Parts Per Billion lost financing after Rob pulled out. So maybe there's a chance for him to revisit that down the road (fingers crossed). Really want to see Rob in some real dramatic roles. I'm most excited about Bel Ami, but now not so sure. Heard some worrying things about the script. Ck out :
I dont want to see him in the whole old vampire typa film, i think hed be best to stick with twilight on the vampire front. I also dont think hed suit a role in the x men film hes just too laid back im not sure hed want a role like that anyway. I like the films that hes doing at the moment like Remember Me he suits more laid back roles :)
Sophie x
@Sharperoni-I completely agree w/you! He's got the box office in the bag, let's see a more personal side of him rather than a big and loud shoot-em-up, you know?
I think Rob can do any part that he believed in and felt he could bring something to the character...
I'm not a super hero fan, but if Rob was involved, I would certainly change my mind!
It's awesome that directors really believe in him & value his talent!
what's with all the Ratner hate? lol just wondering.
If he does choose this Youngblood role he would be playing Shaft, and ummm Rob would NEED to work out. I just don't see that happening.
Nikola~Rob as gambit would be sick! and pretty fucking awesome if you ask me. but again, don't see that happening.
Maybe they are waiting for Rob for the Parts Per Billion role. I hope filming BD won't interfere with him being part of Unbound Captives and Bel Ami. Patty is a busy busy man.
Well after reading the script for UC, if Rob can pull that off he can do anything. Just sayin, he's gonna need some serious stunt doubles cause i don't see him doing half that stuff. LOL!! I think he can play whatever he wants, and i just want to see him GET NEKKID!!! I WANT LOVE SCENES AND NAKED ROB! Wow, Ok, time to go rest.
lizzibee (and anyone else who can answer this question)...
How is Rob supposed to film Bel Ami in France at the beginning of 2010 when he's also suppose to be in New Zealand and New Mexico filming Unbound Captives at that same time?
If they're going to have Breaking Dawn in the theatres by 2011 (and I believe that is what Summit wants, giving them a Twilight film for four consecutive years), and if it's going to be two films (and if it's not, then they're going to have to take a machete to the book), then that means a longer shoot for Breaking Dawn. If it takes them 2-3 months to make one film, then it stands to reason that it should take 4-6 months to shoot Breaking Dawn (more story, more time to film it). And it makes sense to release them both in the same year (I would guess pt.1 in spring/summer and pt. 2 in the fall/year end). Which means, they've got to get to filming the damn thing I would think no later than next summer.
So how does Rob fit Bel Ami and Unbound Captive in BEFORE Breaking Dawn? I realize he's only 23, but if he doesn't take some kind of break (it's insane to think that he can film six films back to back with no kind of substantial break), if he thinks he can do it, I think he's going to wind up in the hospital with a case of exhaustion.
Some might say that he's going to film Unbound Captive this fall after he finishes Eclipse. No. Wrong. Eclipse finishes filming the end of October, just in time to go out and promote the hell out of New Moon. And Hugh Jackman will be on Broadway until Dec. 6th. What? They're going to start filming a movie just a few weeks before Christmas? No. They'll wait until the first of the year.
I guess it's possible that he could 2-3 months on UC, then 2-3 months on Bel Ami and then finally start Breaking Dawn next summer.
But I would think that by the end of 2010, were gonna have one wrung out boy on our hands. He's gonna need a break, but the offers coming in might be just too much to turn down.
Be careful of burnout baby. And drugs that keep you going.
Youngblood is kick ass. The problem is that it could be hard to transfer the nuances and social commentary it makes onto the big screen. The watchmen is a perfect example of how more clever, gritty, smart comics can get effed up in the process.
This is post dark knight comics here, and so the source material would be right up Robert's alley. How that source material manifests is the issue, and yes, I do agree that Ratner is a bit of a twat and name dropper. lol
BUT I wouldn't think he'd be the agent, there's a couple team members that are younger and would make more sense. Clever stuff, like the article mentions, about nature of celebrity and how it can be a cover for more insidious forces at work(thus the government sponsored superhero team that are treated like celebrities).
ps: evidence of Brett's twatness? His xmas card dressed up like a tubby wolverine:
Why all the Ratner hate? Ewww...gawd...don't get me started.
