What Does Robert Pattinson Read? UPDATE

We have a new book ladies and gentlemen!

Our eagle eye reader Ana spotted this picture and went to work:


Drum roll: He is reading Kill Your Friends: A Novel (P.S.) by John Niven :)

So the list now stands as:

Kill Your Friends: A Novel (P.S.) - John Niven

Independent People by Halldor Laxness

The Ballad of the Sad Cafe: and Other Stories - Carson McCullers’s

2666: A Novel -Roberto Bolano

Money-Martin Amis

Ticket to Ride-Dennis Potter

Doomed Love (Penguin Great Loves)- Virgil

Anthology-Tom Waits

Complete Poems: Charles Baudelaire

E.M. Forster's Collected Short Stories

Dali's Autobiographies

I added the ones that are available through Amazon to our Amazon Store . You can check 'em out HERE for US and HERE for UK :)

Photo source: MrPattinson.com


Anna said...

"Kill your friends"... hmmm... maybe a subliminal message to all his crazy-ass admirers?!!

(not us of course - we're all perfectly sane ;)

anna F said...

LOOOOOL LB, that's a good one!

Kill your stalker friends and be the last one standing... So that I can film in peace~

lostinphilly57 said...

Baudelaire's poems are very interesting.
Rob is such a bookworm and nerd, and we just love him for it, don't we? For me, Geekward and Nerdward are the types of guys that I just want to "jump on" and teach them the ways of love. (LOL)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Trip to bookstore coming up!

lostinphilly57 said...

Rob's intelligence and love of reading is just SO sexy. I can just picture him with big, thick black glasses that you can pull off of him and then kiss his face!!!The whole "seducing the nerd" scenario, eh?

Michelle said...

The reviews for that book actually sound pretty interesting and hopefully I wont be needing a dictionary to read through it like the last book he was reading, good grief.

Alexandra said...

Wow I could never have figured that out. How do people do this? lol

By the way I just found this http://feltbeats.com/2009/07/07/tom-felton-dan-radcliffe-discuss-rob-pattinson/

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Kill your friends:
Not for the faint hearted, easily offended, or politically correct, John Niven’s Kill Your Friends is as much a vision of depravity and self-obsession as I’ve ever read, and deserves comparison to American Psycho. The 1990s British music industry is the setting for the novel, which uses months as its chapters and begins each with a report on successful records and professional movements.

Ohh, sounds good!

Kate said...

LOL and he was trying his best to hide it too!! LOL
It just won't work!!

TwiHartRK said...

WHAT - he's holding a book??? Oh yes, his mind is what I love about him. Hi Kate!

spunkinator said...

aaaw, he's such a dork, but we all love him. ♥

lovindashow said...
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Ariel said...

The books he reads are usual full of such disgusting characters. Makes me wonder if he's read American Psycho. My god, I love that book.

nextstopsf said...
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margot said...

American Psycho was .... something , wow ...

PerfectDate said...

Thank you Gozde and Ana! I was wondering yesterday what book he had wrapped up in his script, I missed this pic, good job!

captain said...

I just love how each time he is spotted with a book, sometimes with just a really obscured view of half the back cover and someone immediately goes to work to decode what it is. By the time I get to the library to check it out, there's already a long waiting list for it because we all want to read it.

Oy what is he doing to us!
He would get a kick out of it if he only knew.

Yvonne said...

Kate....hahaha, he was trying to be clever and hide it, wasn't he?
Nope, doesn't work when you have super-sleuth Robsessors that can unravel any mystery where Rob is concerned! :)

Sounds like a srange book, fitting of Rob's dark side that we all know he has....

Yvonne said...

captain, I think it's because we all think if we read what he reads, it will give us a little glimpse into his mind...everything he mentions becomes intstantly popular...he's like Oprah, only it didn't take him 25 years to get there. :)

captain said...

Yes, Yvonne, keen observation.
Oh to have a glimpse into that beautiful mind.

London2LA said...

I got the book today on Kindle and I love it!! Haha I used to work in the music biz in London and it's so funny to read this stuff! OMG A&R men/women were always pigs - or rather always drinking and doing lots of drugs because they had to talk the bands / acts into signing with them before another record label got them so they had to have plenty of drugs and cash for anything else they may want!! I used to go and listen to bands with one of the A&R people from the record label I worked for here when I moved to LA - ah don't miss that life at all!!!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what that book was, and figured someone would come up with the answer! Thanks, Ana & Gozde!

He could start a bookclub, seriously. Or Oprah could pimp a RoBook Club :)

Nora said...

Yvonne- Agreed! I think you can tell a lot about a person by their choice of books...

Ms. Bonderson said...

"Rob's Book Club" - I love it! LOL

Dang, I just got around to picking up Independent People... I'm already behind. Apparently Rob has more time to read than I do. :)

Nora said...

Anne- I think being on set involves a lot of 'hurry up and wait'... perfect if you're a reader.

domisgone said...

He reads some interesting books.

I went on amazon and read the descriptions, and they were sort of out there...

I guess to each their own.

But I can tell you one thing, no way in hell am I buying these books just cause Rob reads them. I just don't love him that much. I will stick to the books I like to read...

scarlett said...

Excellent detective work! It's really fascinating knowing what someone reads and the kind of stories that they're drawn to.

Are there any robsessed psychologists out there who could give us their analysis of why rob loves tales of flawed men, sex, greed, hedonism, death? Love to hear people's opinions! :))

Anyways beyond analysis I love that rob is such a bookworm, just makes him all the more gorgeous *sigh*.

phosphorus said...

@ scarlett: Because it makes it a good story to read?

Babs said...

Thanx Gozde for the update!! Ana you're more efficient than any secret service :)
I really like to know what catches his attention, he has a complex and interesting mind. I'm reading independent people and I've read the first book of 2666. I can't keep up with him! Well I'll have something to do on the beach next week :)

Anonymous said...

i let out one helluva loud *squeeee* when i saw he was reading KILL YOUR FRIENDS - i bought that book about a month ago, and it's sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read :)

scarlett said...

Yeah the best movies and books seem to have those themes in abundance.

And I agree babs, rob certainly has a complex and interesting mind... definitely part of his allure :)

Babs said...

like his face and body weren't enough to drive us crazy... does he have to be so damn smart too?? :)

scarlett said...

lol the combination of his face, body, humour, personality, music, talent, and then intelligence on top of that all just kills me (not that I'm really complaining)... *sigh*!

tyaddict said...

He's also reading My friend the mercinery by James Brabazon

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