Videos and Pix From Set 07/07/2009

Thanks to Lilly for the links :)

Check out Robert Pattinson Source for HQs and hundreds of pix from yesterday :)


Georgie said...

Thanks you Gozde for my bedtime Robfix. His demeanour completely lifts and becomes animated when he interacts with his "little sis" which makes him even more endearing *sigh*.

margot said...

so lovelly and charming, and not pissed off this time ... good

Anonymous said...

So happy to see that warm lovely smile!!

Gemgirl65 said...

Hot damn, it's the white shirt without the beat-up make-up!!!!


Thanks Goz, I no longer have to waste time getting ready for work today because I am now died.

showme said...

OH SHIT! It's the white shirt w/out the cut makeup....

damn, why couldn't we have more and bigger and full body of that

damn damn damn

thank you GoZ!

Mrs. Smith! said...

Thanks Goz.. Perfect way to start the day! So many smiles.. YEAH! I love that any time that little girl is filming with him he is smiling.. has anyone else noticed that! ;) He is so cute!

margot said...

he is smiling 'cuz this is the only female who doesn't want to grope him and have crazy sex here and now

Diane said...

Yum, trailer-hopping Rob.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yeah! Smiles are back!

Love the white shirt!

Thank you for starting my day off with smiles!!

WinWin said...

OMG, this movie will be the death of me. With all the Rob picture overloads, the charming Rob with little sister and hot beat-up Rob. I am so dead. I've been so busy with real life that finding time to catch up on pictures is making me schizo.

Gozde, as always, love you for feeding my addiction and each day he just gets hotter and hotter. : )

Juliet4Rob said...

Thank you Gozde! You are my favorite! I too, am ROBSESSED and I thank you for my daily fix! He truly is the most beautiful creature on the planet and I am somehow happier just knowing he exists! Thank you for sharing the great pix and the great captions!

jc(britlover) said...

Thanks for the daily treats! Love the smiles from Rob. Keep up the great work!!

Babs said...

Rob is smiling and the world is right again :)
I'm going on vacation for a week, the only free wifi connection is @ the local McDonald's. I guess I'll have to live on big macs and mac flurries for the whole week :)

Anonymous said...

I love Rob for having an amazing set of friends. I went to see Sam perform last night, he is the nicest bloke and all kinds of nice it will be to be in their circle of friends..Sigh

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Beautiful photos of Pierce

phosphorus said...

By the way, Moon commented Rob's playlist we all saw a long time ago (Gözde also posted it here). It's nice to read it again, and Moon went through the trouble to find the videos and links to all of the songs.

Cindeeloo said...

cutecandy....I absolutely agree, I was lucky enough to see Sam perform back in May. At the end of his show he signed and took photos at the table right next to ours, so he came over and talked to us more than I would have expected. He is the nicest and so so so adorable. At the end of his autograph session, I told him my evening wouldn't be complete if I didn't get a pic of him smiling...So I have the cutest picture of him grinning from ear to ear...I Love Sam!!!!!

Sorry if I was long winded, I kinda get excited when someone mentions Mr. Bradley

monika said...
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monika said...

Rob 'dumps' Kristen

OMG lol x 100000
L&S,haha never ceases to amuse me.

wanabRPsmom said...

Oh man...
Rob and Pierce as father and son!!!!

74% poll taken could not wait to see the movie!!

see PB:

phosphorus said...

Of course he dumped her, he's dating Kellan now, after all. ;-)

monika said...

new pics,Rob wearing a black suit

Anonymous said...

@Cindeeloo..oh I'm so glad to find a kindred spirit here. I so wuv me my Sam he is definitely the coolest and nicest ever. I cannot stay for the meet and greet after their set but I did meet him before they performed. He is just like a regular dude who happens to have talent. I can understand how him and Rob gets along. I have this huge crush on Mr. Bradley too and he is just so energetic on stage you can't help but enjoy his performance.

I am forever grateful to Rob for being friends with Sam lol..otherwise I wouldn't have known about him

Cindeeloo said...

cutecandy...Its funny you said that beacuse he had asked us how we heard of his music..suddenly everyone at the table was quiet and I must of had this STUPID look on my face, because he looked straight at me and went Ooohhhhh, laughed and walked away..(as if he didn't know!!!!) I just FROZE like an idiot.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Holy god, Rob in the suit is to die for...

I just did....

Anna said...

LOL, I love L&S!

So, to sum it all up, Rob pursued KStew for a year, made her break up with her boyfriend for him, got her preggers, and then turned round and dumped her.

Rob, honey, you're one classy guy ;)

Shani said...

Margot- Exactly

LB- L&S cracks me up too.

Rob does look good battered and bruised.That pretty still shines through the makeup. That some magical shit going done.LMAO

Anonymous said...

@Cindeeloo, he should be thankful but we wouldn't learn to love him if he's not any good. He is an amazing artist. Rob paved the way but it was all about the music afterwards

Cindeeloo said...

cute..I agree 100%. He just probably LHAO when grown women stumble all over themselves having anything to do with his BFF!!! to him Rob is the same dork he introduced hair gel too. (hehe)

Shani said...

Ooops, I meant down.

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