But forget the personal, I think he's a lousy director and that's really why I don't want Rob working with him. As for Gambit...
I believe Rob has already gone on the record saying he'd love to play the role. Course that was last year before Twilight shot him into the stratosphere and alot has changed for him since then.
I like the idea because the X-Men is the top of the rung as far as comic book movies go. Without the success of X-Men, there wouldn't have been a Spider or Iron Man and Comic Con would still just be a minor geek fest. Not the massive, major big deal it's become.
X-Men started it all. It's the Rolls Royce of comic book movies and if Rob's going to get involved with one (and you know it would end up a trilogy), I would just want it to the best.
Also...Gambit is second only to Wolverine in popularity. This is why there was no Gambit in the X-Men films. They found their leading man in Hugh Jackman and they didn't want another character (or actor) competing with him. So...no Gambit.
I hope he stays away from the comic book thing altogether, but if he's got to choose one...go with Gambit. He is the ONE character in the X-Men universe that the audience is dying to see up on the big screen (the cameo in Wolverine didn't quite cut it).
I think it would mean major box office success for him and if he can balance that with the serious, indie stuff, he'll have a fine career.
@Anne, I just clicked on that picture and almost passes out. Holy Crow. I can see every single hair of his scruff! And those eyes. DIED.
Just to back up my previous post...
Yes, I know that Superman and Batman came before X-Men. But Superman was finished by the 80's and Clooney's Batman shut that franchise down.
What I'm referring to is, the EXPLOSION of the comic book genre (and Comic Con) since the dawn of the 21st century. X-Men started this current explosion AND even the Batman franchise would not have re-booted without the success of X-Men.
That's what I meant.
Let's petition! Let's petition for Rob as Youngblood. It does not hurt that the director already wants him! Of course other comic geeks may object --- they always do that! BUT, I AM a GEEK myself, so I have a say to the matter. That would be great if he gets the role!
Rob can pull of a 30-yr old FBI agent if he wants to. Much like at 23, he can pull off a 17-yr old vampire. Come on! He is an actor.
Plus, by the time they shoot that film, he will be 24 --- at 24, he'll more mature. It's not like they're shooting that film this year! Fact is, he has some candids where he can be age between 23-30.
Rob for Youngblood!!!!!!!!!!
I am with you girl!! He did get nekked in LA with his precious little pot belly-
He's lost that now, so I think we need to see it again!
Nikola Six
Sorry to not respond straight away...
I have read that he's filing Bel Amie 'beginning 2010' on RPattz News today. True or false? no idea...I do recall Rob saying earlier on in the year that he would be in Paris filming in the new year so that would make sense...the role in UC is only a supporting role so his actual filmng schedule could maybe be a couple of weeks? Don't know - so it is possible to fit it in but yes... I concure ..he is going to be absolutely exhausted...not good..I want to see him around for a LONG time.
Don't get me wrong, I love Edward. And no one can play Edward like Rob can. Not even close. But I think Edward is a very weak character compared to what Rob is capable of. His Toby Jugg blows the crap out of simpering, whiney Edward. His comic timing is terrific, and his passion, ambiguity, and tortured soul is some much more profound as Salvador Dali.
I, for one, and probably the only one, will be glad when he is finished with Twilight and can go on to more meaty, manly roles. BD, to me, was way too long without much story, just details. I am not into fantasy weddings, so that does not need any elaboration. The honeymoon might be a nice touch, and the shock of the pregnancy should be interesting. I look forward to seeing Rosalie come around to Bella's side, but Edward's whining to Jacob endlessly was exhausting. I was sick to death of Jacob by then, but I felt a lot for Leah and Seth, so that is not so bad. A tiny bit more danger when Sam fears the worst from the unborn baby, but ortunately the pregnancy is short and dramatic, so that will probably stay intact. But how long do we have to watch Renesme grow before the Volturi come? Cripes, that went on forever. Just get with the changes Bella feels when she transforms, change the season to when Nessie is old enough to hunt, and let Bella learn to control her shield. Get the Volturi in there and end the dang thing.
