What a Load Of Crap Taken To a WHOLE New Level Part Deux

Australian Magazines seem to take the lead on our "What a Load of Crap" competition. They actually have no competition at this point :)) First "Famous Magazine" and now this:

Kristen rocks Rob "I'm pregnant"

The real-life romance of Twilight stars Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson is in turmoil after she told to a friend she believes she is pregnant with the actors child

. The actress, who discovered she could be expecting last week, was so worried someone would discover her secret she sent a close pal to buy a pregnancy test kit.

"Kristen asked one of her friends to buy the test because she was worried about someone seeing her at the drug store," an insider reveals exclusively to NW. "She's very nervous about the whole situation."

The couple, who haven't even gone public with their romance yet, are now facing the toughest challenge to their relationship as they struggle with the news they could be parents.

Kristen first started to suspect she might be expecting when she realized she hadn't had her period.

"When she worked out she was late, she obviously started to thinking that she could be pregnant" says a pal. " And because of the timing, she thinks Rob could be the father."

source thanks to KD for the tip :)


HC said...

Serioulsy not only an insult to the written word but how is this crap legal.

Tinadora said...

They're SO sued over this one...

Cindeeloo said...

missypix...I was wondering the same exact thing. I'm thinking there has to be some sort of line they can't cross and in this case they certainly crossed it!!!

@to all you Shippers/non-shippers..I stumbled across an interesting article earlier in the evening. Alot more credible then the one posted here.


Alexandra said...

That really is a WHOLE new level. Surely there's some kind of law against this? Completely unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

I gave Borders a good old visit early this morning and saw that.
I laughed so much!

Completely ridiculous, I swear.

anna F said...

and here I was thinking things were calming down partly thanks to the sad news from last week... Looks like some mags did not get the feeling that there is anything more important to talk about right now.

Then again, this is a fiction magazine obviously, so that could explain the front "news": a new short story aka fanfic about their current favorite actors?

margot said...

new level ? or the new deep bottom ?

I'd call this a new fan fiction...

actually ... didn't I read this somewhere on fanfiction.net ???

I think it is illegal but you have tu sue them on your own and it takes money and time ... crap

Unknown said...

UGH! Hate it!

When will they stop? Seriously!


Crystal said...

OMG! This is the funniest thing ever!
But what's wrong with these magazines? Do they really think we are so stupid to believe them, when it was already proved this is only a bunch of crap?!!
I bet Rob and Kristen are laughing like crazy right now too!

lelie said...

the 1st april joke from Gozde was a lot more funnier;-))

Babs said...

This is way out of line. Speculating about a celebrity's love life can be bad enough, but talking about pregnancy is just sick and disgusting.

Haystackhair said...

Sigh. Here we go again, on a whole new level of stupid....

Georgie said...

Almost makes me ashamed to be an Aussie - that our magazines are taking the lead in peddling this sort of crap!

Georgie said...

And yes it does sound like something from a fanfic - the one I'm thinking of was the other way around: Bella buying a pregnancy kit for her friend Alice. Can't the mags think of any more "original" fiction?

Anonymous said...

now wait a second..

they did say she realized she was preggos when she didn't get her period...

HEY.. that is how I realized I was preggos..

I mean, what are the odds of that?


Serap said...

Yeah she's pregnant and smoking in almost every shot i've seen of her on the set of "Runaways" honestly where do these magazines get off?...What happend to actual journalism...where you actually 'report' things that either may or may not be happening. Rather then simply making s**t up...

Anonymous said...

I agree w/Teresa, I wonder if Kristen and Rob could sue over such bullsh*t "reporting"?

(although admit it.....it would be one cute kid!)

Netti said...

yeh one cute kid for sure!! but yeh these mags are really starting to get on my nerves, and the paps, and the wanna be psychotic fans who don't know when to back off.... i really am thankful i am not a celebrity.

albaville said...

If I was them I'd sue this magazine immediatly..its ok(not much) to speculate about dating or being in love ect.. but something like pregnancy is sacred and so intimate and personal..thay shouldn have done this....ITS TOO MUCH!! come on lawyers..do your job!!!

Anonymous said...


Sorry, I just REALLY can't stop laughing over this one! LOL!
Well done, FAMOUS magazine. You should get an award for this. How about one from Rob or Kristen? Something tells me Teresa's right, they're so sued. Seriously.

Cristin said...

NO! I'm pregnant with his child dammit!! Can't they get this crap right??

Rhonda said...

So Kristen is the new Jen Anniston, huh? And we all know how reliable her pregnancy rumors are. She would have 30 kids by now if they were true. I wish the press would give these two a break!

noisefaidaus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
meryma said...

I just can't believe that somebody is paid to write this kind of bullshit! And not just about Rob & Kristen I mean about every celebrity, just un-fucking-believable...

noisefaidaus said...

