I'm not sure what
Australian Famous Magazine is supposed to be but they should seriously consider becoming a comedy magazine. How do they sleep at night after spreading blatant lies?
*Please don't buy these magazines.*
*A puppy dies and a unicorn sheds a tear every time you pay a dime to these*

There is only 1 piece of truth in this story: The picture above IS from outside Seven Night Club in Los Angeles. The date is just a wee bit wrong though: it's from August 26th 2008!!! Magazine published:July 13th 2009Thanks to our lovely Georgie for the scans.
How is that even legal? Poor Nikki. Poor Rob, he is the stud of the world according to these rags. He's been with evey woman he's stood next to. Sigh. I want to stand next to Rob.....LOL
LOL well atleast it is a LMAO moment but seriously they must be short of BS to write when they are clearly making up stories...and the insert "Exes tell all"? LMAO Rob never dated Camilla Belle, nor did he date this Erika chick who milked her one shot phot op from Cannes. The ONLY girl that he has dated or so I have been told is Nina Schubert. lol. Too funny for words!
Ok this is silly! Thanks to you for getting things clear! I mean we know this people lives from these stories but this is just to much! Like Rob is a whore??? haha I do believe there's something going on between Kristen and him and the relationship between Kriste and Nikki has changed a lot...but lying like this? And the price of $3.50 for that crap?? I rather use that money and buy a magazine with a love story between them than spending it in something so funny but not funny! ;-)
This is seriously disturbed, how stupid are these "journalists" gossip mongers!!!!!
I am LMAO, but the sad thing thing some 14 year old is out there crying her eyes out because they believe this shit!!!
me too, I'll stand next to him anytime, anywhere....
The balls of these people must be huge! How can they print something which is obviously (mostly) fabrication. Who knows, maybe he and Nikki did have a fight - last year! She's apparently been with her boyfriend for 6 months now so this is such a cock and bull tale - make believe drama to sell a magazine.
i don't give a shit what the mag says... but i do love the pictures of him all scruffy & hobolicious.
and is that the exploding joke car in the background?
The photo of Rob and Nikki looks like she's unhappy about him telling her to get her own career and stop leaching off his fame....just sayin....
Hissss.....Hissssss....kitty growl
The photo of Rob and Nikki looks like she's unhappy about him telling her to get her own career and stop leaching off his fame....just sayin....
Hissss.....Hissssss....kitty growl
"Rob, gorgeous lover, you could 'use' me; I could 'use' you... over and over... please... no harm done, I guess... right?"
just sayin...
Hahahahaha!Every time I read something like that I crack up. Well at least they're making people laugh. Because that what I do. They have one goo thing....but seriously they have to stop. That makes me also feel very bad for them...poor Rob, Kristen and Nikki:(
Haystackhair, I'm with you on that one... LMAO
Okay, first of all, Rob can use me any day, all day and night, any time, all the time. oh, yeah!!
Secondly, I cannot hear what they are saying. Maybe she was telling him how to stop taking grief from his lousy mechanic who made his car blow up. Maybe she did not like the way some a-hole whistled at her. Maybe she wasn't mad at him at all, but someone else.
Good investigative work Goz with identifying the true date of this so-called "confrontation"!
I do feel guilty for buying this trashy mag but was drawn in by the free Rob "Sex Drive" poster!
Another article of clothing that has endured - the blue plaid shirt - which made an appearance in NYC.
WARNING !!!!I am an aussie and a new mag has hit the shelves, apparently Rob and Kristen are back together and Emillie is crushed. It then shows a photo of Rob and Emillie from a scene in Remember Me but it claims he is telling her it is over, in the middle of the street mind you. I think it was either Famous or OK magazine not sure, I read them at the supermarket when I am waiting to pay, they are great for a laugh...HAHAHAHA
Well they have to start something since Rob and Kristen are due for Comic Con. I mean seriously folks, they've been waiting all summer for this reunion and trying to find an item that'll get one of them to "talk". I doubt it'll happen though, if they haven't spilled the beans by now, why would they open this can of worms now?
I'm not justifying what they've been printing, just saying that I understand the motives behind their crap.
I do feel for Nikki though, they are giving her a very nasty reputation and I don't think the girl deserves it. If she was seeing Rob at one time, it must be heartbreaking for her. I wish this Erika creep would go away...I'm so sick of hearing about her so called hook up in Cannes..I don't buy any of these magazines and never have, so me saying I won't buy them is useless to anyone.
I should correct myself..I have bought two magazines, the US one a couple of weeks ago with the new Rob photos, and the US special edition "The Sexy Stars of Twilight" for the posters...does that make me bad?
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