We have a new book ladies and gentlemen!
This time the investigative work was done by FakerParis at Thinking of Rob :)
Here is the picture with the book :

This time the investigative work was done by FakerParis at Thinking of Rob :)
Here is the picture with the book :
Drum roll: He is reading Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger.
I added the books that are available through Amazon to our Amazon Store . You can check 'em out HERE for US and HERE for UK :)
So the list now stands as:
Nine Stories
Kill Your Friends: A Novel (P.S.)
Independent People
2666: A Novel
Ticket to Ride
Doomed Love (Penguin Great Loves)
Complete Poems: Charles Baudelaire
E.M. Forster's Collected Short Stories
Dali's Autobiographies
he reads so fast!
this guy has such a great tastes..
love u Rob!!
Thank you. I always watch for clues to what Rob reads.
I love it that he _reads_! This guy is not just another 'pretty' face. And this is one of the things about him, which I like the best.
'Alice's Aunt'
I'm really intrigued by the fact that he reads, and does that a lot!
I really loved 2666 (so thanks Rob for suggesting it ;)) and I've ordered Kill your friends from Amazon US but it's hard to keep up with him :)
Btw, people who bought Kill your friends on amazon also bought Doomed love and Money. What a coincidence huh? :)
One of the many sexy things about him. Gawd I love him!
I love that Rob's mind and soul are as beautiful as his face and bod! Great taste in literature and music and a soulful intuitive musician to boot. Who could ask for more?
That book is so good!The story about banana fish was the best.
JandR, I couldn't have said it better. He is exactly what you describe....and I believe that his desire to keep learning is amazing. He must have a fascinating (albeit maybe a little dark:)) mind, and the interviews he gives just barely scratch the surface. It would be such a treat to sit and talk to him.
What a unique and special man....just a nother reason to love him.
"Robert Pattinson Book Club" LOL!
I looove that Rob reads, but I have to admit, I hate, what he's doing to his books.
I love reading and I also love books. It almost hurts me to see how he's scrunching them all the time.(Probably because he knows, how crazy we are and therefore wants to hide the titles?)
However, I wish more men would be reading books :(.
Is it wrong that I am totally turned on by the close up pic and the grip he has on that book? The images that is creating in my head.... GAAAAHHHHH! It's wrong I know...I love that he's well read...but come on..please tell me I'm not the only one who thought it.
Those hands...yum!
A perfect day for banana fish. The unforgettable Seymore Glass! Franny and Zooey is another book about his family.
@ Pet: You're not the only one wishing that.
Kelly, I already made a fool of myself by confessing that I go for Robert's thumbs and thumb nails :o!
Pet, yeah, they're nice looking. There's often some dirt under his thumbnails, though.
Like Leonardo DiCaprio, ever noticed that? I can't remember one film starring a DiCaprio with clean fingernails.
Phos, I never paid any attention to Leo. I only like him a bit for say the last 2 years. Before that, I was wondering, why women are attracted. I usually only like "dark" guys, with brown or black hair and toned skin - but taste changes :) (Rob anybody?).
I'm not a fan but watched some of his films, especially the early ones. His thumbnails were always dirty which puzzled me. Didn't someone at the set notice it? It was so obvious, especially in Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. There was a close-up of his thumbs.
He must have a very deep and intellectual mind. Literally he facinates me more and more each day. He speaks so eloquently and seems to be very smart. It would definately be a great honor to be able to sit down and talk to the man.
We can always dream!
I have to say I love you find these things out and I think Rob is onto you and trying to make it more difficult. Has anyone noticed how he's hiding the books more and more LMAO !
Great detective work ;-)
I love how smart he is - had a dream to that end last night, he was in my research group in chemistry when I was in college, and I was so impressed that he could understand what we were doing!!
It's always nice to have Rob in my dreams, and even nicer when he's sexy AND smart!! I think that's as much of a turn-on as the jaw porn
@Yvonne - I'm IN! I'd love to do that book club!
I hate it when people bend their books too! but I kind of get why he does that, its like what he said in the twilight commentary, its a cynical worls we live in and there are bound to be people who will say "why is he reading that?! He's weird" or something to that effect, and I know for a fact that I would hate to be judged like that!
As they say,"A Mind is a Terrible Thing To Waste".
I love a man with brains and beauty.
Finally a book I know, XD.
When I first saw it I guess Catcher In The Rye, haha.
"Kill Your Friends" was hilarious and effed up! "2666" was pretty damn good too! Rob has one effed up and dirty mind :-)
you forgot 1984 by george orwell, he said that in an interview.
hi, can somebody give me link to 2666.
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