Why Are They Beating Up Robler?

And why do I keep calling him Robler? Worst nickname EVER and I know we started it!
Shame on me! :)

Why are they hurting our boy? This movie is going to rip my heart into pieces.

Oh and please don't answer the question, no spoilers :)

Next three pictures are....No words :)

And now we go back to pics in order:

What is going on Rob?

Cute as hell :) (Hell is not cute, Inever got this expression. Let's say cute as Rob:)

Thanks to Socialitelife.com, check 'em out for more ;)

Photo Credit:
Splash News Online | WENN | Pacific Coast News Online
Website: www.splashnewsonline.com | wenn.com | www.pacificcoastnewsonline.com


NY DEAL GAL said...

Goz...I'm from Brooklyn and a real tough chick. I LOVE MY MEN Battered and bruised! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Rob look extrordinarily thin on some of these pics.... dont be wasting away your man meat on us Rob !

Babs said...

It hurts to see him so beaten up, even if it's fake. I love the stubble!
About him being so thin, I wish I could lose weight that easily *sigh*

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

As always, amazing photos-not too many people can look sexy being all beaten up & bruised-just our man!

I said this on last thread, love the new shirt...it's nice & thin!!

Kate said...

How real do those cuts look ??
He looks great, what i'd give to be tht make up artist :-P LOL

Alexandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wanabRPsmom said...

We all should see the movie and WEAR a T-shirt that reads: Remember Me - front "Robsessed" - on back. :))

nextstopsf said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nextstopsf said...

(try again) Just loving the smile! Oh and the thin white t-shirt isn't so bad either.... ;)

Tinadora said...

Even all bruised, he looks adorable. :)

So the little girl plays his sister? I didn't know that.

Victoria said...

Why is he reading a book on Greek Mythology - is it part of the script? If he really doesn't like kids he is the BEST actor ever. Look how sweet he is to his "sister."

Dahlia said...

I. am. died... I keep dying over and over again! Even beaten up he is the best looking guy!

lostinphilly57 said...

Liking the thin white shirt with the buttons (knowing Rob has an aversion to buttoning up buttons); and yes,Rob looks good even battered and bruised. Thanks Goz for all the pix!!!

Alexandra said...

Oh sorry Teresa I didn't realise that not everyone knew that! If anyone wants me to delete that comment I will, just say so. It's not too spoilery though is it? Sorry about that...

peeling a fig said...

Yep, keep deleting those spoilers. I am trying to stay unspoilt! Thanks.

I agree with Alexandra, he doesn't look thin to me. He looks pretty fine in that white top. So many new clothes, Rob, what gives? Stephanie? A visit from Mum? Decided to go with mail order?

Babs said...

I think that the book belongs to the little girl, she's holding a yellow book in another pic, from the cover it looks like a book for kids.

Alexandra said...

OK deleted it. Sorry people :)

Anonymous said...

Robler may be more beloved than Robward if fans will give him a chance. My heart breaks for him.

He should only wear black and white, and blue and green. Oh well fine wear any color, he looks amazing in everything. That might just be my blinded eyes lols.

He is thin, some shots make him look buffed but he is just skinny. Doesn't detract from his beauty though.

Loisada said...

As much as I hate to see him battered, I have to give a shout out to the make-up team on this movie. They are doing a fantastic job.

So far everything looks very realistic, wardrobe as well. Love that they aren't gussying everyone up Hollywood style. It actually has the look of an indie film. With the great supporting cast, I have high hopes for this movie, despite all the hoopla and onset interference. It's going to break our hearts to see Rob in a character molded so closely after him being dragged through the mud. Then again, we are all going to feel like vicariously loving him up just that much more. Please somebody, anybody, get in there and coddle Robbie!

Marna said...

That white shirt is killing me, I wonder what it would look like wet? His abs are getting better looking every day. It's amazing how realistic his makeup looks, I wonder how long it takes to do.

spellbound said...

