Zygote Robert Pattinson - I know You Missed Him :)

For my fabulous partner Dani who loves Zygote Rob :) Me? I think I get closer to the gates of HELL everytime I look at them :))

MrPattinson.com surfaced an outtake from the South China Morning Post Shoot:

So I decided it was time to remember the whole set:))

A big thanks to Mr.Pattinson.com :)


albaville said...

I didnt see this thing until now..doesnt look great to me, Rob is a baby and the body is not so good..WHY ROB WHY?...nothing else to say...anyway I forgive u all darling..its hard but i DO

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh good lord-I'm still having nasty thoughts, but now feeling guilty...

eternaltwilight said...

*clears throat* I need more RM photos to erase zygot rob from my mind. Lolz Goz, you kill me with your hilarity.

Elsa S said...

I´m having nasty thoughts, but now feeling guilty... Even he looks a to young and a litle bit femenine lol

Dani said...

YAY FOR ZYGOTE LOVE!!!! I am in awe as usual of his naked babyness and I do not appologize for my love of his soft underbelly. I let out an internal squeeeeeeeee every time these pics are posted.

Am I a little sick for loving them...YES..do I care...NOT ONE BIT!

Thank you Goz, I know these pics creep you out so much, you really are a doll to post them with some love for me.

Georgie said...

Noooooooooooo spare me Zygote Rob! He definitely gets better with age.

Fire Crotch said...

I need to cleanse my palate after that...or scratch out my eyes...I don't feel quite as dirty as when I was looking for shirtless pics of Taylor Lautner, but I think that's only because I didn't have to look through a whole lot of other youngins shirtless...heh. Here's hoping Rob goes the way of Taylor and not Leonardo DeCaprio in the workout department.

WinWin said...

OK, we know how much these burn my eyes right out of the sockets. Too much baby thigh action here. Just kinda wiped out all of yesterday's hotness. Gozde, make it go away.... please???

WinWin said...

Dani, you rock! I'll pretend I never saw these just for you. Roblove goodness all around!

Gozde said...

LOL :) You know I love you Danilicious :) Anything for my partner :P

Haystackhair said...

Scrubbing my eyes and picturing hot Rob in same positions, just boxer briefs....ah, ok, all better now..THUD

phosphorus said...

Argh, Gözde, that was cruel (but very nice for Dani).

Anonymous said...

A gorgeous God in the making next to a chick that looks like a mannequin.....his eyes are sooo expressive and lucious!

margot said...

Apage satanas ...... is there an exorcist ????

Why, oh, whyyyy ?????

I felt so secure watching my fav Robsite ..... now I need a shrink

wanabRPsmom said...

These baby pictures of Robert are a SURE turn OFF of the ROBsession :)

rpattzgrl: Thank you... left you are reply at another post. what is 3 region dvd player?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Region free DVD players will allow you to play DVD's from other countries, like the UK..

Apparently each country has their own codes, which I found out the hard way when I started ordering Rob's movies & they wouldn't play on my dvd player!
You can order them from amazon.com.

Unknown said...

oh no! not again pleeaaase!!!
...he does have big feet... LOL! ;)

Unknown said...

why gozde why did you post those pictures :P he looks really creepy and weird at the same time :P no more zygote rob please:)))

wanabRPsmom said...

Am afraid to order a diff. dvd. My family is going to commit me! :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Here's some more photos-He's in shorts again-nice grown man legs in these!


Cindeeloo said...


OH, the sacrafices we make for the one's we LOVE.

Now PLEASE make it GO AWAY!!!!

(clicks heels 3x's)

p.s. How old is he in these pics?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know, my family thought I was nuts too-but don't care, it's worth it!

Cindeeloo said...

Phewwww...Thanks rpatzgirl!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Lmao!! Your just trying to cleanse our palate for more of the picture onterage that is to come hopefully.

Oh my eyes this is painful.

LOL Dani, we love you to!

Anonymous said...

the tags kills me :)

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon Ladies
These pictures are dreadful. Poor Rob - how embarrassing for him. Having said that you can still see the potential in that lovely face but even so......what was his Mum thinking allowing him to be photographed like this?!
Anyway...Dani? Have you commented on another blog about some fan who's moaning because Rob didn't come over to take a photo with her?
because if you did then I've said almost exactly the same things as you in reply LOL. He doesn't need fans like that. Makes me so cross.

Cindy said...

No. Just no, No, NOOOOOO!!!!!

I'd never seen these before. Now I wish I could go back in time about 3 minutes....LOL!!

showme said...


Runs away shrieking...


Marna said...


margot said...

"Feel guilty about it. I feel like it's wrong"

Gemgirl65 said...

Now see, THAT almost killed my RobBuzz from the past week. Child porn...not hot.

pass the brain bleach please....

Diane said...

I have just been forced to gouge my eyes out with a microwaved carrot and that's not easy. Now I can't find the phone but I'm pretty sure it's Chris Hansen from that "America's Next Top Pedophile" show. He wants to arrest Dani. Do the words "aiding and abetting" mean anything to you, Goz?

bbonin said...

I don't like looking at those pictures because Rob just looked like a boy, I would feel like a pervert if I found those pics sexy. Ack.

Cougar71 said...

So not into child pornography!!!! These are pics of Rob that I never wish to see again! (I'd be willing to bet that Rob feels the same way.)


Tess said...

Oh sweet mother of God.. The pictures that just wont go away!! bahahaha.

I have to admit it... they sort of grow on you. Like fungus..

XOX Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh nasty..I've seen these before and they bothered me and thought Rob would be really upset if these got around. I know I would be. Credic Diggory Rob I can look at, Twilight Rob, How to Be Rob, even The Haunted Airman Rob. But these and that one in the red briefs people insist on putting in their videos give me the creeps. Sorry..

katykeene said...

Rob has already stated he hates that these pictures are out there being passed around. Isn't it bad enough that his every waking moment is watched/filmed these days without revisiting pictures that embarrass him??????????????????

zo said...

Gozde you're right I hate you
why do you keep doing that ?

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