Give me a break!!! Here is another attempt to sell those rags to the gullible fanzillas out there.
I'm sure Kristen is smart enough to avoid the old "oops honey", after all she has a career that is booming, and was in a long term relationship without any apparent mishaps.
Hey if she was with Rob then all the more power to her, lord knows everyone wants to do Rob!!!!

marya said...

wow i just realized both kristen and rob smoke camel light haha thats weird...not many people smoke camel...not that i know of...i just think its a bizarre coincidence...they do seem to have a LOT in common...
aanyways after that random comment lol...
i seriously would burst out laughing if i saw that magazine on a stand lol like who believes this shit anymore? the sad thing is some actually do believe it...god...

Cougar71 said...

Rhonda beat me to the comment I was going to make about Jen Aniston. If it was illegal to print pregnancy rumors then Jen would be suing random tabloids every other week. It's a shame that people can write such slanderous things about people and still have the conscience to sleep at night.

Someone mentioned that Rob and Kristen are probably laughing about it. I doubt it. That story is a little much. And poor Kristen, there's a close up picture of her poochy belly. She'd probably just eaten a grape or something.

Rhenea5018 said...

Guys...don't you just sort of have to laugh? I know the context is not funny, but really...this is so absurd that you just have to laugh and its existence.

It is sad that our society has turned into this and that people will buy it and believe it. It's appalling and offensive but it's also what makes our world tick.

Shrug and ignore. That's all we can do. Being angry about it just fuels the fire.

Tess said...

This story is pathetic. Both Rob and Kstew must be pulling their hair out! Regardless of what is or isn't happening between these two, I really wish people would just get over this story..

Diane said...

What a gruesome way to start a Monday. I was swiftly sinking into "people are no damned good" mode, thinking how mugging is a nobler profession than yellow journalism. Then I read the same line that struck you.

The absurdity neurons started firing and I laughed - out loud. She figured out she might be pregnant because she missed her period? My God, she put two and two together and came up with that? Stop the presses, we've found a genius! Reminds me of Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting. Good thing I was already laughing when I read that this meant Rob "could" be the father. So, she may be good at math, but she's apparently a slut.

A sense of absurdity is essential to surviving this crap. I know Rob's is very well developed and suspect he takes refuge there a lot, but I worry for poor Kristin.

Sam said...

cougar 71: just eaten a grape!!!!! FUNNY!!

Little Red said...

What the shiz is this?! What a bizarre little story! It's amazing that they had the balls to publish something so blatantly made up!

I hope that magazine doesn't get an New Moon promo interview!!!

Yvonne said...

Oooo, I LOVE babies! Yay! When is she due? I wonder what they will name it?! Do you think they will get married first?! Yippee!!
puhleeeaaase..............why do they bother? Do they srsly think people believe this crap?

margot said...

on the second thoughts ..... they would create beautiful babies... remember how much do we always thank Mom P and Dad P for Rob ?

Anonymous said...

Excuse me while I LOL to this article.

I am not a journalist and I have never concerned myself how this industry works but freedom of speech aside, can't gossip monger- journalists be held accountable for their written words?

This is defamatory especially for Kristen. I know that these days birth out of wedlock is taken for granted but still it is very defamatory especially if it's baseless.

It might be a waste of time but sometimes these gossip writers needs to be shaken and taught a lesson. They can totally sue for this

AnnaD said...

Oh man, that was a good laugh to wake up to. How can people even believe this crap? Surely something can be done about people MAKING UP STUFF about other people. I don't care if you ARE famous...there's a line NOT to cross...

Anonymous said...

Renesme lives!!!!! Muwhahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

new cute photos from radaronline


MandyW said...

Wow...they must be so desperate to sell mags that they are now just pulling shit out of their asses. like anyone is going to believe this crap.

Maryann said...

I saw this earlier this morning here and I am happy I hadn't just taken a sip outta my morning coffee at work cos I'd make a damn mess on my work monitor and keyboard..I burst out laughing! Seroiusly??

Incredible, and the SAD part some desperate hopeful shipper will believe this to some degree...but jeez lmao. I REALLY hope Kristen get a big chuckle out of this though and that she can just shrug it off, she got better and more important things to focus on, her filming :-D, and Rob? well he's allegedly fed up with NYC and the women there and he just wanna go HOME!! To London no less..not LA..To LONDON lol. All according to this article:

Alexandra said...

New pics :)


lostinphilly57 said...

Another day, another load of crap!!This one is just too much though.I feel so bad for poor Rob, it's bad enough he's tired, stressed,pissed off at paps, can't go anywhere in NYC without armed guards (lol) now, he's gotta hear about this bullshit? Too much for our baby to handle!
AJ: "Renessme lives", priceless!!!!

maha said...