IMHO, I think it's inevitable that there will be some "spoiling" going on on a post that deals specifically with pics of the movie. So if anyone doesn't want to be spoiled AT ALL, maybe they should stay away from the RM threads. Otherwise some spoiling will happen. In my case, I already know the ending & am searching for the script as we speak, so I don't mind the spoilers at all but if I didn't want to know anything at all about the movie I certainly wouldn't read these posts or comments. I'm very careful to not give anything away but things do slip on these threads. You're almost certainly going to know more about the movie than you knew before if you read these every day.

meryma said...

He is our sweet torture...

Two favorite pics are one where he is in white shirt and walking (what a posture!!) and second is the one with hoodie and he's holding a book...

I am melting, sliding off my chair and I'm gone...dead!

Pet73 said...

Girls, do you really think he is too thin? I think, he's just perfect :). I always was a fan of his slender body but I think he's looking better and better. This white shirt shows a bit of the wonderful body that seems to be underneat it. Me definitely likes :).

BTW, they should get this extraordinary make up artist for the remaining movies of the Twilight saga. Whoever it is, he/she is great!

WinWin said...

OK, Robler is so going to be the death of me. Everyday I wait for set photos, feeling really guilty about it. This is the summer of Rob. I love the white henley, it is very thin. lol.

Gozde, thanks for all the hard work. Hugs and Kisses to you!

Pet73 said...

Spellbound- I'm with you. To come here regularly to look at all the pics taken during movie filming and complaining about beeing spoiled - that's almost ridiculous.

And even if no one is mentioning the girl is his sister - after seeing tons of pics with Rob and her together, what would people assume? (Don't be offended, but seriously girls, you don't really think his student character is the father of an approx. 10 year old daughter?)

Pet73 said...

Spellbound- I can e-mail you the script (but I don't have your address).

anna F said...

He looks delicious, it's what the beat up looks does to me ;_; His eyes just stand out and hypnotize me~
I certainly don't feel like comforting him in those pic... more like attack him I guess.

I'm scared of what a tanned look (unbound captive anybody?) will do, I'm sure the effect will just as strong...

Loisada said...

I'm right there with you Anna. When Robler channels Edward, it makes one part of me want to turn and run, but the other part wants to start snarling and pounce on him!


Pet73 said...

Hi WinWin :)! (waves frantically)

peeling a fig said...

Hm, good point. I guess I want my cake (Rob and the camaraderie of this community) and to eat it too (not be spoiled). I'll try to chill about it.

Spoilers are a grey area, really. Some folks are sensitive about any info, and others just don't want the big spoilers.

Anonymous said...

Starting to really hate that damn hoodie....it makes him look like some kind of bank robber.

LOVE, LOVE, L - O - V - E the white long sleeved shirt....

Me ~ Ow!!

I wonder if he get's hit by a car or suffers a serious butt kicking.....that make up is some serious stuff!

Anonymous said...

Ok - what does Robler stand for and why can't my pea brain figure it out????

lostinphilly57 said...


Pet73 said...

Robert + Tyler it is :)!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm with you-he's not too skinny at all-just tall & lanky & lean & hot & smoldering...ohh, god, now I'm really sliding...
he just has no butt, but all in all, he's perfect....

Love is effing hair-want to run my fingers through it and feel it on my back....

Kelly said...




nuff said

Pet73 said...

Possible Spoiler - don't read!

PattinsonForever - you already saw the pics of him getting the bruises!

meryma said...

pattinsonforever -hahaha
Robert and Tyler

It's not your brains fault, he has that kind of impact on all of us...

Mon said...

Wow...Robbie has a new white shirt. I have a new white shirt too, so we have something in common, I feel kinda special =) But of course he looks amazing, unlike me. Just love his eyes...mesmerising.
*trying to stop thinking about blue/green/grey eyes*

Gemgirl65 said...

WOW..okay...I am having trouble getting past how HOT that see-through white tee-shirt is. Yeah, he's all beat up and stuff, which is very unfortunate...but it'll wash off, and the pretty will be left in that hot-as-sin, super-thin, total WIN shirt.

Yup...feelin' shallow today.

Pet73 said...

rpattzgirl- The butt is there but unfortunately we cannot see it because of those baggy trousers he's always wearing :(.

