Videos from the Comic-Con Panel!!


Divinesally said...

Anonymous said...

at the very beginning of part 5 when kristen says something to rob and everyone laughs, can anyone tell what she is saying?

phosphorus said...

So he thinks his one leg is shorter than the other? It might look like that, but cases where one leg actually is grown shorter than the other are very rare. In most cases the pelvis isn't straight - which has something to do with the jaw (both are "connected" in a way, the jaw influences the pelvis).

I had the same problem for years until someone told me about that. She sent me to an orthodontist at the university clinic who showed me some exercises to loosen the tension in the muscles of my jaw. And for about three month I had to wear a special brace. Well, it wasn't a brace, more like a specially formed piece of plastic that I had to wear night and day in my mouth. Made me look and sound a bit silly but after those three month my pelvis and my legs were OK. I went to an orthopaedist afterwards to have him check both. He did a special computer scan and was very pleased to confirm that everything was fine.

Divinesally said...

maha said...


I was searching for these movies Thank you Thank you so much.

WoW the movie looks so great the music and the scenes can't wait to watch the movie.


Rob was so awesome when he thanks the girl who said to him I love your music and your style he looks embarrassed and shocked as if he doesn't know that he is awesome , multi-talented and gorgeous in everything he does. love that man

And also was embarrassed when Taylor talked about the sleeping bag scene poor Rob I really love him he looks really wonderful with his reactions. It was funny I loved the videos and enjoyed watching them they were all awesome.

Thank you Kate for the wonderful videos.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone. Wasn't yesterday a GREAT ROB DAY?
sigh....I swear I love that man. His acting, his singing and most of all his personality and heart. SIGH.

Thanks for all the great videos and pics. I will take them in like breathing lavender and savor my time with Rob. Sigh.

As a musician, I have to say, Rob's voice was so low and rich and warm and shy and tender. I think he's matured a lot from last year and knows himself so well. I could listen to him talk for days and as the ladies/pervs of "Random Acts Of Rob" site know, I could listen to him read the dictionary to me in bed and be in absolute HEAVEN. I just love his voice. His eyes, his heart and his personality AND HUMOR!
Thanks Rob for a LOVELY DAY. Like everyone else here, I adore you. Wish I could sit and talk music with you in a pub, but I guess that won't ever happen. But I can say CHEERS to you honey and dream about you in my bed reading to I do every night. GAH. sigh.

Have a great day ladies and thanks ROB!
music4debbo on myspace

Dahlia said...

This is going to be one epic film!!

Anonymous said...

I love the video clip of his reaction to Kristin's 'I can't wait to get pregnant' just classic Rob wondeerful.

On another note wonder what they're all doing today? More functions or just going their serarate ways again?

Babs said...

I can't see some of the vids.
I really like Ashley, she's so lovely and classy, besides Alice has always been one of my favorite characters.
Rob really handled it like a pro, so nice and funny and humble and shy and hot...

Haystackhair said...

OMG thanks! i was dying to see this. Love the clips, this movie is going to be great. Good for Kristen, I can't wait to get pregnant!!! LOL. and Rob, well, he is a GOD. nuff said.

Anna said...




... Hi everyone! What a beautiful Robday :)

anna F said...

Cast at the twilight viewing:

there seem to be 2 videos

quite a lot of cast members there, it's messy and loud, but funny too at imes~

marie said...

I love kristen but she really should try and sit up straight and stop fidgeting. I was also hoping she would dress up a little bit for the event like ashley.

anna F said...

radar online video: actually, it's twice the same video, I wonder why they put it twice~

Mochachino said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anna said...

@ erin - I know... just in case my robsession showed any signs of waning, he has to open his mouth and be funny and witty and self-deprecating and generally adorable... Damn you Robert, damn you!!

Anna said...

ok Erin, if you delete your comments when I'm answering them, it just makes me look like (even more of) a crazy lady! Tsk tsk ;)

anna F said...

LB, you are never crazy! just ROBsessed, like the rest of us!

