I'm going on a 3 day vacation (I know, just in time for Comic-Con! Argh!). But no worries! In addition to my fabulous partner Dani my dear friend Kate will be our guest blogger for the next 3 days.
Dani and Kate will be here bringing you the goods while I'm trolling the bars hoping for this to happen (maybe with a little less make up:))

I shall miss y'all! Hope Rob doesn't do anything too crazy while I'm gone!
Have a blast Goz!! well deserved rest and relaxation after feeding our Robsession so diligently! Welcome Kate!!
Have a great vacation, Gozde!!!
Goz baby, is that you? You are a hot mama! Rob should be so lucky!
Have a WONDERFUL vacation darlin'...we'll keep the Robfires burning, you know that for sure!
OK Kate, the pressure is on...I think you need to find the next batch of undiscovered smoldering hot Rob pics! We will be here waiting with bated breath and drooling tongues....;)
That is me from Halloween :) I am blond now :)
Bye dahlings :)
Goz have a much deserved relaxing break. You will be greatly missed!
Kate, you sexy delicious RobKat...
Bring us The Pretty©
You know what we want... and we want it now!
(well, get a good night's sleep.. tucking you in nicely!)
Enjoy your vacation!Have fun!And hello to Kate! ;-)
Hall a ball doll! We will miss you but I'm sure Dani & Kate will keep the store open!!
I'm already fearing the dark days of no Rob, getting greedy again.
enjoooooooy you deserve it after the hard work to keep all us update!! first time i have the brave to write something but aaaaalways read your blog =)
Thank you all for the lovely welcome. I promise i will do my best ;-) i'm expectin great things from Rob at Comic Con if last year was anythin 2 go by!! Goz hav a great rest babes u deserve it. Suz nobody tucks me in better than u, oh except 1 person i can think of (in my dreams ) lol Right off 2 bed, class 2morro! Nite nite.
Have fun Goz!
You deserve definitely the R&R!
After all the work you and Dani do to
enable our Robsession, it would be a
crime to not take a breakie from all the
posting and managing.
Just saw the US Weekly pics-- Merry Robistmas
Every RobKat!!
Take care~~~!!
Have Fun Gozde!!We'll miss you here!!
Oh GOZ have a wonderful vacation. YOU DESERVE IT. THANK YOU for all you do for us here at Rob love central. :)
HAVE FUN!!!!!!
Welcome Kate. Thanks for taking the helm.....in Gozde's absence. Welcome to the madness of Rob addiction! There is no cure. :)
We appreciate you helping out!
Have fun Gozde we'll miss you.
Kate thanks for helping Dani feed our Robsession while Gozde is away.
I'm sure we'll all have a blast/
Yay Comicon!
Have fun, Goz! Drink a pina colada and seduce a Robalike for me! (You abso-effin-lutely deserve it!)
Enjoy Goz!!!! and Welcome Kate.
Goz & Dani have the best job in the world.
Your photoshopping skills are fab! Don't change a thing :)
Have a great vaca and have a drink for me :))
We will be right here when you return!
And Kate!!! Wooo hooo! No pressure babe, it's JUST Comic-Con!!!!
Enjoy Goz - we will miss you.
Thanks for leaving us in Kate's capable hands. I know she will stay on top of Rob for us ;)
Welcum Robkat Kate!! I know you'll be awesome!!!
And have a great time Goz, you deserve it!!
Goz I LOVE your haircolor here! =D u got 2 tell the color. lol
have fun, be safe and take a shot 4 me! lol
Oh yeah...kate u will do a wonderful job. Just b yourself babe!
Goz - enjoy! Hope your island nights are steamy.
have a great time!
BTW....AG just posted chap50 of Wide Awake
plus now there is 2 more chaps coming out this wk and the epilogue next wk
that should be good vacation reading material....unicorns for everyone!!
Have a great vacation. You'll be missed, but I'm sure the guestblogger will do fine.
Have a great vacation, Gozde!!! Hrm...does Kate know how to post a new banner?
Have fun!!! dream of Rob next to you on the beach with Vodka shirt and Stolli sex on the beach...
(cough cough) =)
Goz, you are one hot babe :-) have an awesome time getting drunk on the beach! I am jealous of your life right now...though I am a little drunk myself, I soooo wish I was on the beach :-P
p.s even though I don't know you outside of ROBsessed and don't post here much I looove you and your complete awesome-ness... in a total non lesbian sort of way of course :-D
ok no more drunk posting for me...
I hope you enjoy your vacation Gozde! And hello Kate!
I wanna see Goz!!! Rob is coming to my city....AAAAHHHHH!! I would be excited, except for the fact that it will be even more disappointing NOT seeing him in life when he's literally in the same city as me. Somehow, it's a little more bearable when he's all the way across the country in NY. Of course I'm all late and didn't buy Comic Con tix. So I ended booking a modeling gig at the event at the last minute...tihnking i'm slick....only to find that it's at the SAME FREAKIN TIME as the New Moon panel! So I'll be standing around like an asshole while everyone ELSE gets to be in the same room as Rob. I'm fine. Really....::chokes back a sob::
you are terribly adorable! and is Rob licking a bit of your kitty cat makeup off of his finger there? methinks perhaps he is. ;~D
Enjoy your vacation Gozde!
Welcome Kate :)
Enjoy your vacation Goz!!! Have lots of fun! We'll miss you.
Welcome Kate!!!
late as always...
goz hope you are enjoying your vacation rob...we all know comic con is just a cover up for his time spent with you ;)
kate! you're doing a fabulous job bb!! xoxo
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