Maybe it will be better (for us) when filming UC - I'm wondering - will he only be wearing a loincloth ?

meryma said...

Pet - so subtle :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

oh god, can you imagine him in a loincloth? God lord they'd have to pass out personal fans at the theater!

Pet73 said...

Girls, can you imagine how many papz pics we probably will get to see of Rob filming UC, probably riding on a horse in such an outfit?

Gemgirl65 said...

P.S. Those pics of Robler straddling the hydrant are just SCREAMING for a few "caption this" attempts. Unfortunately I have to get back to work right now LOL!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You're killing me...

Pet73 said...

A girl can always dream ...

When I think it over, I am just starting to feel sorry for Rob. He hates to be photographed by the Paps. How much must he hate it to be photographed half naked! (I heard they will be filming in Latin America, maybe the "situation" is better there and he will be able to work without disturbance?)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You're right...

You could see that in Italy, ever time there was a break in shooting he would put his shirt back on (dammit)

1/2 naked Rob on a horse...wow..

keely said...

I would love to have that white T-shirt on my floor...oh my god, did I say that. Sorry, my mind is messed cause I was learnng gynecology the last few hours :-)
But seriously, I don´t think he´s to thin, he never was the "weighty" guy.
Actually, Iám wonderinh how can someone who tells he´s eating fast food all the time stay like that :-)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

It's ok, my mind goes in the gutter all the time-I have to watch sometimes what I actually write out for everyone else to see...

He brings out that side of us..

margot said...

actually I cannot imagine Rob as an Indian-raised (?) esp with long hair and on a horseback.... no, not at all ! and Indians did't use saddles - can he ride a horse ? It would be very demanding to fit.
Long hair .... agrrrhhhh
and it worries me

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Being from London, I doubt he can ride a horse-I guess he'll be taking lessons..

Long hair? I agree, hmm, I prefer him with his normal hair-but, I thought he was hot in Little Ashes & his hair was weird in that...

keely said...

@rpattzgirl: LOL, totally the same here :-)

Margot, I´m so not into man with long hair, just not my cup of tea, but I´m very curious about that roll. I wanna see, if he got me believe in that character.

Anonymous said...

Ok - - Ok - - I get it now...DUH!!
I wasn't even thinking about Rob's character name of Tyler...

Thanks ladies!!

Pet73 said...

Margot- But at least we have to appreciate his role in UC for one thing: I'm pretty sure his part as Phineas is the main reason why he's continuing resp. even increasing his work out programme.

(Of course, it also doesn't hurt for the remaining Twilight movies :).)

Anonymous said...

God he looks amazing even beat up. That make-up is so realistic - a little bit too much for my liking. As someone has already said that make-up artist should have been used for Twilight!
Glad to see he looks a bit happier today and I do think in certain pictures he looks very thin. The one where he jumps off the wall his legs are like sticks in those flappy trousers!
Going off subject I have been well and truly embarrassed today thanks to my dear 19 year old daughter. I bought Heat magazine this morning only to find that she'd emailed a letter to them last week about her Mum's Robsession - that's the title and they've gone and printed it. Words have been said! Oh sod it I don't care....he's worth it!

showme said...

i sincerely hope this is the last day where he wears that makeup. esp this really bruised one. it's starting to really hurt me.

however, if i could photoshop his bruises/cuts of his face off, that white shirt would be my new fave piece of clothing in the world.

he better keep that one! and wear it ALL THE DAMN TIME.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

and won't he have to get pretty "bare" in Bel Ami as well?

Pet73 said...

lizzibee- So a mag mentioned you and Rob in the same article. Be sure, some other girls would kill for that :).

Aleigh said...

I hate seeing him scratched and bruised. It makes me sad. He's still gorgeous though. <3

AnnaD said...

This man will be the death of me. I swear.

keely said...

@Lizzibee: And I´m sure your daughter is a bit proud of you oterwise she wouldn´t wrote to a mag :-) My mum once rapped when I was about 13, I told everybody ´cause I thought she was so cool LOL

Pet73 said...

rpattzgirl- Yeah, but since Ashley G. said, BD will be filmed shortly, I wonder if Bel Ami is still on schedule (scratches head)?