Sorry for this but the first time I read it, I laughed at this ridiculous rumor .

I feel sorry for both Rob and Kristen how can they deal with all of this !!??

It is really annoying to talk about their personal life, and what they said about Kristen is disgusting and rude.

Anonymous said...

The best crap i've seen all this year :)
srsly hilarious

margot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
monika said...

now that's a minute of my life I'll never get back,such BS,check out the other headlines lmao x 1000000

margot said...

Blogger margot said...

a very sad article - Rob homesick, thin and tired with NYC


I had to chop the link, it was too long in one line

Stacy said...

I laughed at first too, until I saw the pic they are using of K with her pants unbuttoned on set. WTF? Those leather pants are tight, lmao.

I feel sorry for them, and while I think the article about Rob being homesick is embellished, I'm sure there is a bit of truth in there. He's made no secret about missing it in the past.

Alinutza Cris said...

somebody stop me! i can't stop laughing :-))

Dahlia said...

I feel so sorry for them, this just stoops to new levels! I hope they can both just laugh this off and not let it bother them, they need some peace!

peeling a fig said...

Hm, Kristen has a "pooch". Emilie's last outfit shows a bit of a belly too. Both pregnant with Rob's child I presume. Wait, I've got a bit of a pooch too, especially after I eat! I must also be pregnant with Rob's child.

I agree Stacy, I am sure there is a grain of truth to that Daily News article, whether the source is real or not. I just don't see how he can keep from going mad, trying to work under these circumstances. I feel a bit depressed for him today... :(

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO Haystackhair! A whole new level of stupid is right!

I don't even have words, it's all been said.

meryma said...

This story is everywhere and I'm curious in its progress :)

This is going to be interesting LOL

It is sad but still kinda funny..

Moychy said...

I don't know whether I should laugh or cry at this... they really don't know when to stop ...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Morning Goz, not sure how to email you?

Anyway, here's some new photos of Rob this morning...


He's looking a little sad...

CullenGal09 said...

I just have to say one thing to this nonsense-a resounding PPPFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!! Puhlease!!!! Give anyone with an IQ over 70 a break. LORD HELP. Next thing you know, they'll be reporting Micheal Jackson isnt really dead, he was an alien who went simply went back to his home planet. GEEZ. Really. Just regodamndiculous.

Brittany Renouf said...

Kristen first started to suspect she might be expecting when she realized she hadn't had her period. -uhm duh? that's how you figure it out. hahahaa. i can't stand magazines anymore, it's ALL crap.

CullenGal09 said...

Oh-a couple of final thoughts too-

1)Goz-youre great. Hope you had a nice holiday weekend, or at least it was a holiday weekend here! LOL

2) The tabloids are more than crap. They're increasingly invasive, outlandish, and just disgusting in their reporting. They are unreliable and a waste of money to buy. They're only good for toilet paper as far as i'm concerned anymore. They're treatment of Rob, Kris, and other celebs has been beyond unacceptable. Its been slanderous and libel. These people need to start fighting back. Someone needs to set these a-holes straight, and get them to get their stories right before they start writing crap.

Carys said...

wow....thats kinda over the top...and ALL of the stories on the cover are lies....this is just too funny!!LOL!! is this maggazine only in Australia?

Juli87 said...

Well, that's so damn stupid that it's almost brilliant again... My favorite part is "Kristen first started to suspect she might be expecting when she realized she hadn't had her period." - Wow! Who would have thought that a woman can actually discover being pregnant in this way?? I'm impressed *rofl*

Joking apart... The sad thing about it is that printing those lies probably pays off. 'Cause even if everyone should know by now that this "story" is
nothing but crap, tabloids with such headlines will still be bought in heaps by all those idiots...

rpattzdude said...

HAHAHAHHA fucking priceless so damn shitty man they have taken the shit to long shitshitshit

Haystackhair said...

What creeps me out too is that Kristin is barely more than a baby herself. geeeze. leave the kid alone, instead of suggesting she is screwing everyone. UGH.

Maryann said...

Even BIGGER LOAD OF CRAP is the rumor that some freak is spreading to the gossip sites via twitter. That Kristen is in hospital, in a coma due to stress with her pregnancy and Rob was with her...then this moron updates saying he is now back on RM set asap pics emerged..stupidity!!

I mean these pregnant rumors are hilarious but to spread false stuff about her being in a coma in a hospital is beginning to sound VICIOUS even though it is utterly ridiculous!

annycullen said...

oh wow.. haha this makes me laughh. i dont even think they ever dated.. or even slept together.

Loisada said...