I know most of you won't agree, but the preaching and whiney Edward were almost too much to bear. There is no 17 year old out there with that much mature an emotion. The end really does become a religious parable I can do without.
So I hope they shorten BD so Rob can move forward. He's become too manly to be a boy anymore.
Sorry, all. I just lost it. I love the Twilight Saga. I have it in hard cover and in paperback, the sound tracks from iTunes and the CD. I have read them all 4 times and will read them all again at least a couple of times before NM comes out. I read Midnight Sun at least once per month.
I love it, but I love Rob so much more. He has replaced every actor I have ever been in love with. Even Pierce Brosnan, Hugh Jackman and Johnny Depp. I just want him to move on to the roles he is really capable of. He is so good, he can sleepwalk through Twilight. He just stands there an dazzles everyone. He is perfection like I have never seen before. I just want to see him gain the respect he deserves from the rest of the world. But only if he wants to. Whatever Robbie wants is good with me.
Thank you so much, Ladies, for being here and sharing my severe obsession. I hope we don't all end up in hospitals over him. Please forgive my rant from before. It's been a long day.
You are not alone believe me in wishing the end of the Twilight role for Rob much as I love the character of Edward. I did not like the way Ms Meyer sort of almost lost interest in Edward throughout the rest of the books and made him out to be a second rate character. Who in their right minds would,ve let Jacob behave the way he did and what's with all this 'imprint' business. Didn't Edward & Bella naturally conceive Renesmee without any help from Jacob? Sorry maybe I'm thick....don't get it. Anyway I digress....and yes - I want to see Rob in more diverse, interesting roles that will stretch him and give him more critical aclaim. I saw him in THe Haunted Airman as Toby JUgg and thought he was brilliant...much better than Twilight......
@ Kathryn: You are definetly not the only one. Months ago I already wished he would not sign for Breaking Dawn, noone could understand me.
Kathryn - very much agree with you there. I want to see Rob in other different and more serous stuff very much.
As soon as I got into Rob/Twilight obsession, my 12 year old son (he is decidedly anti-Twilight), was disgusted. He rolled his eyes and said "mom became a teenager!"
Oh, well, I guess I'll have to endure his mockery for 3 more Twilight movies! But please no more!
@ Kathryn & Sharperoni: Where were you last March when I hoped he'd decline Breaking Dawn? I felt so alone then. :-) At least Lovis revealed in July she did not like the book.
As I said before, I hope to see him in films screaming teenagers are not allowed to watch. Not because of any nude scenes but because of the storyline. Should be so much better then.
Oh, Ladies, thank you so much for your support. I know we all love Rob, even if some of us found him in Twilight, we all know the difference.
We will all check into the Looney Bin over him together. I'll bring the wine.
Perhaps Rob is just too nice a guy to abandon the ship in the middle of a voyager...
On the other hand, I kind of like Breaking Dawn: the consummation of their relationship has to be told. I think the overall story line of BD is good. Many irritating small things may be changed in the screen script.
You bring the wine, I'll bring the cheeze whiz and who's got the crackers? :)
Count me in the "I wish this Twilight shit were over so that he could move on to more adult fare" club too. Not that I don't want to see the rest of Twilight played out. I do. I just want it to be done. As for the religious overtones...
I wrote extensively about them a couple months back on this board (couldn't find them now with Holmes and Watson sitting on my shoulders...with flashlights), but she definitely snuck them in there.
Meyer's Mormon beliefs are all over Edward and Bella's marriage. And that's fine. Her book. She can write whatever she wants. But don't anyone hold their breath waiting for an R rated Breaking Dawn (as it should be).
Summit isn't going to do anything to off put the younger members of the fanbase and Meyer who doesn't even watch R rated films would never let her book be turned into one. Not gonna happen.
Fear not. We'll get to see plenty of Rob in adult roles. Me thinks he's a little risk taker. Little Ashes confirmed that for me.
Oh, crap - I can hear the fanboy howling already if this becomes more seriously considered. The fangirl hissing when Rob was cast for Twilight will be like a whisper in the dark. Run away, run away! I think he's being offered something more interesting than this anyway.