I assume, when they start filming of EC by mid of August, the will start UC by beginning of 2010 and afterwards BD. So Bel Ami might be postponed until end of 2010?

Anonymous said...

Pet73 & Keely

Thanks girls that makes me feel a bit better! Just got to try and sort the husband out now and his smart-ass sarcastic comments!

Wonder how Rob got on with Pierce Brosnan today.

keely said...

@Lizzi: Just tell him, that since Demi and Ashton, younger men become object of preference for us ;-) A frind of mine is always kidding me about Rob and I always counter: " Honey, it´s just because you are 10 yeras older than Rob...old meat..pffft " ;-)

Pet73 said...

lizzibee- I'm thinking about this Rob - Pierce thing for days now! Wondering, if they have some kind of special connection beeing "neighbours" in Europe?

I am so curious for some pics of them taken during filming (guilty, you got me)!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm wondering that too-seems like he will be going from one to another..

And then, all the promos & premiers..

Might be no so good for him (he needs a little break-but good for us..lots of Rob!

Anonymous said...

Ah that's a good one! He likes Kylie anyway - mind you she's only 10 years younger and 20plus cough cough!

Pet 73
I read on one o the blogs that him and Pierce are sharing a trailer but that he finished filming about over an hour ago so I wonder what he does then? Rehearse for tomorrow perhaps?

Pet73 said...

So we poor Europeans obviously will have to wait until tomorrow morning for some pics?

Alright then, I'll go to bed (poor BF keeps sitting in front of the TV all alone, watching MJ funeral, concert, whatever)

Sweet Rob dreams, y'all :)!

Anna said...

Oh my, oh my...

Oh Rob what are you doing to me...

Why the white tshirt, why...

*breathes in paper bag*

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hey showme! :)

My reaction exactly, re: the white shirt.

RP should NEVER, EVER remove that barely there, sunburn permitting, tissue-weight white henley!!

*...well...with ONE exception... ;P*

keely said...

Lizzi ( I hope you don´t mind me calling you so),
didn´t women live longer and got their sexual peak later ;-)
Okay Ladies, I´m off to bed, too. Hope you all have a wondeerful day!

Anonymous said...

where do you ladies get the up to the minute Rob on set details!

I was in NYC for 4 days and never, not once ever saw Rob or the set he was supposed to be on.

I ran across Nicolas Cage and Harrison Ford sets but not Rob's....

Where do people find this information! I was sooo frustrated I didn't see Rob or the set...... =o(

Yvonne said...

The bruises look so real....really good makeup, but, heartbreaking!

And that white shirt....oh my! It's really a good style for him, I don't know if it's the v-neck, maybe the color.....but, DAMN, it looks awaesome on him!

RM is gonna be great, can't wait till Feb.

Yvonne said...

oh, on another note, the hydrant pictures, wth? That is just awkward and weird, he looks like he can't quite balance on the damn thing thing, and then finally gives up. Like a child...too cute :)

phosphorus said...

@ Pet: Probably Rob won't wear a breechcloth in Unbound Captive. The Comanche began wearing loose-fitting buckskin shirts in the 19th century.

margot said...

Comanche men usually had pierced ears with hanging earrings made from pieces of shell or loops of brass or silver wire. A female relative would pierce the outer edge of the ear with six or eight holes. The men also tattooed their face, arms, and chest with geometric designs, and painted their face and body. Traditionally they used paints made from berry juice and the colored clays of the Comancheria. Later, traders supplied them with vermilion (red pigment) and bright grease paints. Comanche men also wore bands of leather and strips of metal on their arms

Tatward ? :))))))))))

hello Ph, I passed my exam, will get promotion and payrise :)

xoRobxo said...

Makeup looks good- real

Ohhh. come here baby... I'll kiss your boo-boo

I like the white shirt. Rob always looks extra yummy in white

aimary said...

he looks handsome and sexy even with this bruises!! lol
love him!! *sigh*

Tinadora said...

Hey Alexandra, no prob about the comment ;). Cheers!

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