Can't find my laugh muscles this morning, as farcical as this is. I find it gut-wrenching and yes "vicious." It means that both R & K have been bumped up to that small "elite" group of gossip targets vilified in the worst possible way for market share. No one wants to join that tiny group of celebs, I would think these two least of all. This is probably a worst nightmare scenario for anyone who likes to think of the movie industry as more of a craft than a business. It's terrible to see a low point like this come so early, especially for a 19-year-old girl and still very young man. I seem to remember even Rob talking somewhere about the build you up/tear you down cycle... I have a feeling this could turn into a very bumpy ride very soon.

Pet73 said...

Good evening, girls!

CuteCandy- Thank you for finding this pics on radaronline. He's just unbelievable in some of them. I thought, I already saw all the Central Park pics, but these are just amazing :)!

Stacy said...


What's even sadder is that there will be people out there who believe that twitter about the hospital stuff, despite all evidence to the contrary!

Reflejos de Papel said...

This is incredible.

Is there anything that they haven't invented about them yet?
Something like: Kristen Stewart was a man before?


Anonymous said...

I think Kris should sue, that is defamation right there.

SeamusDuncan said...

At first I thought it was a tiny bit funny, but now I am just disgusted. If there is any way Kristen can prove any studio stopped considering her for a role in any film because she might be pregnant, she would have a case to sue, but no one is that stupid. Just like Jennifer Aniston, she will have to take all this crap in stride and try to be philosophical about it. "If they're talking about me, they're leaving someone else alone who maybe can't handle it." That's as philosophical as I can get on this one.

Does anyone know the name of the publishers of these rags so we can protest, or boycott all their products or something?

Seamus & Duncan's Mom

Stacy said...

Maybe I am overreacting, but I almost feel like it's getting to the point where one of their reps needs to come out and say something to set the record straight. Maybe it would slow some of this stuff down.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, she was 18 like 2 months ago, her career is hot and about to get hotter, so I think a nice lawsuit would set them right.

Maryann said...

@ Stacy (who loves the nikes) totally agree, sadly ppl will believe that evil stuff and the ridiculous stuff as well. It was funny this morning but it got OLD pretty damn fast!

And ppl wonder why Kristen look so sour in some pics? This is why, I do not envy her one bit, nor do I envy Rob, his latest pics he does NOT look happy. Like Gozde said on her post, hopefully it is just a massive hangover which means he had a FUN weekend. Sux going to work with a massive hangover though. I know all too well how THAT feels and I had nobody staring at me lol.

But I agree, hope it is JUST a hangover and not stress or that the craziness is getting to him..sigh.

Carys said...

next thing you know they are going to be saying that he got Javier Beltran pregnant!! lol

phosphorus said...

@ CullenGal09: Even for using them as toilet paper those magazines aren't good enough.

Can't blame Rob if he misses London. The way paps and fans behave in New York is bound to make one sick and tired of it. I only hope that the fans in Paris will be cool and relaxed when he'll be filming Bel Ami there. And hopefully the paps have learned their lesson after that night in August 1997.

meryma said...

phosphorus - please don't mention 1997...horror!

We are going to take better care of him here in Europe :)

Moi said...

This is just stupid. That photo is from 23rd June, have they seen the photos from 1st July ? How in the world can she be pregnant?

It is not that difficult to make someone look fat in photoshop, i can do that! The people writing this stuff should definitely be sued.

Juli87 said...

Maybe all those stupid Robsten-rumors are just planted by someone who simply read to much fanfictions and isn't capable of differentiating between fiction and real life anymore...

spunkinator said...

LMAO, wow.
That's bull shit.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

O M G !!!!!


it goes with the territory i suppose, but i'm more concerned with what ROBS gossipy old aunt
Nutty is going to say to the pappz
after this...

Ana73 said...

this is actually really disgusting to print something like this...

Anonymous said...

There should be a law against writing slanderous material. This is the rags stooping to an all time low. And they were already wiping the ground with their tongues. Disgusting.

Unknown said...

I am ashamed to be an Aussie right now :(


Anonymous said...

oh and if i haven't said this before. SHE'S A KID compared to how old he is. sheesh no boundaries stupid rags

katykeene said...

Well I refuse to be ashamed to be an Australian just because we can write ridiculous fiction as good as the next stupid rag.
After some of the rubbish I have read here on this blog(articles from other mags) I don't think it is a new level Goz they are just taking it in another direction. Trust an Aussie to come up with that new angle.
The guardian had a good article on the gossip mag industry it should be required reading for anyone who buys these magazines.

Anonymous said...

This is very extreme, but to be honest, it crossed my mind months ago. I saw this coming ages ago when Life & Style first starting spreading the trashy gossip articles about Rob/Kristen.

I have to ask though: Does anything think there's any truth to the Rob/Kristen rumours. Michael and Nikki seem to have dissapeared completely and it makes me wonder if they are both seriously pissed at Kristen for getting with Rob. Has anyone seen any recent Kristen/Nikki pics or Kristen/Michael pics?

Anonymous said...

**Does ANYONE think***

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