Didn't he sign on for BD because he was just so looking forward to that scene? :D
@Nik & katherine,
I agree as well-I love the series, and I do love Robward-but after seeing LA, HA, & HTB, he needs to move on to the adult roles-
He has soooo much more to offer than Edward-he knows it too-he's just so ethical he will see this through to the end...
Actually, I love Wide Awake Edward the best...
@ Nik: Here you are. And there as well. (I googled, perhaps there's even more.)
I think he signed on for Breaking Dawn because of the $$$ involved (not only for him, but for agents, managers and publicists who get a cut) AND because if he hadn't, there would be no Breaking Dawn. Without his further participation, this franchise would have come to a screeching halt.
Robert Pattinson is the ONLY actor who is irreplaceable in all of this. If push came to shove, they could replace Kristen. Why? Because she is not the one fueling this world wide phenomenom.
HE IS!!!
Also. If he'd walked away, a large portion of the fanbase would have turned on him like snakes.
He's no dummy.
@ Nik: I know. But I was allowed to wish, wasn't I?
Mmmmh... somehow I can't picture Rob in this film... especially because it sounds like it might turn into another "franchise" (like X-Men, for example) and something tells me it's going to be a loooooooooooong time before he lets himself get involved in something like that again... I can see him running for the hills screaming already, leaving behind only a puff of dust...
*raises hand* here's another one who can't wait for the Twilight saga to be completed and for Rob to move on, as much as I love the books and Edward.
And I really, really, really hope that Summit will not mess up Rob's opportunity to play Georges Duroy, or they *will* see *MY* fangs up close and personal!
@ Kathryn: I completely agree with you about Toby Jugg vs Edward Cullen. Toby is still one of my favourites among Rob's characters, second only to Salvador Dalì.
Oh wow Phos...
I didn't know you could google someone on here and get their old posts. I tell ya, the tunage of what I don't know about technology could stop a herd of elephants in their tracks.
Stole that line from somewhere. Just can't remember where. Could probably find out on google.
Must sign off now as I'm talking to myself and typing out my thoughts on a public board.
Yes indeedy. Time to log off.
Talk atcha' latah...
Oh. But thanks Phos for finding that if anyone is interested in knowing how Mormon theology made it's way into the Twilight story.
I owe you an e-mail. Please forgive.
@ Nik: It's very easy. Just enter the words you are looking for plus search:http://www.robsessedpattinson.com.
To find your old comments I used
Nikola +mormons search:http://www.robsessedpattinson.com
mormons and search:http://www.robsessedpattinson.com
showed too many wrong results.
@ Nik: Don't worry, I'm owing emails to other people all the time.
@Nikola: Surely. I was being facetious. I also think that doing so allowed for some bargaining chips with Summit about other possible projects. :)
@ Athena: Looks like we should bring quite a lot of crackers then. :-)
@Phsophorus: I'll be happy to bring a cartload of crackers! ;)
Oww, Nik 6 is absolutely on the money - stay away from Rob you hideous monster.
Everything this guy has done is revolting, absolute trash.
He's got freakin tickets on himself if he thinks Rob should even consider meeting him ever - eww.
Take a look at his horrible list of productions on imdb.
Tarantino wants Rob, so does Berg, plenty of Brits do to, Cannes asution dude too, Bazz probably does after the karaoke night - shoo evil B grade turd your not even in the right league. Why did they let him do Xmen?
i too am ready for the twishit (lol see what i did there?) to be over. he needs to do some meaty roles. i want him opposite tom hanks or shit even can you imagine it? philip seymour hoffman. i want him doing crazy shit with danny mcbride or something crazy like the hangover. i think he can pull it off.
I want Flight of Conchords to work with him on an evil ridiculous comedy with Dylan Moran included and a whole lot of crazy Brits - with singing.
And a Taranttino thing; and an Ang Lee movie, please Ang Lee, please.
That Look...gahhhhh...yes, I know it well. Would like to see it on him in my BR!
On another note, any of you who are Bobby Long fans living in or near the Twin Cities - he is playing here September 1. Please come..here's the link for ino and tickets
Hope to see you there!
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