I really love interview Rob. And he did quite well at comicon (like I was doubting he would: never!).

I really liked Chris too, he was almost as entertaining as Rob! It looks like both got along really well~

Anonymous said...!! Thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much for posting the links to those videos although it kinda feels like getting crumbs while starving!!

Sweet Jesus....

Anna said...

*hugs anna*

Chris is a sweetheart, I hope he can come back for BD. And yes, they all did really well yesterday, even KStew, in her own special way ;)

Rob is so good at interviews. Maybe he should do that as a career, I actually enjoy his interviews more than his movies (shhh, shut up LB, you were not supposed to say that!!)

Snix said...

Thank you ROBesessed, I had a little web hunt for these vids, *shakes head*, I should know by now to just come straight here.

What an incredibly difficult thing to do for the cast and director, their shyness and awkwardness is endearing, doing these interviews with such a huge audience must seriously mess with their emotions. Anxiety, excitement, nervousness.

Rob, as always, charms us all.

phosphorus said...

@ Anna: I can't bear to watch the radar online video even once. Gates of hell, indeed. And it probably smelled like hell as well with all those screaming, sweating fan girls.

Chris Weitz seems to be a very nice bloke, liked him in the EW interview.

maha said...

anna F

Thank you so much for the video

I feel as if am with them laughing and claps all the time I love their madness.

Kelly said...

OK, just watched part 1 and how much do I love the blush... the man still blushes when the scream.. The amount of humility this guys possesses is unbelievable


to be continued......on to part 2

Kelly said...

Part two... ummm.. I hope the questions get better... people please... although I have to say.. the blush.. loving it... "I sort of look like him" lol

Kelly said...

OK OK part 3-5.. delicious... And I'm thankful they had some better questions.. he's wonderful... I adore him... and Ashley Greene.. to me is one of the most beautiful women I have even seen.. pure class.

noisefaidaus said...

Loved it Rob is jizztastic as always, Kristen was adorcable. Couldn't help feel the tension between these two though like they were purposely trying to not look at each other and failing miserable. Poor Taylor stuck between them,it seems like they are really trying to promote New Moon as Taylor's movie.

Aitch said...

Okay already spent two hours this AM on Rob. gah.
Thanks, these videos are fantastic.
the woman near the start of vid#2 addresses a question to "the man in plaid." sounds so confident!! I would be shaking and stuttering up there.

Pet73 said...

OMG! Robert is sooo wonderful :o!

I didn't have a chance to follow all this CoCon stuff yesterday evening, as I was out of town. And after this horrible storm of last night, which hit us very hard (I heard, there are even dead people in the Czech Republic and in Poland! Btw, I hope everyone's fine?), my internet connection was down the whole morning :(.

And finally, I got to hear Robs voice! I wasn't aware, how much I really missed his voice, his body language and facial expressions when doing interviews. Thank you girls (Kate) for feeding my Robsession so completely again.

I am so overwhelmed by all this CoCon Rob stuff, I really don't know if I shall laugh or cry, stupidly I'm feeling like I want to to both.

RobaliciousLover said...

WHAGT DOES KRISTEN SAY TO ROB?!?!?! in part 5! it's driving me crazy! I'm gonn figure it out. Stupid Taylor in the middle of Robsten. grrrrrrrrrrrr......

Mommamary said...

Ok, I finally figured it out, I think. I think Kristen took some hits of some herbal refreshment before these interviews. She seems totally high to me.

Anonymous said...

why did we not get to see the clip? did they make everyone turn of their camera's or something? grrrrrrrrrr i was so bummed.

Brittany Renouf said...

theres 2 more parts, but thanks for putting them up :) i watched them on youtube once i knew the right thing to type in the search xD

Celebsessed Blogger said...

Did anyone else notice the engagement ring on Ashley's finger? I noticed that in later pics, she moved it from her ring finger to her middle finger. Any scoops here?

Screen shots of the ring at

Celebsessed Blogger said...

Btw, I LOVE this blog.

Tenneil said...

Robert.... you are amazing..

Thanks Kate...

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